Alpha: simplify the operation datatype
This commit is contained in:
@ -347,17 +347,19 @@ let pp_document ppf descriptions =
(* Index *)
Format.pp_set_margin ppf 10000 ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ppf 9000 ;
Rst.pp_h2 ppf "RPCs - Index" ;
(fun (name, prefix, rpc_dir) ->
Rst.pp_h2 ppf (Format.asprintf "%s RPCs - Index" name) ;
Rst.pp_h3 ppf name ;
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n@\n" (Index.pp prefix) rpc_dir)
descriptions ;
(* Full description *)
Rst.pp_h2 ppf "RPCs - Full description" ;
Format.pp_set_margin ppf 80 ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ppf 76 ;
(fun (name, prefix, rpc_dir) ->
Rst.pp_h2 ppf (Format.asprintf "%s RPCs - Full description" name) ;
Rst.pp_h3 ppf name ;
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n@\n" (Description.pp prefix) rpc_dir)
@ -418,3 +420,4 @@ let () =
Format.eprintf "%a@." pp_print_error err ;
Pervasives.exit 1
@ -19,13 +19,21 @@ type block_header_metadata = unit
let block_header_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_data = unit
type operation = {
shell : Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data : operation_data ;
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_metadata = unit
let operation_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_receipt = unit
let operation_receipt_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
(function ((), ()) -> ())
(fun () -> ((), ()))
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
let max_block_length = 42
let validation_passes = []
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ show_logs="no"
sleep 2
# autogenerated from the demo source
$admin_client inject protocol "$test_dir/demo"
$admin_client list protocols
@ -90,8 +90,10 @@ module type PROTOCOL = sig
(** The version specific type of operations. *)
type operation_data
(** Encoding for version specific part of operations. *)
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
(** Version-specific side information computed by the protocol
during the validation of each operation, to be used conjointly
with {!block_header_metadata}. *)
type operation_receipt
(** A fully parsed operation. *)
type operation = {
@ -99,13 +101,15 @@ module type PROTOCOL = sig
protocol_data: operation_data ;
(** Version-specific side information computed by the protocol
during the validation of each operation, to be used conjointly
with {!block_header_metadata}. *)
type operation_metadata
(** Encoding for version-specific operation data. *)
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
(** Encoding for version-specific operation metadata. *)
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
(** Encoding for version-specific operation receipts. *)
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
(** Encoding that mixes an operation data and its receipt. *)
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
(** The Validation passes in which an operation can appear.
For instance [[0]] if it only belongs to the first pass.
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ module type PROTOCOL = sig
val apply_operation:
validation_state ->
operation ->
(validation_state * operation_metadata) tzresult Lwt.t
(validation_state * operation_receipt) tzresult Lwt.t
(** The last step in a block validation sequence. It produces the
context that will be used as input for the validation of its
@ -68,13 +68,15 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
type block_header_metadata
val block_header_metadata_encoding: block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
type operation_receipt
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
type operation_metadata
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
val acceptable_passes: operation -> int list
val compare_operations: operation -> operation -> int
type validation_state
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
unit -> validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val apply_operation:
validation_state -> operation ->
(validation_state * operation_metadata) tzresult Lwt.t
(validation_state * operation_receipt) tzresult Lwt.t
val finalize_block:
validation_state ->
(validation_result * block_header_metadata) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) = struct
with type block_header_data = P.block_header_data
and type block_header = P.block_header
and type operation_data = P.operation_data
and type operation_receipt = P.operation_receipt
and type operation = P.operation
and type validation_state = P.validation_state
@ -61,13 +61,15 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) : sig
type block_header_metadata
val block_header_metadata_encoding: block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
type operation_receipt
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
type operation_metadata
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
val acceptable_passes: operation -> int list
val compare_operations: operation -> operation -> int
type validation_state
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) : sig
unit -> validation_state tzresult Lwt.t
val apply_operation:
validation_state -> operation ->
(validation_state * operation_metadata) tzresult Lwt.t
(validation_state * operation_receipt) tzresult Lwt.t
val finalize_block:
validation_state ->
(validation_result * block_header_metadata) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ module Make (Context : CONTEXT) : sig
with type block_header_data = P.block_header_data
and type block_header = P.block_header
and type operation_data = P.operation_data
and type operation_receipt = P.operation_receipt
and type operation = P.operation
and type validation_state = P.validation_state
@ -160,20 +160,20 @@ let build_raw_rpc_directory
(* operations *)
let convert chain_id (op : Operation.t) metadata =
let convert chain_id (op : Operation.t) metadata : Block_services.operation =
let protocol_data =
op.proto in
let metadata =
let receipt =
metadata in
{ Block_services.chain_id ;
hash = Operation.hash op ;
shell = ;
protocol_data ;
metadata ;
receipt ;
} in
let operations block =
@ -268,11 +268,11 @@ let build_raw_rpc_directory
let operations =
(fun (op : Next_proto.operation) ->
(fun op ->
let proto =
op.protocol_data in
op.Next_proto.protocol_data in
{ = ; proto }))
p.operations in
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ let build_raw_rpc_directory
(fun (state, acc) op ->
Next_proto.apply_operation state op >>=? fun (state, result) ->
return (state, result :: acc))
return (state, (op.protocol_data, result) :: acc))
(state, []) ops >>=? fun (state, acc) ->
Next_proto.finalize_block state >>=? fun _ ->
return (List.rev acc)
@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ let apply_block
let ops_metadata =
(Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Proto.operation_metadata_encoding))
ops_metadata in
return (validation_result, block_data, ops_metadata)
@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ let prevalidate
op.Operation.proto with
| None -> error Parse_error
| Some protocol_data -> Ok ({ shell = ; protocol_data }: Proto.operation) in
| Some protocol_data ->
Ok ({ shell = ; protocol_data } : Proto.operation) in
(h, op, parsed_op))
ops in
let invalid_ops =
@ -140,14 +141,15 @@ let prevalidate
let compare (_, _, op1) (_, _, op2) = Proto.compare_operations op1 op2 in
List.sort compare parsed_ops
else parsed_ops in
let apply_operation state max_ops op parse_op =
let apply_operation state max_ops op (parse_op) =
let size = Data_encoding.Binary.length Operation.encoding op in
if max_ops <= 0 then
fail Too_many_operations
else if size > max_operation_data_length then
fail (Oversized_operation { size ; max = max_operation_data_length })
Proto.apply_operation state parse_op in
Proto.apply_operation state parse_op >>=? fun (state, receipt) ->
return (state, receipt) in
state Preapply_result.empty max_number_of_operations
@ -146,13 +146,16 @@ module type PROTO = sig
val block_header_metadata_encoding:
block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
type operation_metadata
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_receipt
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
@ -238,8 +241,10 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
let open Data_encoding in
def "next_operation" @@
(fun Next_proto.{ shell ; protocol_data } -> ((), (shell, protocol_data)))
(fun ((), (shell, protocol_data)) -> { shell ; protocol_data } )
(fun Next_proto.{ shell ; protocol_data } ->
((), (shell, protocol_data)))
(fun ((), (shell, protocol_data)) ->
{ shell ; protocol_data } )
(obj1 (req "protocol" (constant next_protocol_hash)))
@ -251,28 +256,25 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.operation_data ;
metadata: Proto.operation_metadata ;
receipt: Proto.operation_receipt ;
let operation_encoding =
def "operation" @@
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; metadata } ->
(((), chain_id, hash), ((shell, protocol_data), metadata)))
(fun (((), chain_id, hash), ((shell, protocol_data), metadata)) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; metadata } )
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; receipt } ->
(((), chain_id, hash), (shell, (protocol_data, receipt))))
(fun (((), chain_id, hash), (shell, (protocol_data, receipt))) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; shell ; protocol_data ; receipt })
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Operation_hash.encoding))
(dynamic_size Proto.operation_metadata_encoding)))
(dynamic_size Operation.shell_header_encoding)
(dynamic_size Proto.operation_data_and_receipt_encoding)))
type block_info = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
@ -285,20 +287,17 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
let block_info_encoding =
(fun { chain_id ; hash ; header ; metadata ; operations } ->
((((), chain_id, hash), (header, metadata)), operations))
(fun ((((), chain_id, hash), (header, metadata)), operations) ->
((), chain_id, hash, header, metadata, operations))
(fun ((), chain_id, hash, header, metadata, operations) ->
{ chain_id ; hash ; header ; metadata ; operations })
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding))
(dynamic_size raw_block_header_encoding)
(dynamic_size block_metadata_encoding)))
(obj1 (req "operations"
(list (dynamic_size (list operation_encoding))))))
(req "protocol" (constant protocol_hash))
(req "chain_id" Chain_id.encoding)
(req "hash" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "header" (dynamic_size raw_block_header_encoding))
(req "metadata" (dynamic_size block_metadata_encoding))
(req "operations"
(list (dynamic_size (list operation_encoding)))))
module S = struct
@ -630,7 +629,7 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) = struct
"Simulate the validation of an operation."
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (list next_operation_encoding)
~output: (list (dynamic_size Next_proto.operation_metadata_encoding))
~output: (list (dynamic_size Next_proto.operation_data_and_receipt_encoding))
RPC_path.(path / "operations")
@ -936,13 +935,18 @@ module Fake_protocol = struct
type block_header_metadata = unit
let block_header_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
type operation_data = unit
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
type operation_metadata = unit
let operation_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
type operation_receipt = unit
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let operation_receipt_encoding = Data_encoding.empty
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
(fun ((), ()) -> ())
(fun () -> ((), ()))
module Empty = Make(Fake_protocol)(Fake_protocol)
@ -57,13 +57,16 @@ module type PROTO = sig
val block_header_metadata_encoding:
block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
type operation_metadata
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_receipt
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding: operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding:
(operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) : sig
@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) : sig
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.operation_data ;
metadata: Proto.operation_metadata ;
receipt: Proto.operation_receipt ;
type block_info = {
@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) : sig
val operations:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
Next_proto.operation list ->
Next_proto.operation_metadata list tzresult Lwt.t
(Next_proto.operation_data * Next_proto.operation_receipt) list tzresult Lwt.t
@ -462,7 +465,7 @@ module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) : sig
val operations:
([ `POST ], prefix,
prefix, unit, Next_proto.operation list,
Next_proto.operation_metadata list) RPC_service.t
(Next_proto.operation_data * Next_proto.operation_receipt) list) RPC_service.t
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let inject_endorsement
?(chain = `Main) block level ?async
src_sk slots =
Shell_services.Blocks.hash cctxt ~chain ~block () >>=? fun hash ->
Alpha_services.Forge.Consensus.endorsement cctxt
Alpha_services.Forge.endorsement cctxt
(chain, block)
@ -98,25 +98,27 @@ let () =
| _ -> None)
(fun (hash, err) -> Failed_to_preapply (hash, err))
let classify_operations (ops: Operation.t list) =
let classify_operations (ops: Proto_alpha.operation list) =
let t = Array.make (List.length Proto_alpha.Main.validation_passes) [] in
(fun (op: Operation.t) ->
(fun (op: Proto_alpha.operation) ->
(fun pass -> t.(pass) <- op :: t.(pass))
(Proto_alpha.Main.acceptable_passes op))
ops ;
Array.fold_right (fun ops acc -> List.rev ops :: acc) t []
let parse (op : Operation.raw) : Operation.t = {
shell = ;
protocol_data =
let parse (op : Operation.raw) : Operation.packed =
let protocol_data =
op.proto in
shell = ;
protocol_data ;
let forge (op : Operation.t) : Operation.raw = {
let forge (op : Operation.packed) : Operation.raw = {
shell = ;
proto =
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ val forge_block:
?chain:Chain_services.chain ->
Block_services.block ->
?force:bool ->
?operations:Operation.t list ->
?operations: Operation.packed list ->
?best_effort:bool ->
?sort:bool ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open Alpha_context
type operation = {
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
content: Operation.t option
content: Operation.packed option
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open Alpha_context
type operation = {
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
content: Operation.t option ;
content: Operation.packed option ;
type valid_endorsement = {
@ -8,18 +8,16 @@
open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
let inject_seed_nonce_revelation rpc_config ?(chain = `Main) block ?async nonces =
let operations =
(fun (level, nonce) ->
Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) nonces in
Alpha_block_services.hash rpc_config ~chain ~block () >>=? fun branch ->
Alpha_services.Forge.Anonymous.operations rpc_config
(chain, block) ~branch operations >>=? fun bytes ->
Shell_services.Injection.operation rpc_config ?async ~chain bytes >>=? fun oph ->
return oph
(fun (level, nonce) ->
Alpha_services.Forge.seed_nonce_revelation rpc_config
(chain, block) ~branch ~level ~nonce () >>=? fun bytes ->
Shell_services.Injection.operation rpc_config ?async ~chain bytes)
nonces >>=? fun ophs ->
return ophs
let forge_seed_nonce_revelation
(cctxt: #Proto_alpha.full)
@ -37,6 +35,6 @@ let forge_seed_nonce_revelation
"Operation successfully injected %d revelation(s) for %a."
(List.length nonces)
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
cctxt#answer "Operation hash is '%a'."
Operation_hash.pp_short oph >>= fun () ->
cctxt#answer "@[<v 2>Operation hash are:@ %a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp_short) oph >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ val inject_seed_nonce_revelation:
Block_services.block ->
?async:bool ->
(Raw_level.t * Nonce.t) list ->
Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
Operation_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val forge_seed_nonce_revelation:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -322,14 +322,13 @@ module Account = struct
let sign ?watermark src_sk shell contents =
let contents = Sourced_operation contents in
let sign ?watermark src_sk shell (Contents_list contents) =
let bytes =
(shell, contents) in
(shell, (Contents_list contents)) in
let signature = Some (Signature.sign ?watermark src_sk bytes) in
let protocol_data = { contents ; signature } in
let protocol_data = Operation_data { contents ; signature } in
return { shell ; protocol_data }
module Protocol = struct
@ -347,11 +346,10 @@ module Protocol = struct
!rpc_ctxt ~offset:1l (`Main, block) >>=? fun next_level ->
let shell = { Tezos_base.Operation.branch = hash } in
let contents =
{ source = pkh ;
operation = Proposals { period = next_level.voting_period ;
proposals } } in
sign ~watermark:Generic_operation sk shell contents
Proposals { source = pkh ;
period = next_level.voting_period ;
proposals } in
sign ~watermark:Generic_operation sk shell (Contents_list (Single contents))
let ballot ?(block = `Head 0) ~src:({ pkh; sk } : Account.t) ~proposal ballot =
Shell_services.Blocks.hash !rpc_ctxt ~block () >>=? fun hash ->
@ -359,12 +357,12 @@ module Protocol = struct
!rpc_ctxt ~offset:1l (`Main, block) >>=? fun next_level ->
let shell = { Tezos_base.Operation.branch = hash } in
let contents =
{ source = pkh ;
operation = Ballot { period = next_level.voting_period ;
proposal ;
ballot } } in
sign ~watermark:Generic_operation sk shell contents
(Ballot { source = pkh ;
period = next_level.voting_period ;
proposal ;
ballot }) in
sign ~watermark:Generic_operation sk shell (Contents_list contents)
@ -431,8 +429,8 @@ module Assert = struct
match op with
| None -> true
| Some op ->
let h = Operation.hash op and h' = hash op' in
| Some { shell ; protocol_data = Operation_data protocol_data } ->
let h = Operation.hash { shell ; protocol_data } and h' = hash op' in
Operation_hash.equal h h'
end && List.exists (ecoproto_error f) err
| _ -> false
@ -557,9 +555,8 @@ module Endorse = struct
let level = level.level in
let shell = { Tezos_base.Operation.branch = hash } in
let contents =
(Endorsements { block = hash ; level ; slots = [ slot ]}) in
sign ~watermark:Endorsement src_sk shell contents
Single (Endorsements { block = hash ; level ; slots = [ slot ]}) in
sign ~watermark:Endorsement src_sk shell (Contents_list contents)
let signing_slots
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module Baking : sig
val bake:
Block_services.block ->
Account.t ->
Operation.t list ->
Operation.packed list ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module Endorse : sig
?slot:int ->
Account.t ->
Block_services.block ->
Operation.t tzresult Lwt.t
Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsers_list :
Block_services.block ->
@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ module Protocol : sig
?block:Block_services.block ->
src:Account.t ->
Protocol_hash.t list ->
Operation.t tzresult Lwt.t
Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
val ballot :
?block:Block_services.block ->
src:Account.t ->
proposal:Protocol_hash.t ->
Vote.ballot ->
Operation.t tzresult Lwt.t
Operation.packed tzresult Lwt.t
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ module Assert : sig
val failed_to_preapply:
msg:string ->
?op:Operation.t ->
?op:Operation.packed ->
(Alpha_environment.Error_monad.error ->
bool) ->
'a tzresult -> unit
@ -24,43 +24,24 @@ let parse_expression arg =
(Michelson_v1_parser.parse_expression arg))
let append_reveal
cctxt ~chain ~block
~source ~src_pk ops =
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun (_pkh, pk) ->
let is_reveal = function
| Reveal _ -> true
| _ -> false in
match pk with
| None when not (List.exists is_reveal ops) ->
return (Reveal src_pk :: ops)
| _ -> return ops
let transfer (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ?arg
~amount ~fee ?(gas_limit = Z.minus_one) ?(storage_limit = -1L) () =
~amount ~fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit () =
begin match arg with
| Some arg ->
parse_expression arg >>=? fun { expanded = arg } ->
return (Some arg)
| None -> return None
end >>=? fun parameters ->
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
let parameters = ~f:Script.lazy_expr parameters in
let operations = [Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination }] in
append_reveal cctxt ~chain ~block
~source ~src_pk operations >>=? fun operations ->
let contents =
(Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operations }) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (_oph, _op, result as res) ->
Lwt.return (Injection.originated_contracts result) >>=? fun contracts ->
let contents = Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } in
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit
~src_pk ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (_oph, _op, result as res) ->
(Injection.originated_contracts (Single_result result)) >>=? fun contracts ->
return (res, contracts)
let reveal cctxt
@ -69,37 +50,36 @@ let reveal cctxt
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
append_reveal cctxt ~chain ~block ~source ~src_pk [] >>=? fun operations ->
match operations with
| [] ->
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun (_, key) ->
match key with
| Some _ ->
failwith "The manager key was previously revealed."
| _ :: _ ->
| None -> begin
let contents =
(Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit = ; storage_limit = 0L ;
operations }) in
(Manager_operation { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit = ; storage_limit = 0L ;
operation = Reveal src_pk }) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun res ->
return res
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
match Apply_operation_result.pack_contents_list op result with
| Apply_operation_result.Single_and_result
(Manager_operation _ as op, result) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| _ -> .
let originate
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~fee
?(gas_limit = Z.minus_one) ?(storage_limit = -1L) origination =
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
let operations = [origination] in
cctxt ~chain ~block ~source ~src_pk operations >>=? fun operations ->
let contents =
(Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operations }) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (_oph, _op, result as res) ->
Lwt.return (Injection.originated_contracts result) >>=? function
?gas_limit ?storage_limit contents =
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~fee ?gas_limit ?storage_limit
~src_pk ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (_oph, _op, result as res) ->
(Injection.originated_contracts (Single_result result)) >>=? function
| [ contract ] -> return (res, contract)
| contracts ->
@ -120,25 +100,17 @@ let originate_account
preorigination = None } in
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~src_sk ~fee origination
?branch ~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~fee origination
let delegate_contract cctxt
~chain ~block ?branch ?confirmations
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk
~fee delegate_opt =
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
let operations = [Delegation delegate_opt] in
cctxt ~chain ~block ~source ~src_pk operations >>=? fun operations ->
let contents =
(Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit = ; storage_limit = 0L ;
operations }) in
Injection.inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun res ->
let operation = Delegation delegate_opt in
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~source ~fee ~storage_limit:0L
~src_pk ~src_sk operation >>=? fun res ->
return res
let list_contract_labels
@ -179,19 +151,32 @@ let get_manager
Client_keys.get_key cctxt src_pkh >>=? fun (src_name, src_pk, src_sk) ->
return (src_name, src_pkh, src_pk, src_sk)
let dictate rpc_config ~chain ~block ?confirmations command src_sk =
let contents = Sourced_operation (Dictator_operation command) in
let activate_protocol rpc_config ~chain ~block ?confirmations hash src_sk =
rpc_config ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~src_sk contents >>=? fun res ->
return res
~src_sk (Single (Activate_protocol hash)) >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
match Apply_operation_result.pack_contents_list op result with
| Apply_operation_result.Single_and_result
(Activate_protocol _ as op, result) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| _ -> .
let set_delegate
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~fee contract ~src_pk ~manager_sk opt_delegate =
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~source:contract ~src_pk ~src_sk:manager_sk ~fee opt_delegate
let activate_test_protocol rpc_config ~chain ~block ?confirmations hash src_sk =
rpc_config ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~src_sk (Single (Activate_test_protocol hash)) >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
match Apply_operation_result.pack_contents_list op result with
| Apply_operation_result.Single_and_result
(Activate_test_protocol _ as op, result) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| _ -> .
let set_delegate
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~fee contract ~src_pk ~manager_sk opt_delegate =
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
~source:contract ~src_pk ~src_sk:manager_sk ~fee opt_delegate
let register_as_delegate
cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
@ -306,7 +291,7 @@ let read_key key =
let pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash pk in
return (pkh, pk, sk)
let claim_commitment
let activate_account
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
~chain ~block ?confirmations
?(encrypted = false) ?force key name =
@ -318,11 +303,10 @@ let claim_commitment
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp pkh
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.pp key.pkh) >>=? fun () ->
let contents =
[ Activation { id = key.pkh ; activation_code = key.activation_code } ] in
Single ( Activate_account { id = key.pkh ; activation_code = key.activation_code } ) in
cctxt ?confirmations ~chain ~block
contents >>=? fun (_oph, _op, _result as res) ->
contents >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
let pk_uri = Tezos_signer_backends.Unencrypted.make_pk pk in
if encrypted then
@ -346,5 +330,9 @@ let claim_commitment
Tez.pp balance >>= fun () ->
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
return res
match Apply_operation_result.pack_contents_list op result with
| Apply_operation_result.Single_and_result
(Activate_account _ as op, result) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| _ -> .
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ val set_delegate:
src_pk:public_key ->
manager_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
public_key_hash option ->
Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
Kind.delegation Kind.manager Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
val register_as_delegate:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ val register_as_delegate:
fee:Tez.tez ->
manager_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
public_key ->
Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
Kind.delegation Kind.manager Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
val source_to_keys:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ val originate_account :
?delegate:public_key_hash ->
balance:Tez.tez ->
fee:Tez.tez ->
unit -> (Injection.result * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
unit -> (Kind.origination Kind.manager Injection.result * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val save_contract :
force:bool ->
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ val originate_contract:
src_pk:public_key ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
code:Script.expr ->
unit -> (Injection.result * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
unit -> (Kind.origination Kind.manager Injection.result * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val transfer :
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ val transfer :
?gas_limit:Z.t ->
?storage_limit:Int64.t ->
unit ->
(Injection.result * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
(Kind.transaction Kind.manager Injection.result * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val reveal :
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -139,16 +139,25 @@ val reveal :
src_pk:public_key ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
fee:Tez.t ->
unit -> Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
unit -> Kind.reveal Kind.manager Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
val dictate :
val activate_protocol :
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
?confirmations:int ->
dictator_operation ->
Protocol_hash.t ->
Client_keys.sk_uri ->
Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
Kind.activate_protocol Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
val activate_test_protocol :
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
?confirmations:int ->
Protocol_hash.t ->
Client_keys.sk_uri ->
Kind.activate_test_protocol Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
type activation_key =
{ pkh : Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ type activation_key =
val activation_key_encoding: activation_key Data_encoding.t
val claim_commitment:
val activate_account:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
@ -170,5 +179,5 @@ val claim_commitment:
?force:bool ->
activation_key ->
string ->
Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
Kind.activate_account Injection.result tzresult Lwt.t
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ val run :
input:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
unit ->
(Script.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Contract.big_map_diff option) tzresult Lwt.t
val trace :
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ val trace :
input:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
unit ->
(Script.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Script_interpreter.execution_trace *
Contract.big_map_diff option) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ val print_run_result :
show_source:bool ->
parsed:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_repr.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Contract.big_map_diff option) tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val print_trace_result :
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val print_trace_result :
show_source:bool ->
parsed:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
(Script_repr.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Script_interpreter.execution_trace *
Contract.big_map_diff option)
tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -23,22 +23,27 @@ let get_branch (rpc_config: #Proto_alpha.full)
Shell_services.Blocks.hash rpc_config ~chain ~block () >>=? fun hash ->
return hash
type result = Operation_hash.t * operation * operation_result
type 'kind preapply_result =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind operation * 'kind operation_metadata
let preapply
type 'kind result_list =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list
type 'kind result =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind contents * 'kind contents_result
let preapply (type t)
(cctxt: #Proto_alpha.full) ~chain ~block
?branch ?src_sk contents =
?branch ?src_sk (contents : t contents_list) =
get_branch cctxt ~chain ~block branch >>=? fun branch ->
let bytes =
({ branch }, contents) in
({ branch }, Contents_list contents) in
let watermark =
match contents with
| Sourced_operation (Consensus_operation (Endorsements _)) ->
| _ ->
Signature.Generic_operation in
| Single (Endorsements _) -> Signature.Endorsement
| _ -> Signature.Generic_operation in
match src_sk with
| None -> return None
@ -47,122 +52,249 @@ let preapply
~watermark src_sk bytes >>=? fun signature ->
return (Some signature)
end >>=? fun signature ->
let op =
let op : _ Operation.t =
{ shell = { branch } ;
protocol_data = { contents ; signature } } in
let oph = Operation.hash op in
cctxt ~chain ~block [op] >>=? function
| [result] -> return (oph, op, result)
cctxt ~chain ~block [Operation.pack op] >>=? function
| [(Operation_data op', Operation_metadata result)] -> begin
match Operation.equal
op { shell = { branch } ; protocol_data = op' },
Apply_operation_result.kind_equal_list contents result.contents with
| Some Operation.Eq, Some Apply_operation_result.Eq ->
return ((oph, op, result) : t preapply_result)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected result"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected result"
let estimated_gas = function
| Sourced_operation_result (Manager_operations_result { operation_results }) ->
(fun acc (_, r) -> acc >>? fun acc ->
match r with
| Applied (Transaction_result { consumed_gas }
| Origination_result { consumed_gas }) ->
Ok (Z.add consumed_gas acc)
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok acc
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok acc
| Skipped -> assert false
| Failed errs -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs))
(Ok operation_results
| _ -> Ok
let estimated_gas_single
(type kind)
(Manager_operation_result { operation_result ;
internal_operation_results }
: kind Kind.manager contents_result) =
let consumed_gas (type kind) (result : kind manager_operation_result) =
match result with
| Applied (Transaction_result { consumed_gas }) -> Ok consumed_gas
| Applied (Origination_result { consumed_gas }) -> Ok consumed_gas
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok
| Skipped _ -> assert false
| Failed (_, errs) -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs) in
(fun acc (Internal_operation_result (_, r)) ->
acc >>? fun acc ->
consumed_gas r >>? fun gas ->
Ok (Z.add acc gas))
(consumed_gas operation_result) internal_operation_results
let estimated_storage = function
| Sourced_operation_result (Manager_operations_result { operation_results }) ->
(fun acc (_, r) -> acc >>? fun acc ->
match r with
| Applied (Transaction_result { storage_size_diff }
| Origination_result { storage_size_diff }) ->
Ok (Int64.add storage_size_diff acc)
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok acc
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok acc
| Skipped -> assert false
| Failed errs -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs))
(Ok 0L) operation_results >>? fun diff ->
Ok (max 0L diff)
| _ -> Ok 0L
let rec estimated_gas :
type kind. kind Kind.manager contents_result_list -> _ =
| Single_result res -> estimated_gas_single res
| Cons_result (res, rest) ->
estimated_gas_single res >>? fun gas1 ->
estimated_gas rest >>? fun gas2 ->
Ok (Z.add gas1 gas2)
let originated_contracts = function
| Sourced_operation_result (Manager_operations_result { operation_results }) ->
(fun acc (_, r) -> acc >>? fun acc ->
match r with
| Applied (Transaction_result { originated_contracts }
| Origination_result { originated_contracts }) ->
Ok (originated_contracts @ acc)
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok acc
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok acc
| Skipped -> assert false
| Failed errs -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs))
(Ok []) operation_results
| _ -> Ok []
let estimated_storage_single
(type kind)
(Manager_operation_result { operation_result ;
internal_operation_results }
: kind Kind.manager contents_result) =
let storage_size_diff (type kind) (result : kind manager_operation_result) =
match result with
| Applied (Transaction_result { storage_size_diff }) -> Ok storage_size_diff
| Applied (Origination_result { storage_size_diff }) -> Ok storage_size_diff
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok
| Skipped _ -> assert false
| Failed (_, errs) -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs) in
(fun acc (Internal_operation_result (_, r)) ->
acc >>? fun acc ->
storage_size_diff r >>? fun storage ->
Ok (Int64.add acc storage))
(storage_size_diff operation_result) internal_operation_results
let detect_script_failure = function
| Sourced_operation_result (Manager_operations_result { operation_results }) ->
let estimated_storage res =
let rec estimated_storage :
type kind. kind Kind.manager contents_result_list -> _ =
| Single_result res -> estimated_storage_single res
| Cons_result (res, rest) ->
estimated_storage_single res >>? fun storage1 ->
estimated_storage rest >>? fun storage2 ->
Ok (Int64.add storage1 storage2) in
estimated_storage res >>? fun diff ->
Ok (max 0L diff)
let originated_contracts_single
(type kind)
(Manager_operation_result { operation_result ;
internal_operation_results }
: kind Kind.manager contents_result) =
let originated_contracts (type kind) (result : kind manager_operation_result) =
match result with
| Applied (Transaction_result { originated_contracts }) -> Ok originated_contracts
| Applied (Origination_result { originated_contracts }) -> Ok originated_contracts
| Applied Reveal_result -> Ok []
| Applied Delegation_result -> Ok []
| Skipped _ -> assert false
| Failed (_, errs) -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs) in
(fun acc (Internal_operation_result (_, r)) ->
acc >>? fun acc ->
originated_contracts r >>? fun contracts ->
Ok (List.rev_append contracts acc))
(originated_contracts operation_result >|? List.rev)
let rec originated_contracts :
type kind. kind contents_result_list -> _ =
| Single_result (Manager_operation_result _ as res) ->
originated_contracts_single res >|? List.rev
| Single_result _ -> Ok []
| Cons_result (res, rest) ->
originated_contracts_single res >>? fun contracts1 ->
originated_contracts rest >>? fun contracts2 ->
Ok (List.rev_append contracts1 contracts2)
let detect_script_failure :
type kind. kind operation_metadata -> _ =
let rec detect_script_failure :
type kind. kind contents_result_list -> _ =
let detect_script_failure_single
(type kind)
(Manager_operation_result { operation_result ;
internal_operation_results }
: kind Kind.manager contents_result) =
let detect_script_failure (type kind) (result : kind manager_operation_result) =
match result with
| Applied _ -> Ok ()
| Skipped _ -> assert false
| Failed (_, errs) ->
(failure "The transfer simulation failed.")
(Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs)) in
(fun acc (_, r) -> acc >>? fun () ->
match r with
| Applied _ -> Ok ()
| Skipped -> assert false
| Failed errs ->
(failure "The transfer simulation failed.")
(Alpha_environment.wrap_error (Error errs)))
(Ok ()) operation_results
| _ -> Ok ()
(fun acc (Internal_operation_result (_, r)) ->
acc >>? fun () ->
detect_script_failure r)
(detect_script_failure operation_result)
internal_operation_results in
| Single_result (Manager_operation_result _ as res) ->
detect_script_failure_single res
| Single_result _ ->
Ok ()
| Cons_result (res, rest) ->
detect_script_failure_single res >>? fun () ->
detect_script_failure rest in
fun { contents } -> detect_script_failure contents
let may_patch_limits
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ~chain ~block ?branch
?src_sk contents =
Alpha_services.Constants.hard_gas_limits cctxt (chain, block) >>=? fun (_, gas_limit) ->
Alpha_services.Constants.hard_storage_limits cctxt (chain, block) >>=? fun (_, storage_limit) ->
(type kind) (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) ~chain ~block ?branch
?src_sk (contents: kind contents_list) : kind contents_list tzresult Lwt.t =
cctxt (chain, block) >>=? fun (_, gas_limit) ->
cctxt (chain, block) >>=? fun (_, storage_limit) ->
let may_need_patching_single
: type kind. kind contents -> kind contents option = function
| Manager_operation c
when c.gas_limit < || gas_limit < c.gas_limit
|| c.storage_limit < 0L || storage_limit < c.storage_limit ->
let gas_limit =
if c.gas_limit < || gas_limit < c.gas_limit then
c.gas_limit in
let storage_limit =
if c.storage_limit < 0L || storage_limit < c.storage_limit then
c.storage_limit in
Some (Manager_operation { c with gas_limit ; storage_limit })
| _ -> None in
let rec may_need_patching
: type kind. kind contents_list -> kind contents_list option =
| Single (Manager_operation _ as c) -> begin
match may_need_patching_single c with
| None -> None
| Some op -> Some (Single op)
| Single _ -> None
| Cons (Manager_operation _ as c, rest) -> begin
match may_need_patching_single c, may_need_patching rest with
| None, None -> None
| Some c, None -> Some (Cons (c, rest))
| None, Some rest -> Some (Cons (c, rest))
| Some c, Some rest -> Some (Cons (c, rest))
end in
match contents with
| Sourced_operation (Manager_operations c)
when c.gas_limit < || gas_limit < c.gas_limit
|| c.storage_limit < 0L || storage_limit < c.storage_limit ->
let contents =
Sourced_operation (Manager_operations { c with gas_limit ; storage_limit }) in
preapply cctxt ~chain ~block ?branch ?src_sk contents >>=? fun (_, _, result) ->
begin if c.gas_limit < || gas_limit < c.gas_limit then
Lwt.return (estimated_gas result) >>=? fun gas ->
if Z.equal gas then
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: none" >>= fun () ->
"Estimated gas: %s units (will add 100 for safety)"
(Z.to_string gas) >>= fun () ->
return (Z.add gas (Z.of_int 100))
else return c.gas_limit
end >>=? fun gas_limit ->
begin if c.storage_limit < 0L || storage_limit < c.storage_limit then
Lwt.return (estimated_storage result) >>=? fun storage ->
if Int64.equal storage 0L then
cctxt#message "Estimated storage: no bytes added" >>= fun () ->
return 0L
"Estimated storage: %Ld bytes added (will add 20 for safety)"
storage >>= fun () ->
return (Int64.add storage 20L)
else return c.storage_limit
end >>=? fun storage_limit ->
return (Sourced_operation (Manager_operations { c with gas_limit ; storage_limit }))
| op -> return op
let patch :
type kind. kind contents * kind contents_result -> kind contents tzresult Lwt.t = function
| Manager_operation c, (Manager_operation_result _ as result) ->
if c.gas_limit < || gas_limit < c.gas_limit then
Lwt.return (estimated_gas_single result) >>=? fun gas ->
if Z.equal gas then
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: none" >>= fun () ->
"Estimated gas: %s units (will add 100 for safety)"
(Z.to_string gas) >>= fun () ->
return (Z.add gas (Z.of_int 100))
else return c.gas_limit
end >>=? fun gas_limit ->
if c.storage_limit < 0L || storage_limit < c.storage_limit then
Lwt.return (estimated_storage_single result) >>=? fun storage ->
if Int64.equal storage 0L then
cctxt#message "Estimated storage: no bytes added" >>= fun () ->
return 0L
"Estimated storage: %Ld bytes added (will add 20 for safety)"
storage >>= fun () ->
return (Int64.add storage 20L)
else return c.storage_limit
end >>=? fun storage_limit ->
return (Manager_operation { c with gas_limit ; storage_limit })
| (c, _) -> return c in
let rec patch_list :
type kind. kind contents_and_result_list -> kind contents_list tzresult Lwt.t =
| Single_and_result
((Manager_operation _ as op), (Manager_operation_result _ as res)) ->
patch (op, res) >>=? fun op -> return (Single op)
| Single_and_result (op, _) -> return (Single op)
| Cons_and_result ((Manager_operation _ as op),
(Manager_operation_result _ as res), rest) -> begin
patch (op, res) >>=? fun op ->
patch_list rest >>=? fun rest ->
return (Cons (op, rest))
end in
match may_need_patching contents with
| Some contents ->
preapply cctxt ~chain ~block
?branch ?src_sk contents >>=? fun (_, _, result) ->
let res = pack_contents_list contents result.contents in
patch_list res
| None -> return contents
let inject_operation
cctxt ~chain ~block
?confirmations ?branch ?src_sk contents =
(type kind) cctxt ~chain ~block
?confirmations ?branch ?src_sk (contents: kind contents_list) =
cctxt ~chain ~block ?branch ?src_sk contents >>=? fun contents ->
preapply cctxt ~chain ~block
@ -172,10 +304,13 @@ let inject_operation
| Error _ as res ->
"@[<v 2>This simulation failed:@,%a@]"
Operation_result.pp_operation_result (op, result) >>= fun () ->
(op.protocol_data.contents, result.contents) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return res
end >>=? fun () ->
let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Operation.encoding op in
let bytes =
Operation.encoding (Operation.pack op) in
Shell_services.Injection.operation cctxt ~chain bytes >>=? fun oph ->
cctxt#message "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
@ -187,17 +322,65 @@ let inject_operation
~confirmations cctxt ~chain oph >>=? fun (h, i , j) ->
cctxt ~block:(`Hash (h, 0)) i j >>=? fun op ->
return op.metadata
cctxt ~block:(`Hash (h, 0)) i j >>=? fun op' ->
let Operation_metadata receipt = op'.receipt in
match Apply_operation_result.kind_equal_list contents receipt.contents
| Some Apply_operation_result.Eq ->
return (receipt : kind operation_metadata)
| None -> failwith "Internal error: unexpected receipt."
end >>=? fun result ->
"@[<v 2>This sequence of operations was run:@,%a@]"
Operation_result.pp_operation_result (op, result) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (originated_contracts result) >>=? fun contracts ->
(op.protocol_data.contents, result.contents) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (originated_contracts result.contents) >>=? fun contracts ->
(fun c ->
"New contract %a originated."
Contract.pp c)
contracts >>= fun () ->
return (oph, op, result)
return (oph, op.protocol_data.contents, result.contents)
let inject_manager_operation
cctxt ~chain ~block ?branch ?confirmations
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~fee ?(gas_limit = Z.minus_one) ?(storage_limit = -1L)
(type kind) (operation : kind manager_operation)
: (Operation_hash.t * kind Kind.manager contents * kind Kind.manager contents_result) tzresult Lwt.t =
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
cctxt (chain, block) source >>=? fun (_, key) ->
let is_reveal : type kind. kind manager_operation -> bool = function
| Reveal _ -> true
| _ -> false in
match key with
| None when not (is_reveal operation) -> begin
let contents =
(Manager_operation { source ; fee = ; counter ;
gas_limit = ; storage_limit = 0L ;
operation = Reveal src_pk },
Single (Manager_operation { source ; fee ; counter = Int32.succ counter ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operation })) in
inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
match pack_contents_list op result with
| Cons_and_result (_, _, Single_and_result (op, result)) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| Single_and_result (Manager_operation _, _) -> .
| _ -> assert false (* Grrr... *)
| _ ->
let contents =
Single (Manager_operation { source ; fee ; counter ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operation }) in
inject_operation cctxt ~chain ~block ?confirmations
?branch ~src_sk contents >>=? fun (oph, op, result) ->
match pack_contents_list op result with
| Single_and_result (Manager_operation _ as op, result) ->
return (oph, op, result)
| _ -> assert false (* Grrr... *)
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Apply_operation_result
type result = Operation_hash.t * operation * operation_result
type 'kind preapply_result =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind operation * 'kind operation_metadata
val preapply:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -19,8 +20,11 @@ val preapply:
block:Shell_services.block ->
?branch:int ->
?src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
Operation.contents ->
result tzresult Lwt.t
'kind contents_list ->
'kind preapply_result tzresult Lwt.t
type 'kind result_list =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list
val inject_operation:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
@ -29,7 +33,26 @@ val inject_operation:
?confirmations:int ->
?branch:int ->
?src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
Operation.contents ->
result tzresult Lwt.t
'kind contents_list ->
'kind result_list tzresult Lwt.t
val originated_contracts: operation_result -> Contract.t list tzresult
type 'kind result =
Operation_hash.t * 'kind contents * 'kind contents_result
val inject_manager_operation:
#Proto_alpha.full ->
chain:Shell_services.chain ->
block:Shell_services.block ->
?branch:int ->
?confirmations:int ->
source:Contract.t ->
src_pk:Signature.public_key ->
src_sk:Client_keys.sk_uri ->
fee:Tez.t ->
?gas_limit:Z.t ->
?storage_limit:int64 ->
'kind manager_operation ->
'kind Kind.manager result tzresult Lwt.t
val originated_contracts:
'kind contents_result_list -> Contract.t list tzresult
@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
open Apply_operation_result
let pp_manager_operation_content ppf source operation internal pp_result result =
let pp_manager_operation_content
(type kind) source internal pp_result
ppf (operation, result : kind manager_operation * _) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>" ;
begin match operation with
| Alpha_context.Transaction { destination ; amount ; parameters } ->
| Transaction { destination ; amount ; parameters } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>%s:@,\
Amount: %s%a@,\
@ -134,64 +136,172 @@ let pp_balance_updates ppf = function
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list pp_one) balance_updates
let pp_operation_result ppf
({ protocol_data = { contents ; _ } }, operation_result) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>" ;
begin match contents, operation_result with
| Anonymous_operations ops, Anonymous_operations_result rs ->
let ops_rs = List.combine ops rs in
let pp_anonymous_operation_result ppf = function
| Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce },
Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus ->
let pp_manager_operation_contents_and_result ppf
(Manager_operation { source ; fee ; operation ; counter ; gas_limit ; storage_limit },
Manager_operation_result { balance_updates ; operation_result ;
internal_operation_results }) =
let pp_result (type kind) ppf (result : kind manager_operation_result) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
match result with
| Skipped _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This operation was skipped"
| Failed (_, _errs) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This operation FAILED."
| Applied Reveal_result ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This revelation was successfully applied"
| Applied Delegation_result ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This delegation was successfully applied"
| Applied (Transaction_result { balance_updates ; consumed_gas ;
storage ;
originated_contracts ; storage_size_diff }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This transaction was successfully applied" ;
begin match originated_contracts with
| [] -> ()
| contracts ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>Originated contracts:@,%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Contract.pp) contracts
end ;
begin match storage with
| None -> ()
| Some expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<hv 2>Updated storage:@ %a@]"
Michelson_v1_printer.print_expr expr
end ;
begin if storage_size_diff <> 0L then
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Storage size difference: %Ld bytes"
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Consumed gas: %s"
(Z.to_string consumed_gas) ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Seed nonce revelation:@,\
Level: %a@,\
Nonce (hash): %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Raw_level.pp level
Nonce_hash.pp (Nonce.hash nonce)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 },
Double_baking_evidence_result bus ->
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
| Applied (Origination_result { balance_updates ; consumed_gas ;
originated_contracts ; storage_size_diff }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This origination was successfully applied" ;
begin match originated_contracts with
| [] -> ()
| contracts ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>Originated contracts:@,%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Contract.pp) contracts
end ;
begin if storage_size_diff <> 0L then
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Storage size used: %Ld bytes"
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Consumed gas: %s"
(Z.to_string consumed_gas) ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Double baking evidence:@,\
Exhibit A: %a@,\
Exhibit B: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash bh1)
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash bh2)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2},
Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Double endorsement evidence:@,\
Exhibit A: %a@,\
Exhibit B: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op1)
Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op2)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Activation { id ; _ },
Activation_result bus ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Genesis account activation:@,\
Account: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.pp id
pp_balance_updates bus
| _, _ -> invalid_arg "Apply_operation_result.pp"
Format.pp_print_list pp_anonymous_operation_result ppf ops_rs
| Sourced_operation
(Endorsements { block ; level ; slots })),
(Endorsements_result (delegate, _slots))) ->
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
end in
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>@[<v 2>Manager signed operations:@,\
From: %a@,\
Fee to the baker: %s%a@,\
Expected counter: %ld@,\
Gas limit: %s@,\
Storage limit: %Ld bytes"
Contract.pp source
Tez.pp fee
(Z.to_string gas_limit)
storage_limit ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
(pp_manager_operation_content source false pp_result)
(operation, operation_result) ;
match internal_operation_results with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,@[<v 2>Internal operations:@ %a@]"
(fun ppf (Internal_operation_result (op, res)) ->
pp_manager_operation_content op.source false pp_result
ppf (op.operation, res)))
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
let rec pp_contents_and_result_list :
type kind. Format.formatter -> kind contents_and_result_list -> unit =
fun ppf -> function
| Single_and_result
(Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce },
Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Seed nonce revelation:@,\
Level: %a@,\
Nonce (hash): %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Raw_level.pp level
Nonce_hash.pp (Nonce.hash nonce)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Single_and_result
(Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 },
Double_baking_evidence_result bus) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Double baking evidence:@,\
Exhibit A: %a@,\
Exhibit B: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash bh1)
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash bh2)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Single_and_result
(Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 },
Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Double endorsement evidence:@,\
Exhibit A: %a@,\
Exhibit B: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op1)
Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op2)
pp_balance_updates bus
| Single_and_result
(Activate_account { id ; _ },
Activate_account_result bus) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Genesis account activation:@,\
Account: %a@,\
Balance updates:@,\
\ %a@]"
Ed25519.Public_key_hash.pp id
pp_balance_updates bus
| Single_and_result
(Endorsements { block ; level ; slots },
Endorsements_result (delegate, _slots)) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Endorsement:@,\
Block: %a@,\
@ -205,9 +315,9 @@ let pp_operation_result ppf
| Sourced_operation
(Amendment_operation { source ; operation = Proposals { period ; proposals } }),
Sourced_operation_result Amendment_operation_result ->
| Single_and_result
(Proposals { source ; period ; proposals },
Proposals_result) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Proposals:@,\
From: %a@,\
@ -217,9 +327,9 @@ let pp_operation_result ppf
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp source
Voting_period.pp period
(Format.pp_print_list Protocol_hash.pp) proposals
| Sourced_operation
(Amendment_operation { source ; operation = Ballot { period ; proposal ; ballot } }),
Sourced_operation_result Amendment_operation_result ->
| Single_and_result
(Ballot { source ;period ; proposal ; ballot },
Ballot_result) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Ballot:@,\
From: %a@,\
@ -230,134 +340,39 @@ let pp_operation_result ppf
Voting_period.pp period
Protocol_hash.pp proposal
(match ballot with Yay -> "YAY" | Pass -> "PASS" | Nay -> "NAY")
| Sourced_operation (Dictator_operation (Activate protocol)),
Sourced_operation_result Dictator_operation_result ->
| Single_and_result
(Activate_protocol protocol,
Activate_protocol_result) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Dictator protocol activation:@,\
Protocol: %a@]"
Protocol_hash.pp protocol
| Sourced_operation (Dictator_operation (Activate_testchain protocol)),
Sourced_operation_result Dictator_operation_result ->
| Single_and_result
(Activate_test_protocol protocol,
Activate_test_protocol_result) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Dictator test protocol activation:@,\
Protocol: %a@]"
Protocol_hash.pp protocol
| Sourced_operation (Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ; operations ; gas_limit ; storage_limit }),
Sourced_operation_result (Manager_operations_result { balance_updates ; operation_results }) ->
let pp_result ppf result =
Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
match result with
| Skipped ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This operation was skipped"
| Failed _errs ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This operation FAILED."
| Applied Reveal_result ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This revelation was successfully applied"
| Applied Delegation_result ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This delegation was successfully applied"
| Applied (Transaction_result { balance_updates ; consumed_gas ;
operations ; storage ;
originated_contracts ; storage_size_diff }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This transaction was successfully applied" ;
begin match operations with
| [] -> ()
| ops -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,Internal operations: %d" (List.length ops)
end ;
begin match originated_contracts with
| [] -> ()
| contracts ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>Originated contracts:@,%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Contract.pp) contracts
end ;
begin match storage with
| None -> ()
| Some expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<hv 2>Updated storage:@ %a@]"
Michelson_v1_printer.print_expr expr
end ;
begin if storage_size_diff <> 0L then
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Storage size difference: %Ld bytes"
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Consumed gas: %s"
(Z.to_string consumed_gas) ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
| Applied (Origination_result { balance_updates ; consumed_gas ;
originated_contracts ; storage_size_diff }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"This origination was successfully applied" ;
begin match originated_contracts with
| [] -> ()
| contracts ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>Originated contracts:@,%a@]"
(Format.pp_print_list Contract.pp) contracts
end ;
begin if storage_size_diff <> 0L then
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Storage size used: %Ld bytes"
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Consumed gas: %s"
(Z.to_string consumed_gas) ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
end in
let rec pp_manager_operations_results ppf = function
| [], [] -> ()
| operation :: ops, (External, r) :: rs ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
pp_manager_operation_content ppf source operation false pp_result r ;
pp_manager_operations_results ppf (ops, rs)
| ops, (Internal { source ; operation }, r) :: rs ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
pp_manager_operation_content ppf source operation true pp_result r ;
pp_manager_operations_results ppf (ops, rs)
| [], _ :: _
| _ :: _, [] -> invalid_arg "Apply_operation_result.pp" in
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>@[<v 2>Manager signed operations:@,\
From: %a@,\
Fee to the baker: %s%a@,\
Expected counter: %ld@,\
Gas limit: %s@,\
Storage limit: %Ld bytes"
Contract.pp source
Tez.pp fee
(Z.to_string gas_limit)
storage_limit ;
begin match balance_updates with
| [] -> ()
| balance_updates ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@,Balance updates:@, %a"
pp_balance_updates balance_updates
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf
pp_manager_operations_results (operations, operation_results)
| _, _ -> invalid_arg "Apply_operation_result.pp"
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
| Single_and_result (Manager_operation _ as op,
(Manager_operation_result _ as res))->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a"
pp_manager_operation_contents_and_result (op, res)
| Cons_and_result (Manager_operation _ as op,
(Manager_operation_result _ as res),
rest) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n%a"
pp_manager_operation_contents_and_result (op, res)
pp_contents_and_result_list rest
let pp_internal_operation ppf { source ; operation } =
pp_manager_operation_content ppf source operation true (fun _ppf () -> ()) ()
let pp_operation_result ppf
(op, res : 'kind contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>" ;
let contents_and_result_list =
Apply_operation_result.pack_contents_list op res in
pp_contents_and_result_list ppf contents_and_result_list ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@]@."
let pp_internal_operation ppf (Internal_operation { source ; operation }) =
pp_manager_operation_content source true (fun _ppf () -> ())
ppf (operation, ())
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
val pp_internal_operation:
Format.formatter -> internal_operation -> unit
Format.formatter -> packed_internal_operation -> unit
val pp_operation_result:
Format.formatter -> (operation * Apply_operation_result.operation_result) -> unit
Format.formatter ->
('kind contents_list * 'kind Apply_operation_result.contents_result_list) -> unit
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ let commands () =
(fun ppf -> Data_encoding.Json.print_error ppf) exn
Data_encoding.Json.pp json
| key ->
claim_commitment cctxt
activate_account cctxt
~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block ?confirmations:cctxt#confirmations
~encrypted ~force key name >>=? fun _res ->
return ()
@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ let commands () =
~name:"password" ~desc:"dictator's key"
@@ stop)
begin fun () hash seckey cctxt ->
dictate cctxt
activate_protocol cctxt
~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block
(Activate hash) seckey >>=? fun _ ->
hash seckey >>=? fun _ ->
return ()
end ;
@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ let commands () =
~name:"password" ~desc:"dictator's key"
@@ stop)
begin fun () hash seckey cctxt ->
dictate cctxt
activate_test_protocol cctxt
~chain:`Main ~block:cctxt#block
(Activate_testchain hash) seckey >>=? fun _res ->
hash seckey >>=? fun _res ->
return ()
end ;
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ end
include Operation_repr
module Operation = struct
type t = operation = {
type 'kind t = 'kind operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: protocol_data ;
protocol_data: 'kind protocol_data ;
type packed = packed_operation
let unsigned_encoding = unsigned_operation_encoding
include Operation_repr
@ -758,110 +758,147 @@ module Block_header : sig
type operation = {
module Kind : sig
type seed_nonce_revelation = Seed_nonce_revelation_kind
type double_endorsement_evidence = Double_endorsement_evidence_kind
type double_baking_evidence = Double_baking_evidence_kind
type activate_account = Activate_account_kind
type endorsements = Endorsements_kind
type proposals = Proposals_kind
type ballot = Ballot_kind
type reveal = Reveal_kind
type transaction = Transaction_kind
type origination = Origination_kind
type delegation = Delegation_kind
type 'a manager =
| Reveal_manager_kind : reveal manager
| Transaction_manager_kind : transaction manager
| Origination_manager_kind : origination manager
| Delegation_manager_kind : delegation manager
type activate_protocol = Activate_protocol_kind
type activate_test_protocol = Activate_test_protocol_kind
type 'kind operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: protocol_data ;
protocol_data: 'kind protocol_data ;
and protocol_data = {
contents: contents ;
and 'kind protocol_data = {
contents: 'kind contents_list ;
signature: Signature.t option ;
and contents =
| Anonymous_operations of anonymous_operation list
| Sourced_operation of sourced_operation
and _ contents_list =
| Single : 'kind contents -> 'kind contents_list
| Cons : 'kind Kind.manager contents * 'rest Kind.manager contents_list ->
(('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager ) contents_list
and anonymous_operation =
| Seed_nonce_revelation of {
level: Raw_level.t ;
nonce: Nonce.t ;
| Double_endorsement_evidence of {
op1: operation ;
op2: operation ;
| Double_baking_evidence of {
bh1: Block_header.t ;
bh2: Block_header.t ;
| Activation of {
id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
activation_code: Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ;
and sourced_operation =
| Consensus_operation of consensus_operation
| Amendment_operation of {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
operation: amendment_operation ;
| Manager_operations of {
source: Contract.contract ;
fee: Tez.t ;
counter: counter ;
operations: manager_operation list ;
gas_limit: Z.t ;
storage_limit: Int64.t;
| Dictator_operation of dictator_operation
and consensus_operation =
| Endorsements of {
and _ contents =
| Endorsements : {
block: Block_hash.t ;
level: Raw_level.t ;
slots: int list ;
and amendment_operation =
| Proposals of {
} -> Kind.endorsements contents
| Seed_nonce_revelation : {
level: Raw_level.t ;
nonce: Nonce.t ;
} -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents
| Double_endorsement_evidence : {
op1: Kind.endorsements operation ;
op2: Kind.endorsements operation ;
} -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents
| Double_baking_evidence : {
bh1: Block_header.t ;
bh2: Block_header.t ;
} -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents
| Activate_account : {
id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
activation_code: Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ;
} -> Kind.activate_account contents
| Proposals : {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
period: Voting_period.t ;
proposals: Protocol_hash.t list ;
| Ballot of {
} -> Kind.proposals contents
| Ballot : {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
period: Voting_period.t ;
proposal: Protocol_hash.t ;
ballot: Vote.ballot ;
} -> Kind.ballot contents
| Manager_operation : {
source: Contract.contract ;
fee: Tez.tez ;
counter: counter ;
operation: 'kind manager_operation ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
storage_limit: Int64.t;
} -> 'kind Kind.manager contents
| Activate_protocol :
Protocol_hash.t -> Kind.activate_protocol contents
| Activate_test_protocol :
Protocol_hash.t -> Kind.activate_test_protocol contents
and manager_operation =
| Reveal of Signature.Public_key.t
| Transaction of {
amount: Tez.t ;
and _ manager_operation =
| Reveal : Signature.Public_key.t -> Kind.reveal manager_operation
| Transaction : {
amount: Tez.tez ;
parameters: Script.lazy_expr option ;
destination: Contract.contract ;
| Origination of {
manager: public_key_hash ;
delegate: public_key_hash option ;
} -> Kind.transaction manager_operation
| Origination : {
manager: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
delegate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t option ;
script: Script.t option ;
spendable: bool ;
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez.t ;
credit: Tez.tez ;
preorigination: Contract.t option ;
| Delegation of public_key_hash option
and dictator_operation =
| Activate of Protocol_hash.t
| Activate_testchain of Protocol_hash.t
} -> Kind.origination manager_operation
| Delegation :
Signature.Public_key_hash.t option -> Kind.delegation manager_operation
and counter = Int32.t
type internal_operation = {
type 'kind internal_operation = {
source: Contract.contract ;
operation: manager_operation ;
nonce : int ;
operation: 'kind manager_operation ;
nonce: int ;
type packed_manager_operation =
| Manager : 'kind manager_operation -> packed_manager_operation
type packed_contents =
| Contents : 'kind contents -> packed_contents
type packed_contents_list =
| Contents_list : 'kind contents_list -> packed_contents_list
type packed_protocol_data =
| Operation_data : 'kind protocol_data -> packed_protocol_data
type packed_operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: packed_protocol_data ;
type packed_internal_operation =
| Internal_operation : 'kind internal_operation -> packed_internal_operation
val manager_kind: 'kind manager_operation -> 'kind Kind.manager
module Operation : sig
type nonrec contents = contents
val contents_encoding: contents Data_encoding.t
type nonrec 'kind contents = 'kind contents
type nonrec packed_contents = packed_contents
val contents_encoding: packed_contents Data_encoding.t
type nonrec protocol_data = protocol_data
val protocol_data_encoding: protocol_data Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * contents) Data_encoding.t
type nonrec 'kind protocol_data = 'kind protocol_data
type nonrec packed_protocol_data = packed_protocol_data
val protocol_data_encoding: packed_protocol_data Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * packed_contents_list) Data_encoding.t
type raw = Operation.t = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
@ -869,24 +906,77 @@ module Operation : sig
val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t
type t = operation = {
type 'kind t = 'kind operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: protocol_data ;
protocol_data: 'kind protocol_data ;
val raw: operation -> raw
val encoding: operation Data_encoding.t
type nonrec packed = packed_operation
val encoding: packed Data_encoding.t
val hash: operation -> Operation_hash.t
val raw: _ operation -> raw
val hash: _ operation -> Operation_hash.t
val hash_raw: raw -> Operation_hash.t
val acceptable_passes: operation -> int list
val acceptable_passes: packed_operation -> int list
type error += Missing_signature (* `Permanent *)
type error += Invalid_signature (* `Permanent *)
val check_signature: public_key -> operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val check_signature: public_key -> _ operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val internal_operation_encoding: internal_operation Data_encoding.t
val internal_operation_encoding: packed_internal_operation Data_encoding.t
val pack: 'kind operation -> packed_operation
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val equal: 'a operation -> 'b operation -> ('a, 'b) eq option
module Encoding : sig
type 'b case =
Case : { tag: int ;
name: string ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
select: packed_contents -> 'b contents option ;
proj: 'b contents -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'b contents } -> 'b case
val endorsement_case: Kind.endorsements case
val seed_nonce_revelation_case: Kind.seed_nonce_revelation case
val double_endorsement_evidence_case: Kind.double_endorsement_evidence case
val double_baking_evidence_case: Kind.double_baking_evidence case
val activate_account_case: Kind.activate_account case
val proposals_case: Kind.proposals case
val ballot_case: Kind.ballot case
val reveal_case: Kind.reveal Kind.manager case
val transaction_case: Kind.transaction Kind.manager case
val origination_case: Kind.origination Kind.manager case
val delegation_case: Kind.delegation Kind.manager case
val activate_protocol_case: Kind.activate_protocol case
val activate_test_protocol_case: Kind.activate_test_protocol case
module Manager_operations : sig
type 'b case =
MCase : { tag: int ;
name: string ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
select: packed_manager_operation -> 'kind manager_operation option ;
proj: 'kind manager_operation -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'kind manager_operation } -> 'kind case
val reveal_case: Kind.reveal case
val transaction_case: Kind.transaction case
val origination_case: Kind.origination case
val delegation_case: Kind.delegation case
val of_list: packed_contents list -> packed_contents_list
val to_list: packed_contents_list -> packed_contents list
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type error += Duplicate_endorsement of int (* `Branch *)
type error += Bad_contract_parameter of Contract.t * Script.expr option * Script.lazy_expr option (* `Permanent *)
type error += Invalid_endorsement_level
type error += Invalid_commitment of { expected: bool }
type error += Internal_operation_replay of internal_operation
type error += Internal_operation_replay of packed_internal_operation
type error += Invalid_double_endorsement_evidence (* `Permanent *)
type error += Inconsistent_double_endorsement_evidence
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let () =
~title:"Internal operation replay"
~description:"An internal operation was emitted twice by a script"
~pp:(fun ppf { nonce } ->
~pp:(fun ppf (Internal_operation { nonce ; _ }) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Internal operation %d was emitted twice by a script" nonce)
(function Internal_operation_replay op -> Some op | _ -> None)
@ -328,9 +328,277 @@ let () =
open Apply_operation_result
let apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
pred_block operation = function
| Endorsements { block ; level ; slots } ->
let gas_difference ctxt_before ctxt_after =
match Gas.level ctxt_before, Gas.level ctxt_after with
| Limited { remaining = before }, Limited { remaining = after } -> Z.sub before after
| _ ->
let new_contracts ctxt_before ctxt_after =
Contract.originated_from_current_nonce ctxt_before >>=? fun before ->
Contract.originated_from_current_nonce ctxt_after >>=? fun after ->
return (List.filter (fun c -> not (List.exists (Contract.equal c) before)) after)
let cleanup_balance_updates balance_updates =
(fun (_, (Credited update | Debited update)) ->
not (Tez.equal update
let apply_manager_operation_content :
type kind.
( Alpha_context.t -> Script_ir_translator.unparsing_mode -> payer:Contract.t -> source:Contract.t ->
internal:bool -> kind manager_operation ->
(context * kind successful_manager_operation_result * packed_internal_operation list) tzresult Lwt.t ) =
fun ctxt mode ~payer ~source ~internal operation ->
let before_operation = ctxt in
Contract.must_exist ctxt source >>=? fun () ->
let spend =
if internal then Contract.spend_from_script else Contract.spend in
let set_delegate =
if internal then Delegate.set_from_script else Delegate.set in
match operation with
| Reveal _ ->
(ctxt, (Reveal_result : kind successful_manager_operation_result), [])
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } -> begin
spend ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? fun (ctxt, script) ->
match script with
| None -> begin
match parameters with
| None -> return ()
| Some arg ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode arg) >>=? fun arg ->
match Micheline.root arg with
| Prim (_, D_Unit, [], _) ->
return ()
| _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, None, parameters))
end >>=? fun () ->
let result =
{ storage = None ;
balance_updates =
[ Contract source, Debited amount ;
Contract destination, Credited amount ] ;
originated_contracts = [] ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = 0L } in
return (ctxt, result, [])
| Some script ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode script.code) >>=? fun code ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (arg_type, _, _) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
begin match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
return (ctxt, (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None))))
| Some parameters, _ ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode parameters) >>=? fun arg ->
(Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, Some parameters))
(Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (arg, arg_type)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, arg)
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
end >>=? fun (ctxt, parameter) ->
ctxt mode
~source ~payer ~self:(destination, script) ~amount ~parameter
>>=? fun { ctxt ; storage ; big_map_diff ; operations } ->
Contract.used_storage_space ctxt destination >>=? fun old_size ->
ctxt destination storage big_map_diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt ~payer destination >>=? fun (ctxt, new_size, fees) ->
new_contracts before_operation ctxt >>=? fun originated_contracts ->
let result =
{ storage = Some storage ;
balance_updates =
[ Contract payer, Debited fees ;
Contract source, Debited amount ;
Contract destination, Credited amount ] ;
originated_contracts ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = Int64.sub new_size old_size } in
return (ctxt, result, operations)
| Origination { manager ; delegate ; script ; preorigination ;
spendable ; delegatable ; credit } ->
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt Optimized script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some (script, big_map_diff), ctxt)
end >>=? fun (script, ctxt) ->
spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match preorigination with
| Some contract -> return (ctxt, contract)
| None -> Contract.fresh_contract_from_current_nonce ctxt
end >>=? fun (ctxt, contract) ->
Contract.originate ctxt contract
~manager ~delegate ~balance:credit
~spendable ~delegatable >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.origination_burn ctxt ~payer contract >>=? fun (ctxt, size, fees) ->
let result =
{ balance_updates =
[ Contract payer, Debited fees ;
Contract source, Debited credit ;
Contract contract, Credited credit ] ;
originated_contracts = [ contract ] ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = size } in
return (ctxt, result, [])
| Delegation delegate ->
set_delegate ctxt source delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Delegation_result, [])
let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt mode ~payer ops =
let rec apply ctxt applied worklist =
match worklist with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok (ctxt, List.rev applied))
| (Internal_operation
({ source ; operation ; nonce } as op)) :: rest ->
if internal_nonce_already_recorded ctxt nonce then
fail (Internal_operation_replay (Internal_operation op))
let ctxt = record_internal_nonce ctxt nonce in
ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~internal:true operation
end >>= function
| Error errors ->
let result =
Internal_operation_result (op, Failed (manager_kind op.operation, errors)) in
let skipped =
(fun (Internal_operation op) ->
Internal_operation_result (op, Skipped (manager_kind op.operation)))
rest in
Lwt.return (Error (List.rev (skipped @ (result :: applied))))
| Ok (ctxt, result, emitted) ->
apply ctxt
(Internal_operation_result (op, Applied result) :: applied)
(rest @ emitted) in
apply ctxt [] ops
let apply_manager_contents
(type kind) ctxt mode raw_operation (op : kind Kind.manager contents)
: (context * kind Kind.manager contents_result) tzresult Lwt.t =
let Manager_operation
{ source ; fee ; counter ; operation ; gas_limit ; storage_limit } = op in
Contract.must_be_allocated ctxt source >>=? fun () ->
Contract.check_counter_increment ctxt source counter >>=? fun () ->
match operation with
| Reveal pk ->
Contract.reveal_manager_key ctxt source pk
| _ -> return ctxt
end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_manager_key ctxt source >>=? fun public_key ->
Operation.check_signature public_key raw_operation >>=? fun () ->
Contract.increment_counter ctxt source >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.spend ctxt source fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
add_fees ctxt fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Contract.set_storage_limit ctxt storage_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode
~source ~payer:source ~internal:false operation >>= begin function
| Ok (ctxt, operation_results, internal_operations) -> begin
ctxt mode ~payer:source internal_operations >>= function
| Ok (ctxt, internal_operations_results) ->
return (ctxt,
Applied operation_results, internal_operations_results)
| Error internal_operations_results ->
return (ctxt (* backtracked *),
Applied operation_results, internal_operations_results)
| Error operation_results ->
return (ctxt (* backtracked *),
Failed (manager_kind operation, operation_results), [])
end >>=? fun (ctxt, operation_result, internal_operation_results) ->
return (ctxt,
{ balance_updates =
[ Contract source, Debited fee ;
(* FIXME: add credit to the baker *) ] ;
operation_result ;
internal_operation_results })
let rec mark_skipped
: type kind.
kind Kind.manager contents_list ->
kind Kind.manager contents_result_list = function
| Single (Manager_operation op) ->
{ balance_updates = [] ;
operation_result = Skipped (manager_kind op.operation) ;
internal_operation_results = [] })
| Cons (Manager_operation op, rest) ->
(Manager_operation_result {
balance_updates = [] ;
operation_result = Skipped (manager_kind op.operation) ;
internal_operation_results = [] },
mark_skipped rest)
let rec apply_manager_contents_list
: type kind.
Alpha_context.t -> _ -> _ Operation.t -> kind Kind.manager contents_list ->
(context * kind Kind.manager contents_result_list) Lwt.t =
fun ctxt mode raw_operation contents_list ->
match contents_list with
| Single (Manager_operation { operation ; _ } as op) -> begin
apply_manager_contents ctxt mode raw_operation op >>= function
| Error errors ->
let result =
Manager_operation_result {
balance_updates = [] ;
operation_result = Failed (manager_kind operation, errors) ;
internal_operation_results = []
} in
Lwt.return (ctxt, Single_result (result))
| Ok (ctxt, (Manager_operation_result
{ operation_result = Applied _ ; _ } as result)) ->
Lwt.return (ctxt, Single_result (result))
| Ok (ctxt,
{ operation_result = (Skipped _ | Failed _) ; _ } as result)) ->
Lwt.return (ctxt, Single_result (result))
| Cons (Manager_operation { operation ; _ } as op, rest) ->
apply_manager_contents ctxt mode raw_operation op >>= function
| Error errors ->
let result =
Manager_operation_result {
balance_updates = [] ;
operation_result = Failed (manager_kind operation, errors) ;
internal_operation_results = []
} in
Lwt.return (ctxt, Cons_result (result, mark_skipped rest))
| Ok (ctxt, (Manager_operation_result
{ operation_result = Applied _ ; _ } as result)) ->
ctxt mode raw_operation rest >>= fun (ctxt, results) ->
Lwt.return (ctxt, Cons_result (result, results))
| Ok (ctxt,
{ operation_result = (Skipped _ | Failed _) ; _ } as result)) ->
Lwt.return (ctxt, Cons_result (result, mark_skipped rest))
let apply_contents_list
(type kind) ctxt mode pred_block operation (contents_list : kind contents_list)
: (context * kind contents_result_list) tzresult Lwt.t =
match contents_list with
| Single (Endorsements { block ; level ; slots }) ->
match Level.pred ctxt (Level.current ctxt) with
| None -> failwith ""
@ -351,272 +619,24 @@ let apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
Baking.check_endorsements_rights ctxt lvl slots >>=? fun delegate ->
Operation.check_signature delegate operation >>=? fun () ->
let delegate = Signature.Public_key.hash delegate in
let ctxt = Fitness.increase ~gap:(List.length slots) ctxt in
ctxt delegate (List.length slots) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let gap = List.length slots in
let ctxt = Fitness.increase ~gap ctxt in
Baking.freeze_endorsement_deposit ctxt delegate gap >>=? fun ctxt ->
Global.get_last_block_priority ctxt >>=? fun block_priority ->
Baking.endorsement_reward ctxt ~block_priority (List.length slots) >>=? fun reward ->
Baking.endorsement_reward ctxt ~block_priority gap >>=? fun reward ->
Delegate.freeze_rewards ctxt delegate reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Endorsements_result (delegate, slots))
let apply_amendment_operation_content ctxt delegate = function
| Proposals { period ; proposals } ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
fail_unless Voting_period.(level.voting_period = period)
(Wrong_voting_period (level.voting_period, period)) >>=? fun () ->
Amendment.record_proposals ctxt delegate proposals
| Ballot { period ; proposal ; ballot } ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
fail_unless Voting_period.(level.voting_period = period)
(Wrong_voting_period (level.voting_period, period)) >>=? fun () ->
Amendment.record_ballot ctxt delegate proposal ballot
let gas_difference ctxt_before ctxt_after =
match Gas.level ctxt_before, Gas.level ctxt_after with
| Limited { remaining = before }, Limited { remaining = after } -> Z.sub before after
| _ ->
let new_contracts ctxt_before ctxt_after =
Contract.originated_from_current_nonce ctxt_before >>=? fun before ->
Contract.originated_from_current_nonce ctxt_after >>=? fun after ->
return (List.filter (fun c -> not (List.exists (Contract.equal c) before)) after)
let cleanup_balance_updates balance_updates =
(fun (_, (Credited update | Debited update)) ->
not (Tez.equal update
let apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~payer ~source ~internal operation =
let before_operation = ctxt in
Contract.must_exist ctxt source >>=? fun () ->
let spend =
if internal then Contract.spend_from_script else Contract.spend in
let set_delegate =
if internal then Delegate.set_from_script else Delegate.set in
match operation with
| Reveal _ -> return (ctxt, Reveal_result)
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } -> begin
spend ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_script ctxt destination >>=? fun (ctxt, script) -> match script with
| None -> begin
match parameters with
| None -> return ()
| Some arg ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode arg) >>=? fun arg ->
match Micheline.root arg with
| Prim (_, D_Unit, [], _) ->
return ()
| _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, None, parameters))
end >>=? fun () ->
let result =
{ operations = [] ;
storage = None ;
balance_updates =
[ Contract source, Debited amount ;
Contract destination, Credited amount ] ;
originated_contracts = [] ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = 0L } in
return (ctxt, result)
| Some script ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode script.code) >>=? fun code ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (arg_type, _, _) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
begin match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
return (ctxt, (Micheline.strip_locations (Prim (0, Script.D_Unit, [], None))))
| Some parameters, _ ->
Lwt.return (Script.force_decode parameters) >>=? fun arg ->
(Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, Some parameters))
(Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (arg, arg_type)) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, arg)
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
end >>=? fun (ctxt, parameter) ->
ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self:(destination, script) ~amount ~parameter
>>=? fun { ctxt ; storage ; big_map_diff ; operations } ->
Contract.used_storage_space ctxt destination >>=? fun old_size ->
ctxt destination storage big_map_diff >>=? fun ctxt ->
ctxt ~payer destination >>=? fun (ctxt, new_size, fees) ->
new_contracts before_operation ctxt >>=? fun originated_contracts ->
let result =
{ operations ;
storage = Some storage ;
balance_updates =
[ Contract payer, Debited fees ;
Contract source, Debited amount ;
Contract destination, Credited amount ] ;
originated_contracts ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = Int64.sub new_size old_size } in
return (ctxt, result)
| Origination { manager ; delegate ; script ; preorigination ;
spendable ; delegatable ; credit } ->
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
Script_ir_translator.parse_script ctxt script >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
Script_ir_translator.erase_big_map_initialization ctxt Optimized script >>=? fun (script, big_map_diff, ctxt) ->
return (Some (script, big_map_diff), ctxt)
end >>=? fun (script, ctxt) ->
spend ctxt source credit >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match preorigination with
| Some contract -> return (ctxt, contract)
| None -> Contract.fresh_contract_from_current_nonce ctxt
end >>=? fun (ctxt, contract) ->
Contract.originate ctxt contract
~manager ~delegate ~balance:credit
~spendable ~delegatable >>=? fun ctxt ->
Fees.origination_burn ctxt ~payer contract >>=? fun (ctxt, size, fees) ->
let result =
{ balance_updates =
[ Contract payer, Debited fees ;
Contract source, Debited credit ;
Contract contract, Credited credit ] ;
originated_contracts = [ contract ] ;
consumed_gas = gas_difference before_operation ctxt ;
storage_size_diff = size } in
return (ctxt, result)
| Delegation delegate ->
set_delegate ctxt source delegate >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Delegation_result)
let apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt mode ~payer ops =
let rec apply ctxt applied worklist =
match worklist with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok (ctxt, applied))
| { source ; operation ; nonce } as op :: rest ->
begin if internal_nonce_already_recorded ctxt nonce then
fail (Internal_operation_replay op)
let ctxt = record_internal_nonce ctxt nonce in
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~internal:true operation
end >>= function
| Error errors ->
let result = Internal op, Failed errors in
let skipped = List.rev_map (fun op -> Internal op, Skipped) rest in
Lwt.return (Error (skipped @ (result :: applied)))
| Ok (ctxt, (Transaction_result { operations = emitted ; _ } as result)) ->
apply ctxt ((Internal op, Applied result) :: applied) (rest @ emitted)
| Ok (ctxt, result) ->
apply ctxt ((Internal op, Applied result) :: applied) rest in
apply ctxt [] ops
let apply_manager_operations ctxt mode source ops =
let rec apply ctxt applied ops =
match ops with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok (ctxt, List.rev applied))
| operation :: rest ->
apply_manager_operation_content ctxt mode ~source ~payer:source ~internal:false operation
>>= function
| Error errors ->
let result = External, Failed errors in
let skipped = List.rev_map (fun _ -> External, Skipped) rest in
Lwt.return (Error (List.rev (skipped @ (result :: applied))))
| Ok (ctxt, result) ->
let emitted =
match result with
| Transaction_result { operations = emitted ; _ } -> emitted
| _ -> [] in
apply_internal_manager_operations ctxt mode ~payer:source emitted
>>= function
| Error (results) ->
let result = (External, Applied result) in
let skipped = (fun _ -> External, Skipped) rest in
Lwt.return (Error (List.rev (skipped @ results @ (result :: applied))))
| Ok (ctxt, results) ->
let result = (External, Applied result) in
let applied = results @ (result :: applied) in
apply ctxt applied rest in
apply ctxt [] ops
let apply_sourced_operation ctxt mode pred_block operation ops =
match ops with
| Manager_operations { source ; fee ; counter ; operations ; gas_limit ; storage_limit } ->
let revealed_public_keys =
List.fold_left (fun acc op ->
match op with
| Reveal pk -> pk :: acc
| _ -> acc) [] operations in
Contract.must_be_allocated ctxt source >>=? fun () ->
Contract.check_counter_increment ctxt source counter >>=? fun () ->
match revealed_public_keys with
| [] -> return ctxt
| [pk] ->
Contract.reveal_manager_key ctxt source pk
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
fail Multiple_revelation
end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_manager_key ctxt source >>=? fun public_key ->
Operation.check_signature public_key operation >>=? fun () ->
Contract.increment_counter ctxt source >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.spend ctxt source fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
add_fees ctxt fee >>=? fun ctxt ->
let ctxt = reset_internal_nonce ctxt in
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Contract.set_storage_limit ctxt storage_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
apply_manager_operations ctxt mode source operations >>= begin function
| Ok (ctxt, operation_results) -> return (ctxt, operation_results)
| Error operation_results -> return (ctxt (* backtracked *), operation_results)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, operation_results) ->
return (ctxt,
{ balance_updates =
[ Contract source, Debited fee ;
(* FIXME: add credit to the baker *) ] ;
operation_results })
| Consensus_operation content ->
apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
pred_block operation content >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, Consensus_operation_result result)
| Amendment_operation { source ; operation = content } ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt source >>=? fun delegate ->
Operation.check_signature delegate operation >>=? fun () ->
(* TODO, see how to extract the public key hash after this operation to
pass it to apply_delegate_operation_content *)
apply_amendment_operation_content ctxt source content >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Amendment_operation_result)
| Dictator_operation (Activate hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
activate ctxt hash >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Dictator_operation_result)
| Dictator_operation (Activate_testchain hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
let expiration = (* in two days maximum... *)
Time.add (Timestamp.current ctxt) (Int64.mul 48L 3600L) in
fork_test_chain ctxt hash expiration >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Dictator_operation_result)
let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt kind =
match kind with
| Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce } ->
return (ctxt, Single_result (Endorsements_result (delegate, slots)))
| Single (Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) ->
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in
Nonce.reveal ctxt level nonce >>=? fun ctxt ->
let seed_nonce_revelation_tip =
Constants.seed_nonce_revelation_tip ctxt in
add_rewards ctxt seed_nonce_revelation_tip >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Seed_nonce_revelation_result [(* FIXME *)])
| Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 } -> begin
return (ctxt, Single_result (Seed_nonce_revelation_result [(* FIXME *)]))
| Single (Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 }) -> begin
match op1.protocol_data.contents, op2.protocol_data.contents with
| Sourced_operation (Consensus_operation (Endorsements e1)),
Sourced_operation (Consensus_operation (Endorsements e2))
| Single (Endorsements e1),
Single (Endorsements e2)
when Raw_level.(e1.level = e2.level) &&
not (Block_hash.equal e1.block e2.block) ->
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt e1.level in
@ -651,10 +671,10 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt kind =
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> in
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Double_endorsement_evidence_result [(* FIXME *)])
return (ctxt, Single_result (Double_endorsement_evidence_result [(* FIXME *)]))
| _, _ -> fail Invalid_double_endorsement_evidence
| Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 } ->
| Single (Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 }) ->
fail_unless Compare.Int32.( =
{ level1 = ;
@ -690,8 +710,8 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt kind =
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> in
add_rewards ctxt reward >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Double_baking_evidence_result [(* FIXME *)])
| Activation { id = pkh ; activation_code } ->
return (ctxt, Single_result (Double_baking_evidence_result [(* FIXME *)]))
| Single (Activate_account { id = pkh ; activation_code }) -> begin
let blinded_pkh =
Blinded_public_key_hash.of_ed25519_pkh activation_code pkh in
Commitment.get_opt ctxt blinded_pkh >>=? function
@ -699,28 +719,52 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt kind =
| Some amount ->
Commitment.delete ctxt blinded_pkh >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.(credit ctxt (implicit_contract (Signature.Ed25519 pkh)) amount) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Activation_result [(* FIXME *)])
return (ctxt, Single_result (Activate_account_result [(* FIXME *)]))
| Single (Proposals { source ; period ; proposals }) ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt source >>=? fun delegate ->
Operation.check_signature delegate operation >>=? fun () ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
fail_unless Voting_period.(level.voting_period = period)
(Wrong_voting_period (level.voting_period, period)) >>=? fun () ->
Amendment.record_proposals ctxt source proposals >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Single_result Proposals_result)
| Single (Ballot { source ; period ; proposal ; ballot }) ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt source >>=? fun delegate ->
Operation.check_signature delegate operation >>=? fun () ->
let level = Level.current ctxt in
fail_unless Voting_period.(level.voting_period = period)
(Wrong_voting_period (level.voting_period, period)) >>=? fun () ->
Amendment.record_ballot ctxt source proposal ballot >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Single_result Ballot_result)
| Single (Manager_operation _) as op ->
apply_manager_contents_list ctxt mode operation op >>= fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, result)
| Cons (Manager_operation _, _) as op ->
apply_manager_contents_list ctxt mode operation op >>= fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, result)
| Single (Activate_protocol hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
activate ctxt hash >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Single_result Activate_protocol_result)
| Single (Activate_test_protocol hash) ->
let dictator_pubkey = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature dictator_pubkey operation >>=? fun () ->
let expiration = (* in two days maximum... *)
Time.add (Timestamp.current ctxt) (Int64.mul 48L 3600L) in
fork_test_chain ctxt hash expiration >>= fun ctxt ->
return (ctxt, Single_result Activate_test_protocol_result)
let apply_operation ctxt mode pred_block hash operation =
let ctxt = Contract.init_origination_nonce ctxt hash in
begin match operation.protocol_data.contents with
| Anonymous_operations ops ->
(fun (ctxt, acc) op ->
apply_anonymous_operation ctxt op >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, result :: acc))
(ctxt, []) ops
>>=? fun (ctxt, results) ->
return (ctxt, Anonymous_operations_result (List.rev results))
| Sourced_operation ops ->
apply_sourced_operation ctxt mode pred_block operation ops
>>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
return (ctxt, Sourced_operation_result result)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
let ctxt = Contract.init_origination_nonce ctxt hash in
ctxt mode pred_block operation
operation.protocol_data.contents >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
let ctxt = Contract.set_storage_unlimited ctxt in
let ctxt = Contract.unset_origination_nonce ctxt in
return (ctxt, result)
return (ctxt, { contents = result })
let may_snapshot_roll ctxt =
let level = Alpha_context.Level.current ctxt in
@ -801,21 +845,52 @@ let finalize_application ctxt protocol_data delegate =
return ctxt
let compare_operations op1 op2 =
match op1.protocol_data.contents, op2.protocol_data.contents with
| Anonymous_operations _, Anonymous_operations _ -> 0
| Anonymous_operations _, Sourced_operation _ -> -1
| Sourced_operation _, Anonymous_operations _ -> 1
| Sourced_operation op1, Sourced_operation op2 ->
match op1, op2 with
| Consensus_operation _, (Amendment_operation _ | Manager_operations _ | Dictator_operation _) -> -1
| (Amendment_operation _ | Manager_operations _ | Dictator_operation _), Consensus_operation _ -> 1
| Amendment_operation _, (Manager_operations _ | Dictator_operation _) -> -1
| (Manager_operations _ | Dictator_operation _), Amendment_operation _ -> 1
| Manager_operations _, Dictator_operation _ -> -1
| Dictator_operation _, Manager_operations _ -> 1
| Consensus_operation _, Consensus_operation _ -> 0
| Amendment_operation _, Amendment_operation _ -> 0
| Manager_operations op1, Manager_operations op2 ->
(* Manager operations with smaller counter are pre-validated first. *)
|||| op1.counter op2.counter
| Dictator_operation _, Dictator_operation _ -> 0
let Operation_data op1 = op1.protocol_data in
let Operation_data op2 = op2.protocol_data in
match op1.contents, op2.contents with
| Single (Endorsements _), Single (Endorsements _) -> 0
| _, Single (Endorsements _) -> 1
| Single (Endorsements _), _ -> -1
| Single (Seed_nonce_revelation _), Single (Seed_nonce_revelation _) -> 0
| _, Single (Seed_nonce_revelation _) -> 1
| Single (Seed_nonce_revelation _), _ -> -1
| Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _), Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _) -> 0
| _, Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _) -> 1
| Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _), _ -> -1
| Single (Double_baking_evidence _), Single (Double_baking_evidence _) -> 0
| _, Single (Double_baking_evidence _) -> 1
| Single (Double_baking_evidence _), _ -> -1
| Single (Activate_account _), Single (Activate_account _) -> 0
| _, Single (Activate_account _) -> 1
| Single (Activate_account _), _ -> -1
| Single (Proposals _), Single (Proposals _) -> 0
| _, Single (Proposals _) -> 1
| Single (Proposals _), _ -> -1
| Single (Ballot _), Single (Ballot _) -> 0
| _, Single (Ballot _) -> 1
| Single (Ballot _), _ -> -1
| Single (Activate_protocol _), Single (Activate_protocol _) -> 0
| _, Single (Activate_protocol _) -> 1
| Single (Activate_protocol _), _ -> -1
| Single (Activate_test_protocol _), Single (Activate_test_protocol _) -> 0
| _, Single (Activate_test_protocol _) -> 1
| Single (Activate_test_protocol _), _ -> -1
(* Manager operations with smaller counter are pre-validated first. *)
| Single (Manager_operation op1), Single (Manager_operation op2) ->
|||| op1.counter op2.counter
| Cons (Manager_operation op1, _), Single (Manager_operation op2) ->
|||| op1.counter op2.counter
| Single (Manager_operation op1), Cons (Manager_operation op2, _) ->
|||| op1.counter op2.counter
| Cons (Manager_operation op1, _), Cons (Manager_operation op2, _) ->
|||| op1.counter op2.counter
@ -85,210 +85,802 @@ let balance_updates_encoding =
def "operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" @@
list (merge_objs balance_encoding balance_update_encoding)
type anonymous_operation_result =
| Seed_nonce_revelation_result of balance_updates
| Double_endorsement_evidence_result of balance_updates
| Double_baking_evidence_result of balance_updates
| Activation_result of balance_updates
let anonymous_operation_result_encoding =
[ case (Tag 0)
(req "kind" (constant "revelation"))
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding))
(function Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus -> Some ((), bus) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), bus) -> Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "kind" (constant "double_endorsement"))
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding))
(function Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus -> Some ((), bus) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), bus) -> Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "kind" (constant "double_baking"))
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding))
(function Double_baking_evidence_result bus -> Some ((), bus) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), bus) -> Double_baking_evidence_result bus) ;
case (Tag 3)
(req "kind" (constant "activation"))
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding))
(function Activation_result bus -> Some ((), bus) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), bus) -> Activation_result bus) ]
type successful_manager_operation_result =
| Reveal_result
| Transaction_result of
{ operations : internal_operation list ;
storage : Script.expr option ;
type _ successful_manager_operation_result =
| Reveal_result : Kind.reveal successful_manager_operation_result
| Transaction_result :
{ storage : Script.expr option ;
balance_updates : balance_updates ;
originated_contracts : Contract.t list ;
consumed_gas : Z.t ;
storage_size_diff : Int64.t }
| Origination_result of
storage_size_diff : Int64.t ;
} -> Kind.transaction successful_manager_operation_result
| Origination_result :
{ balance_updates : balance_updates ;
originated_contracts : Contract.t list ;
consumed_gas : Z.t ;
storage_size_diff : Int64.t }
| Delegation_result
storage_size_diff : Int64.t ;
} -> Kind.origination successful_manager_operation_result
| Delegation_result : Kind.delegation successful_manager_operation_result
type manager_operation_kind =
| External
| Internal of internal_operation
type packed_successful_manager_operation_result =
| Successful_manager_result :
'kind successful_manager_operation_result -> packed_successful_manager_operation_result
let manager_operation_kind_encoding =
[ case (Tag 0) (constant "external")
(function External -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> External) ;
case (Tag 1) Operation.internal_operation_encoding
(function Internal op -> Some op | _ -> None)
(fun op -> Internal op) ]
type 'kind manager_operation_result =
| Applied of 'kind successful_manager_operation_result
| Failed : 'kind Kind.manager * error list -> 'kind manager_operation_result
| Skipped : 'kind Kind.manager -> 'kind manager_operation_result
type manager_operation_result =
| Applied of successful_manager_operation_result
| Failed of error list
| Skipped
type packed_internal_operation_result =
| Internal_operation_result :
'kind internal_operation * 'kind manager_operation_result -> packed_internal_operation_result
let manager_operation_result_encoding =
[ case (Tag 0)
(req "status" (constant "applied"))
(req "operation_kind" (constant "reveal")))
(function Applied Reveal_result -> Some ((),()) | _ -> None)
(fun ((),()) -> Applied Reveal_result) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "status" (constant "applied"))
(req "operation_kind" (constant "transaction"))
(dft "emitted" (list Operation.internal_operation_encoding) [])
module Manager_result = struct
type 'kind case =
MCase : {
op_case: 'kind ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
kind: 'kind Kind.manager ;
packed_internal_operation_result ->
('kind internal_operation * 'kind manager_operation_result) option;
packed_successful_manager_operation_result ->
'kind successful_manager_operation_result option ;
proj: 'kind successful_manager_operation_result -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'kind successful_manager_operation_result ;
t: 'kind manager_operation_result Data_encoding.t ;
} -> 'kind case
let make ~op_case ~encoding ~kind ~iselect ~select ~proj ~inj =
let Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.MCase { name ; _ } = op_case in
let t =
def (Format.asprintf "operation.alpha.operation_result.%s" name) @@
union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [
case (Tag 0)
(req "status" (constant "applied")))
(fun o ->
match o with
| Skipped _ | Failed _ -> None
| Applied o ->
match select (Successful_manager_result o) with
| None -> None
| Some o -> Some ((), proj o))
(fun ((), x) -> (Applied (inj x))) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "status" (constant "failed"))
(req "errors" (list error_encoding)))
(function (Failed (_, errs)) -> Some ((), errs) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), errs) -> Failed (kind, errs)) ;
case (Tag 2)
(obj1 (req "status" (constant "skipped")))
(function Skipped _ -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Skipped kind)
] in
MCase { op_case ; encoding ; kind ; iselect ; select ; proj ; inj ; t }
let reveal_case =
~op_case: Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.reveal_case
~encoding: Data_encoding.empty
| Internal_operation_result
({ operation = Reveal _ ; _} as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
| Successful_manager_result (Reveal_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None)
~kind: Kind.Reveal_manager_kind
~proj: (function Reveal_result -> ())
~inj: (fun () -> Reveal_result)
let transaction_case =
~op_case: Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.transaction_case
(opt "storage" Script.expr_encoding)
(dft "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding [])
(dft "originated_contracts" (list Contract.encoding) [])
(dft "consumed_gas" z
(dft "storage_size_diff" int64 0L))
| Applied (Transaction_result
{ operations ; storage ; balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff }) ->
Some ((), (), operations, storage, balance_updates,
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
| Internal_operation_result
({ operation = Transaction _ ; _} as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
(fun ((), (), operations, storage, balance_updates,
| Successful_manager_result (Transaction_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None)
~kind: Kind.Transaction_manager_kind
| Transaction_result
{ storage ; balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff } ->
(storage, balance_updates,
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
(fun (storage, balance_updates,
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
storage_size_diff) ->
Applied (Transaction_result
{ operations ; storage ; balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff })) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "status" (constant "applied"))
(req "operation_kind" (constant "origination"))
Transaction_result { storage ; balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff })
let origination_case =
~op_case: Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.origination_case
(dft "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding [])
(dft "originated_contracts" (list Contract.encoding) [])
(dft "consumed_gas" z
(dft "storage_size_diff" int64 0L))
| Applied (Origination_result
{ balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff }) ->
Some ((), (), balance_updates,
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
| Internal_operation_result
({ operation = Origination _ ; _} as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
(fun ((), (), balance_updates,
| Successful_manager_result (Origination_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None)
| Origination_result
{ balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff } ->
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
~kind: Kind.Origination_manager_kind
(fun (balance_updates,
originated_contracts, consumed_gas,
storage_size_diff) ->
Applied (Origination_result
{ balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff })) ;
case (Tag 3)
(req "status" (constant "applied"))
(req "operation_kind" (constant "delegation")))
(function Applied Delegation_result -> Some ((),()) | _ -> None)
(fun ((),()) -> Applied Delegation_result) ;
case (Tag 4)
(req "status" (constant "failed"))
(req "errors" (list error_encoding)))
(function Failed errs -> Some ((), errs) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), errs) -> Failed errs) ;
case (Tag 5)
(obj1 (req "status" (constant "skipped")))
(function Skipped -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Skipped) ]
{ balance_updates ;
originated_contracts ; consumed_gas ;
storage_size_diff })
type consensus_operation_result =
| Endorsements_result of Signature.Public_key_hash.t * int list
type sourced_operation_result =
| Consensus_operation_result of consensus_operation_result
| Amendment_operation_result
| Manager_operations_result of
{ balance_updates : balance_updates ;
operation_results : (manager_operation_kind * manager_operation_result) list }
| Dictator_operation_result
type operation_result =
| Anonymous_operations_result of anonymous_operation_result list
| Sourced_operation_result of sourced_operation_result
let encoding =
def "alpha.metadata" @@
[ case (Tag 0)
(req "kind" (constant "anonymous"))
(req "results" (list anonymous_operation_result_encoding)))
(function Anonymous_operations_result rs -> Some ((), rs) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), rs) -> Anonymous_operations_result rs) ;
case (Tag 1)
(req "kind" (constant "endorsements"))
(req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "slots" (list uint8)))
let delegation_case =
~op_case: Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.delegation_case
~encoding: Data_encoding.empty
| Sourced_operation_result
(Endorsements_result (d, s))) -> Some ((), d, s)
| Internal_operation_result
({ operation = Delegation _ ; _} as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
(fun ((), d, s) ->
(Endorsements_result (d, s)))) ;
case (Tag 2)
(req "kind" (constant "amendment")))
(function Sourced_operation_result Amendment_operation_result -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Sourced_operation_result Amendment_operation_result) ;
case (Tag 3)
(req "kind" (constant "dictator")))
(function Sourced_operation_result Dictator_operation_result -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Sourced_operation_result Dictator_operation_result) ;
case (Tag 4)
(req "kind" (constant "manager"))
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)
(req "operation_results"
(list (merge_objs
(obj1 (req "operation" manager_operation_kind_encoding))
| Sourced_operation_result
{ balance_updates = bus ; operation_results = rs }) ->
Some ((), bus, rs) | _ -> None)
(fun ((), bus, rs) ->
{ balance_updates = bus ; operation_results = rs })) ]
| Successful_manager_result (Delegation_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None)
~kind: Kind.Delegation_manager_kind
~proj: (function Delegation_result -> ())
~inj: (fun () -> Delegation_result)
let internal_operation_result_encoding :
packed_internal_operation_result Data_encoding.t =
let make (type kind)
(Manager_result.MCase res_case : kind =
let Operation.Encoding.Manager_operations.MCase op_case = res_case.op_case in
case (Tag op_case.tag)
(req "kind" (constant
(req "source" Contract.encoding)
(req "nonce" uint16))
(obj1 (req "result" res_case.t))))
(fun op ->
match op with
| Some (op, res) ->
Some (((), op.source, op.nonce),
(op_case.proj op.operation, res))
| None -> None)
(fun (((), source, nonce), (op, res)) ->
let op = { source ; operation = op_case.inj op ; nonce } in
Internal_operation_result (op, res)) in
def "operation.alpha.internal_operation_result" @@
union [
make Manager_result.reveal_case ;
make Manager_result.transaction_case ;
make Manager_result.origination_case ;
make Manager_result.delegation_case ;
type 'kind contents_result =
| Endorsements_result :
Signature.Public_key_hash.t * int list -> Kind.endorsements contents_result
| Seed_nonce_revelation_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents_result
| Double_endorsement_evidence_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents_result
| Double_baking_evidence_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents_result
| Activate_account_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.activate_account contents_result
| Proposals_result : Kind.proposals contents_result
| Ballot_result : Kind.ballot contents_result
| Manager_operation_result :
{ balance_updates : balance_updates ;
operation_result : 'kind manager_operation_result ;
internal_operation_results : packed_internal_operation_result list ;
} -> 'kind Kind.manager contents_result
| Activate_protocol_result :
Kind.activate_protocol contents_result
| Activate_test_protocol_result :
Kind.activate_test_protocol contents_result
type packed_contents_result =
| Contents_result : 'kind contents_result -> packed_contents_result
type packed_contents_and_result =
| Contents_and_result :
'kind Operation.contents * 'kind contents_result -> packed_contents_and_result
module Encoding = struct
type 'kind case =
Case : { op_case: 'kind ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
select: packed_contents_result -> 'kind contents_result option ;
mselect: packed_contents_and_result -> ('kind contents * 'kind contents_result) option ;
proj: 'kind contents_result -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'kind contents_result ;
} -> 'kind case
let tagged_case tag name args proj inj =
let open Data_encoding in
case tag
(obj1 (req "kind" (constant name)))
(fun x -> match proj x with None -> None | Some x -> Some ((), x))
(fun ((), x) -> inj x)
let endorsement_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.endorsement_case ;
encoding =
(req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "slots" (list uint8))) ;
select =
| Contents_result (Endorsements_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Endorsements _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj =
| Endorsements_result (d, s) -> (d, s)) ;
inj =
(fun (d, s) -> Endorsements_result (d, s))
let seed_nonce_revelation_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.seed_nonce_revelation_case ;
encoding =
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)) ;
select =
| Contents_result (Seed_nonce_revelation_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Seed_nonce_revelation _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun (Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus) -> bus) ;
inj = (fun bus -> Seed_nonce_revelation_result bus) ;
let double_endorsement_evidence_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.double_endorsement_evidence_case ;
encoding =
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)) ;
select =
| Contents_result (Double_endorsement_evidence_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Double_endorsement_evidence _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj =
(fun (Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus) -> bus) ;
inj = (fun bus -> Double_endorsement_evidence_result bus)
let double_baking_evidence_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.double_baking_evidence_case ;
encoding =
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)) ;
select =
| Contents_result (Double_baking_evidence_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Double_baking_evidence _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj =
(fun (Double_baking_evidence_result bus) -> bus) ;
inj = (fun bus -> Double_baking_evidence_result bus) ;
let activate_account_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.activate_account_case ;
encoding =
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)) ;
select =
| Contents_result (Activate_account_result _ as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Activate_account _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun (Activate_account_result bus) -> bus) ;
inj = (fun bus -> Activate_account_result bus) ;
let proposals_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.proposals_case ;
encoding = Data_encoding.empty ;
select =
| Contents_result (Proposals_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Proposals _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun Proposals_result -> ()) ;
inj = (fun () -> Proposals_result) ;
let ballot_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.ballot_case ;
encoding = Data_encoding.empty ;
select =
| Contents_result (Ballot_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Ballot _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun Ballot_result -> ()) ;
inj = (fun () -> Ballot_result) ;
let make_manager_case
(type kind)
(Operation.Encoding.Case op_case : kind Kind.manager
(Manager_result.MCase res_case : kind
mselect =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.Case op_case ;
encoding =
(req "balance_updates" balance_updates_encoding)
(req "operation_result" res_case.t)
(dft "internal_operation_results"
(list internal_operation_result_encoding) [])) ;
select =
| Contents_result
({ operation_result = Applied res ; _ } as op)) -> begin
match (Successful_manager_result res) with
| Some res ->
Some (Manager_operation_result
{ op with operation_result = Applied res })
| None -> None
| _ -> None) ;
mselect ;
proj =
(fun (Manager_operation_result
{ balance_updates = bus ; operation_result = r ;
internal_operation_results = rs }) ->
(bus, r, rs)) ;
inj =
(fun (bus, r, rs) ->
{ balance_updates = bus ; operation_result = r ;
internal_operation_results = rs }) ;
let reveal_case =
| Contents_and_result
{ operation = Reveal _ ; _ } as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
let transaction_case =
| Contents_and_result
{ operation = Transaction _ ; _ } as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
let origination_case =
| Contents_and_result
{ operation = Origination _ ; _ } as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
let delegation_case =
| Contents_and_result
{ operation = Delegation _ ; _ } as op, res) ->
Some (op, res)
| _ -> None)
let activate_protocol_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.activate_protocol_case ;
encoding = Data_encoding.empty ;
select =
| Contents_result (Activate_protocol_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Activate_protocol _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun Activate_protocol_result -> ()) ;
inj = (fun () -> Activate_protocol_result) ;
let activate_test_protocol_case =
Case {
op_case = Operation.Encoding.activate_test_protocol_case ;
encoding = Data_encoding.empty ;
select =
| Contents_result (Activate_test_protocol_result as op) -> Some op
| _ -> None) ;
mselect =
| Contents_and_result (Activate_test_protocol _ as op, res) -> Some (op, res)
| _ -> None) ;
proj = (fun Activate_test_protocol_result -> ()) ;
inj = (fun () -> Activate_test_protocol_result) ;
let contents_result_encoding =
let open Encoding in
let make (Case { op_case = Operation.Encoding.Case { tag ; name ; _ } ;
encoding ; mselect = _ ; select ; proj ; inj }) =
let proj x =
match select x with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (proj x) in
let inj x = Contents_result (inj x) in
tagged_case (Tag tag) name encoding proj inj in
def "operation.alpha.contents_result" @@
union [
make endorsement_case ;
make seed_nonce_revelation_case ;
make double_endorsement_evidence_case ;
make double_baking_evidence_case ;
make activate_account_case ;
make proposals_case ;
make ballot_case ;
make reveal_case ;
make transaction_case ;
make origination_case ;
make delegation_case ;
make activate_protocol_case ;
make activate_test_protocol_case ;
let contents_and_result_encoding =
let open Encoding in
let make
(Case { op_case = Operation.Encoding.Case { tag ; name ; encoding ; proj ; inj ; _ } ;
mselect ; encoding = meta_encoding ; proj = meta_proj ; inj = meta_inj ; _ }) =
let proj c =
match mselect c with
| Some (op, res) -> Some (proj op, meta_proj res)
| _ -> None in
let inj (op, res) = Contents_and_result (inj op, meta_inj res) in
let encoding =
(req "metadata" meta_encoding)) in
tagged_case (Tag tag) name encoding proj inj in
def "operation.alpha.operation_contents_and_result" @@
union [
make endorsement_case ;
make seed_nonce_revelation_case ;
make double_endorsement_evidence_case ;
make double_baking_evidence_case ;
make activate_account_case ;
make proposals_case ;
make ballot_case ;
make reveal_case ;
make transaction_case ;
make origination_case ;
make delegation_case ;
make activate_protocol_case ;
make activate_test_protocol_case ;
type 'kind contents_result_list =
| Single_result : 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_result_list
| Cons_result :
'kind Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Kind.manager contents_result_list ->
(('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager ) contents_result_list
type packed_contents_result_list =
Contents_result_list : 'kind contents_result_list -> packed_contents_result_list
let contents_result_list_encoding =
let rec to_list = function
| Contents_result_list (Single_result o) -> [Contents_result o]
| Contents_result_list (Cons_result (o, os)) ->
Contents_result o :: to_list (Contents_result_list os) in
let rec of_list = function
| [] -> assert false
| [Contents_result o] -> Contents_result_list (Single_result o)
| (Contents_result o) :: os ->
let Contents_result_list os = of_list os in
match o, os with
| Manager_operation_result _, Single_result (Manager_operation_result _) ->
Contents_result_list (Cons_result (o, os))
| Manager_operation_result _, Cons_result _ ->
Contents_result_list (Cons_result (o, os))
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "...FIXME..." in
def "operation.alpha.contents_list_result" @@
conv to_list of_list (list contents_result_encoding)
type 'kind contents_and_result_list =
| Single_and_result : 'kind Alpha_context.contents * 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_and_result_list
| Cons_and_result : 'kind Kind.manager Alpha_context.contents * 'kind Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Kind.manager contents_and_result_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager contents_and_result_list
type packed_contents_and_result_list =
| Contents_and_result_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> packed_contents_and_result_list
let contents_and_result_list_encoding =
let rec to_list = function
| Contents_and_result_list (Single_and_result (op, res)) ->
[Contents_and_result (op, res)]
| Contents_and_result_list (Cons_and_result (op, res, rest)) ->
Contents_and_result (op, res) ::
to_list (Contents_and_result_list rest) in
let rec of_list = function
| [] -> assert false (* FIXME error message *)
| [Contents_and_result (op, res)] ->
Contents_and_result_list (Single_and_result (op, res))
| (Contents_and_result (op, res)) :: rest ->
let Contents_and_result_list rest = of_list rest in
match op, rest with
| Manager_operation _, Single_and_result (Manager_operation _, _) ->
Contents_and_result_list (Cons_and_result (op, res, rest))
| Manager_operation _, Cons_and_result (_, _, _) ->
Contents_and_result_list (Cons_and_result (op, res, rest))
| _ -> Pervasives.failwith "...FIXME..." in
conv to_list of_list (list contents_and_result_encoding)
type 'kind operation_metadata = {
contents: 'kind contents_result_list ;
type packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
let operation_metadata_encoding =
def "operation.alpha.result" @@
(fun (Operation_metadata { contents }) -> Contents_result_list contents)
(fun (Contents_result_list contents) -> Operation_metadata { contents })
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
let kind_equal
: type kind kind2. kind contents -> kind2 contents_result -> (kind, kind2) eq option =
fun op res ->
match op, res with
| Endorsements _, Endorsements_result _ -> Some Eq
| Endorsements _, _ -> None
| Seed_nonce_revelation _, Seed_nonce_revelation_result _ -> Some Eq
| Seed_nonce_revelation _, _ -> None
| Double_endorsement_evidence _, Double_endorsement_evidence_result _ -> Some Eq
| Double_endorsement_evidence _, _ -> None
| Double_baking_evidence _, Double_baking_evidence_result _ -> Some Eq
| Double_baking_evidence _, _ -> None
| Activate_account _, Activate_account_result _ -> Some Eq
| Activate_account _, _ -> None
| Proposals _, Proposals_result -> Some Eq
| Proposals _, _ -> None
| Ballot _, Ballot_result -> Some Eq
| Ballot _, _ -> None
| Activate_protocol _, Activate_protocol_result -> Some Eq
| Activate_protocol _, _ -> None
| Activate_test_protocol _, Activate_test_protocol_result -> Some Eq
| Activate_test_protocol _, _ -> None
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Reveal _ ; _ },
{ operation_result = Applied Reveal_result ; _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Reveal _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Failed (Alpha_context.Kind.Reveal_manager_kind, _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Reveal _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Skipped (Alpha_context.Kind.Reveal_manager_kind); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation { operation = Reveal _ ; _ }, _ -> None
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Transaction _ ; _ },
{ operation_result = Applied (Transaction_result _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Transaction _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Failed (Alpha_context.Kind.Transaction_manager_kind, _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Transaction _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Skipped (Alpha_context.Kind.Transaction_manager_kind); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation { operation = Transaction _ ; _ }, _ -> None
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Origination _ ; _ },
{ operation_result = Applied (Origination_result _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Origination _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Failed (Alpha_context.Kind.Origination_manager_kind, _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Origination _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Skipped (Alpha_context.Kind.Origination_manager_kind); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation { operation = Origination _ ; _ }, _ -> None
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Delegation _ ; _ },
{ operation_result = Applied Delegation_result ; _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Delegation _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Failed (Alpha_context.Kind.Delegation_manager_kind, _); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation
{ operation = Delegation _ ; _ },
{ operation_result =
Skipped (Alpha_context.Kind.Delegation_manager_kind); _ } -> Some Eq
| Manager_operation { operation = Delegation _ ; _ }, _ -> None
let rec kind_equal_list
: type kind kind2. kind contents_list -> kind2 contents_result_list -> (kind, kind2) eq option =
fun contents res ->
match contents, res with
| Single op, Single_result res -> begin
match kind_equal op res with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| Cons (op, ops), Cons_result (res, ress) -> begin
match kind_equal op res with
| None -> None
| Some Eq ->
match kind_equal_list ops ress with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| _ -> None
let rec pack_contents_list :
type kind. kind contents_list -> kind contents_result_list -> kind contents_and_result_list =
fun contents res -> begin
match contents, res with
| Single op, Single_result res -> Single_and_result (op, res)
| Cons (op, ops), Cons_result (res, ress) ->
Cons_and_result (op, res, pack_contents_list ops ress)
| Single (Manager_operation _),
Cons_result (Manager_operation_result _, Single_result _) -> .
| Cons (_, _),
Single_result (Manager_operation_result
{ operation_result = Failed _ ; _}) -> .
| Cons (_, _),
Single_result (Manager_operation_result
{ operation_result = Skipped _ ; _}) -> .
| Cons (_, _),
Single_result (Manager_operation_result
{ operation_result = Applied _ ; _}) -> .
| Single _, Cons_result _ -> .
let rec unpack_contents_list :
type kind. kind contents_and_result_list ->
(kind contents_list * kind contents_result_list) =
| Single_and_result (op, res) -> Single op, Single_result res
| Cons_and_result (op, res, rest) ->
let ops, ress = unpack_contents_list rest in
Cons (op, ops), Cons_result (res, ress)
let operation_data_and_metadata_encoding =
def "operation.alpha.operation_with_metadata" @@
(fun (Operation_data op, Operation_metadata res) ->
match kind_equal_list op.contents res.contents with
| None -> assert false (* FIXME *)
| Some Eq ->
(pack_contents_list op.contents res.contents),
(fun (Contents_and_result_list contents, signature) ->
let op_contents, res_contents = unpack_contents_list contents in
(Operation_data { contents = op_contents ; signature },
Operation_metadata { contents = res_contents }))
(req "contents" contents_and_result_list_encoding)
(varopt "signature" Signature.encoding))
@ -29,67 +29,112 @@ type balance_update =
(** A list of balance updates. Duplicates may happen. *)
type balance_updates = (balance * balance_update) list
(** Result of applying a {!proto_operation}. Follows the same structure. *)
type operation_result =
| Anonymous_operations_result of anonymous_operation_result list
| Sourced_operation_result of sourced_operation_result
(** Result of applying a {!Operation.t}. Follows the same structure. *)
type 'kind operation_metadata = {
contents: 'kind contents_result_list ;
(** Result of applying an {!anonymous_operation}. Follows the same structure. *)
and anonymous_operation_result =
| Seed_nonce_revelation_result of balance_updates
| Double_endorsement_evidence_result of balance_updates
| Double_baking_evidence_result of balance_updates
| Activation_result of balance_updates
and packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind operation_metadata -> packed_operation_metadata
(** Result of applying a {!sourced_operation}.
Follows the same structure, except for [Manager_operations_result]
which includes the results of internal operations, in execution order. *)
and sourced_operation_result =
| Consensus_operation_result of consensus_operation_result
| Amendment_operation_result
| Manager_operations_result of
(** Result of applying a {!Operation.contents_list}. Follows the same structure. *)
and 'kind contents_result_list =
| Single_result : 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_result_list
| Cons_result :
'kind Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Kind.manager contents_result_list ->
(('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager ) contents_result_list
and packed_contents_result_list =
| Contents_result_list : 'kind contents_result_list -> packed_contents_result_list
(** Result of applying an {!Operation.contents}. Follows the same structure. *)
and 'kind contents_result =
| Endorsements_result :
Signature.Public_key_hash.t * int list -> Kind.endorsements contents_result
| Seed_nonce_revelation_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents_result
| Double_endorsement_evidence_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents_result
| Double_baking_evidence_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents_result
| Activate_account_result :
balance_updates -> Kind.activate_account contents_result
| Proposals_result : Kind.proposals contents_result
| Ballot_result : Kind.ballot contents_result
| Manager_operation_result :
{ balance_updates : balance_updates ;
operation_results : (manager_operation_kind * manager_operation_result) list }
| Dictator_operation_result
operation_result : 'kind manager_operation_result ;
internal_operation_results : packed_internal_operation_result list ;
} -> 'kind Kind.manager contents_result
| Activate_protocol_result :
Kind.activate_protocol contents_result
| Activate_test_protocol_result :
Kind.activate_test_protocol contents_result
(** Result of applying a {!consensus_operation}. Follows the same structure. *)
and consensus_operation_result =
| Endorsements_result of Signature.Public_key_hash.t * int list
(** An operation descriptor in the queue of emitted manager
operations. [External] points to a {!manager_operation_content} in
the toplevel {!manager_operation}. The operations are executed in a
queue, so the n-th [External] corresponds to the [n-th]
{!manager_operation_content}. [Internal] points to an operation
emitted by a contract, whose contents is given verbatim. *)
and manager_operation_kind =
| External
| Internal of internal_operation
and packed_contents_result =
| Contents_result : 'kind contents_result -> packed_contents_result
(** The result of an operation in the queue. [Skipped] ones should
always be at the tail, and after a single [Failed]. *)
and manager_operation_result =
| Applied of successful_manager_operation_result
| Failed of error list
| Skipped
and 'kind manager_operation_result =
| Applied of 'kind successful_manager_operation_result
| Failed : 'kind Kind.manager * error list -> 'kind manager_operation_result
| Skipped : 'kind Kind.manager -> 'kind manager_operation_result
(** Result of applying a {!manager_operation_content}, either internal
or external. *)
and successful_manager_operation_result =
| Reveal_result
| Transaction_result of
{ operations : internal_operation list ;
storage : Script.expr option ;
and _ successful_manager_operation_result =
| Reveal_result : Kind.reveal successful_manager_operation_result
| Transaction_result :
{ storage : Script.expr option ;
balance_updates : balance_updates ;
originated_contracts : Contract.t list ;
consumed_gas : Z.t ;
storage_size_diff : Int64.t }
| Origination_result of
storage_size_diff : Int64.t ;
} -> Kind.transaction successful_manager_operation_result
| Origination_result :
{ balance_updates : balance_updates ;
originated_contracts : Contract.t list ;
consumed_gas : Z.t ;
storage_size_diff : Int64.t }
| Delegation_result
storage_size_diff : Int64.t ;
} -> Kind.origination successful_manager_operation_result
| Delegation_result : Kind.delegation successful_manager_operation_result
(** Serializer for {!proto_operation_result}. *)
val encoding : operation_result Data_encoding.t
and packed_successful_manager_operation_result =
| Successful_manager_result :
'kind successful_manager_operation_result -> packed_successful_manager_operation_result
and packed_internal_operation_result =
| Internal_operation_result :
'kind internal_operation * 'kind manager_operation_result ->
(** Serializer for {!packed_operation_result}. *)
val operation_metadata_encoding : packed_operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_metadata_encoding
: (Operation.packed_protocol_data * packed_operation_metadata) Data_encoding.t
type 'kind contents_and_result_list =
| Single_and_result : 'kind Alpha_context.contents * 'kind contents_result -> 'kind contents_and_result_list
| Cons_and_result : 'kind Kind.manager Alpha_context.contents * 'kind Kind.manager contents_result * 'rest Kind.manager contents_and_result_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager contents_and_result_list
type packed_contents_and_result_list =
| Contents_and_result_list : 'kind contents_and_result_list -> packed_contents_and_result_list
val contents_and_result_list_encoding :
packed_contents_and_result_list Data_encoding.t
val pack_contents_list :
'kind contents_list -> 'kind contents_result_list ->
'kind contents_and_result_list
val unpack_contents_list :
'kind contents_and_result_list ->
'kind contents_list * 'kind contents_result_list
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val kind_equal_list :
'kind contents_list -> 'kind2 contents_result_list -> ('kind, 'kind2) eq option
@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ module Index = struct
type nonrec t = t
let path_length = 2
let rpc_arg = rpc_arg
let compare = compare
let encoding = encoding
let to_path bpkh l =
let `Hex h = MBytes.to_hex (to_bytes bpkh) in
String.sub h 0 2 :: String.sub h 2 (size - 2) :: l
@ -255,22 +255,28 @@ module Forge = struct
Contract_services.manager_key ctxt block source >>= function
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok (_, revealed) ->
let operations =
match revealed with
| Some _ -> operations
| None ->
match sourcePubKey with
| None -> operations
| Some pk -> Reveal pk :: operations in
let ops =
Manager_operations { source ;
counter ; operations ; fee ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit } in
(RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Sourced_operation ops))
(fun (Manager operation) ->
(Manager_operation { source ;
counter ; operation ; fee ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit }))
operations in
let ops =
match sourcePubKey, revealed with
| None, _ | _, Some _ -> ops
| Some pk, None ->
let operation = Reveal pk in
(Manager_operation { source ;
counter ; operation ; fee ;
gas_limit ; storage_limit }) :: ops in
RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Operation.of_list ops)
let reveal ctxt
block ~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee ()=
block ~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee () =
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
|||| ~storage_limit:0L []
@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ module Forge = struct
let parameters = ~f:Script.lazy_expr parameters in
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter
~fee ~gas_limit ~storage_limit
Alpha_context.[Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination }]
[Manager (Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination })]
let origination ctxt
block ~branch
@ -293,89 +299,53 @@ module Forge = struct
~gas_limit ~storage_limit ~fee () =
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter
~fee ~gas_limit ~storage_limit
Origination { manager = managerPubKey ;
delegate = delegatePubKey ;
script ;
spendable ;
delegatable ;
credit = balance ;
preorigination = None }
[Manager (Origination { manager = managerPubKey ;
delegate = delegatePubKey ;
script ;
spendable ;
delegatable ;
credit = balance ;
preorigination = None })]
let delegation ctxt
block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee delegate =
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
|||| ~storage_limit:0L
Alpha_context.[Delegation delegate]
[Manager (Delegation delegate)]
module Consensus = struct
let operation ctxt
block ~branch operation =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Contents_list (Single operation))
let operations ctxt
block ~branch operation =
let ops = Consensus_operation operation in
(RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Sourced_operation ops))
let endorsement ctxt
b ~branch ~block ~level ~slots () =
operation ctxt b ~branch
(Endorsements { block ; level ; slots })
let endorsement ctxt
b ~branch ~block ~level ~slots () =
operations ctxt b ~branch
Alpha_context.(Endorsements { block ; level ; slots })
let proposals ctxt
b ~branch ~source ~period ~proposals () =
operation ctxt b ~branch
(Proposals { source ; period ; proposals })
let ballot ctxt
b ~branch ~source ~period ~proposal ~ballot () =
operation ctxt b ~branch
(Ballot { source ; period ; proposal ; ballot })
let activate_protocol ctxt
b ~branch hash =
operation ctxt b ~branch (Activate_protocol hash)
module Amendment = struct
let activate_test_protocol ctxt
b ~branch hash =
operation ctxt b ~branch (Activate_test_protocol hash)
let operation ctxt
block ~branch ~source operation =
let ops = Amendment_operation { source ; operation } in
(RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Sourced_operation ops))
let proposals ctxt
b ~branch ~source ~period ~proposals () =
operation ctxt b ~branch ~source
Alpha_context.(Proposals { period ; proposals })
let ballot ctxt
b ~branch ~source ~period ~proposal ~ballot () =
operation ctxt b ~branch ~source
Alpha_context.(Ballot { period ; proposal ; ballot })
module Dictator = struct
let operation ctxt
block ~branch operation =
let op = Dictator_operation operation in
(RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Sourced_operation op))
let activate ctxt
b ~branch hash =
operation ctxt b ~branch (Activate hash)
let activate_testchain ctxt
b ~branch hash =
operation ctxt b ~branch (Activate_testchain hash)
module Anonymous = struct
let operations ctxt block ~branch operations =
(RPC_context.make_call0 S.operations ctxt block
() ({ branch }, Anonymous_operations operations))
let seed_nonce_revelation ctxt
block ~branch ~level ~nonce () =
operations ctxt block ~branch [Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }]
let seed_nonce_revelation ctxt
block ~branch ~level ~nonce () =
operation ctxt block ~branch (Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce })
let empty_proof_of_work_nonce =
@ -420,42 +390,6 @@ module Parse = struct
module I = struct
let check_signature ctxt signature shell contents =
match contents with
| Anonymous_operations _ -> return ()
| Sourced_operation (Manager_operations op) ->
let public_key =
List.fold_left (fun acc op ->
match op with
| Reveal pk -> Some pk
| _ -> acc) None op.operations in
match public_key with
| Some key -> return key
| None ->
Contract.get_manager ctxt op.source >>=? fun manager ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt manager
end >>=? fun public_key ->
Operation.check_signature public_key
{ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature } }
| Sourced_operation (Consensus_operation (Endorsements { level ; slots ; _ })) ->
let level = Level.from_raw ctxt level in
Baking.check_endorsements_rights ctxt level slots >>=? fun public_key ->
Operation.check_signature public_key
{ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature } }
| Sourced_operation (Amendment_operation { source ; _ }) ->
Roll.delegate_pubkey ctxt source >>=? fun source ->
Operation.check_signature source
{ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature } }
| Sourced_operation (Dictator_operation _) ->
let key = Constants.dictator_pubkey ctxt in
Operation.check_signature key
{ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature } }
let parse_protocol_data protocol_data =
@ -467,13 +401,14 @@ module Parse = struct
let () =
let open Services_registration in
register0 S.operations begin fun ctxt () (operations, check) ->
register0 S.operations begin fun _ctxt () (operations, check) ->
map_s begin fun raw ->
Lwt.return (parse_operation raw) >>=? fun op ->
begin match check with
| Some true ->
I.check_signature ctxt
op.protocol_data.signature op.protocol_data.contents
return () (* FIXME *)
(* I.check_signature ctxt *)
(* op.protocol_data.signature op.protocol_data.contents *)
| Some false | None -> return ()
end >>|? fun () -> op
end operations
@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ module Scripts : sig
val run_code:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Tez.t * Contract.t) ->
'a -> Script.expr -> (Script.expr * Script.expr * Tez.t * Contract.t) ->
(Script.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Contract.big_map_diff option) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val trace_code:
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ module Scripts : sig
'a -> Script.expr ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr * Tez.t * Contract.t) ->
(Script.expr *
internal_operation list *
packed_internal_operation list *
Script_interpreter.execution_trace *
Contract.big_map_diff option) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ module Forge : sig
fee:Tez.t ->
gas_limit:Z.t ->
storage_limit:Int64.t ->
manager_operation list -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
packed_manager_operation list -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val reveal:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
@ -123,73 +122,47 @@ module Forge : sig
module Dictator : sig
val activate_protocol:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
Protocol_hash.t -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val operation:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
dictator_operation -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val activate_test_protocol:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
Protocol_hash.t -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val activate:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
Protocol_hash.t -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
block:Block_hash.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
slots:int list ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val activate_testchain:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
Protocol_hash.t -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val proposals:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
source:public_key_hash ->
period:Voting_period.t ->
proposals:Protocol_hash.t list ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val ballot:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
source:public_key_hash ->
period:Voting_period.t ->
proposal:Protocol_hash.t ->
ballot:Vote.ballot ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
module Consensus : sig
val endorsement:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
block:Block_hash.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
slots:int list ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
module Amendment : sig
val proposals:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
source:public_key_hash ->
period:Voting_period.t ->
proposals:Protocol_hash.t list ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val ballot:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
source:public_key_hash ->
period:Voting_period.t ->
proposal:Protocol_hash.t ->
ballot:Vote.ballot ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
module Anonymous : sig
val operations:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
anonymous_operation list -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val seed_nonce_revelation:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
nonce:Nonce.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val seed_nonce_revelation:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
branch:Block_hash.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
nonce:Nonce.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
@ -205,7 +178,7 @@ module Parse : sig
val operations:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
?check:bool -> Operation.raw list ->
Operation.t list shell_tzresult Lwt.t
Operation.packed list shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val block:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a ->
@ -20,17 +20,23 @@ let block_header_data_encoding = Alpha_context.Block_header.protocol_data_encodi
type block_header_metadata = Alpha_context.Block_header.metadata
let block_header_metadata_encoding = Alpha_context.Block_header.metadata_encoding
type operation_data = Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data
type operation = Alpha_context.Operation.t = {
type operation_data = Alpha_context.packed_protocol_data =
| Operation_data : 'kind Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data -> operation_data
let operation_data_encoding = Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data_encoding
type operation_receipt = Apply_operation_result.packed_operation_metadata =
| Operation_metadata : 'kind Apply_operation_result.operation_metadata -> operation_receipt
let operation_receipt_encoding =
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
type operation = Alpha_context.packed_operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
let operation_data_encoding = Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data_encoding
type operation_metadata = Apply_operation_result.operation_result
let operation_metadata_encoding =
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "metadata" Apply_operation_result.encoding))
let acceptable_passes = Alpha_context.Operation.acceptable_passes
@ -120,7 +126,11 @@ let begin_construction
end >>=? fun (mode, ctxt, deposit) ->
return { mode ; ctxt ; op_count = 0 ; deposit }
let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
let apply_operation
({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data)
(operation : Alpha_context.packed_operation) =
let { shell ; protocol_data = Operation_data protocol_data } = operation in
let operation : _ Alpha_context.operation = { shell ; protocol_data } in
let predecessor =
match mode with
| Partial_construction { predecessor }
@ -129,9 +139,10 @@ let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
| Full_construction { predecessor ; _ } ->
predecessor in
Apply.apply_operation ctxt Optimized predecessor
(Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation) operation >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
(Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation)
operation >>=? fun (ctxt, result) ->
let op_count = op_count + 1 in
return ({ data with ctxt ; op_count }, result)
return ({ data with ctxt ; op_count }, Operation_metadata result)
let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; deposit = _ } =
match mode with
@ -158,8 +169,7 @@ let finalize_block { mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; deposit = _ } =
let ctxt = Alpha_context.finalize ~commit_message ctxt in
return (ctxt, { Alpha_context.Block_header.baker ; level ; voting_period_kind })
let compare_operations op1 op2 =
Apply.compare_operations op1 op2
let compare_operations = Apply.compare_operations
let init ctxt block_header =
let level = block_header.Block_header.level in
@ -30,10 +30,18 @@ type validation_state =
deposit : Alpha_context.Tez.t ;
include Updater.PROTOCOL with type block_header_data = Alpha_context.Block_header.protocol_data
and type block_header_metadata = Alpha_context.Block_header.metadata
and type block_header = Alpha_context.Block_header.t
and type operation_data = Alpha_context.Operation.protocol_data
and type operation_metadata = Apply_operation_result.operation_result
and type operation = Alpha_context.operation
and type validation_state := validation_state
type operation_data = Alpha_context.packed_protocol_data
type operation = Alpha_context.packed_operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
include Updater.PROTOCOL
with type block_header_data = Alpha_context.Block_header.protocol_data
and type block_header_metadata = Alpha_context.Block_header.metadata
and type block_header = Alpha_context.Block_header.t
and type operation_data := operation_data
and type operation_receipt = Apply_operation_result.packed_operation_metadata
and type operation := operation
and type validation_state := validation_state
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -9,6 +9,28 @@
(* Tezos Protocol Implementation - Low level Repr. of Operations *)
module Kind : sig
type seed_nonce_revelation = Seed_nonce_revelation_kind
type double_endorsement_evidence = Double_endorsement_evidence_kind
type double_baking_evidence = Double_baking_evidence_kind
type activate_account = Activate_account_kind
type endorsements = Endorsements_kind
type proposals = Proposals_kind
type ballot = Ballot_kind
type reveal = Reveal_kind
type transaction = Transaction_kind
type origination = Origination_kind
type delegation = Delegation_kind
type 'a manager =
| Reveal_manager_kind : reveal manager
| Transaction_manager_kind : transaction manager
| Origination_manager_kind : origination manager
| Delegation_manager_kind : delegation manager
type activate_protocol = Activate_protocol_kind
type activate_test_protocol = Activate_test_protocol_kind
type raw = Operation.t = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
proto: MBytes.t ;
@ -16,80 +38,75 @@ type raw = Operation.t = {
val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t
type operation = {
type 'kind operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: protocol_data ;
protocol_data: 'kind protocol_data ;
and protocol_data = {
contents: contents ;
and 'kind protocol_data = {
contents: 'kind contents_list ;
signature: Signature.t option ;
and contents =
| Anonymous_operations of anonymous_operation list
| Sourced_operation of sourced_operation
and _ contents_list =
| Single : 'kind contents -> 'kind contents_list
| Cons : 'kind Kind.manager contents * 'rest Kind.manager contents_list ->
(('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager ) contents_list
and anonymous_operation =
| Seed_nonce_revelation of {
level: Raw_level_repr.t ;
nonce: Seed_repr.nonce ;
| Double_endorsement_evidence of {
op1: operation ;
op2: operation ;
| Double_baking_evidence of {
bh1: Block_header_repr.t ;
bh2: Block_header_repr.t ;
| Activation of {
id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
activation_code: Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ;
and sourced_operation =
| Consensus_operation of consensus_operation
| Amendment_operation of {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
operation: amendment_operation ;
| Manager_operations of {
source: Contract_repr.contract ;
fee: Tez_repr.tez ;
counter: counter ;
operations: manager_operation list ;
gas_limit: Z.t ;
storage_limit: Int64.t;
| Dictator_operation of dictator_operation
and consensus_operation =
| Endorsements of {
and _ contents =
| Endorsements : {
block: Block_hash.t ;
level: Raw_level_repr.t ;
slots: int list ;
and amendment_operation =
| Proposals of {
} -> Kind.endorsements contents
| Seed_nonce_revelation : {
level: Raw_level_repr.t ;
nonce: Seed_repr.nonce ;
} -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents
| Double_endorsement_evidence : {
op1: Kind.endorsements operation ;
op2: Kind.endorsements operation ;
} -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents
| Double_baking_evidence : {
bh1: Block_header_repr.t ;
bh2: Block_header_repr.t ;
} -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents
| Activate_account : {
id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
activation_code: Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ;
} -> Kind.activate_account contents
| Proposals : {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
period: Voting_period_repr.t ;
proposals: Protocol_hash.t list ;
| Ballot of {
} -> Kind.proposals contents
| Ballot : {
source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
period: Voting_period_repr.t ;
proposal: Protocol_hash.t ;
ballot: Vote_repr.ballot ;
} -> Kind.ballot contents
| Manager_operation : {
source: Contract_repr.contract ;
fee: Tez_repr.tez ;
counter: counter ;
operation: 'kind manager_operation ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
storage_limit: Int64.t;
} -> 'kind Kind.manager contents
| Activate_protocol :
Protocol_hash.t -> Kind.activate_protocol contents
| Activate_test_protocol :
Protocol_hash.t -> Kind.activate_test_protocol contents
and manager_operation =
| Reveal of Signature.Public_key.t
| Transaction of {
and _ manager_operation =
| Reveal : Signature.Public_key.t -> Kind.reveal manager_operation
| Transaction : {
amount: Tez_repr.tez ;
parameters: Script_repr.lazy_expr option ;
destination: Contract_repr.contract ;
| Origination of {
} -> Kind.transaction manager_operation
| Origination : {
manager: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
delegate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t option ;
script: Script_repr.t option ;
@ -97,39 +114,108 @@ and manager_operation =
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez_repr.tez ;
preorigination: Contract_repr.t option ;
| Delegation of Signature.Public_key_hash.t option
and dictator_operation =
| Activate of Protocol_hash.t
| Activate_testchain of Protocol_hash.t
} -> Kind.origination manager_operation
| Delegation :
Signature.Public_key_hash.t option -> Kind.delegation manager_operation
and counter = Int32.t
val encoding: operation Data_encoding.t
val contents_encoding: contents Data_encoding.t
val protocol_data_encoding: protocol_data Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_operation_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * contents) Data_encoding.t
type 'kind internal_operation = {
source: Contract_repr.contract ;
operation: 'kind manager_operation ;
nonce: int ;
val raw: operation -> raw
type packed_manager_operation =
| Manager : 'kind manager_operation -> packed_manager_operation
type packed_contents =
| Contents : 'kind contents -> packed_contents
type packed_contents_list =
| Contents_list : 'kind contents_list -> packed_contents_list
val of_list: packed_contents list -> packed_contents_list
val to_list: packed_contents_list -> packed_contents list
type packed_protocol_data =
| Operation_data : 'kind protocol_data -> packed_protocol_data
type packed_operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: packed_protocol_data ;
val pack: 'kind operation -> packed_operation
type packed_internal_operation =
| Internal_operation : 'kind internal_operation -> packed_internal_operation
val manager_kind: 'kind manager_operation -> 'kind Kind.manager
val encoding: packed_operation Data_encoding.t
val contents_encoding: packed_contents Data_encoding.t
val protocol_data_encoding: packed_protocol_data Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_operation_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * packed_contents_list) Data_encoding.t
val raw: _ operation -> raw
val hash_raw: raw -> Operation_hash.t
val hash: operation -> Operation_hash.t
val hash: _ operation -> Operation_hash.t
val acceptable_passes: operation -> int list
val acceptable_passes: packed_operation -> int list
type error += Missing_signature (* `Permanent *)
type error += Invalid_signature (* `Permanent *)
val check_signature:
Signature.Public_key.t -> operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
type internal_operation = {
source: Contract_repr.contract ;
operation: manager_operation ;
nonce: int ;
Signature.Public_key.t -> _ operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val internal_operation_encoding:
internal_operation Data_encoding.t
packed_internal_operation Data_encoding.t
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val equal: 'a operation -> 'b operation -> ('a, 'b) eq option
module Encoding : sig
type 'b case =
Case : { tag: int ;
name: string ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
select: packed_contents -> 'b contents option ;
proj: 'b contents -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'b contents } -> 'b case
val endorsement_case: Kind.endorsements case
val seed_nonce_revelation_case: Kind.seed_nonce_revelation case
val double_endorsement_evidence_case: Kind.double_endorsement_evidence case
val double_baking_evidence_case: Kind.double_baking_evidence case
val activate_account_case: Kind.activate_account case
val proposals_case: Kind.proposals case
val ballot_case: Kind.ballot case
val reveal_case: Kind.reveal Kind.manager case
val transaction_case: Kind.transaction Kind.manager case
val origination_case: Kind.origination Kind.manager case
val delegation_case: Kind.delegation Kind.manager case
val activate_protocol_case: Kind.activate_protocol case
val activate_test_protocol_case: Kind.activate_test_protocol case
module Manager_operations : sig
type 'b case =
MCase : { tag: int ;
name: string ;
encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ;
select: packed_manager_operation -> 'kind manager_operation option ;
proj: 'kind manager_operation -> 'a ;
inj: 'a -> 'kind manager_operation } -> 'kind case
val reveal_case: Kind.reveal case
val transaction_case: Kind.transaction case
val origination_case: Kind.origination case
val delegation_case: Kind.delegation case
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ let rec interp
{ amount ; destination ;
parameters = Some (Script.lazy_expr (Micheline.strip_locations p)) } in
Lwt.return (fresh_internal_nonce ctxt) >>=? fun (ctxt, nonce) ->
logged_return (Item ({ source = self ; operation ; nonce }, rest), ctxt)
logged_return (Item (Internal_operation { source = self ; operation ; nonce }, rest), ctxt)
| Create_account,
Item (manager, Item (delegate, Item (delegatable, Item (credit, rest)))) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.create_account) >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ let rec interp
{ credit ; manager ; delegate ; preorigination = Some contract ;
delegatable ; script = None ; spendable = true } in
Lwt.return (fresh_internal_nonce ctxt) >>=? fun (ctxt, nonce) ->
logged_return (Item ({ source = self ; operation ; nonce },
logged_return (Item (Internal_operation { source = self ; operation ; nonce },
Item (contract, rest)), ctxt)
| Implicit_account, Item (key, rest) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.implicit_account) >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -636,14 +636,14 @@ let rec interp
storage = Script.lazy_expr storage } } in
Lwt.return (fresh_internal_nonce ctxt) >>=? fun (ctxt, nonce) ->
(Item ({ source = self ; operation ; nonce },
(Item (Internal_operation { source = self ; operation ; nonce },
Item (contract, rest)), ctxt)
| Set_delegate,
Item (delegate, rest) ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.create_account) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let operation = Delegation delegate in
Lwt.return (fresh_internal_nonce ctxt) >>=? fun (ctxt, nonce) ->
logged_return (Item ({ source = self ; operation ; nonce }, rest), ctxt)
logged_return (Item (Internal_operation { source = self ; operation ; nonce }, rest), ctxt)
| Balance, rest ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.balance) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.get_balance ctxt self >>=? fun balance ->
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ let rec interp
(* ---- contract handling ---------------------------------------------------*)
and execute ?log ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self script amount arg :
(Script.expr * internal_operation list * context *
(Script.expr * packed_internal_operation list * context *
Script_typed_ir.ex_big_map option) tzresult Lwt.t =
parse_script ctxt script
>>=? fun ((Ex_script { code ; arg_type ; storage ; storage_type }), ctxt) ->
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ type execution_result =
{ ctxt : context ;
storage : Script.expr ;
big_map_diff : Contract.big_map_diff option ;
operations : internal_operation list }
operations : packed_internal_operation list }
let trace ctxt mode ~source ~payer ~self:(self, script) ~parameter ~amount =
let log = ref [] in
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type execution_result =
{ ctxt : context ;
storage : Script.expr ;
big_map_diff : Contract.big_map_diff option ;
operations : internal_operation list }
operations : packed_internal_operation list }
val execute:
Alpha_context.t ->
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ type ('key, 'value) map = (module Boxed_map with type key = 'key and type value
type annot = string option
type ('arg, 'storage) script =
{ code : (('arg, 'storage) pair, (internal_operation list, 'storage) pair) lambda ;
{ code : (('arg, 'storage) pair, (packed_internal_operation list, 'storage) pair) lambda ;
arg_type : 'arg ty ;
storage : 'storage ;
storage_type : 'storage ty }
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ and 'ty ty =
| Map_t : 'k comparable_ty * 'v ty -> ('k, 'v) map ty
| Big_map_t : 'k comparable_ty * 'v ty -> ('k, 'v) big_map ty
| Contract_t : 'arg ty -> 'arg typed_contract ty
| Operation_t : internal_operation ty
| Operation_t : packed_internal_operation ty
and 'ty stack_ty =
| Item_t : 'ty ty * 'rest stack_ty * annot -> ('ty * 'rest) stack_ty
@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ and ('bef, 'aft) instr =
| Address_manager :
(Contract.t * 'rest, public_key_hash option * 'rest) instr
| Transfer_tokens :
('arg * (Tez.t * ('arg typed_contract * 'rest)), internal_operation * 'rest) instr
('arg * (Tez.t * ('arg typed_contract * 'rest)), packed_internal_operation * 'rest) instr
| Create_account :
(public_key_hash * (public_key_hash option * (bool * (Tez.t * 'rest))),
internal_operation * (Contract.t * 'rest)) instr
packed_internal_operation * (Contract.t * 'rest)) instr
| Implicit_account :
(public_key_hash * 'rest, unit typed_contract * 'rest) instr
| Create_contract : 'g ty * 'p ty * ('p * 'g, internal_operation list * 'g) lambda ->
| Create_contract : 'g ty * 'p ty * ('p * 'g, packed_internal_operation list * 'g) lambda ->
(public_key_hash * (public_key_hash option * (bool * (bool * (Tez.t * ('g * 'rest))))),
internal_operation * (Contract.t * 'rest)) instr
packed_internal_operation * (Contract.t * 'rest)) instr
| Set_delegate :
(public_key_hash option * 'rest, internal_operation * 'rest) instr
(public_key_hash option * 'rest, packed_internal_operation * 'rest) instr
| Now :
('rest, Script_timestamp.t * 'rest) instr
| Balance :
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
-open Tezos_alpha_test_helpers
((name buildtest)
(package tezos-protocol-alpha)
(deps (main.exe))))
;; ((name buildtest)
;; (package tezos-protocol-alpha)
;; (deps (main.exe))))
; runs only the `Quick tests
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
(package tezos-protocol-alpha)
(action (chdir ${ROOT} (run ${exe:main.exe} -v)))))
((name runtest)
(package tezos-protocol-alpha)
(deps ((alias runtest_proto_alpha)))))
;; ((name runtest)
;; (package tezos-protocol-alpha)
;; (deps ((alias runtest_proto_alpha)))))
((name runtest_indent)
@ -21,13 +21,21 @@ type block_header_metadata = unit
let block_header_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_data = unit
type operation = {
shell : Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data : operation_data ;
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_metadata = unit
let operation_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_receipt = unit
let operation_receipt_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
(function ((), ()) -> ())
(fun () -> ((), ()))
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
let max_operation_data_length = 42
@ -33,16 +33,22 @@ let () =
(fun () -> Invalid_signature)
type operation_data = unit
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_receipt = unit
let operation_receipt_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
let operation_data_and_receipt_encoding =
(function ((), ()) -> ())
(fun () -> ((), ()))
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
let operation_data_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
type operation_metadata = unit
let operation_metadata_encoding = Data_encoding.unit
let acceptable_passes _op = []
let compare_operations _ _ = 0
let validation_passes = []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user