2020-08-11 12:32:09 +04:00

74 lines
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{- | Continious location inside the source and utilities.
module Range
( Range(..)
, HasRange(..)
, diffRange
, cutOut
, point
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Pretty
import Lattice
import Product
point :: Int -> Int -> Range
point l c = Range (l, c, 0) (l, c, 0) ""
-- | A continious location in text.
data Range = Range
{ rStart :: (Int, Int, Int) -- ^ [Start: line, col, byte-offset...
, rFinish :: (Int, Int, Int) -- ^ ... End: line, col, byte-offset).
, rFile :: FilePath
deriving (Show) via PP Range
deriving stock (Ord)
-- | TODO: Ugh. Purge it.
diffRange :: Range -> Range -> Range
diffRange (Range ws wf f) (Range ps _ _) = Range (max ws ps) wf f
instance Pretty Range where
pp (Range (ll, lc, _) (rl, rc, _) f) =
color 2 do
brackets do
text f <> ":"
<> int ll <> ":"
<> int lc <> "-"
<> int rl <> ":"
<> int rc
-- | Ability to get range out of something.
class HasRange a where
getRange :: a -> Range
instance HasRange Range where
getRange = id
instance Contains Range xs => HasRange (Product xs) where
getRange = getElem
-- | Extract textual representation of given range.
cutOut :: Range -> ByteString -> Text
cutOut (Range (_, _, s) (_, _, f) _) bs =
$ BS.take (f - s)
$ BS.drop s
instance Lattice Range where
Range (ll1, lc1, _) (ll2, lc2, _) _ <? Range (rl1, rc1, _) (rl2, rc2, _) _ =
(rl1 < ll1 || rl1 == ll1 && rc1 <= lc1) &&
(rl2 > ll2 || rl2 == ll2 && rc2 >= lc2)
instance Eq Range where
Range (l, c, _) (r, d, _) f == Range (l1, c1, _) (r1, d1, _) f1 =
(l, c, r, d, f) == (l1, c1, r1, d1, f1)