Shell: added rpc to inspect context of a block
Added a block_service and corresponding handler in the node to perform queries of the form '/blocks/<id>/raw_context/<path>?depth=<n>' returning the sub-tree corresponding to <path> inside the context of block <id>. The parameter <depth> controls the size of the tree, default is 1.
This commit is contained in:
@ -561,6 +561,34 @@ module RPC = struct
let dir = (fun () -> Lwt.return rpc_context) Proto.rpc_services in
Lwt.return (Some ( (fun _ -> ()) dir))
let context_raw_get node block ~path ~depth =
let open Block_services in
(* negative depth could be handled by a more informative error *)
if depth < 0 then Lwt.return_none else
get_rpc_context node block >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some rpc_context ->
let rec loop path depth = (* non tail-recursive *)
if depth = 0 then Lwt.return Cut else
(* try to read as file *)
Context.get rpc_context.context path >>= function
| Some v -> Lwt.return (Key v)
| None -> (* try to read as directory *)
Context.fold rpc_context.context path ~init:[]
~f:(fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Key k | `Dir k ->
loop k (depth-1) >>= fun v ->
let k = List.nth k ((List.length k)-1) in
Lwt.return ((k,v)::acc)) >>= fun l ->
Lwt.return (Dir (List.rev l))
Context.mem rpc_context.context path >>= fun mem ->
Context.dir_mem rpc_context.context path >>= fun dir_mem ->
if mem || dir_mem then
loop path depth >>= Lwt.return_some
else Lwt.return_none
let heads node =
let chain_state = Chain_validator.chain_state node.mainchain_validator in
Chain.known_heads chain_state >>= fun heads ->
@ -112,6 +112,14 @@ module RPC : sig
val context_dir:
t -> block -> 'a RPC_directory.t option Lwt.t
(** Returns the content of the context at the given [path] descending
recursively into directories as far as [depth] allows.
Returns [None] if a path in not in the context or if [depth] is
negative. *)
val context_raw_get:
t -> block -> path:string list -> depth:int ->
Block_services.raw_context_result option Lwt.t
val preapply:
t -> block ->
timestamp:Time.t -> protocol_data:MBytes.t ->
@ -436,6 +436,13 @@ let build_rpc_directory node =
let dir =
RPC_directory.register2 dir Block_services.S.complete
(fun block s () () -> Node.RPC.complete node ~block s >>= return) in
let dir =
RPC_directory.register2 dir Block_services.S.raw_context
(fun block path q () ->
Node.RPC.context_raw_get node block ~path ~depth:q#depth >>= function
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some v -> return v)
(* Workers : Prevalidators *)
@ -153,6 +153,23 @@ let preapply_result_encoding =
(req "operations"
(list (Preapply_result.encoding RPC_error.encoding)))))
type raw_context_result =
| Key of MBytes.t
| Dir of (string * raw_context_result) list
| Cut
let raw_context_result_pp t =
let open Format in
let rec loop ppf = function
| Cut -> fprintf ppf "..."
| Key v -> let `Hex s = MBytes.to_hex v in fprintf ppf "%S" s
| Dir l ->
fprintf ppf "{@[<v 1>@,%a@]@,}"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_cut
(fun ppf (s,t) -> fprintf ppf "%s : %a" s loop t)) l
asprintf "%a" loop t
module S = struct
let blocks_arg =
@ -239,6 +256,47 @@ module S = struct
~output: (obj1 (req "context" Context_hash.encoding))
RPC_path.(block_path / "context")
let raw_context_args : string RPC_arg.t =
let name = "context_path" in
let descr = "A path inside the context" in
let construct = fun s -> s in
let destruct = fun s -> Ok s in
RPC_arg.make ~name ~descr ~construct ~destruct ()
let raw_context_result_encoding : raw_context_result Data_encoding.t =
let open Data_encoding in
obj1 (req "content"
(mu "context_tree" (fun raw_context_result_encoding ->
union [
case (Tag 0) bytes
(function Key k -> Some k | _ -> None)
(fun k -> Key k) ;
case (Tag 1) (assoc raw_context_result_encoding)
(function Dir k -> Some k | _ -> None)
(fun k -> Dir k) ;
case (Tag 2) null
(function Cut -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Cut) ;
(* The depth query argument for the [raw_context] service,
default value is 1. *)
let depth_query : < depth: int > RPC_query.t =
let open RPC_query in
query (fun depth -> object
method depth = depth
|+ field "depth" 1 (fun t -> t#depth)
|> seal
let raw_context =
~description:"Returns the raw context."
~query: depth_query
~input: empty
~output: raw_context_result_encoding
RPC_path.(block_path / "raw_context" /:* raw_context_args)
let timestamp =
~description:"Returns the block's timestamp."
@ -508,3 +566,10 @@ let unmark_invalid ctxt h =
let list_invalid ctxt =
make_call S.list_invalid ctxt () () ()
let raw_context ctxt b key depth =
let depth = object
method depth = depth
make_call2 S.raw_context ctxt b key depth ()
@ -102,6 +102,21 @@ val preapply:
val complete:
#simple -> block -> string -> string list tzresult Lwt.t
(** Encodes a directory structure returned from a context
query as a tree plus a special case [Cut] used when
the query is limited by a [depth] value.
[Cut] is encoded as [null] in json. *)
type raw_context_result =
| Key of MBytes.t
| Dir of (string * raw_context_result) list
| Cut
(** Pretty-printer for raw_context_result *)
val raw_context_result_pp : raw_context_result -> string
val raw_context:
#simple -> block -> string list -> int -> raw_context_result tzresult Lwt.t
val monitor_prevalidated_operations:
?contents:bool ->
#streamed ->
@ -112,7 +127,8 @@ val unmark_invalid:
val list_invalid:
#simple -> (Block_hash.t * int32 * error list) list tzresult Lwt.t
(** Signatures of all RPCs.
This module is shared between the Client and the Node. *)
module S : sig
val blocks_arg : block RPC_arg.arg
@ -154,6 +170,19 @@ module S : sig
unit * block, unit, unit,
Context_hash.t) RPC_service.t
(** Accepts queries of the form
returning the sub-tree corresponding to <path> inside the context of
block <id>. The optional parameter <depth> controls the size of the
tree, default is 1.
tezos-client rpc call /blocks/head/raw_context/v1?depth=2
val raw_context:
([ `POST ], unit,
(unit * block) * string list, <depth:int>, unit,
raw_context_result) RPC_service.t
type operations_param = {
contents: bool ;
monitor: bool ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user