Shell: properly handle Unix_error
while validating blocks
This commit is contained in:
@ -153,9 +153,7 @@ let on_request
block ;
block ;
notify_new_block block ;
notify_new_block block ;
return (Ok (Some block))
return (Ok (Some block))
(* TODO catch other temporary error (e.g. system errors)
| Error [ Canceled | Unavailable_protocol _ | System_error _ ] as err ->
and do not 'commit' them on disk... *)
| Error [Canceled | Unavailable_protocol _] as err ->
(* FIXME: Canceled can escape. Canceled is not registered. BOOM! *)
(* FIXME: Canceled can escape. Canceled is not registered. BOOM! *)
return err
return err
| Error errors ->
| Error errors ->
@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ let rec validation_worker_loop pipeline =
| Error ([ Block_validator_errors.Invalid_block _
| Error ([ Block_validator_errors.Invalid_block _
| Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol _
| Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol _
| Block_validator_errors.System_error _
| Timeout] as err ) ->
| Timeout] as err ) ->
(* Propagate the error to the peer validator. *)
(* Propagate the error to the peer validator. *)
pipeline.errors <- pipeline.errors @ err ;
pipeline.errors <- pipeline.errors @ err ;
@ -299,6 +299,9 @@ let on_error w r st errs =
Worker.trigger_shutdown w ;
Worker.trigger_shutdown w ;
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ;
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ;
Lwt.return (Error errs)
Lwt.return (Error errs)
| [Block_validator_errors.System_error _ ] as errs ->
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ;
| [Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol { protocol } ] -> begin
| [Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol { protocol } ] -> begin
@ -49,6 +49,91 @@ type block_error =
allowed_pass: int list }
allowed_pass: int list }
| Cannot_parse_block_header
| Cannot_parse_block_header
let errno : Unix.error Data_encoding.t =
let open Data_encoding in
union [
(Tag 0) int8
(function Unix.EUNKNOWNERR i -> Some i | _ -> None)
(fun i -> EUNKNOWNERR i) ;
(Tag 1)
"2big", E2BIG ;
"acces", EACCES ;
"again", EAGAIN ;
"badf", EBADF ;
"busy", EBUSY ;
"child", ECHILD ;
"deadlk", EDEADLK ;
"dom", EDOM ;
"exist", EEXIST ;
"fault", EFAULT ;
"fbig", EFBIG ;
"intr", EINTR ;
"inval", EINVAL ;
"io", EIO ;
"isdir", EISDIR ;
"mfile", EMFILE ;
"mlink", EMLINK ;
"nametoolong", ENAMETOOLONG ;
"nfile", ENFILE ;
"nodev", ENODEV ;
"noent", ENOENT ;
"noexec", ENOEXEC ;
"nolck", ENOLCK ;
"nomem", ENOMEM ;
"nospc", ENOSPC ;
"nosys", ENOSYS ;
"notdir", ENOTDIR ;
"notempty", ENOTEMPTY ;
"notty", ENOTTY ;
"nxio", ENXIO ;
"perm", EPERM ;
"pipe", EPIPE ;
"range", ERANGE ;
"rofs", EROFS ;
"spipe", ESPIPE ;
"srch", ESRCH ;
"xdev", EXDEV ;
"wouldblock", EWOULDBLOCK ;
"inprogress", EINPROGRESS ;
"already", EALREADY ;
"notsock", ENOTSOCK ;
"destaddrreq", EDESTADDRREQ ;
"msgsize", EMSGSIZE ;
"prototype", EPROTOTYPE ;
"noprotoopt", ENOPROTOOPT ;
"protonosupport", EPROTONOSUPPORT ;
"socktnosupport", ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ;
"opnotsupp", EOPNOTSUPP ;
"pfnosupport", EPFNOSUPPORT ;
"afnosupport", EAFNOSUPPORT ;
"addrinuse", EADDRINUSE ;
"addrnotavail", EADDRNOTAVAIL ;
"netdown", ENETDOWN ;
"netunreach", ENETUNREACH ;
"netreset", ENETRESET ;
"connaborted", ECONNABORTED ;
"connreset", ECONNRESET ;
"nobufs", ENOBUFS ;
"isconn", EISCONN ;
"notconn", ENOTCONN ;
"shutdown", ESHUTDOWN ;
"toomanyrefs", ETOOMANYREFS ;
"timedout", ETIMEDOUT ;
"connrefused", ECONNREFUSED ;
"hostdown", EHOSTDOWN ;
"hostunreach", EHOSTUNREACH ;
"loop", ELOOP ;
"overflow", EOVERFLOW ])
(fun x -> Some x)
(fun x -> x)
let block_error_encoding =
let block_error_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
let open Data_encoding in
@ -256,6 +341,9 @@ type error +=
expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
found: Operation_list_list_hash.t }
found: Operation_list_list_hash.t }
| Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t
| Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t
| System_error of { errno: Unix.error ;
fn: string ;
msg: string }
let () =
let () =
@ -335,6 +423,23 @@ let () =
| Failed_to_checkout_context h -> Some h
| Failed_to_checkout_context h -> Some h
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
(fun h -> Failed_to_checkout_context h)
(fun h -> Failed_to_checkout_context h) ;
~title: "Failed to validate block because of a system error"
~description: "The validator failed because of a system error"
~pp:(fun ppf (errno, fn, msg) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"System error while validating a block (in function %s(%s)):@ %s"
fn msg (Unix.error_message errno))
(req "errno" errno)
(req "function" string)
(req "msg" string))
| System_error { errno ; fn ; msg } -> Some (errno, fn, msg)
| _ -> None)
(fun (errno, fn, msg) -> System_error { errno ; fn ; msg })
let invalid_block block error = Invalid_block { block ; error }
let invalid_block block error = Invalid_block { block ; error }
@ -59,5 +59,8 @@ type error +=
expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
found: Operation_list_list_hash.t }
found: Operation_list_list_hash.t }
| Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t
| Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t
| System_error of { errno: Unix.error ;
fn: string ;
msg: string }
val invalid_block : Block_hash.t -> block_error -> error
val invalid_block : Block_hash.t -> block_error -> error
@ -276,4 +276,7 @@ let apply
operations >>= function
| Error (Exn (Unix.Unix_error (errno, fn, msg)) :: _) ->
fail (System_error { errno ; fn ; msg })
| (Ok _ | Error _) as res -> Lwt.return res
Reference in New Issue
Block a user