like the absence of an input filename. (This simplifies all the clients codes.) Fixed the dune file for the preprocessor. Fixed the build of PreprocMain.exe and PreprocMain.byte. Restricted preprocessing errors [Preproc.Newline_in_string] and [Preproc.Open_string] to the argument of the #include directive (instead of general strings: this is for the LIGO lexer to report the error). I removed the error [Preproc.Open_comment] as this is for the LIGO lexer to report. The preprocessor scanner [Preproc.lex] does not take a parameter [is_file:bool] now: the source file (if any) is determined from the lexing buffer. Accordingly, the field [is_file] of the state of the preprocessing lexer has been removed: the lexing buffer becomes now the reference for the input source (bug fix and interface improvement). Fixed the comments of the test contract pledge.religo. I removed the data constructor [Lexer.Stdin], as redundant with [Lexer.Channel].
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(* The main module of the preprocessor (see [lex]) *)
(* Regions *)
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
val mk_reg : Lexing.lexbuf -> Region.t
(* Errors *)
type error =
| Missing_endif
| Invalid_line_indicator of string
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Open_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
| Dangling_endregion
| Conditional_in_region
| If_follows_elif
| Else_follows_else
| Dangling_else
| Elif_follows_else
| Dangling_elif
| Reserved_symbol of string
| Multiply_defined_symbol of string
| Error_directive of string
| Parse_error
| No_line_comment_or_blank
| Invalid_symbol
| File_not_found of string
| Invalid_character of char
val format :
?offsets:bool -> error Region.reg -> file:bool -> string Region.reg
(* Preprocessing a lexing buffer *)
val lex :
EvalOpt.options ->
Lexing.lexbuf ->
(Buffer.t, Buffer.t * error Region.reg) Stdlib.result
(* Evaluation of boolean expressions *)
module Env : Set.S with type elt = string
val eval : Env.t -> E_AST.t -> bool