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id title
current-reference Current

Current.balance() : tez

Get the balance for the contract.

function main (const p : unit; const s: tez) : list(operation) * storage is
  ((nil : list(operation)), balance)
let main (p, s : unit * storage) =
  ([] : operation list), balance
let main = (p: unit, storage) => ([]: list(operation), balance);

Current.time() : timestamp

Returns the current time as a unix timestamp.

In LIGO, timestamps are type compatible in operations with int(s). This lets you set e.g. time constraints for your smart contracts like this:


24 hours from now

const today: timestamp = now;
const one_day: int = 86400;
const in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day;
const some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01T10:10:10Z" : timestamp);
const one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day;
let today: timestamp = Current.time
let one_day: int = 86400
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day
let some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01t10:10:10Z" : timestamp)
let one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day
let today: timestamp = Current.time;
let one_day: int = 86400;
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day;
let some_date: timestamp = ("2000-01-01t10:10:10Z" : timestamp);
let one_day_later: timestamp = some_date + one_day;

24 hours ago

const today: timestamp = now;
const one_day: int = 86400;
const in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day;
let today: timestamp = Current.time
let one_day: int = 86400
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day
let today: timestamp = Current.time;
let one_day: int = 86400;
let in_24_hrs: timestamp = today - one_day;

Comparing timestamps

You can also compare timestamps using the same comparison operators as for numbers:

const not_tommorow: bool = (now = in_24_hrs)
let not_tomorrow: bool = (Current.time = in_24_hrs)
let not_tomorrow: bool = (Current.time == in_24_hrs);

Current.amount() : tez

Get the amount of tez provided by the sender to complete this transaction.

function check (const p: unit) : int is
    var result : int := 0;
    if amount = 100tz then
      result := 42
      result := 0
  end with result
let check_ (p: unit) : int = if Current.amount = 100tz then 42 else 0
let check_ = (p: unit) : int =>
  if (Current.amount == 100tz) {
  else {


Current.sender() : address

Get the address that initiated the current transaction.




function main (const kh: key_hash) : contract(unit) is implicit_account(kh)
let main (kh: key_hash) : unit contract = Current.implicit_account kh
let main = (kh: key_hash): contract(unit) => Current.implicit_account(kh);



function main (const p : param; const s : unit) : list(operation) * unit is
  block {
    case p of
    | Zero (n) -> if n > 0n then failwith("fail") else skip
    | Pos (n) -> if n > 0n then skip else failwith("fail")
  with ((nil : list(operation)), s)
let main (p: unit) storage =
  if true then failwith "This contract always fails" else ()
let main = (p: unit, storage) =>
  if (true) {
    failwith("This contract always fails");
  } else {