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(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Data_encoding
type chain = [
| `Main
| `Test
| `Hash of Chain_id.t
let parse_chain s =
match s with
| "main" -> Ok `Main
| "test" -> Ok `Test
| h -> Ok (`Hash (Chain_id.of_b58check_exn h))
with _ -> Error "Cannot parse block identifier."
let chain_to_string = function
| `Main -> "main"
| `Test -> "test"
| `Hash h -> Chain_id.to_b58check h
let chain_arg =
let name = "chain_id" in
let descr =
"A chain identifier. This is either a chain hash in Base58Check notation \
or a one the predefined aliases: 'main', 'test'." in
let construct = chain_to_string in
let destruct = parse_chain in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
type block = [
| `Genesis
| `Head of int
| `Hash of Block_hash.t * int
let parse_block s =
match String.split '~' s with
| ["genesis"] -> Ok `Genesis
| ["head"] -> Ok (`Head 0)
| ["head"; n] -> Ok (`Head (int_of_string n))
| [h] -> Ok (`Hash (Block_hash.of_b58check_exn h, 0))
| [h ; n] -> Ok (`Hash (Block_hash.of_b58check_exn h, int_of_string n))
| _ -> raise Exit
with _ -> Error "Cannot parse block identifier."
let to_string = function
| `Genesis -> "genesis"
| `Head 0 -> "head"
| `Head n -> Printf.sprintf "head~%d" n
| `Hash (h, 0) -> Block_hash.to_b58check h
| `Hash (h, n) -> Printf.sprintf "%s~%d" (Block_hash.to_b58check h) n
let blocks_arg =
let name = "block_id" in
let descr =
"A block identifier. This is either a block hash in Base58Check notation \
or a one the predefined aliases: 'genesis', 'head'. \
One might alse use 'head~N' or '<hash>~N' where N is an integer to \
denotes the Nth predecessors of the designated block." in
let construct = to_string in
let destruct = parse_block in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
type chain_prefix = unit * chain
type prefix = chain_prefix * block
let chain_path = RPC_path.(root / "chains" /: chain_arg)
let dir_path : (chain_prefix, chain_prefix) RPC_path.t =
RPC_path.(open_root / "blocks")
let path = RPC_path.(dir_path /: blocks_arg)
type operation_list_quota = {
max_size: int ;
max_op: int option ;
let operation_list_quota_encoding =
(fun { max_size ; max_op } -> (max_size, max_op))
(fun (max_size, max_op) -> { max_size ; max_op })
(req "max_size" int31)
(opt "max_op" int31))
type raw_context =
| Key of MBytes.t
| Dir of (string * raw_context) list
| Cut
let rec pp_raw_context ppf = function
| Cut -> Format.fprintf ppf "..."
| Key v -> Hex.pp ppf (MBytes.to_hex v)
| Dir l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{@[<v 1>@,%a@]@,}"
(fun ppf (s, t) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s : %a" s pp_raw_context t))
let raw_context_encoding =
mu "raw_context"
(fun encoding ->
union [
case (Tag 0) bytes
(function Key k -> Some k | _ -> None)
(fun k -> Key k) ;
case (Tag 1) (assoc encoding)
(function Dir k -> Some k | _ -> None)
(fun k -> Dir k) ;
case (Tag 2) null
(function Cut -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Cut) ;
type error +=
2018-06-05 18:55:28 +04:00
| Invalid_depth_arg of int
let () =
2018-06-05 18:55:28 +04:00
~title:"Invalid depth argument"
~description:"The raw context extraction depth argument must be positive."
~pp:(fun ppf depth ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Extraction depth %d is invalid" depth)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "depth" int31))
(function Invalid_depth_arg depth -> Some depth | _ -> None)
(fun depth -> Invalid_depth_arg depth)
module type PROTO = sig
val hash: Protocol_hash.t
type block_header_data
val block_header_data_encoding: block_header_data Data_encoding.t
type block_header_metadata
val block_header_metadata_encoding:
block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
type operation_receipt
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
type protocols = {
current_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
next_protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
let raw_protocol_encoding =
(fun { current_protocol ; next_protocol } ->
((current_protocol, next_protocol), ()))
(fun ((current_protocol, next_protocol), ()) ->
{ current_protocol ; next_protocol })
(req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)
(req "next_protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding))
module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
let protocol_hash = Protocol_hash.to_b58check Proto.hash
let next_protocol_hash = Protocol_hash.to_b58check Next_proto.hash
type raw_block_header = {
shell: Block_header.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_data ;
let raw_block_header_encoding =
2018-04-30 21:00:45 +04:00
def "raw_block_header" @@
(fun { shell ; protocol_data } -> (shell, protocol_data))
(fun (shell, protocol_data) -> { shell ; protocol_data } )
type block_header = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
shell: Block_header.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_data ;
let block_header_encoding =
2018-04-30 21:00:45 +04:00
def "block_header" @@
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data } ->
(((), chain_id, hash), { shell ; protocol_data }))
(fun (((), chain_id, hash), { shell ; protocol_data }) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data } )
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding))
type block_metadata = {
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_metadata ;
test_chain_status: Test_chain_status.t ;
(* for the next block: *)
max_operations_ttl: int ;
max_operation_data_length: int ;
max_block_header_length: int ;
operation_list_quota: operation_list_quota list ;
let block_metadata_encoding =
2018-04-30 21:00:45 +04:00
def "block_header_metadata" @@
(fun { protocol_data ; test_chain_status ; max_operations_ttl ;
max_operation_data_length ; max_block_header_length ;
operation_list_quota } ->
(((), (), test_chain_status,
max_operations_ttl, max_operation_data_length,
max_block_header_length, operation_list_quota),
(fun (((), (), test_chain_status,
max_operations_ttl, max_operation_data_length,
max_block_header_length, operation_list_quota),
protocol_data) ->
{ protocol_data ; test_chain_status ; max_operations_ttl ;
max_operation_data_length ; max_block_header_length ;
operation_list_quota })
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "next_protocol" (constant next_protocol_hash))
(req "test_chain_status" Test_chain_status.encoding)
(req "max_operations_ttl" int31)
(req "max_operation_data_length" int31)
(req "max_block_header_length" int31)
(req "max_operation_list_length"
(dynamic_size (list operation_list_quota_encoding))))
let next_operation_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
def "next_operation" @@
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
(fun Next_proto.{ shell ; protocol_data } ->
((), (shell, protocol_data)))
(fun ((), (shell, protocol_data)) ->
{ shell ; protocol_data } )
(obj1 (req "protocol" (constant next_protocol_hash)))
(dynamic_size Operation.shell_header_encoding)
(dynamic_size Next_proto.operation_data_encoding)))
type operation = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.operation_data ;
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
receipt: Proto.operation_receipt ;
let operation_encoding =
2018-04-30 21:00:45 +04:00
def "operation" @@
let open Data_encoding in
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; receipt } ->
(((), chain_id, hash), (shell, (protocol_data, receipt))))
(fun (((), chain_id, hash), (shell, (protocol_data, receipt))) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; receipt })
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Operation_hash.encoding))
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
(dynamic_size Operation.shell_header_encoding)
(dynamic_size Proto.operation_data_and_receipt_encoding)))
type block_info = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
header: raw_block_header ;
metadata: block_metadata ;
operations: operation list list ;
let block_info_encoding =
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; header ; metadata ; operations } ->
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
((), chain_id, hash, header, metadata, operations))
(fun ((), chain_id, hash, header, metadata, operations) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; header ; metadata ; operations })
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "header" (dynamic_size raw_block_header_encoding))
(req "metadata" (dynamic_size block_metadata_encoding))
(req "operations"
(list (dynamic_size (list operation_encoding)))))
module S = struct
let path : prefix RPC_path.context = RPC_path.open_root
let hash =
~description:"The block's hash, its unique identifier."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: Block_hash.encoding
RPC_path.(path / "hash")
let header =
~description:"The whole block header."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: block_header_encoding
RPC_path.(path / "header")
let raw_header =
~description:"The whole block header (unparsed)."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: bytes
RPC_path.(path / "header" / "raw")
let metadata =
~description:"All the metadata associated to the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: block_metadata_encoding
RPC_path.(path / "metadata")
let protocols =
(* same endpoint than 'metadata' *)
~description:".. unexported ..."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: raw_protocol_encoding
RPC_path.(path / "metadata")
module Header = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "header")
let shell_header =
~description:"The shell-specific fragment of the block header."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: Block_header.shell_header_encoding
RPC_path.(path / "shell")
let protocol_data =
~description:"The version-specific fragment of the block header."
~query: RPC_query.empty
(fun h -> ((), h)) (fun ((), h) -> h)
(obj1 (req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash)))
RPC_path.(path / "protocol_data")
let raw_protocol_data =
~description:"The version-specific fragment of the block header (unparsed)."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: bytes
RPC_path.(path / "protocol_data" / "raw")
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module Operations = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "operations")
let operations =
~description:"All the operations included in the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: (list (dynamic_size (list operation_encoding)))
let list_arg =
let name = "list_offset" in
let descr =
2018-06-05 18:50:51 +04:00
"Index `n` of the requested validation pass." in
let construct = string_of_int in
let destruct s =
try Ok (int_of_string s)
with _ -> Error (Format.sprintf "Invalid list offset (%s)" s) in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let offset_arg =
let name = "operation_offset" in
let descr =
2018-06-05 18:50:51 +04:00
"Index `m` of the requested operation in its validation pass." in
let construct = string_of_int in
let destruct s =
try Ok (int_of_string s)
with _ -> Error (Format.sprintf "Invalid operation offset (%s)" s) in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let operations_in_pass =
"All the operations included in `n-th` validation pass of the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: (list operation_encoding)
RPC_path.(path /: list_arg)
let operation =
"The `m-th` operation in the `n-th` validation pass of the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: operation_encoding
RPC_path.(path /: list_arg /: offset_arg)
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module Operation_hashes = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "operation_hashes")
let operation_hashes =
~description:"The hashes of all the operations included in the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: (list (list Operation_hash.encoding))
let operation_hashes_in_pass =
"All the operations included in `n-th` validation pass of the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: (list Operation_hash.encoding)
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
RPC_path.(path /: Operations.list_arg)
let operation_hash =
"The hash of then `m-th` operation in the `n-th` validation pass of the block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: Operation_hash.encoding
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
RPC_path.(path /: Operations.list_arg /: Operations.offset_arg)
module Helpers = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "helpers")
module Forge = struct
let block_header =
~description: "Forge a block header"
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: Block_header.encoding
~output: (obj1 (req "block" bytes))
RPC_path.(path / "forge_block_header")
module Preapply = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "preapply")
let block_result_encoding =
(req "shell_header" Block_header.shell_header_encoding)
(req "operations"
(list (Preapply_result.encoding RPC_error.encoding)))
type block_param = {
protocol_data: Next_proto.block_header_data ;
operations: Next_proto.operation list list ;
let block_param_encoding =
(fun { protocol_data ; operations } ->
(protocol_data, operations))
(fun (protocol_data, operations) ->
{ protocol_data ; operations })
(req "protocol_data"
(fun h -> ((), h)) (fun ((), h) -> h)
(obj1 (req "protocol" (constant next_protocol_hash)))
(dynamic_size Next_proto.block_header_data_encoding))))
(req "operations"
(list (dynamic_size (list next_operation_encoding))))))
let block_query =
let open RPC_query in
query (fun sort timestamp -> object
method sort_operations = sort
method timestamp = timestamp
|+ flag "sort" (fun t -> t#sort_operations)
|+ opt_field "timestamp" Time.rpc_arg (fun t -> t#timestamp)
|> seal
let block =
"Simulate the validation of a block that would contain \
the given operations and return the resulting fitness \
and context hash."
~query: block_query
~input: block_param_encoding
~output: block_result_encoding
RPC_path.(path / "block")
let operations =
"Simulate the validation of an operation."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (list next_operation_encoding)
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
~output: (list (dynamic_size Next_proto.operation_data_and_receipt_encoding))
RPC_path.(path / "operations")
let complete =
let prefix_arg =
let destruct s = Ok s
and construct s = s in
RPC_arg.make ~name:"prefix" ~destruct ~construct () in
~description: "Try to complete a prefix of a Base58Check-encoded data. \
This RPC is actually able to complete hashes of \
block, operations, public_keys and contracts."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: (list string)
RPC_path.(path / "complete" /: prefix_arg )
module Context = struct
let path = RPC_path.(path / "context" / "raw" / "bytes")
let context_path_arg : string RPC_arg.t =
let name = "context_path" in
let descr = "A path inside the context" in
let construct = fun s -> s in
let destruct = fun s -> Ok s in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let raw_context_query : < depth: int option > RPC_query.t =
let open RPC_query in
query (fun depth -> object
method depth = depth
|+ opt_field "depth" (fun t -> t#depth)
|> seal
let read =
~description:"Returns the raw context."
~query: raw_context_query
~output: raw_context_encoding
RPC_path.(path /:* context_path_arg)
let info =
~description:"All the information about a block."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~output: block_info_encoding
let path = RPC_path.prefix chain_path path
let make_call0 s ctxt a b q p =
let s = RPC_service.prefix path s in
RPC_context.make_call2 s ctxt a b q p
let make_call1 s ctxt a b c q p =
let s = RPC_service.prefix path s in
RPC_context.make_call3 s ctxt a b c q p
let make_call2 s ctxt a b c d q p =
let s = RPC_service.prefix path s in
RPC_context.make_call s ctxt (((((), a), b), c), d) q p
let hash ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.hash ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
match block with
| `Hash (h, 0) -> return h
| _ -> f chain block () ()
let header ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.header ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let raw_header ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.raw_header ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let metadata ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.metadata ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let protocols ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.protocols ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
module Header = struct
module S = S.Header
let shell_header ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.shell_header ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let protocol_data ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.protocol_data ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let raw_protocol_data ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.raw_protocol_data ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module Operations = struct
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module S = S.Operations
let operations ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.operations ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let operations_in_pass ctxt =
let f = make_call1 S.operations_in_pass ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) n ->
f chain block n () ()
let operation ctxt =
let f = make_call2 S.operation ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) n m ->
f chain block n m () ()
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module Operation_hashes = struct
2018-06-11 16:25:47 +04:00
module S = S.Operation_hashes
let operation_hashes ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.operation_hashes ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
let operation_hashes_in_pass ctxt =
let f = make_call1 S.operation_hashes_in_pass ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) n ->
f chain block n () ()
let operation_hash ctxt =
let f = make_call2 S.operation_hash ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) n m ->
f chain block n m () ()
module Context = struct
module S = S.Context
let read ctxt =
let f = make_call1 ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) ?depth path ->
f chain block path
(object method depth = depth end) ()
module Helpers = struct
module S = S.Helpers
module Forge = struct
module S = S.Forge
let block_header ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.block_header ctxt in
?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0)
header ->
f chain block () header
module Preapply = struct
module S = S.Preapply
let block ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.block ctxt in
?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0)
?(sort = false) ?timestamp ~protocol_data operations ->
f chain block
(object method sort_operations = sort method timestamp = timestamp end)
{ protocol_data ; operations }
let operations ctxt =
let f = make_call0 S.operations ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) operations ->
f chain block () operations
let complete ctxt =
let f = make_call1 S.complete ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) s ->
f chain block s () ()
let info ctxt =
let f = make_call0 ctxt in
fun ?(chain = `Main) ?(block = `Head 0) () ->
f chain block () ()
module Fake_protocol = struct
let hash =
type block_header_data = unit
let block_header_data_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
type block_header_metadata = unit
let block_header_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
type operation_data = unit
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
type operation_receipt = unit
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
2018-04-30 21:06:06 +04:00
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let operation_receipt_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
(fun ((), ()) -> ())
(fun () -> ((), ()))
module Empty = Make(Fake_protocol)(Fake_protocol)
2018-04-30 21:00:45 +04:00
let () =
| (Json_schema.Cannot_parse _
| Json_schema.Dangling_reference _
| Json_schema.Bad_reference _
| Json_schema.Unexpected _
| Json_schema.Duplicate_definition _ ) as exn ->
Some (Format.asprintf "%a" (fun ppf -> Json_schema.print_error ppf) exn)
| _ -> None)
let protocols = Empty.protocols