
188 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(* *)
2018-02-05 21:17:03 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Lwt.Infix
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
type t = raw
and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
let raw x = x
2018-02-19 18:25:57 +01:00
let pp ppf (hd, h_lst) =
let repeats = 10 in
let coef = 2 in
(* list of hashes *)
let rec pp_hash_list ppf (h_lst , acc , d , r) =
match h_lst with
| [] ->
Format.fprintf ppf ""
| hd :: tl ->
let new_d = if r > 1 then d else d * coef in
let new_r = if r > 1 then r - 1 else repeats in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (%i)\n%a"
Block_hash.pp hd acc pp_hash_list (tl , acc - d , new_d , new_r) in
2018-02-19 18:25:57 +01:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%a (head)\n%a"
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash hd)
pp_hash_list (h_lst , -1, 1, repeats - 1)
let pp_short ppf (hd, h_lst) =
Format.fprintf ppf "head: %a, %d predecessors"
Block_hash.pp (Block_header.hash hd)
(List.length h_lst)
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(* TODO add a [description] *)
(req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding))))
type seed = {
sender_id: P2p_peer.Id.t ;
receiver_id: P2p_peer.Id.t ;
(* Random generator for locator steps.
We draw steps by sequence of 10. The first sequence's steps are of
length 1 (consecutive). The second sequence's steps are of a random
length between 1 and 2. The third sequence's steps are of a random
length between 2 and 4, and so on...
The sequence is deterministic for a given triple of sender,
receiver and block hash. *)
module Step : sig
type state
val init: seed -> Block_hash.t -> state
val next: state -> int * state
end = struct
type state = int * int * Cstruct.t
let init seed head =
let seed =
Nocrypto.Hash.digest `SHA256 @@
[ Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ P2p_peer.Id.to_bytes seed.sender_id ;
Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ P2p_peer.Id.to_bytes seed.receiver_id ;
Cstruct.of_bigarray @@ Block_hash.to_bytes head ] in
(1, 9, seed)
let draw seed n =
Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 (Cstruct.to_bigarray seed) 0) mod n,
Nocrypto.Hash.digest `SHA256 seed
let next (step, counter, seed) =
let random_gap, seed =
if step <= 1 then
0, seed
draw seed (1 + step/2) in
let new_state =
if counter = 0 then
(step * 2, 9, seed)
(step, counter - 1, seed) in
step - random_gap, new_state
let estimated_length seed (head, hist) =
let rec loop acc state = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
let step, state = state in
loop (acc + step) state hist in
let state = Step.init seed (Block_header.hash head) in
let step, state = state in
loop step state hist
let fold ~f ~init (head, hist) seed =
let rec loop state acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
let step, state = state in
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop state acc hist in
let head = Block_header.hash head in
let state = Step.init seed head in
loop state init (head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps seed locator =
fold locator seed
~f: begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step ->
{ block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step } :: acc
let compute ~predecessor ~genesis block_hash header seed ~size =
let rec loop acc size state block =
if size = 0 then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
let step, state = state in
predecessor block step >>= function
| None ->
(* We reached genesis before size *)
if Block_hash.equal block genesis then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
Lwt.return (List.rev (genesis :: acc))
| Some pred ->
loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) state pred in
if size <= 0 then
Lwt.return (header, [])
let state = Step.init seed block_hash in
let step, state = state in
predecessor block_hash step >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (header, [])
| Some p ->
loop [p] (size-1) state p >>= fun hist ->
Lwt.return (header, hist)
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
type validity =
| Unknown
| Known_valid
| Known_invalid
let unknown_prefix ~is_known (head, hist) =
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
let rec loop hist acc =
match hist with
| [] -> Lwt.return_none
| h :: t ->
is_known h >>= function
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (h, (List.rev (h :: acc)))
| Known_invalid ->
| Unknown ->
loop t (h :: acc)
is_known (Block_header.hash head) >>= function
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (Block_header.hash head, (head, []))
| Known_invalid ->
| Unknown ->
loop hist [] >>= function
| None ->
2017-12-17 19:51:06 +01:00
| Some (tail, hist) ->
Lwt.return_some (tail, (head, hist))