In EvalOpt modules, the CLI input ["-"] is becomes now [None],
like the absence of an input filename. (This simplifies all the clients codes.) Fixed the dune file for the preprocessor. Fixed the build of PreprocMain.exe and PreprocMain.byte. Restricted preprocessing errors [Preproc.Newline_in_string] and [Preproc.Open_string] to the argument of the #include directive (instead of general strings: this is for the LIGO lexer to report the error). I removed the error [Preproc.Open_comment] as this is for the LIGO lexer to report. The preprocessor scanner [Preproc.lex] does not take a parameter [is_file:bool] now: the source file (if any) is determined from the lexing buffer. Accordingly, the field [is_file] of the state of the preprocessing lexer has been removed: the lexing buffer becomes now the reference for the input source (bug fix and interface improvement). Fixed the comments of the test contract pledge.religo. I removed the data constructor [Lexer.Stdin], as redundant with [Lexer.Channel].
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad ["interpret" ; "(\"thisisnotasignature\":signature)" ; "--syntax=pascaligo"] ;
[%expect {|
ligo: in file ".", line 1, characters 1-32. Badly formatted literal: Signature thisisnotasignature {"location":"in file \".\", line 1, characters 1-32"}
ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 1-32. Badly formatted literal: Signature thisisnotasignature {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 1-32"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let%expect_test _ =
run_ligo_bad ["interpret" ; "(\"thisisnotapublickey\":key)" ; "--syntax=pascaligo"] ;
[%expect {|
ligo: in file ".", line 1, characters 1-26. Badly formatted literal: key thisisnotapublickey {"location":"in file \".\", line 1, characters 1-26"}
ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 1-26. Badly formatted literal: key thisisnotapublickey {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 1-26"}
If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can
@ -72,7 +72,5 @@ let wrap = function
let () =
match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None ->
Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path ->
Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
None -> Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path -> Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
@ -72,7 +72,5 @@ let wrap = function
let () =
match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None ->
Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path ->
Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
None -> Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path -> Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
@ -72,7 +72,5 @@ let wrap = function
let () =
match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None ->
Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path ->
Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
None -> Unit.contract_in_stdin () |> wrap
| Some file_path -> Unit.contract_in_file file_path |> wrap
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ let check lang ext =
let input =
match !input with
None | Some "-" -> !input
None | Some "-" -> None
| Some file_path ->
if Filename.check_suffix file_path ext
then if Sys.file_exists file_path
@ -136,14 +136,11 @@ module type S =
val slide : token -> window -> window
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
File of file_path
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
val is_file : input -> bool
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -158,14 +158,11 @@ module type S =
val slide : token -> window -> window
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
File of file_path
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
val is_file : input -> bool
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -940,19 +937,11 @@ and scan_utf8_inline thread state = parse
type logger = Markup.t list -> token -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
File of file_path
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
(* Checking if a lexer input is a file *)
let is_file = function
File "-" | File "" -> false
| File _ -> true
| Stdin | String _ | Channel _ | Buffer _ -> false
type instance = {
input : input;
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
@ -967,9 +956,7 @@ type instance = {
type open_err = File_opening of string
let lexbuf_from_input = function
File "" | File "-" | Stdin ->
Ok (Lexing.from_channel stdin, fun () -> close_in stdin)
| File path ->
File path ->
let chan = open_in path in
let close () = close_in chan in
@ -988,8 +975,7 @@ let lexbuf_from_input = function
let open_token_stream (lang: language) input =
let file_path = match input with
File file_path ->
if file_path = "-" then "" else file_path
File path -> path
| _ -> "" in
let pos = Pos.min ~file:file_path in
let buf_reg = ref (pos#byte, pos#byte)
@ -69,12 +69,8 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S) : (S with module Lexer = Lexer) =
then Stdlib.Ok ()
else iter ()
| exception Lexer.Error error ->
let file =
match input with
Lexer.File name -> name <> "-"
| _ -> false in
let msg =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets mode ~file error
Lexer.format_error ~offsets mode ~file:true error
in Stdlib.Error msg in
let result = iter ()
in close_all (); result
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
let scan () : (Lexer.token list, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc ~is_file cin =
let preproc cin =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
let open Lexing in
let () =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
None -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex ~is_file opt buffer with
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
@ -39,33 +39,35 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
| Stdlib.Ok pp_buffer ->
(* Running the lexer on the preprocessed input *)
let source = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents pp_buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream IO.options#lang source with
Ok Lexer.{read; buffer; close; _} ->
let close_all () = flush_all (); close () in
let rec read_tokens tokens =
match read ~log:(fun _ _ -> ()) buffer with
token ->
if Lexer.Token.is_eof token
then Stdlib.Ok (List.rev tokens)
else read_tokens (token::tokens)
| exception Lexer.Error error ->
let file =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> false
| Some _ -> true in
let msg =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode ~file error
in Stdlib.Error msg in
let result = read_tokens []
in close_all (); result
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
flush_all (); Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg) in
let source = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents pp_buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream IO.options#lang source with
Ok Lexer.{read; buffer; close; _} ->
let close_all () = flush_all (); close () in
let rec read_tokens tokens =
match read ~log:(fun _ _ -> ()) buffer with
token ->
if Lexer.Token.is_eof token
then Stdlib.Ok (List.rev tokens)
else read_tokens (token::tokens)
| exception Lexer.Error error ->
let file =
match IO.options#input with
None | Some "-" -> false
| Some _ -> true in
let () =
Printf.eprintf "[LexerUnit] file = %b\n%!" file in
let msg =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode ~file error
in Stdlib.Error msg in
let result = read_tokens []
in close_all (); result
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
flush_all (); Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg) in
match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None -> preproc ~is_file:false stdin
None -> preproc stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> preproc ~is_file:true with
try open_in file_path |> preproc with
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
(* Tracing the lexing *)
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
let trace () : (unit, string Region.reg) Stdlib.result =
(* Preprocessing the input *)
let preproc ~is_file cin =
let preproc cin =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel cin in
let open Lexing in
let () =
@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let opt = (IO.options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) in
match Preproc.lex ~is_file opt buffer with
match Preproc.lex opt buffer with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" IO.options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
@ -103,8 +105,8 @@ module Make (IO: IO) (Lexer: Lexer.S) =
(Lexer.String preproc_str)
in match IO.options#input with
Some "-" | None -> preproc ~is_file:false stdin
None -> preproc stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> preproc ~is_file:true with
try open_in file_path |> preproc with
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
@ -163,10 +163,11 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Lexing errors *)
| exception Lexer.Error err ->
let file = Lexer.is_file lexer_inst.Lexer.input in
let file =
lexer_inst.Lexer.buffer.Lexing.lex_curr_p.Lexing.pos_fname in
let error =
Lexer.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets
SubIO.options#mode err ~file
SubIO.options#mode err ~file:(file <> "")
in Stdlib.Error error
(* Incremental API of Menhir *)
@ -199,8 +200,8 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
let preproc ~is_file options lexbuf =
Preproc.lex ~is_file (options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) lexbuf
let preproc options lexbuf =
Preproc.lex (options :> Preprocessor.EvalOpt.options) lexbuf
(* Parsing a contract *)
@ -210,14 +211,14 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
| Ok (lexbuf, close) ->
(* Preprocessing the input source *)
match preproc ~is_file:(Lexer.is_file input) options lexbuf with
let file = Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_fname) in
match preproc options lexbuf with
Stdlib.Error (pp_buffer, err) ->
if SSet.mem "preproc" options#verbose then
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Buffer.contents pp_buffer);
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:options#offsets
~file:(Lexer.is_file input)
~file:(file <> "")
in close (); Stdlib.Error formatted
| Stdlib.Ok buffer ->
@ -226,7 +227,11 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
let () = close () in
let input' = Lexer.String (Buffer.contents buffer) in
match Lexer.open_token_stream options#lang input' with
Ok instance -> apply instance parser
Ok instance ->
let open Lexing in
instance.Lexer.buffer.lex_curr_p <-
{instance.Lexer.buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = file};
apply instance parser
| Stdlib.Error (Lexer.File_opening msg) ->
Stdlib.Error (Region.wrap_ghost msg)
@ -246,7 +251,7 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
let contract_in_stdin () =
let options = SubIO.make ~input:None ~expr:false in
gen_parser options Lexer.Stdin parse_contract
gen_parser options (Lexer.Channel stdin) parse_contract
(* Parsing an expression in a string *)
@ -258,6 +263,6 @@ module Make (Lexer: Lexer.S)
let expr_in_stdin () =
let options = SubIO.make ~input:None ~expr:true in
gen_parser options Lexer.Stdin parse_expr
gen_parser options (Lexer.Channel stdin) parse_expr
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
(* Pledge-Distribute — Accept money from a number of contributors and then donate
to an address designated by an oracle *)
/* Pledge-Distribute — Accept money from a number of contributors and then donate
to an address designated by an oracle */
(* A lot of people (myself included) seem to expect an oracle to be more than it is.
/* A lot of people (myself included) seem to expect an oracle to be more than it is.
That is, they expect it to be something complicated when it's actually pretty simple.
An oracle is just an authorized source of information external to the chain, like an
arbiter or moderator. For example, it's not possible to do an HTTP request to get
info from a weather site directly using a smart contract. So instead what you
do is make (or use) an oracle service which uploads the data to the chain so
that contracts can use it.
type storage = address
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ let check lang ext =
and input =
match !input with
None | Some "-" -> !input
None | Some "-" -> None
| Some file_path ->
if Filename.check_suffix file_path ext
then if Sys.file_exists file_path
@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ type error =
| Invalid_line_indicator of string
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string (*XXX*)
| Open_comment (*XXX*)
| Open_string (*XXX*)
| Newline_in_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Open_string (* For #include argument only *)
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
| Dangling_endregion
@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ val format :
(* Preprocessing a lexing buffer *)
val lex :
is_file:bool ->
EvalOpt.options ->
Lexing.lexbuf ->
(Buffer.t, Buffer.t * error Region.reg) Stdlib.result
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ type state = {
out : Buffer.t;
incl : in_channel list;
opt : EvalOpt.options;
dir : string list;
is_file : bool
dir : string list
(* Directories *)
@ -118,7 +117,6 @@ type error =
| No_line_indicator
| End_line_indicator
| Newline_in_string
| Open_comment
| Open_string
| Dangling_endif
| Open_region_in_conditional
@ -153,8 +151,6 @@ let error_to_string = function
Hint: Try a string, end of line, or a line comment."
| Newline_in_string ->
sprintf "Invalid newline character in string."
| Open_comment ->
sprintf "Unterminated comment."
| Open_string ->
sprintf "Unterminated string.\n\
Hint: Close with double quotes."
@ -704,13 +700,13 @@ and in_line_com state = parse
and reasonLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*/" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_comment state opening }
| eof { () }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; reasonLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
and cameLIGO_com opening state = parse
nl { proc_nl state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
| "*)" { copy state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_comment state opening }
| eof { () }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; cameLIGO_com opening state lexbuf }
(* Included filename *)
@ -732,17 +728,17 @@ and in_inclusion opening acc len state = parse
and in_string opening state = parse
"\\\"" { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
| '"' { copy state lexbuf }
| nl { fail Newline_in_string state lexbuf }
| eof { stop Open_string state opening }
| eof { () }
| _ { copy state lexbuf; in_string opening state lexbuf }
and preproc state = parse
eof { state }
| _ { rollback lexbuf;
if state.is_file then
print state (sprintf "# 1 \"%s\"\n"
scan state lexbuf }
| _ { let open Lexing in
let () = rollback lexbuf in
let name = lexbuf.lex_start_p.pos_fname in
let () = if name <> "" then
print state (sprintf "# 1 \"%s\"\n" name)
in scan state lexbuf }
@ -751,7 +747,7 @@ and preproc state = parse
the trace is empty at the end. Note that we discard the state at
the end. *)
let lex ~is_file opt buffer =
let lex opt buffer =
let state = {
env = Env.empty;
mode = Copy;
@ -760,8 +756,7 @@ let lex ~is_file opt buffer =
out = Buffer.create 80;
incl = [];
dir = [];
dir = []
} in
match preproc state buffer with
state -> List.iter close_in state.incl;
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(* Standalone preprocessor for PascaLIGO *)
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Preproc = Preprocessor.Preproc
module EvalOpt = Preprocessor.EvalOpt
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m\n%!" msg
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ let preproc cin =
let open Lexing in
let () =
match options#input with
None | Some "-" -> ()
None -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
match Preproc.lex options buffer with
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ let preproc cin =
let () =
match options#input with
Some "-" | None -> preproc stdin
None -> preproc stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> preproc with
Sys_error msg -> highlight msg
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
lib: [
doc: [
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(name PreprocMain)
(modules PreprocMain)
(libraries Preproc)
(libraries Preprocessor)
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user