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(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Tezos Shell - High-level API for the Gossip network and local storage. *)
2018-02-14 20:27:14 +04:00
open Distributed_db_functors
type t
type db = t
module Message = Distributed_db_message
type p2p = (Message.t, Peer_metadata.t, Connection_metadata.t)
val create: State.t -> p2p -> (P2p_peer.Id.t -> Connection_metadata.t) -> t
val state: db -> State.t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
(** {1 Network database} *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** An instance of the distributed DB for a given chain (mainchain,
current testchain, ...) *)
type chain_db
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** Activate a given chain. The node will notify its neighbours that
it now handles the given chain and that it expects notification
for new head or new operations. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val activate: t -> State.Chain.t -> chain_db
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** Look for the database of an active chain. *)
val get_chain: t -> Chain_id.t -> chain_db option
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** Deactivate a given chain. The node will notify its neighbours
that it does not care anymore about this chain. *)
val deactivate: chain_db -> unit Lwt.t
type callback = {
notify_branch: P2p_peer.Id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
notify_head: P2p_peer.Id.t -> Block_header.t -> Mempool.t -> unit ;
disconnection: P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit ;
(** Register all the possible callback from the distributed DB to the
validator. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val set_callback: chain_db -> callback -> unit
(** Kick a given peer. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val disconnect: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit Lwt.t
2017-09-29 20:43:13 +04:00
(** Greylist a given peer. *)
val greylist: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit Lwt.t
(** Various accessors. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val chain_state: chain_db -> State.Chain.t
val db: chain_db -> db
(** Return the peer id of the node *)
val my_peer_id: chain_db -> P2p_peer.Id.t
(** {1 Sending messages} *)
module Request : sig
(** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current branch
?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val current_branch: chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit -> unit
(** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
given chain, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current
branch ?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
val current_head: chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit -> unit
module Advertise : sig
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain, of a new head and possibly of new operations. *)
val current_head:
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain_db -> ?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t ->
?mempool:Mempool.t -> State.Block.t -> unit
(** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
val current_branch:
?peer:P2p_peer.Id.t -> chain_db -> unit Lwt.t
(** {2 Block index} *)
(** Index of block headers. *)
module Block_header : sig
type t = Block_header.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key := Block_hash.t
and type value := Block_header.t
and type param := unit
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** Lookup for block header in any active chains *)
val read_block_header:
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
db -> Block_hash.t -> (Chain_id.t * Block_header.t) option Lwt.t
(** Index of all the operations of a given block (per validation pass). *)
module Operations :
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key = Block_hash.t * int
and type value = Operation.t list
and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t
(** Index of all the hashes of operations of a given block (per
validation pass). *)
module Operation_hashes :
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key = Block_hash.t * int
and type value = Operation_hash.t list
and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t
(** Store on disk all the data associated to a valid block. *)
val commit_block:
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain_db ->
Block_hash.t ->
Block_header.t -> MBytes.t ->
Operation.t list list -> MBytes.t list list ->
Tezos_protocol_environment_shell.validation_result ->
State.Block.t option tzresult Lwt.t
(** Store on disk all the data associated to an invalid block. *)
val commit_invalid_block:
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chain_db ->
Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> Error_monad.error list ->
bool tzresult Lwt.t
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(** Monitor all the fetched block headers (for all activate chains). *)
val watch_block_header:
t -> (Block_hash.t * Block_header.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
(** {2 Operations index} *)
(** Index of operations (for the mempool). *)
module Operation : sig
type t = Operation.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := chain_db
and type key := Operation_hash.t
and type value := Operation.t
and type param := unit
(** Inject a new operation in the local index (memory only). *)
val inject_operation:
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
chain_db -> Operation_hash.t -> Operation.t -> bool Lwt.t
2018-02-16 04:26:24 +04:00
(** Monitor all the fetched operations (for all activate chains). *)
val watch_operation:
t -> (Operation_hash.t * Operation.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper
(** {2 Protocol index} *)
(** Index of protocol sources. *)
module Protocol : sig
type t = Protocol.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := db
and type key := Protocol_hash.t
and type value := Protocol.t
and type param := unit
(** Store on disk protocol sources. *)
val commit_protocol:
db -> Protocol_hash.t -> Protocol.t -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
module Raw : sig
val encoding: Message.t P2p.Raw.t Data_encoding.t
val supported_versions: P2p_version.t list