26 lines
740 B
26 lines
740 B
open Ast_imperative
open Trace
open Stage_common.Helpers
module Errors = struct
let bad_string_timestamp name () =
let title = thunk @@ Format.asprintf ("Too long constructor '%s'") name in
let message () = "names length is limited to 32 (tezos limitation)" in
error title message ()
open Errors
let peephole_type_expression : type_expression -> type_expression result = fun e ->
let return type_content = ok { e with type_content } in
match e.type_content with
| T_sum cmap ->
let%bind _uu = bind_map_cmapi
(fun k _ ->
let (Constructor name) = k in
if (String.length name >= 32) then fail @@ bad_string_timestamp name
else ok ()
cmap in
ok e
| e -> return e