Remove warnings, refactor FullEnv
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function main() : int is
var j := 1;
j := j + 1;
j := j - 1;
with j
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
-- import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as CTRL
@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ loadByURI uri = do
Just fin -> do
(tree, _) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
return $ addLocalScopes tree
Nothing -> do
error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
:: Core.LspFuncs ()
@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ dependencies:
- bytestring
- containers
- data-default
- filepath
- exceptions
- fastsum
- filepath
- ghc-prim
- mtl
- pretty
- text
@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ import AST.Types
import AST.Scope
import AST.Parser
import Parser
import Tree
import Range
import Lattice
import Pretty
import Product
import Debug.Trace
-- import Debug.Trace
:: ( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
@ -25,13 +23,13 @@ findScopedDecl
-> Pascal (Product xs)
-> Maybe ScopedDecl
findScopedDecl pos tree = do
point <- lookupTree pos tree
let info = infoOf point
pt <- lookupTree pos tree
let info = infoOf pt
let fullEnv = getElem info
cat <- getElem info
let filtered = filter (ofCategory cat) fullEnv
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void point) filtered
categ <- getElem info
let filtered = filter (ofCategory categ) fullEnv
lookupEnv (ppToText $ void pt) filtered
:: ( Contains [ScopedDecl] xs
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
{- | Parser for a contract.
module AST.Parser (example, contract) where
module AST.Parser (example, contract, sample) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Sum
import Data.Sum (Element)
import AST.Types
@ -892,7 +892,10 @@ typeTuple = do
subtree "type_tuple" do
many do inside "element" type_
-- example :: Text
sample :: IO (Pascal ASTInfo)
sample = runParser' contract (Path example)
example :: FilePath
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/address.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/amount.ligo"
@ -915,7 +918,7 @@ typeTuple = do
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/redeclaration.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/includer.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/namespaces.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/namespaces.ligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/application.ligo"
@ -15,56 +15,58 @@ module AST.Scope
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict hiding (Alt, Product)
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Sum (Element, Apply, Sum)
import Data.Text (Text)
import AST.Parser
-- import AST.Parser
import AST.Types
import Comment
-- import Comment
import Lattice
import Parser
-- import Parser
import Pretty
import Product
import Range
import Tree
import Debug.Trace
-- | Ability to contain a list of declarations.
class HasLocalScope x where
getLocalScope :: x -> [ScopedDecl]
instance Contains [ScopedDecl] xs => HasLocalScope (Product xs) where
getLocalScope = getElem
-- import Debug.Trace
type CollectM = State (Product [FullEnv, [Range]])
type AddRefsM = State FullEnv
data FullEnv = FullEnv
{ vars :: Env
, types :: Env
type FullEnv = Product ["vars" := Env, "types" := Env]
type Env = Map Range [ScopedDecl]
data Category = Variable | Type
emptyEnv = FullEnv Map.empty Map.empty
-- | The type/value declaration.
data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
{ _sdName :: Pascal ()
, _sdOrigin :: Range
, _sdBody :: Maybe Range
, _sdType :: Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
, _sdRefs :: [Range]
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
with Variable (FullEnv vs ts) f = FullEnv (f vs) ts
with Type (FullEnv vs ts) f = FullEnv vs (f ts)
-- | The kind.
data Kind = Star
deriving Show via PP Kind
grab Variable (FullEnv vs ts) = vs
grab Type (FullEnv vs ts) = ts
emptyEnv :: FullEnv
= Cons (Tag Map.empty)
$ Cons (Tag Map.empty)
type Env = Map Range [ScopedDecl]
with :: Category -> FullEnv -> (Env -> Env) -> FullEnv
with Variable env f = modTag @"vars" f env
with Type env f = modTag @"types" f env
ofCategory :: Category -> ScopedDecl -> Bool
ofCategory Variable ScopedDecl { _sdType = Just (Right Star) } = False
ofCategory Variable _ = True
ofCategory Type ScopedDecl { _sdType = Just (Right Star) } = True
@ -100,6 +102,17 @@ addNameCategories tree = flip evalState emptyEnv do
(Cons Nothing)
:: ( UpdateOver CollectM (Sum fs) (Tree fs b)
, Apply Foldable fs
, Apply Functor fs
, Apply Traversable fs
, HasRange b
, Element Name fs
, Element TypeName fs
=> Tree fs b
-> FullEnv
getEnvTree tree = envWithREfs
envWithREfs = flip execState env do
@ -120,7 +133,7 @@ getEnvTree tree = envWithREfs
$ traverseTree pure tree
fullEnvAt :: FullEnv -> Range -> [ScopedDecl]
fullEnvAt fe r = envAt (grab Type fe) r <> envAt (grab Variable fe) r
fullEnvAt fe r = envAt (getTag @"types" fe) r <> envAt (getTag @"vars" fe) r
envAt :: Env -> Range -> [ScopedDecl]
envAt env pos =
@ -133,8 +146,8 @@ envAt env pos =
toScopeMap sd@ScopedDecl {_sdName} = Map.singleton (ppToText _sdName) sd
addRef :: Range -> (Category, Text) -> FullEnv -> FullEnv
addRef r (cat, n) env =
with cat env \slice ->
addRef r (categ, n) env =
with categ env \slice ->
(go slice $ range slice)
@ -143,8 +156,8 @@ addRef r (cat, n) env =
let decls = slice Map.! r'
case updateOnly n r addRefToDecl decls of
(True, decls) -> Map.singleton r' decls
(False, decls) -> Map.insert r' decls (go slice rest)
(True, decls') -> Map.singleton r' decls'
(False, decls') -> Map.insert r' decls' (go slice rest)
go _ [] = Map.empty
range slice
@ -179,11 +192,11 @@ enter r = do
modify $ modElem (r :)
define :: Category -> ScopedDecl -> CollectM ()
define cat sd = do
r <- gets (head . getElem)
define categ sd = do
r <- gets (head . getElem @[Range])
$ modElem @FullEnv \env ->
with cat env
with categ env
$ Map.insertWith (++) r [sd]
leave :: CollectM ()
@ -199,24 +212,10 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Pretty FullEnv where
aux (r, fe) =
pp r `indent` block fe
mergeFE (FullEnv a b) = a <> b
-- | The type/value declaration.
data ScopedDecl = ScopedDecl
{ _sdName :: Pascal ()
, _sdOrigin :: Range
, _sdBody :: Maybe Range
, _sdType :: Maybe (Either (Pascal ()) Kind)
, _sdRefs :: [Range]
deriving Show via PP ScopedDecl
mergeFE fe = getTag @"vars" @Env fe <> getTag @"types" fe
instance Pretty ScopedDecl where
pp (ScopedDecl n o b t refs) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs
-- | The kind.
data Kind = Star
deriving Show via PP Kind
pp (ScopedDecl n o _ t refs) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs
instance Pretty Kind where
pp _ = "TYPE"
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ partOrder :: Lattice l => l -> l -> Ordering
partOrder a b | a <? b && b <? a = EQ
partOrder a b | a <? b = LT
partOrder a b | b <? a = GT
partOrder a b = error "partOrder: Non-orderable"
partOrder _ _ = error "partOrder: Non-orderable"
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Parser
, dump
-- * Comments and ranges
, ASTInfo(..)
, ASTInfo
, Source(..)
, module ParseTree
) where
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as MTL
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ import System.FilePath
import ParseTree
import Range
import Pretty
import Comment
import Error
import Product
@ -289,7 +287,7 @@ subtree msg parser = do
l <|> r = do
s <- get' @ParseForest
c <- get' @[Text]
l `catch` \(e :: Error ASTInfo) -> do
l `catch` \(_ :: Error ASTInfo) -> do
put' s
put' c
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
module Product where
import GHC.Types
-- | `Product xs` contains elements of each of the types from the `xs` list.
data Product xs where
Cons :: x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ instance Contains x xs => Contains x (y : xs) where
-- | Add a name to the type.
newtype (s :: String) := t = Tag { unTag :: t }
newtype (s :: Symbol) := t = Tag { unTag :: t }
-- | Retrieve a type associated with the given name.
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import System.FilePath
import Pretty
import Lattice
import Product
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Tree
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
-- import Data.List
import Data.Sum
import Data.Monoid (First(..), getFirst)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Pretty
import Error
import Range
import Debug.Trace
-- import Debug.Trace
-- | A tree, where each layer is one of @layers@ `Functor`s.
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ dumpTree
-> Doc
dumpTree (Tree tree) =
case tree of
Left e -> "ERR"
Right (i, ls) ->
Left _ -> "ERR"
Right (_, ls) ->
pp (Tree tree) `indent` block (dumpTree <$> toList ls)
instance Apply Functor layers => Functor (Tree layers) where
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ lookupTree target = go
layers :: (Apply Foldable fs) => Tree fs info -> [Tree fs info]
layers (Tree (Right (_, ls))) = toList ls
layers _ = []
-- | Traverse the tree over some monad that exports its methods.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user