2017-07-27 18:24:08 +02:00

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JSON Notations in the Tezos System

I - Constants

II - Programs, Data and Types

When a new scripted contract is opened in the system, its code must be given, along with the initial value of its global storage, and the types of both. For the contract origination RPC, a script is a JSON object with two fields, as follows. The same format is used when introspecting the node, returning the current state of the storage.

{ "code":
  { "code": [ /* instruction */, ... ],
    "argType": /* type */,
    "retType": /* type */,
    "storageType": /* type */ },
  { "storage": /* data */,
    "storageType": /* type */ } }

All the sub fields contain expressions in a common meta JSON format described in the next section. These expressions map to the syntactic structure of the (whitespace sensitive) concrete syntax described in the language specification document.

Generic Representation of Expressions

The language has three basic syntactical constructs (notwithstanding the small shortcuts and variations allowed by the concrete syntax). An expression can be a constant, a sequence, or the application of a primitive.

  • A Constant is encoded as one of these three cases.

    • { "float": "f" } where "f" is the textual representation of a floating point number in the concrete source language.
    • { "int": "n" } where "n" is the textual representation of a floating point number in the concrete source language.
    • { "string": f } where s is a JSON string.

    Constants for timestamps, signatures, keys, tez amounts and contracts are just strings constants that respect the same specific string formats as in the concrete language.

  • A sequence is a JSON array:

    [ /* expression 1 */, /* expression 2 */, ... ]
  • A primitive application is of the form:

    { "name": [ /* argument 1 */, /* argument 2 */, ...] }

    If a primitive is not applied to any argument, a shortcut is:


    The name of the primitive must respect the same case policy as the concrete sytax.


Originating a contract with a script that does nothing can be done with the following JSON script description.

{ "code":
  { "code": [ "CDR",
              { "PUSH": [ "nat", { "int": "3" } ] }
              "PAIR" ],
    "argType": "unit",
    "retType": "nat",
    "storageType": "unit" },
  { "storage": "Unit",
    "storageType": "unit" } }

Full grammar

/* data */ ::=
  | /* int constant */
  | /* string constant */
  | /* float constant */
  | /* timestamp constant */
  | /* signature constant */
  | /* key constant */
  | /* tez constant */
  | /* contract constant */
  | "Unit"
  | "True"
  | "False"
  | { "Pair": [ /* data */, /* data */ ] }
  | { "Left": [ /* data */ ] }
  | { "Right": [ /* data */ ] }
  | { "Some": [ /* data */ ] }
  | "None"
  | { "List": [ /* data */ ... ] }
  | { "Set": [ /* data */ ... ] }
  | { "Map": [ { "item": [ /* data */, /* data */ ] } ... ] }
/* instruction */ ::=
  | [ /* instruction */ ... ]
  | "DROP"
  | "DUP"
  | "SWAP"
  | { "PUSH": [ /* type */ /* data */ ] }
  | "SOME"
  | { "NONE": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "IF_NONE": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ], [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | "PAIR"
  | "CAR"
  | "CDR"
  | { "LEFT": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "RIGHT": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "IF_LEFT": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ], [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | { "NIL": [ /* type */ ] }
  | "CONS"
  | { "IF_CONS": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ], [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | { "EMPTY_SET": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "EMPTY_MAP": [ /* comparable type */, /* type */ ] }
  | "MAP"
  | "REDUCE"
  | "MEM"
  | "GET"
  | "UPDATE"
  | { "IF": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ], [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | { "LOOP": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | { "LAMBDA": [ /* type */, /* type */, [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | "EXEC"
  | { "DIP": [ [ /* instruction */ ... ] ] }
  | "FAIL"
  | "CONCAT"
  | "ADD"
  | "SUB"
  | "MUL"
  | "DIV"
  | "ABS"
  | "NEG"
  | "MOD"
  | "LSL"
  | "LSR"
  | "OR"
  | "AND"
  | "XOR"
  | "NOT"
  | "EQ"
  | "NEQ"
  | "LT"
  | "GT"
  | "LE"
  | "GE"
  | "CAST"
  | "FLOOR"
  | "CEIL"
  | "INF"
  | "NAN"
  | "ISNAN"
  | "NANAN"
  | "NOW"
  | "AMOUNT"
  | "H"
  | { "SOURCE": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
/* type _/ ::=
  | "int"
  | "nat"
  | "unit"
  | "string"
  | "float"
  | "tez"
  | "bool"
  | "key"
  | "timestamp"
  | "signature"
  | { "option": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "list": [ /* type */ ] }
  | { "set": [ /* comparable type */ ] }
  | { "contract": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
  | { "pair": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
  | { "or": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
  | { "lambda": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
  | { "map": [ /* comparable type */, /* type */ ] }
/* comparable type */ ::=
  | "int"
  | "nat"
  | "string"
  | "float"
  | "tez"
  | "bool"
  | "key"
  | "timestamp"