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installation Installation

There are currently two ways to get started with Ligo. You can choose to use a Docker image, or to install packages for your Debian Linux distribution.

🐳 You can find instructions on how to install Docker here.

It's easiest to use LIGO through one of its Docker images. You have two options:

  • Use our installation script to set up a globally available LIGO executable (see below). This manages the Docker bits for you.
  • Use the Docker image available at Docker Hub. This lets you run multiple versions and keep your installation(s) self contained, but requires more familiarity with Docker.

Sources for the image can be found on GitLab. If this is your first time using Docker, you probably want to set up a global LIGO executable as shown below.

Setting up a globally available ligo executable

You can install additional ligo versions by replacing next with the desired version number

Download the latest binaries here: or get the latest pre-release:

# next (pre-release)
curl | bash -s "next"

Verify your ligo installation by running:

ligo --help

Static Linux binary

The ligo executable is statically linked. It should run on most modern Linux distributions.

To use it, get it here, make it executable, you're done!

chmod +x ./ligo

Optionally, you can put it somewhere in your PATH for easy access:

sudo cp ./ligo /usr/local/bin

Debian Linux package installation

A .deb package containing the static ligo executable is also available. First download the package, and then install using:

sudo apt install ./ligo.deb

Release schedule

Important: LIGO is currently being released on a rolling release schedule. This means that you always get the latest development features. You can find our rolling builds at the CI.