Shell: Memoize locator computations
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
(* *)
open State
type t = raw
type t = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
(** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *)
and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
type error += Invalid_locator of P2p.Peer_id.t * t
let raw x = x
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
@ -20,108 +21,64 @@ let encoding =
(req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding))))
let compute (b: Block.t) sz =
let rec loop acc sz step cpt b =
let predecessor (store : (b: Block_hash.t) =
Store.Block.Contents.read_exn (store, b) >>= fun contents ->
let predecessor = in
if Block_hash.equal b predecessor then
Lwt.return_some predecessor
let compute (store : (b: Block_hash.t) sz =
let rec loop acc ~sz step cpt b =
if sz = 0 then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
Block.predecessor b >>= function
predecessor store b >>= function
| None ->
Lwt.return (List.rev (Block.hash b :: acc))
Lwt.return (List.rev (b :: acc))
| Some predecessor ->
if cpt = 0 then
loop (Block.hash b :: acc) (sz - 1)
loop (b :: acc) ~sz:(sz - 1)
(step * 2) (step * 20 - 1) predecessor
else if cpt mod step = 0 then
loop (Block.hash b :: acc) (sz - 1)
loop (b :: acc) ~sz:(sz - 1)
step (cpt - 1) predecessor
loop acc sz step (cpt - 1) predecessor in
Block.predecessor b >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (State.Block.header b, [])
loop acc ~sz step (cpt - 1) predecessor in
Store.Block.Contents.read_exn (store, b) >>= fun { header } ->
predecessor store b >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (header, [])
| Some p ->
loop [] sz 1 9 p >>= fun hist ->
Lwt.return (State.Block.header b, hist)
loop [] ~sz 1 9 p >>= fun hist ->
Lwt.return (header, hist)
let estimated_length (_head, hist) =
let rec loop acc step cpt = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
if cpt = 0 then
loop (acc+step) (step*2) 9 hist
loop (acc+step) step (cpt-1) hist
type validity =
| Unknown
| Known_valid
| Known_invalid
let unknown_prefix cond (head, hist) =
let rec loop hist acc =
match hist with
| [] -> Lwt.return_none
| h :: t ->
cond h >>= function
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (h, (List.rev (h :: acc)))
| Known_invalid ->
| Unknown ->
loop t (h :: acc)
loop 1 1 9 hist
let fold ~f acc (head, hist) =
let rec loop step cpt acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
let step, cpt =
if cpt = 0 then
2 * step, 9
step, cpt - 1 in
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop step cpt acc hist
loop 1 10 acc (Block_header.hash head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps locator =
~f:begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step -> {
block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step ;
} :: acc
[] locator
let rec known_ancestor net_state acc hist =
match hist with
| [] -> Lwt.return_none
| h :: hist ->
Block.read_opt net_state h >>= function
| Some block -> Lwt.return (Some (block, List.rev (h :: acc)))
cond (Block_header.hash head) >>= function
| Known_valid ->
Lwt.return_some (Block_header.hash head, (head, []))
| Known_invalid ->
| Unknown ->
loop hist [] >>= function
| None ->
Block.known_invalid net_state h >>= function
| true -> Lwt.return_none
| false -> known_ancestor net_state (h :: acc) hist
let known_ancestor net_state (head, hist) =
let hash = Block_header.hash head in
if Block_hash.equal hash (State.Net.faked_genesis_hash net_state) then
net_state (State.Net.genesis net_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
Lwt.return_some (genesis, (head, []))
State.Block.read_opt net_state hash >>= function
| Some ancestor -> Lwt.return_some (ancestor, (head, []))
| None ->
known_ancestor net_state [] hist >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some (ancestor, prefix) ->
Lwt.return_some (ancestor, (head, prefix))
let find_new net_state locator sz =
let rec path sz acc h =
if sz <= 0 then Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
read_chain_store net_state begin fun chain_store _data ->
Store.Chain.In_chain.read_opt (chain_store, h)
end >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| Some s -> path (sz-1) (s :: acc) s in
known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some (known, _) ->
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
Chain_traversal.common_ancestor known head >>= fun ancestor ->
path sz [] (Block.hash ancestor)
| Some (tail, hist) ->
Lwt.return_some (tail, (head, hist))
@ -7,61 +7,27 @@
(* *)
open State
type t = private (Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list)
type t = private raw
(** A type for sparse block locator (/à la/ Bitcoin) *)
and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
(** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *)
val raw: t -> raw
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
type error += Invalid_locator of P2p.Peer_id.t * t
val compute: Block.t -> int -> t Lwt.t
val compute: -> Block_hash.t -> int -> t Lwt.t
(** [compute block max_length] compute the sparse block locator for
the [block]. The locator contains at most [max_length] elements. *)
val fold:
f:('a ->
block:Block_hash.t -> pred:Block_hash.t ->
step:int -> strict_step:bool -> 'a) ->
'a -> t -> 'a
(** [map f l] applies [f] to each block of the locator, the last one
excepted. The function also receives the expected predecessor
[pred] of the [block] after [step] steps, i.e. the next block in
the locator. When [strict_step] is [true], then [step] is the
exact number of predecessor to be followed before to found
[pred]. Otherwise, it is only an upper bound. *)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
(** A 'step' in a locator is a couple of consecutives hashes in the
locator, and the expected difference of level the two blocks (or
an upper bounds when [strict_step = false]). *)
val to_steps: t -> step list
(** Build all the 'steps' composing the locator, starting with the
oldest one (typically the predecessor of the first step will be
`genesis`). All steps contains [strict_step = true], except the
first one. *)
val estimated_length: t -> int
(** [estimated_length locator] estimate the length of the chain
represented by [locator]. *)
val known_ancestor: State.Net.t -> t -> (Block.t * t) option Lwt.t
(** [known_ancestor net_state locator] computes the first block of
[locator] that is known to be a valid block. It also computes the
'prefix' of [locator] with end at the first valid block. The
function returns [None] when no block in the locator are known or
if the first known block is invalid. *)
val find_new:
State.Net.t -> t -> int -> Block_hash.t list Lwt.t
(** [find_new net locator max_length] returns the blocks from our
current branch that would be unknown to a peer that sends us the
[locator]. *)
type validity =
| Unknown
| Known_valid
| Known_invalid
val unknown_prefix:
(Block_hash.t -> validity Lwt.t) -> t -> (Block_hash.t * t) option Lwt.t
(** [unknown_prefix validity locator] keeps only the unknown part of
the locator up to the first valid block. If there is no known valid
block or there is a known invalid one, None is returned. *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
let estimated_length locator =
let (_head, hist) = Block_locator.raw locator in
let rec loop acc step cpt = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
if cpt = 0 then
loop (acc+step) (step*2) 9 hist
loop (acc+step) step (cpt-1) hist
loop 1 1 9 hist
let fold ~f acc locator =
let (head, hist) = Block_locator.raw locator in
let rec loop step cpt acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
let step, cpt =
if cpt = 0 then
2 * step, 9
step, cpt - 1 in
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop step cpt acc hist
loop 1 10 acc (Block_header.hash head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps locator =
~f:begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step -> {
block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step ;
} :: acc
[] locator
let block_validity net_state block : Block_locator.validity Lwt.t =
State.Block.known net_state block >>= function
| false ->
if Block_hash.equal block (State.Net.faked_genesis_hash net_state) then
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
Lwt.return Block_locator.Unknown
| true ->
State.Block.known_invalid net_state block >>= function
| true ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_invalid
| false ->
Lwt.return Block_locator.Known_valid
let known_ancestor net_state locator =
Block_locator.unknown_prefix (block_validity net_state) locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some (tail, locator) ->
if Block_hash.equal tail (State.Net.faked_genesis_hash net_state) then
net_state (State.Net.genesis net_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
Lwt.return_some (genesis, locator)
State.Block.read_exn net_state tail >>= fun block ->
Lwt.return_some (block, locator)
let find_new net_state locator sz =
let rec path sz acc h =
if sz <= 0 then Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
State.read_chain_store net_state begin fun chain_store _data ->
Store.Chain.In_chain.read_opt (chain_store, h)
end >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| Some s -> path (sz-1) (s :: acc) s in
known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some (known, _) ->
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
Chain_traversal.common_ancestor known head >>= fun ancestor ->
path sz [] (State.Block.hash ancestor)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
val fold:
f:('a ->
block:Block_hash.t -> pred:Block_hash.t ->
step:int -> strict_step:bool -> 'a) ->
'a -> Block_locator.t -> 'a
(** [map f l] applies [f] to each block of the locator, the last one
excepted. The function also receives the expected predecessor
[pred] of the [block] after [step] steps, i.e. the next block in
the locator. When [strict_step] is [true], then [step] is the
exact number of predecessor to be followed before to found
[pred]. Otherwise, it is only an upper bound. *)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
step: int ;
strict_step: bool ;
(** A 'step' in a locator is a couple of consecutives hashes in the
locator, and the expected difference of level the two blocks (or
an upper bounds when [strict_step = false]). *)
val to_steps: Block_locator.t -> step list
(** Build all the 'steps' composing the locator, starting with the
oldest one (typically the predecessor of the first step will be
`genesis`). All steps contains [strict_step = true], except the
first one. *)
val estimated_length: Block_locator.t -> int
(** [estimated_length locator] estimate the length of the chain
represented by [locator]. *)
val known_ancestor:
State.Net.t -> Block_locator.t -> (State.Block.t * Block_locator.t) option Lwt.t
(** [known_ancestor net_state locator] computes the first block of
[locator] that is known to be a valid block. It also computes the
'prefix' of [locator] with end at the first valid block. The
function returns [None] when no block in the locator are known or
if the first known block is invalid. *)
val find_new:
State.Net.t -> Block_locator.t -> int -> Block_hash.t list Lwt.t
(** [find_new net locator max_length] returns the blocks from our
current branch that would be unknown to a peer that sends us the
[locator]. *)
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "node.validator.bootstrap_pipeline" end)
type error += Invalid_locator of P2p.Peer_id.t * Block_locator.t
type t = {
canceler: Lwt_canceler.t ;
block_header_timeout: float ;
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ type t = {
mutable errors: Error_monad.error list ;
let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator.step) =
let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator_iterator.step) =
lwt_log_info "fetching step %a -> %a (%d%s) from peer %a."
Block_hash.pp_short step.block
Block_hash.pp_short step.predecessor
@ -41,14 +43,12 @@ let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator.step) =
if cpt < 0 then
lwt_log_info "invalid step from peer %a (too long)."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pipeline.peer_id >>= fun () ->
fail (Block_locator.Invalid_locator
(pipeline.peer_id, pipeline.locator))
fail (Invalid_locator (pipeline.peer_id, pipeline.locator))
else if Block_hash.equal hash step.predecessor then
if step.strict_step && cpt <> 0 then
lwt_log_info "invalid step from peer %a (too short)."
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pipeline.peer_id >>= fun () ->
fail (Block_locator.Invalid_locator
(pipeline.peer_id, pipeline.locator))
fail (Invalid_locator (pipeline.peer_id, pipeline.locator))
return acc
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let fetch_step pipeline (step : Block_locator.step) =
let headers_fetch_worker_loop pipeline =
let steps = Block_locator.to_steps pipeline.locator in
let steps = Block_locator_iterator.to_steps pipeline.locator in
iter_s (fetch_step pipeline) steps >>=? fun () ->
return ()
end >>= function
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
type t
type error += Invalid_locator of P2p.Peer_id.t * Block_locator.t
val create:
?notify_new_block: (State.Block.t -> unit) ->
block_header_timeout:float ->
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ type data = State.chain_data = {
current_mempool: mempool ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
let data net_state =
@ -47,7 +48,12 @@ let data net_state =
Lwt.return data
let locked_set_head chain_store data block =
let locator net_state =
data net_state >>= begin fun data ->
Lazy.force data.locator
let locked_set_head net_state chain_store data block =
let rec pop_blocks ancestor block =
let hash = Block.hash block in
if Block_hash.equal hash ancestor then
@ -83,11 +89,12 @@ let locked_set_head chain_store data block =
current_mempool = State.empty_mempool ;
live_blocks ;
live_operations ;
locator = lazy (State.compute_locator net_state block) ;
let set_head net_state block =
update_chain_store net_state begin fun chain_store data ->
locked_set_head chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
locked_set_head net_state chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data,
@ -97,7 +104,7 @@ let test_and_set_head net_state ~old block =
if not (Block.equal data.current_head old) then
Lwt.return (None, false)
locked_set_head chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
locked_set_head net_state chain_store data block >>= fun new_chain_data ->
Lwt.return (Some new_chain_data, true)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ val genesis: Net.t -> Block.t Lwt.t
(** The current head of the network's blockchain. *)
val head: Net.t -> Block.t Lwt.t
val locator: Net.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
(** All the available chain data. *)
type data = {
@ -24,11 +25,13 @@ type data = {
current_mempool: mempool ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
(** Reading atomically all the chain data. *)
val data: Net.t -> data Lwt.t
(** The current head and all the known (valid) alternate heads. *)
val known_heads: Net.t -> Block.t list Lwt.t
@ -466,8 +466,7 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ Get_current_branch net_id ;
Chain.head net_db.net_state >>= fun head ->
Block_locator.compute head 200 >>= fun locator ->
Chain.locator net_db.net_state >>= fun locator ->
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ Current_branch (net_id, locator) ;
@ -951,10 +950,8 @@ module Advertise = struct
send net_db ?peer @@
Current_head (net_id, State.Block.header head, mempool)
let current_branch net_db ?peer head =
let current_branch net_db ?peer locator =
let net_id = net_db.net_state in
assert (Net_id.equal net_id (State.Block.net_id head)) ;
Block_locator.compute head 200 >>= fun locator ->
send net_db ?peer @@ Current_branch (net_id, locator) ;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ module Advertise : sig
network, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
val current_branch:
net_db -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t ->
State.Block.t -> unit Lwt.t
Block_locator.t -> unit Lwt.t
@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ let broadcast_head nv ~previous block =
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_head nv.net_db block ;
end else begin
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_branch nv.net_db block
Chain.locator (Distributed_db.net_state nv.net_db) >>= fun locator ->
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_branch nv.net_db locator
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let set_bootstrapped pv =
let bootstrap_new_branch pv _ancestor _head unknown_prefix =
let len = Block_locator.estimated_length unknown_prefix in
let len = Block_locator_iterator.estimated_length unknown_prefix in
"validating new branch from peer %a (approx. %d blocks)"
P2p.Peer_id.pp_short pv.peer_id len >>= fun () ->
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let may_validate_new_branch pv distant_hash locator =
return ()
end else begin
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in
Block_locator.known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
Block_locator_iterator.known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
| None ->
"ignoring branch %a without common ancestor from peer: %a."
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ let rec worker_loop pv =
| Ok () ->
worker_loop pv
| Error ((( Unknown_ancestor
| Block_locator.Invalid_locator _
| Bootstrap_pipeline.Invalid_locator _
| Block_validator.Invalid_block _ ) :: _) as errors ) ->
(* TODO ban the peer_id... *)
lwt_log_info "Terminating the validation worker for peer %a (kickban)."
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ and chain_data = {
current_mempool: mempool ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
and mempool = {
@ -137,6 +138,14 @@ let update_chain_store { net_id ; context_index ; chain_state } f =
Lwt.return res
let compute_locator_from_hash (net : net_state) ?(size = 200) head =
Shared.use net.block_store begin fun block_store ->
Block_locator.compute block_store head size
let compute_locator net ?size head =
compute_locator_from_hash net ?size head.hash
type t = global_state
module Locked_block = struct
@ -198,6 +207,7 @@ module Net = struct
current_mempool = empty_mempool ;
live_blocks = Block_hash.Set.singleton genesis.block ;
live_operations = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
locator = lazy (compute_locator_from_hash net_state current_head) ;
} ;
chain_store ;
@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ val read_block:
val read_block_exn:
global_state -> Block_hash.t -> Block.t Lwt.t
val compute_locator: Net.t -> ?size:int -> Block.t -> Block_locator.t Lwt.t
val fork_testnet:
Block.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Net.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ type chain_data = {
current_mempool: mempool ;
live_blocks: Block_hash.Set.t ;
live_operations: Operation_hash.Set.t ;
locator: Block_locator.t Lwt.t lazy_t ;
val read_chain_store:
@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ let test_ancestor s =
let test_locator s =
let check_locator h1 expected =
(vblock s h1) (List.length expected) >>= fun l ->
~size:(List.length expected) (vblock s h1) >>= fun l ->
let _, l = (l : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
if List.length l <> List.length expected then
@ -415,8 +415,9 @@ let test_new_blocks s =
let test_find_new s =
let test s h expected =
Block_locator.compute (vblock s h) 50 >>= fun loc ->
Block_locator.find_new loc (List.length expected) >>= fun blocks ->
State.compute_locator ~size:50 (vblock s h) >>= fun loc ->
|||| loc (List.length expected) >>= fun blocks ->
if List.length blocks <> List.length expected then
"Invalid find new length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user