From cb0b8f63b14b2e5217afcc19e43d47a31d64e831 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Gr=C3=A9goire=20Henry?= Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 20:19:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Shell: properly handle `Unix_error` while validating blocks --- src/lib_shell/ | 4 +- src/lib_shell/ | 1 + src/lib_shell/ | 3 + .../ | 107 +++++++++++++++++- .../block_validator_errors.mli | 3 + src/lib_validation/ | 5 +- 6 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/lib_shell/ b/src/lib_shell/ index 98cb7b06b..9a2462e64 100644 --- a/src/lib_shell/ +++ b/src/lib_shell/ @@ -153,9 +153,7 @@ let on_request block ; notify_new_block block ; return (Ok (Some block)) - (* TODO catch other temporary error (e.g. system errors) - and do not 'commit' them on disk... *) - | Error [Canceled | Unavailable_protocol _] as err -> + | Error [ Canceled | Unavailable_protocol _ | System_error _ ] as err -> (* FIXME: Canceled can escape. Canceled is not registered. BOOM! *) return err | Error errors -> diff --git a/src/lib_shell/ b/src/lib_shell/ index 4c5412330..c5f0a18c1 100644 --- a/src/lib_shell/ +++ b/src/lib_shell/ @@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ let rec validation_worker_loop pipeline = Lwt.return_unit | Error ([ Block_validator_errors.Invalid_block _ | Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol _ + | Block_validator_errors.System_error _ | Timeout] as err ) -> (* Propagate the error to the peer validator. *) pipeline.errors <- pipeline.errors @ err ; diff --git a/src/lib_shell/ b/src/lib_shell/ index 1b7522c03..c194aec78 100644 --- a/src/lib_shell/ +++ b/src/lib_shell/ @@ -299,6 +299,9 @@ let on_error w r st errs = Worker.trigger_shutdown w ; Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ; Lwt.return (Error errs) + | [Block_validator_errors.System_error _ ] as errs -> + Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ; + return_unit | [Block_validator_errors.Unavailable_protocol { protocol } ] -> begin Block_validator.fetch_and_compile_protocol pv.parameters.block_validator diff --git a/src/lib_shell_services/ b/src/lib_shell_services/ index 381184d93..270752525 100644 --- a/src/lib_shell_services/ +++ b/src/lib_shell_services/ @@ -49,6 +49,91 @@ type block_error = allowed_pass: int list } | Cannot_parse_block_header +let errno : Unix.error Data_encoding.t = + let open Data_encoding in + union [ + case + ~title:"unknown_unix_error" + (Tag 0) int8 + (function Unix.EUNKNOWNERR i -> Some i | _ -> None) + (fun i -> EUNKNOWNERR i) ; + case + ~title:"unix_error" + (Tag 1) + (string_enum + Unix.[ + "2big", E2BIG ; + "acces", EACCES ; + "again", EAGAIN ; + "badf", EBADF ; + "busy", EBUSY ; + "child", ECHILD ; + "deadlk", EDEADLK ; + "dom", EDOM ; + "exist", EEXIST ; + "fault", EFAULT ; + "fbig", EFBIG ; + "intr", EINTR ; + "inval", EINVAL ; + "io", EIO ; + "isdir", EISDIR ; + "mfile", EMFILE ; + "mlink", EMLINK ; + "nametoolong", ENAMETOOLONG ; + "nfile", ENFILE ; + "nodev", ENODEV ; + "noent", ENOENT ; + "noexec", ENOEXEC ; + "nolck", ENOLCK ; + "nomem", ENOMEM ; + "nospc", ENOSPC ; + "nosys", ENOSYS ; + "notdir", ENOTDIR ; + "notempty", ENOTEMPTY ; + "notty", ENOTTY ; + "nxio", ENXIO ; + "perm", EPERM ; + "pipe", EPIPE ; + "range", ERANGE ; + "rofs", EROFS ; + "spipe", ESPIPE ; + "srch", ESRCH ; + "xdev", EXDEV ; + "wouldblock", EWOULDBLOCK ; + "inprogress", EINPROGRESS ; + "already", EALREADY ; + "notsock", ENOTSOCK ; + "destaddrreq", EDESTADDRREQ ; + "msgsize", EMSGSIZE ; + "prototype", EPROTOTYPE ; + "noprotoopt", ENOPROTOOPT ; + "protonosupport", EPROTONOSUPPORT ; + "socktnosupport", ESOCKTNOSUPPORT ; + "opnotsupp", EOPNOTSUPP ; + "pfnosupport", EPFNOSUPPORT ; + "afnosupport", EAFNOSUPPORT ; + "addrinuse", EADDRINUSE ; + "addrnotavail", EADDRNOTAVAIL ; + "netdown", ENETDOWN ; + "netunreach", ENETUNREACH ; + "netreset", ENETRESET ; + "connaborted", ECONNABORTED ; + "connreset", ECONNRESET ; + "nobufs", ENOBUFS ; + "isconn", EISCONN ; + "notconn", ENOTCONN ; + "shutdown", ESHUTDOWN ; + "toomanyrefs", ETOOMANYREFS ; + "timedout", ETIMEDOUT ; + "connrefused", ECONNREFUSED ; + "hostdown", EHOSTDOWN ; + "hostunreach", EHOSTUNREACH ; + "loop", ELOOP ; + "overflow", EOVERFLOW ]) + (fun x -> Some x) + (fun x -> x) + ] + let block_error_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union @@ -256,6 +341,9 @@ type error += expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; found: Operation_list_list_hash.t } | Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t + | System_error of { errno: Unix.error ; + fn: string ; + msg: string } let () = Error_monad.register_error_kind @@ -335,6 +423,23 @@ let () = (function | Failed_to_checkout_context h -> Some h | _ -> None) - (fun h -> Failed_to_checkout_context h) + (fun h -> Failed_to_checkout_context h) ; + Error_monad.register_error_kind + `Temporary + ~id:"Validator_process.system_error_while_validating" + ~title: "Failed to validate block because of a system error" + ~description: "The validator failed because of a system error" + ~pp:(fun ppf (errno, fn, msg) -> + Format.fprintf ppf + "System error while validating a block (in function %s(%s)):@ %s" + fn msg (Unix.error_message errno)) + Data_encoding.(obj3 + (req "errno" errno) + (req "function" string) + (req "msg" string)) + (function + | System_error { errno ; fn ; msg } -> Some (errno, fn, msg) + | _ -> None) + (fun (errno, fn, msg) -> System_error { errno ; fn ; msg }) let invalid_block block error = Invalid_block { block ; error } diff --git a/src/lib_shell_services/block_validator_errors.mli b/src/lib_shell_services/block_validator_errors.mli index 1af06fe0e..a7a86e30a 100644 --- a/src/lib_shell_services/block_validator_errors.mli +++ b/src/lib_shell_services/block_validator_errors.mli @@ -59,5 +59,8 @@ type error += expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; found: Operation_list_list_hash.t } | Failed_to_checkout_context of Context_hash.t + | System_error of { errno: Unix.error ; + fn: string ; + msg: string } val invalid_block : Block_hash.t -> block_error -> error diff --git a/src/lib_validation/ b/src/lib_validation/ index c1b564db3..7c2f5a3cd 100644 --- a/src/lib_validation/ +++ b/src/lib_validation/ @@ -276,4 +276,7 @@ let apply ~predecessor_block_header ~predecessor_context ~block_header - operations + operations >>= function + | Error (Exn (Unix.Unix_error (errno, fn, msg)) :: _) -> + fail (System_error { errno ; fn ; msg }) + | (Ok _ | Error _) as res -> Lwt.return res