Michelson: updates spec to use int
and nat
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ with the following JSON script description.
{ "code":
{ "code": [ "CDR",
{ "PUSH": [ "uint8", { "int": "3" } ] }
{ "PUSH": [ "nat", { "int": "3" } ] }
"PAIR" ],
"argType": "unit",
"retType": "uint8",
"retType": "nat",
"storageType": "unit" },
{ "storage": "Unit",
@ -179,15 +179,9 @@ with the following JSON script description.
| "H"
| { "SOURCE": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
/* type */ ::=
| "int8"
| "int16"
| "int32"
| "int64"
| "uint8"
| "uint16"
| "uint32"
| "uint64"
/* type _/ ::=
| "int"
| "nat"
| "unit"
| "string"
| "float"
@ -205,14 +199,8 @@ with the following JSON script description.
| { "lambda": [ /* type */, /* type */ ] }
| { "map": [ /* comparable type */, /* type */ ] }
/* comparable type */ ::=
| "int8"
| "int16"
| "int32"
| "int64"
| "uint8"
| "uint16"
| "uint32"
| "uint64"
| "int"
| "nat"
| "string"
| "float"
| "tez"
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Code patterns are of one of the following syntactical forms.
(e.g. `DROP`);
* `INSTR (arg) ...` is a compound instruction,
whose arguments can be code, data or type patterns
(e.g. `PUSH uint8 3`) ;
(e.g. `PUSH nat 3`) ;
* `{ (instr) ; ... }` is a possibly empty sequence of instructions,
(e.g. `IF { SWAP ; DROP } { DROP }`),
nested sequences can drop the braces ;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Stack patterns are of one of the following syntactical forms.
Data patterns are of one of the following syntactical forms.
* integer literals,
* integer/natural number literals,
(e.g. `3`) ;
* string literals,
(e.g. `"contents"`) ;
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ block, and do not go wrong.
### Type notations
The specification introduces notations for the types of values, terms
and stacks. Appart from a subset of value types that appear in the
form of type annotations in some places througout the language, it is
and stacks. Apart from a subset of value types that appear in the
form of type annotations in some places throughout the language, it is
important to understand that this type language only exists in the
@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ The types of values in the stack are written:
* `identifier` for a primitive data-type
(e.g. `bool`),
* `identifier (arg)` for a parametric data-type with one parameter type `(arg)`
(e.g. `list uint8`),
(e.g. `list nat`),
* `identifier (arg) ...` for a parametric data-type with several parameters
(e.g. `map string uint8`),
(e.g. `map string int`),
* `[ (type of stack before) -> (type of stack after) ]` for a code quotation,
(e.g. `[ uint8 : uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]`),
(e.g. `[ int : int : [] -> int : [] ]`),
* `lambda (arg) (ret)` is a shortcut for `[ (arg) : [] -> (ret) : [] ]`.
### Meta type variables
@ -256,44 +256,44 @@ Typing rules are of the form:
(syntax pattern)
:: (type of stack before) -> (type of stack after) [rule-name]
iff (premisses)
iff (premises)
Where premisses are typing requirements over subprograms or values in
Where premises are typing requirements over subprograms or values in
the stack, both of the form `(x) :: (type)`, meaning that value `(x)`
must have type `(type)`.
A program is shown well-typed if one can find an instance of a rule
that applies to the toplevel program expression, with all meta type
variables replaced by non variable type expressions, and of which all
type requirements in the premisses can be proven well-typed in the
type requirements in the premises can be proven well-typed in the
same manner. For the reader unfamiliar with formal type systems, this
is called building a typing derivation.
Here is an example typing derivation on a small program that computes
`x+5/10` for a given input `x`, obtained by instanciating the typing
`(x+5)*10` for a given input `x`, obtained by instantiating the typing
rules for instructions `PUSH`, `ADD` and for the sequence, as found in
the next sections. When instanciating, we replace the `iff` with `by`.
the next sections. When instantiating, we replace the `iff` with `by`.
{ PUSH uint8 5 ; ADD ; PUSH uint8 10 ; SWAP ; DIV }
:: [ uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
by { PUSH uint8 5 ; ADD }
:: [ uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
by PUSH uint8 5
:: [ uint8 : [] -> uint8 : uint8 : [] ]
by 5 :: uint8
{ PUSH nat 5 ; ADD ; PUSH nat 10 ; SWAP ; MUL }
:: [ nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
by { PUSH nat 5 ; ADD }
:: [ nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
by PUSH nat 5
:: [ nat : [] -> nat : nat : [] ]
by 5 :: nat
and ADD
:: [ uint8 : uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
and { PUSH uint8 10 ; SWAP ; DIV }
:: [ uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
by PUSH uint8 10
:: [ uint8 : [] -> uint8 : uint8 : [] ]
by 10 :: uint8
and { SWAP ; DIV }
:: [ uint8 : uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
:: [ nat : nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
and { PUSH nat 10 ; SWAP ; MUL }
:: [ nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
by PUSH nat 10
:: [ nat : [] -> nat : nat : [] ]
by 10 :: nat
and { SWAP ; MUL }
:: [ nat : nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
:: [ uint8 : uint8 : [] -> uint8 : uint8 : [] ]
and DIV
:: [ uint8 : uint8 : [] -> uint8 : [] ]
:: [ nat : nat : [] -> nat : nat : [] ]
and MUL
:: [ nat : nat : [] -> nat : [] ]
Producing such a typing derivation can be done in a number of manners,
such as unification or abstract interpretation. In the implementation
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ does not handle any form of polymorphism.
III - Core data types and notations
* `string`, `u?int{8|16|32|64}`:
* `string`, `nat`, `int`:
The core primitive constant types.
* `bool`:
@ -475,60 +475,60 @@ IV - Core instructions
Comparison only works on a class of types that we call comparable.
A `COMPARE` operation is defined in an ad hoc way for each comparable
type, but the result of compare is always an `int64`, which can in
type, but the result of compare is always an `int`, which can in
turn be checked in a generic manner using the following
combinators. The result of `COMPARE` is `0` if the compared values are
equal, negative if the first is less than the second, and positive
combinators. The result of `COMPARE` is `0` if the top two elements
of the stack are equal, negative if the first element in the stack
is less than the second, and positive otherwise.
* `EQ`:
Checks that the top of the stack EQuals zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> EQ ; C / Int64 (0) : S => C / True : S
> EQ ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
> EQ ; C / 0 : S => C / True : S
> EQ ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
* `NEQ`:
Checks that the top of the stack does Not EQual zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> NEQ ; C / Int64 (0) : S => C / False : S
> NEQ ; C / _ : S => C / True : S
> NEQ ; C / 0 : S => C / False : S
> NEQ ; C / _ : S => C / True : S
* `LT`:
Checks that the top of the stack is Less Than zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> LT ; C / Int64 (v) : S => C / True : S iff v < 0
> LT ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
> LT ; C / v : S => C / True : S iff v < 0
> LT ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
* `GT`:
Checks that the top of the stack is Greater Than zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> GT ; C / Int64 (v) : S => C / True : S iff v > 0
> GT ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
> GT ; C / v : S => C / True : S iff v > 0
> GT ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
* `LE`:
Checks that the top of the stack is Less Than of Equal to zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> LE ; C / Int64 (v) : S => C / True : S iff v <= 0
> LE ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
> LE ; C / v : S => C / True : S iff v <= 0
> LE ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
* `GE`:
Checks that the top of the stack is Greater Than of Equal to zero.
:: int64 : 'S -> bool : 'S
:: int : 'S -> bool : 'S
> GE ; C / Int64 (v) : S => C / True : S iff v >= 0
> GE ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
> GE ; C / v : S => C / True : S iff v >= 0
> GE ; C / _ : S => C / False : S
Syntactic sugar exists for merging `COMPARE` and comparison
combinators, and also for branching.
@ -575,184 +575,116 @@ V - Operations
> NOT ; C / x : S => C / ~x : S
### Operations on integers
### Operations on integers and natural numbers
Integers can be of size 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes, signed or unsigned.
Integer Operations are homogeneous, so that performing computations
between values of different int types must be done via explicit casts.
For specifying arithmetics, we consider that integers are all stored
on 64 bits (the largest integer size) so that we can express the
operations, in particular casts, using usual bitwise masks. In this
context, the type indicator functions are defined as follows (which
can be read both as a constraint on the bitpatttern and as a
conversion operation).
Uint64 (x) = Int64 (x) = x
Uint32 (x) = x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
Int32 (x) = x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
| (x & 0x80000000 ? 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 : 0)
Uint16 (x) = x & 0x000000000000FFFF
Int16 (x) = x & 0x000000000000FFFF
| (x & 0x8000 ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 : 0)
Uint8 (x) = x & 0x00000000000000FF
Int8 (x) = x & 0x00000000000000FF
| (x & 0x80 ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 : 0)
We also use the function `bits (t)` that retrieve the meaningful number
of bits for a given integer type (e.g. `bits (int8) = 8`).
Integers and naturals are arbitrary-precision,
meaning the only size limit is fuel.
* `NEG`
:: t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in int{8|16|32|64}
:: int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : 'S -> int : 'S
> NEG ; C / t (x) : S => C / t (-x) : S
With cycling semantics for overflows (min (t) = -min (t)).
> NEG ; C / x : S => C / -x : S
* `ABS`
:: t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in int{8|16|32|64}
:: int : 'S -> nat : 'S
> ABS ; C / t (x) : S => C / t (abs (x)) : S
With cycling semantics for overflows (abs (min (t)) = min (t)).
> ABS ; C / x : S => C / abs (x) : S
* `ADD`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
:: int : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: int : nat : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> ADD ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x + y) : S
With cycling semantics for overflows.
> ADD ; C / x : y : S => C / (x + y) : S
* `SUB`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
:: int : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: int : nat : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : nat : 'S -> int : 'S
> SUB ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x - y) : S
With cycling semantics for overflows.
> SUB ; C / x : y : S => C / (x - y) : S
* `MUL`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
:: int : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: int : nat : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> MUL ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x * y) : S
> MUL ; C / x : y : S => C / (x * y) : S
Unckeched for overflows.
* `EDIV`
Perform Euclidian division
* `DIV`
:: int : int : 'S -> option (pair int nat) : 'S
:: int : nat : 'S -> option (pair int nat) : 'S
:: nat : int : 'S -> option (pair int nat) : 'S
:: nat : nat : 'S -> option (pair nat nat) : 'S
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> DIV ; C / t (x) : t (0) : S => C / [FAIL]
> DIV ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x / y) : S
* `MOD`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> MOD ; C / t (x) : t (0) : S => C / [FAIL]
> MOD ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x % y) : S
* `CAST t_to` where `t_to in u?int{8|16|32|64}`
:: t_from : 'S -> t_to : 'S for t_from in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> CAST t_to ; C / t_from (x) : S => C / t_to (x) : S
Alternative operators are defined that check for overflows.
:: t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_NEG ; C / t (x) : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> CHECKED_NEG ; C / t (x) : S => C / t (-x) : S
:: t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_ABS ; C / t (x) : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> CHECKED_ABS ; C / t (x) : S => C / t (abs (x)) : S
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_ADD ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> CHECKED_ADD ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x + y) : S
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_SUB ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> CHECKED_SUB ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x - y) : S
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_MUL ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> CHECKED_MUL ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x * y) : S
* `CHECKED_CAST t_to` where `t_to in u?int{8|16|32|64}`
:: t_from : 'S -> t_to : 'S for t_from in u?int{8|16|32|64}
> CHECKED_CAST t_to ; C / t_from (x) : S => C / t_to (x) : S
iff t_from (x) = t_to (x)
> CHECKED_CAST t_to ; C / t_from (x) : S => [FAIL]
> EDIV ; C / x : 0 : S => C / None
> EDIV ; C / x : y : S => C / Some (Pair (x / y) (x % y)) : S
Bitwise logical operators are also available on unsigned integers.
* `OR`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> OR ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x | y) : S
> OR ; C / x : y : S => C / (x | y) : S
* `AND`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> AND ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x & y) : S
> AND ; C / x : y : S => C / (x & y) : S
* `XOR`
:: t : t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> XOR ; C / t (x) : t (y) : S => C / t (x ^ y) : S
> XOR ; C / x : y : S => C / (x ^ y) : S
* `NOT`
The return type of `NOT` is an `int` and not a `nat`.
This is because the sign is also negated.
The resulting integer is computed using two's complement.
For instance, the boolean negation of `0` is `-1`.
:: t : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : 'S -> int : 'S
:: int : 'S -> int : 'S
> NOT ; C / t (x) : S => C / t (~x) : S
> NOT ; C / x : S => C / ~x : S
* `LSL`
:: t : uint8 (s) : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> LSL ; C / t (x) : uint8 (s) : S => C / t (x << s) : S
iff s <= bits (t)
> LSL ; C / t (x) : uint8 (s) : S => [FAIL]
> LSL ; C / x : s : S => C / (x << s) : S
iff s <= 256
> LSL ; C / x : s : S => [FAIL]
* `LSR`
:: t : uint8 (s) : 'S -> t : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: nat : nat : 'S -> nat : 'S
> LSR ; C / t (x) : uint8 (s) : S => C / t (x >>> s) : S
iff s <= bits (t)
> LSR ; C / t (x) : uint8 (s) : S => [FAIL]
> LSR ; C / x : s : S => C / (x >>> s) : S
Integer comparison (signed or unsigned according to the type).
Integer/natural comparison
:: t : t : 'S -> int64 : 'S for t in uint{8|16|32|64}
:: int : int : 'S -> int : 'S
:: nat : nat : 'S -> int : 'S
> COMPARE ; C / x : y : S => C / -1 : S iff x < y
> COMPARE ; C / x : y : S => C / 0 : S iff x = y
> COMPARE ; C / x : y : S => C / 1 : S iff x > y
### Operations on strings
@ -768,7 +700,7 @@ constants as is, concatenate them and use them as keys.
Lexicographic comparison.
:: string : string : 'S -> int64 : 'S
:: string : string : 'S -> int : 'S
### Operations on pairs
@ -1000,19 +932,22 @@ are the addition of a (positive) number of seconds and the comparison.
* `ADD`
Increment / decrement a timestamp of the given number of seconds.
:: timestamp : uint{8|16|32|64} : 'S -> timestamp : 'S
:: timestamp : nat : 'S -> timestamp : 'S
:: nat : timestamp : 'S -> timestamp : 'S
> ADD ; C / t : seconds : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> ADD ; C / t : seconds : S => C / (t + seconds) : S
> ADD ; C / seconds : nat (t) : S => C / (seconds + t) : S
> ADD ; C / nat (t) : seconds : S => C / (t + seconds) : S
Timestamp comparison.
:: timestamp : timestamp : 'S -> int64 : 'S
:: timestamp : timestamp : 'S -> int : 'S
### Operations on Tez
Operations on tez are limited to prevent overflow and mixing them with
Tez are internally represented by a 64 bit signed integer.
There are restrictions to prevent creating a negative amount of tez.
Operations are limited to prevent overflow and mixing them with
other numerical types by mistake. They are also mandatorily checked
for under/overflows.
@ -1032,14 +967,23 @@ for under/overflows.
* `MUL`
:: tez : u?int{8|16|32|64} : 'S -> tez : 'S
:: tez : nat : 'S -> tez : 'S
:: nat : tez : 'S -> tez : 'S
> MUL ; C / x : y : S => [FAIL] on overflow
> MUL ; C / x : y : S => C / (x * y) : S
* `EDIV`
:: tez : nat : 'S -> option (pair tez tez) : 'S
:: tez : tez : 'S -> option (pair nat tez) : 'S
> EDIV ; C / x : 0 : S => C / None
> EDIV ; C / x : y : S => C / Some (Pair (x / y) (x % y)) : S
:: tez : tez : 'S -> int64 : 'S
:: tez : tez : 'S -> int : 'S
### Operations on contracts
@ -1056,13 +1000,13 @@ for under/overflows.
-> contract 'p 'r : 'S
As with non code-emitted originations the
contract code takes as argument the transfered amount plus an
contract code takes as argument the transferred amount plus an
ad-hoc argument and returns an ad-hoc value. The code also takes
the global data and returns it to be stored and retrieved on the
next transaction. These data are initialized by another
parameter. The calling convention for the code is as follows:
`(Pair arg globals)) -> (Pair ret globals)`, as
extrapolable from the instruction type. The first parameters are
extrapolatable from the instruction type. The first parameters are
the manager, optional delegate, then spendable and delegatable
flags and finally the initial amount taken from the currently
executed contract. The contract is returned as a first class
@ -1133,7 +1077,7 @@ for under/overflows.
Push the remaining steps before the contract execution must terminate.
:: 'S -> uint32 :: 'S
:: 'S -> nat :: 'S
* `NOW`:
Push the timestamp of the block whose validation triggered this
@ -1156,7 +1100,7 @@ for under/overflows.
:: key : key : 'S -> int64 : 'S
:: key : key : 'S -> int : 'S
VIII - Concrete syntax
@ -1174,8 +1118,8 @@ language can only be one of the three following constructs.
There are two kinds of constants:
1. Integers in decimal (no prefix), hexadecimal (0x prefix), octal
(0o prefix) or binary (0b prefix).
1. Integers or naturals in decimal (no prefix),
hexadecimal (0x prefix), octal (0o prefix) or binary (0b prefix).
2. Strings with usual escapes `\n`, `\t`, `\b`, `\r`, `\\`, `\"`.
Strings are encoding agnostic sequences of bytes. Non printable
characters can be escaped by 3 digits decimal codes `\ddd` or
@ -1247,7 +1191,7 @@ Both equivalent to:
Trayling semicolons are ignored:
Trailing semicolons are ignored:
@ -1286,7 +1230,7 @@ Blocks can be passed as argument to a primitive.
The concrete syntax follows the same lexical conventions as the
specification: instructions are represented by uppercase identifiers,
type constructors by lowercase identifiers, and constant constructors
are Capitalised.
are Capitalized.
Lists can be written in a single shot instead of a succession of `Cons`
@ -1337,8 +1281,8 @@ A hash sign (`#`) anywhere outside of a string literal will make the
rest of the line (and itself) completely ignored, as in the following
PUSH int8 1 # pushes 1
PUSH int8 2 # pushes 2
PUSH nat 1 # pushes 1
PUSH nat 2 # pushes 2
ADD # computes 2 + 1
IX - Examples
@ -1357,12 +1301,12 @@ returns a value, hence the complete calling convention above.
### Empty contract
Any contract with the same `parameter` and `return` types
may be written with an empty sequence in its `code` section.
The simplest contracts is the contract for which the
`parameter`, `storage`, and `return` are all of type `unit`.
may be written with an empty sequence in its `code` section.
The simplest contract is the contract for which the
`parameter`, `storage`, and `return` are all of type `unit`.
This contract is as follows:
code { };
code {};
storage unit;
parameter unit;
return unit;
@ -1392,7 +1336,7 @@ Following the contract calling convention, the code is a lambda of type
pair unit 'g
pair unit 'g
writen as
written as
pair unit
@ -1436,7 +1380,7 @@ The complete source `reservoir.tz` is:
We basically want the same contract as the previous one, but instead
of destroying it, we want to keep it alive, storing a flag `S` so that
we can tell afterwards if the tokens have been transfered to `A` or `B`.
we can tell afterwards if the tokens have been transferred to `A` or `B`.
We also want a broker `X` to get some fee `P` in any case.
We thus add variables `P` and `S` and `X` to the global data of the
@ -1456,7 +1400,7 @@ At the beginning of the transaction:
For the contract to stay alive, we test that all least `(Tez "1.00")` is
still available after each transaction. This value is given as an
example and must be updated according to the actual Tezos minmal
example and must be updated according to the actual Tezos minimal
value for contract balance.
The complete source `scrutable_reservoir.tz` is:
@ -1541,7 +1485,7 @@ These parameters as grouped in the global storage as follows:
of type
pair uint32 (pair timestamp timestamp)
pair nat (pair timestamp timestamp)
pair tez tez
pair (pair account account) account
@ -1550,7 +1494,7 @@ of type
The 24 hours after timestamp `Z` are for the buyer and seller to store
their collateral `(Q * C)`. For this, the contract takes a string as
parameter, matching `"buyer"` or `"seller"` indicating the party for which
the tokens are transfered. At the end of this day, each of them can
the tokens are transferred. At the end of this day, each of them can
send a transaction to send its tokens back. For this, we need to store
who already paid and how much, as a `(pair tez tez)` where the left
component is the buyer and the right one the seller.
@ -1565,9 +1509,9 @@ will send all the tokens to the seller.
Otherwise, the seller must deliver at least `Q` tons of dried peas to
the warehouse, in the next 24 hours. When the amount is equal to or
exceeds `Q`, all the tokens are transfered to the seller and the contract
exceeds `Q`, all the tokens are transferred to the seller and the contract
is destroyed. For storing the quantity of peas already delivered, we
add a counter of type `uint32` in the global storage. For knowing this
add a counter of type `nat` in the global storage. For knowing this
quantity, we accept messages from W with a partial amount of delivered
peas as argument.
@ -1588,16 +1532,16 @@ and the constant parameters on the right, initially as follows.
of type
pair unit32 (pair tez tez)
pair nat (pair tez tez)
pair uint32 (pair timestamp timestamp)
pair nat (pair timestamp timestamp)
pair tez tez
pair (pair account account) account
The parameter of the transaction will be either a transfer from the
buyer or the seller or a delivery notification from the warehouse of
type `(or string uint32)`.
type `(or string nat)`.
At the beginning of the transaction:
@ -1618,13 +1562,13 @@ with the minimum amount, set to `(Tez "1.00")`.
The complete source `forward.tz` is:
parameter (or string uint32) ;
parameter (or string nat) ;
return unit ;
pair uint32 (pair tez tez) # counter from_buyer from_seller
pair nat (pair tez tez) # counter from_buyer from_seller
pair uint32 (pair timestamp timestamp) # Q T Z
pair nat (pair timestamp timestamp) # Q T Z
pair tez tez # K C
@ -1632,7 +1576,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
(contract unit unit); # W
PUSH uint64 86400 ; SWAP ; ADD ; # one day in second
PUSH nat 86400 ; SWAP ; ADD ; # one day in second
IF { # Before Z + 24
DUP ; CAR ; # we must receive (Left "buyer") or (Left "seller")
@ -1643,7 +1587,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
DIP { AMOUNT } ; ADD ; # transaction
# then we rebuild the globals
DIP { DUP ; CDADDR } ; PAIR ; # seller amount
PUSH uint32 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
PUSH nat 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
DIP { CDDR } ; PAIR ; # parameters
# and return Unit
@ -1652,7 +1596,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
DIP { AMOUNT } ; ADD ; # transaction
# then we rebuild the globals
DIP { DUP ; CDADAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; # buyer amount
PUSH uint32 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
PUSH nat 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
DIP { CDDR } ; PAIR ; # parameters
# and return Unit
@ -1662,7 +1606,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
# test if the required amount is reached
PUSH uint8 2 ; MUL ;
PUSH nat 2 ; MUL ;
PUSH tez "1.00" ; ADD ;
BALANCE ; COMPARE ; LT ; # balance < 2 * (Q * C) + 1
IF { # refund the parties
@ -1684,7 +1628,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
IF { FAIL } # Between Z + 24 and T
{ # after T
PUSH uint64 86400 ; ADD # one day in second
PUSH nat 86400 ; ADD # one day in second
IF { # Between T and T + 24
# we only accept transactions from the buyer
@ -1701,7 +1645,7 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
IF { FAIL } { } } ; # abort or continue
# then we rebuild the globals
DIP { DUP ; CDADDR } ; PAIR ; # seller amount
PUSH uint32 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
PUSH nat 0 ; PAIR ; # delivery counter at 0
DIP { CDDR } ; PAIR ; # parameters
# and return Unit
@ -1722,8 +1666,8 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
{ # otherwise continue
PUSH uint64 86400 ; ADD ;
PUSH uint64 86400 ; ADD ; # two days in second
PUSH nat 86400 ; ADD ;
PUSH nat 86400 ; ADD ; # two days in second
IF { # Between T + 24 and T + 48
# We accept only delivery notifications, from W
@ -1758,12 +1702,13 @@ The complete source `forward.tz` is:
# and return unit
UNIT ; PAIR } } } } } } }
X - Full grammar
<data> ::=
| <int constant>
| <natural number constant>
| <string constant>
| <timestamp string constant>
| <signature string constant>
@ -1861,14 +1806,8 @@ X - Full grammar
| SOURCE <type> <type>
<type> ::=
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
| int
| nat
| unit
| string
| tez
@ -1885,14 +1824,8 @@ X - Full grammar
| lambda <type> <type>
| map <comparable type> <type>
<comparable type> ::=
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
| int
| nat
| string
| tez
| bool
Reference in New Issue
Block a user