Distributed_db: inline the header when broadcasting a new block.
This adds a small size overhead in the network message, but in most cases it will avoid a subsequent 'fetch' of the header.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
open State
type t = Block_hash.t list
type t = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list
type error += Invalid_locator of P2p.Peer_id.t * t
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(* TODO add a [description] *)
list Block_hash.encoding
(req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding))))
let compute (b: Block.t) sz =
let rec loop acc sz step cpt b =
@ -35,9 +37,13 @@ let compute (b: Block.t) sz =
step (cpt - 1) predecessor
loop acc sz step (cpt - 1) predecessor in
loop [] sz 1 9 b
Block.predecessor b >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (State.Block.header b, [])
| Some p ->
loop [] sz 1 9 p >>= fun hist ->
Lwt.return (State.Block.header b, hist)
let estimated_length hist =
let estimated_length (_head, hist) =
let rec loop acc step cpt = function
| [] -> acc
| _ :: hist ->
@ -46,9 +52,9 @@ let estimated_length hist =
loop (acc+step) step (cpt-1) hist
loop 0 1 9 hist
loop 1 1 9 hist
let fold ~f acc hist =
let fold ~f acc (head, hist) =
let rec loop step cpt acc = function
| [] | [_] -> acc
| block :: (pred :: rem as hist) ->
@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ let fold ~f acc hist =
let acc = f acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step:(rem <> []) in
loop step cpt acc hist
loop 1 9 acc hist
loop 1 10 acc (Block_header.hash head :: hist)
type step = {
block: Block_hash.t ;
@ -69,13 +75,13 @@ type step = {
strict_step: bool ;
let to_steps hist =
let to_steps locator =
~f:begin fun acc ~block ~pred ~step ~strict_step -> {
block ; predecessor = pred ; step ; strict_step ;
} :: acc
[] hist
[] locator
let rec known_ancestor net_state acc hist =
match hist with
@ -88,10 +94,22 @@ let rec known_ancestor net_state acc hist =
| true -> Lwt.return_none
| false -> known_ancestor net_state (h :: acc) hist
let known_ancestor net_state hist =
known_ancestor net_state [] hist
let known_ancestor net_state (head, hist) =
let hash = Block_header.hash head in
if Block_hash.equal hash (State.Net.faked_genesis_hash net_state) then
net_state (State.Net.genesis net_state).block >>= fun genesis ->
Lwt.return_some (genesis, (head, []))
State.Block.read_opt net_state hash >>= function
| Some ancestor -> Lwt.return_some (ancestor, (head, []))
| None ->
known_ancestor net_state [] hist >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some (ancestor, prefix) ->
Lwt.return_some (ancestor, (head, prefix))
let find_new net_state hist sz =
let find_new net_state locator sz =
let rec path sz acc h =
if sz <= 0 then Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
@ -100,7 +118,7 @@ let find_new net_state hist sz =
end >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| Some s -> path (sz-1) (s :: acc) s in
known_ancestor net_state hist >>= function
known_ancestor net_state locator >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some (known, _) ->
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
open State
type t = private Block_hash.t list
type t = private (Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list)
(** A type for sparse block locator (/à la/ Bitcoin) *)
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
@ -300,8 +300,10 @@ module Raw_protocol =
type callback = {
notify_branch: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
notify_head: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit ;
P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_header.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit ;
disconnection: P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit ;
@ -416,9 +418,10 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
| Current_branch (net_id, locator) ->
may_activate global_db state net_id @@ fun net_db ->
let head, hist = (locator :> Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list) in
(State.Block.known_invalid net_db.net_state)
(locator :> Block_hash.t list) >>= fun known_invalid ->
(Block_header.hash head :: hist) >>= fun known_invalid ->
if not known_invalid then
net_db.callback.notify_branch state.gid locator ;
(* TODO Kickban *)
@ -436,15 +439,16 @@ module P2p_reader = struct
Chain.mempool net_db.net_state >>= fun mempool ->
@@ P2p.try_send global_db.p2p state.conn
@@ Current_head (net_id, State.Block.hash head,
@@ Current_head (net_id, State.Block.header head,
Utils.list_sub mempool 200) ;
| Current_head (net_id, head, mempool) ->
| Current_head (net_id, header, mempool) ->
may_handle state net_id @@ fun net_db ->
let head = Block_header.hash header in
State.Block.known_invalid net_db.net_state head >>= fun known_invalid ->
if not known_invalid then
net_db.callback.notify_head state.gid head mempool ;
net_db.callback.notify_head state.gid header mempool ;
(* TODO Kickban *)
@ -846,8 +850,10 @@ let clear_block net_db hash n =
Raw_block_header.Table.clear_or_cancel net_db.block_header_db.table hash
let broadcast_head net_db head mempool =
let net_id = State.Net.id net_db.net_state in
assert (Net_id.equal net_id (State.Block.net_id head)) ;
let msg : Message.t =
Current_head (State.Net.id net_db.net_state, head, mempool) in
Current_head (net_id, State.Block.header head, mempool) in
(fun _peer_id state ->
ignore (P2p.try_send net_db.global_db.p2p state.conn msg))
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ val net_state: net_db -> State.Net.t
val db: net_db -> db
type callback = {
notify_branch: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
notify_head: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit ;
P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_header.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit ;
disconnection: P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit ;
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ val deactivate: net_db -> unit Lwt.t
val disconnect: net_db -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit Lwt.t
val broadcast_head:
net_db -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit
net_db -> State.Block.t -> Operation_hash.t list -> unit
type operation =
| Blob of Operation.t
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type t =
| Deactivate of Net_id.t
| Get_current_head of Net_id.t
| Current_head of Net_id.t * Block_hash.t * Operation_hash.t list
| Current_head of Net_id.t * Block_header.t * Operation_hash.t list
| Get_block_headers of Net_id.t * Block_hash.t list
| Block_header of Block_header.t
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ let encoding =
(req "net_id" Net_id.encoding)
(req "current_branch" Block_locator.encoding))
| Current_branch (net_id, bhs) -> Some (net_id, bhs)
| Current_branch (net_id, locator) -> Some (net_id, locator)
| _ -> None)
(fun (net_id, bhs) -> Current_branch (net_id, bhs)) ;
(fun (net_id, locator) -> Current_branch (net_id, locator)) ;
case ~tag:0x12
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let encoding =
case ~tag:0x14
(req "net_id" Net_id.encoding)
(req "current_head" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "current_block_header" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding))
(req "current_mempool" (list Operation_hash.encoding)))
| Current_head (net_id, bh, ops) -> Some (net_id, bh, ops)
@ -184,4 +184,5 @@ let raw_encoding = P2p.Raw.encoding encoding
let pp_json ppf msg =
Format.pp_print_string ppf
(Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string (Data_encoding.Json.construct raw_encoding (Message msg)))
(Data_encoding.Json.construct raw_encoding (Message msg)))
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type t =
| Deactivate of Net_id.t
| Get_current_head of Net_id.t
| Current_head of Net_id.t * Block_hash.t * Operation_hash.t list
| Current_head of Net_id.t * Block_header.t * Operation_hash.t list
| Get_block_headers of Net_id.t * Block_hash.t list
| Block_header of Block_header.t
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ let create net_db =
Lwt.return_unit in
let broadcast_operation ops =
let hash = State.Block.hash !head in
Distributed_db.broadcast_head net_db hash ops in
Distributed_db.broadcast_head net_db !head ops in
let handle_unprocessed () =
if Operation_hash.Set.is_empty !unprocessed then
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ and net_state = {
global_state: global_state ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
genesis: genesis ;
faked_genesis_hash: Block_hash.t ;
expiration: Time.t option ;
allow_forked_network: bool ;
block_store: Store.Block.store Shared.t ;
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ module Net = struct
type net_state = t
let allocate
~genesis ~expiration ~allow_forked_network
~genesis ~faked_genesis_hash ~expiration ~allow_forked_network
global_state context_index chain_store block_store =
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ module Net = struct
global_state ;
net_id = Net_id.of_block_hash genesis.block ;
chain_state = { Shared.data = chain_state ; lock = Lwt_mutex.create () } ;
genesis ;
genesis ; faked_genesis_hash ;
expiration ;
allow_forked_network ;
block_store = Shared.create block_store ;
@ -212,9 +213,10 @@ module Net = struct
end >>= fun () ->
block_store genesis commit >>= fun _genesis_header ->
block_store genesis commit >>= fun genesis_header ->
~faked_genesis_hash:(Block_header.hash genesis_header)
@ -250,11 +252,13 @@ module Net = struct
Store.Net.Expiration.read_opt net_store >>= fun expiration ->
data.global_store id >>= fun allow_forked_network ->
Store.Block.Contents.read (block_store, genesis_hash) >>=? fun genesis_header ->
let genesis = { time ; protocol ; block = genesis_hash } in
Store.Chain.Current_head.read chain_store >>=? fun current_head ->
~faked_genesis_hash:(Block_header.hash genesis_header.header)
@ -293,6 +297,7 @@ module Net = struct
let id { net_id } = net_id
let genesis { genesis } = genesis
let faked_genesis_hash { faked_genesis_hash } = faked_genesis_hash
let expiration { expiration } = expiration
let allow_forked_network { allow_forked_network } = allow_forked_network
let global_state { global_state } = global_state
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ module Net : sig
val id: net_state -> Net_id.t
val genesis: net_state -> genesis
val faked_genesis_hash: net_state -> Block_hash.t
val expiration: net_state -> Time.t option
val allow_forked_network: net_state -> bool
(** Accessors. Respectively access to;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ let rec may_set_head v (block: State.Block.t) =
Chain.test_and_set_head v.net ~old:head block >>= function
| false -> may_set_head v block
| true ->
Distributed_db.broadcast_head v.net_db block_hash [] ;
Distributed_db.broadcast_head v.net_db block [] ;
Prevalidator.flush v.prevalidator block ;
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ let rec create_validator ?parent worker ?max_child_ttl state db net =
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push queue (`Branch (gid, locator)))
end ;
notify_head = begin fun gid block ops ->
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push queue (`Head (gid, block, ops))) ;
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push queue (`Head (gid, Block_header.hash block, ops))) ;
end ;
disconnection = (fun _gid -> ()) ;
} ;
@ -759,9 +759,10 @@ let rec create_validator ?parent worker ?max_child_ttl state db net =
let rec loop () =
Lwt_pipe.pop queue >>= function
| `Branch (_gid, locator) ->
let head, hist = (locator : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
(Context_db.prefetch v session)
(locator :> Block_hash.t list) ;
(Block_header.hash head :: hist) ;
loop ()
| `Head (gid, head, ops) ->
Context_db.prefetch v session head ;
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ let test_locator s =
let check_locator h1 expected =
(vblock s h1) (List.length expected) >>= fun l ->
let l = (l :> Block_hash.t list) in
let _, l = (l : Block_locator.t :> _ * _) in
if List.length l <> List.length expected then
"Invalid locator length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ let test_locator s =
(fun h h2 ->
if not (Block_hash.equal h (State.Block.hash @@ vblock s h2)) then
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid locator %s (expectd: %s)" h1 h2)
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid locator %s (expected: %s)" h1 h2)
l expected ;
Lwt.return_unit in
check_locator "A8" ["A8";"A7";"A6";"A5";"A4";"A3";"A2"] >>= fun () ->
check_locator "B8" ["B8";"B7";"B6";"B5";"B4";"B3";"B2";"B1";"A3"] >>= fun () ->
check_locator "B8" ["B8";"B7";"B6";"B5";"B4"] >>= fun () ->
check_locator "A8" ["A7";"A6";"A5";"A4";"A3";"A2"] >>= fun () ->
check_locator "B8" ["B7";"B6";"B5";"B4";"B3";"B2";"B1";"A3"] >>= fun () ->
check_locator "B8" ["B7";"B6";"B5";"B4"] >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ let test_new_blocks s =
and from_block = vblock s h in
Chain_traversal.new_blocks ~from_block ~to_block >>= fun (ancestor, blocks) ->
if not (Block_hash.equal (State.Block.hash ancestor) (State.Block.hash @@ vblock s expected_ancestor)) then
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid locator %s (expected: %s)" h expected_ancestor ;
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid ancestor %s -> %s (expected: %s)" head h expected_ancestor ;
if List.length blocks <> List.length expected then
"Invalid locator length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ let test_new_blocks s =
(fun h1 h2 ->
if not (Block_hash.equal (State.Block.hash h1) (State.Block.hash @@ vblock s h2)) then
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid locator %s (expected: %s)" h h2)
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid new blocks %s -> %s (expected: %s)" head h h2)
blocks expected ;
@ -425,17 +425,17 @@ let test_find_new s =
Block_locator.find_new s.net loc (List.length expected) >>= fun blocks ->
if List.length blocks <> List.length expected then
"Invalid locator length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
"Invalid find new length %s (found: %d, expected: %d)"
h (List.length blocks) (List.length expected) ;
(fun h1 h2 ->
if not (Block_hash.equal h1 (State.Block.hash @@ vblock s h2)) then
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid locator %s (expected: %s)" h h2)
Assert.fail_msg "Invalid find new %s.%d (expected: %s)" h (List.length expected) h2)
blocks expected ;
test s "A6" [] >>= fun () ->
Chain.set_head s.net (vblock s "A8") >>= fun _ ->
test s "A6" [] >>= fun () ->
test s "A6" ["A7";"A8"] >>= fun () ->
test s "A6" ["A7"] >>= fun () ->
test s "B4" ["A4"] >>= fun () ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user