2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let protocols = [
"Alpha", "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK" ;
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let pp_name ppf = function
| [] | [""] -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "/"
| prefix -> Format.pp_print_string ppf (String.concat "/" prefix)
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let ref_of_service (prefix, meth) =
Format.asprintf "%s_%s"
(Resto.string_of_meth meth)
(Re.Str.regexp "<\\([^>]*\\)>")
(String.concat "--" prefix))
module Index = struct
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let rec pp prefix ppf dir =
let open Resto.Description in
match dir with
| Empty -> Format.fprintf ppf "Empty"
| Static { services ; subdirs = None } ->
pp_services prefix ppf services
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Suffixes map) } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a@ @ %a@]"
(pp_services prefix) services
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ @ ")
(pp_suffixes prefix))
(Resto.StringMap.bindings map)
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Arg (arg, dir)) } ->
let name = Format.asprintf "<%s>" arg.name in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a@ @ %a@]"
(pp_services prefix) services
(pp_suffixes prefix) (name, dir)
| Dynamic _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "* %a (<dyn>)" pp_name prefix
and pp_suffixes prefix ppf (name, dir) =
pp (prefix @ [name]) ppf dir
and pp_services prefix ppf services =
match (Resto.MethMap.bindings services) with
| [] ->
Format.fprintf ppf "* %a" pp_name prefix
| _ :: _ as services ->
Format.fprintf ppf "* %a (@[<h>%a@])"
pp_name prefix
(pp_service_method prefix)) services
and pp_service_method prefix ppf (meth, _service) =
Format.fprintf ppf "`%s <%s_>`_"
(Resto.string_of_meth meth)
(ref_of_service (prefix, meth))
module Description = struct
module Query = struct
let pp_arg fmt =
let open RPC_arg in
function { name ; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "<%s>" name
let pp_title_item ppf =
let open RPC_description in
function {name ; kind ; _ } ->
match kind with
| Single arg | Optional arg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%s=%a]" name pp_arg arg
| Flag ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[%s]" name
| Multi arg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%s=%a)\\*" name pp_arg arg
let pp_title ppf query =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a"
(if query = [] then "" else "?")
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "&")
pp_title_item) query
let pp_html_arg fmt =
let open RPC_arg in
function { name ; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "<%s>" name
let pp_item ppf =
let open RPC_description in
function { name ; description ; kind } ->
begin match kind with
| Single arg
| Optional arg
| Multi arg ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"<span class=\"query\">%s = %a</span>"
name pp_html_arg arg
| Flag ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"<span class=\"query\">%s</span>"
end ;
begin match description with
| None -> ()
| Some descr -> Format.fprintf ppf " : %s" descr
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let pp ppf query =
match query with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ as query ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"</p> <p>Optional query arguments :<ul><li>%a</li></ul>"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "</li><li>")
module Tabs = struct
let pp_tab_div ppf f =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2><div class=\"tab\">%a</div>@]"
(fun ppf () -> f ppf) ()
let pp_tabcontent_div ~id ~class_ ppf f =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2><div id=\"%s\" class=\"%s tabcontent\">@ \
%a@ \
@]</div>@ "
id class_ (fun ppf () -> f ppf) ()
let pp_button ppf ?(default=false) ~shortlabel ~content target_ref =
Format.fprintf ppf
"<button class=\"tablinks%s\" onclick=\"showTab(this, '%s', '%s')\">%s</button>@ "
(if default then " defaultOpen" else "")
(target_ref ^ shortlabel)
let pp_content ppf ~tag ~shortlabel target_ref pp_content content =
~id:(target_ref ^ shortlabel) ~class_:target_ref ppf
begin fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "<%s>@ %a</%s>" tag pp_content content tag
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let pp_description ppf (service : _ RPC_description.service) =
let open RPC_description in
(* TODO collect and display arg description (in path and in query) *)
2018-06-04 17:04:20 +02:00
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h>%a@]%a"
Format.pp_print_text (Option.unopt ~default:"" service.description)
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
Query.pp service.query
let pp ppf prefix service =
let open RPC_description in
let target_ref = ref_of_service (prefix, service.meth) in
Rst.pp_html ppf begin fun ppf ->
pp_tab_div ppf begin fun ppf ->
pp_button ppf
~default:true ~shortlabel:"descr" ~content:"Description"
target_ref ;
2018-02-03 14:48:08 -05:00
Option.iter service.input ~f: begin fun _ ->
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
pp_button ppf
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
~default:false ~shortlabel:"input.json" ~content:"Json input"
target_ref ;
pp_button ppf
~default:false ~shortlabel:"input.bin" ~content:"Binary input"
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
end ;
pp_button ppf
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
~default:false ~shortlabel:"output.json" ~content:"Json output"
target_ref ;
pp_button ppf
~default:false ~shortlabel:"output.bin" ~content:"Binary output"
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
target_ref ;
end ;
pp_content ppf
~tag:"p" ~shortlabel:"descr" target_ref
pp_description service ;
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
Option.iter service.input ~f: begin fun (schema, bin_schema) ->
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
pp_content ppf
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"input.json" target_ref
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
Json_schema.pp schema ;
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
pp_content ppf
~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"input.bin" target_ref
Data_encoding.Binary_schema.pp bin_schema ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
end ;
pp_content ppf
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"output.json" target_ref
2018-02-03 14:48:08 -05:00
Json_schema.pp (fst service.output) ;
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
pp_content ppf
~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"output.bin" target_ref
Data_encoding.Binary_schema.pp (snd service.output) ;
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let rec pp prefix ppf dir =
let open Resto.Description in
match dir with
| Empty -> ()
| Static { services ; subdirs = None } ->
pp_services prefix ppf services
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Suffixes map) } ->
pp_services prefix ppf services ;
Format.pp_print_list (pp_suffixes prefix)
ppf (Resto.StringMap.bindings map)
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Arg (arg, dir)) } ->
let name = Format.asprintf "<%s>" arg.name in
pp_services prefix ppf services ;
pp_suffixes prefix ppf (name, dir)
| Dynamic _ -> ()
and pp_suffixes prefix ppf (name, dir) =
pp (prefix @ [name]) ppf dir
and pp_services prefix ppf services =
(pp_service prefix ppf)
(Resto.MethMap.bindings services)
and pp_service prefix ppf (meth, service) =
Rst.pp_ref ppf (ref_of_service (prefix, meth)) ;
Format.fprintf ppf "**%s %a%a**@\n@\n"
(Resto.string_of_meth meth)
pp_name prefix
Query.pp_title service.query ;
Tabs.pp ppf prefix service
let pp_document ppf descriptions =
(* Style : hack *)
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@." Rst.pp_raw_html Rst.style ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
(* Script : hack *)
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@." Rst.pp_raw_html Rst.script ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
(* Page title *)
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" Rst.pp_h1 "RPC API" ;
(* include/copy usage.rst from input *)
let rec loop () =
let s = read_line () in
Format.fprintf ppf "%s@\n" s ;
loop () in
begin try loop () with End_of_file -> () end ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@\n" ;
(* Index *)
Format.pp_set_margin ppf 10000 ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ppf 9000 ;
2018-04-30 19:06:06 +02:00
Rst.pp_h2 ppf "RPCs - Index" ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
(fun (name, prefix, rpc_dir) ->
2018-04-30 19:06:06 +02:00
Rst.pp_h3 ppf name ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n@\n" (Index.pp prefix) rpc_dir)
descriptions ;
(* Full description *)
2018-04-30 19:06:06 +02:00
Rst.pp_h2 ppf "RPCs - Full description" ;
2018-06-04 14:09:38 +02:00
Format.pp_print_flush ppf () ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
Format.pp_set_margin ppf 80 ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ppf 76 ;
(fun (name, prefix, rpc_dir) ->
2018-04-30 19:06:06 +02:00
Rst.pp_h3 ppf name ;
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@\n@\n" (Description.pp prefix) rpc_dir)
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
let main node =
2018-04-22 00:27:04 +02:00
let shell_dir = Node.build_rpc_directory node in
let protocol_dirs =
(fun (name, hash) ->
let hash = Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn hash in
let (module Proto) = Registered_protocol.get_exn hash in
"Protocol " ^ name,
[".." ; "<block_id>"] ,
RPC_directory.map (fun () -> assert false) @@
Block_directory.build_raw_rpc_directory (module Proto) (module Proto))
protocols in
let dirs = ("Shell", [""], shell_dir) :: protocol_dirs in
(fun (name, path, dir) ->
RPC_directory.describe_directory ~recurse:true ~arg:() dir >>= fun dir ->
Lwt.return (name, path, dir))
dirs >>= fun descriptions ->
let ppf = Format.std_formatter in
pp_document ppf descriptions ;
return ()
2018-03-07 10:44:24 +01:00
let () =
2018-04-30 22:40:47 +02:00
Lwt_main.run (Node_helpers.with_node main)