This allows a node to specify that it doesn't want to receive operations that are not included in a block. To do so, one should use the new --disable-mempool option. A disabled mempool node announce its configuration during the ACK exchange. This configuration should be easily expandable with other options. Node will keep track of the ack exchange configuration for each nodes it is connected to and will not propagate its mempool to disabled mempool nodes. A disabled mempool node will ignore non-empty mempool received. In the future, this incident should be punish by a decrement of its score and / or ban.
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Tezos Shell - High-level API for the Gossip network and local storage. *)
open Distributed_db_functors
type t
type db = t
module Message = Distributed_db_message
type p2p = (Message.t, Peer_metadata.t, Connection_metadata.t) P2p.net
val create: State.t -> p2p -> (P2p_peer.Id.t -> Connection_metadata.t) -> t
val state: db -> State.t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
(** {1 Network database} *)
(** An instance of the distributed DB for a given chain (mainchain,
current testchain, ...) *)
type chain_db
(** Activate a given chain. The node will notify its neighbours that
it now handles the given chain and that it expects notification
for new head or new operations. *)
val activate: t -> State.Chain.t -> chain_db
(** Look for the database of an active chain. *)
val get_chain: t -> Chain_id.t -> chain_db option
(** Deactivate a given chain. The node will notify its neighbours
that it does not care anymore about this chain. *)
val deactivate: chain_db -> unit Lwt.t
type callback = {
notify_branch: P2p_peer.Id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
notify_head: P2p_peer.Id.t -> Block_header.t -> Mempool.t -> unit ;
disconnection: P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit ;
(** Register all the possible callback from the distributed DB to the
validator. *)
val set_callback: chain_db -> callback -> unit
(** Kick a given peer. *)
val disconnect: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Greylist a given peer. *)
val greylist: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Various accessors. *)
val chain_state: chain_db -> State.Chain.t
val db: chain_db -> db
(** Return the peer id of the node *)
val my_peer_id: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t
(** {1 Sending messages} *)
module Request : sig
(** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
chain, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current branch
?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
val current_branch: chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit -> unit
(** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
given chain, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current
branch ?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
val current_head: chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit -> unit
module Advertise : sig
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
chain, of a new head and possibly of new operations. *)
val current_head:
chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t ->
?mempool:Mempool.t -> State.Block.t -> unit
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
chain, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
val current_branch:
?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> chain_db -> unit Lwt.t
(** {2 Block index} *)
(** Index of block headers. *)
module Block_header : sig
type t = Block_header.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key := Block_hash.t
and type value := Block_header.t
and type param := unit
(** Lookup for block header in any active chains *)
val read_block_header:
db -> Block_hash.t -> (Chain_id.t * Block_header.t) option Lwt.t
(** Index of all the operations of a given block (per validation pass). *)
module Operations :
DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key = Block_hash.t * int
and type value = Operation.t list
and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t
(** Index of all the hashes of operations of a given block (per
validation pass). *)
module Operation_hashes :
DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key = Block_hash.t * int
and type value = Operation_hash.t list
and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t
(** Store on disk all the data associated to a valid block. *)
val commit_block:
chain_db ->
Block_hash.t ->
Block_header.t -> MBytes.t ->
Operation.t list list -> MBytes.t list list ->
Tezos_protocol_environment_shell.validation_result ->
State.Block.t option tzresult Lwt.t
(** Store on disk all the data associated to an invalid block. *)
val commit_invalid_block:
chain_db ->
Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> Error_monad.error list ->
bool tzresult Lwt.t
(** Monitor all the fetched block headers (for all activate chains). *)
val watch_block_header:
t -> (Block_hash.t * Block_header.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
(** {2 Operations index} *)
(** Index of operations (for the mempool). *)
module Operation : sig
type t = Operation.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key := Operation_hash.t
and type value := Operation.t
and type param := unit
(** Inject a new operation in the local index (memory only). *)
val inject_operation:
chain_db -> Operation_hash.t -> Operation.t -> bool Lwt.t
(** Monitor all the fetched operations (for all activate chains). *)
val watch_operation:
t -> (Operation_hash.t * Operation.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
(** {2 Protocol index} *)
(** Index of protocol sources. *)
module Protocol : sig
type t = Protocol.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := db
and type key := Protocol_hash.t
and type value := Protocol.t
and type param := unit
(** Store on disk protocol sources. *)
val commit_protocol:
db -> Protocol_hash.t -> Protocol.t -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
module Raw : sig
val encoding: Message.t P2p.Raw.t Data_encoding.t
val supported_versions: P2p_version.t list