Alpha, Michelson: add gas limits for block and operations
This commit is contained in:
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '""' '"_abc"'
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit '"test"' '"test_abc"'
# Get current steps to quota
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39968
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit 39989
# Get the current balance of the contract
assert_output $contract_dir/ Unit Unit '"4,000,000"'
@ -149,6 +149,20 @@ let fee_arg =
~doc:"fee in \xEA\x9C\xA9 to pay to the baker"
let gas_limit_arg =
~doc:"Set the gas limit of the transaction instead \
of letting the client decide based on a simulation"
(parameter (fun _ s ->
let v = Z.of_string s in
assert Compare.Z.(v >= ;
return v
with _ -> failwith "invalid gas limit (must be a positive number)"))
let max_priority_arg =
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ val tez_sym: string
val init_arg: (string, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val fee_arg: (Tez.t, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val gas_limit_arg: (Z.t option, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val arg_arg: (string, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
val source_arg: (string option, Proto_alpha.full) Clic.arg
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ let parse_expression arg =
(Michelson_v1_parser.parse_expression arg))
let transfer cctxt
let transfer (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
block ?branch
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ?arg ~amount ~fee () =
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ?arg ~amount ~fee ?gas_limit () =
get_branch cctxt block branch >>=? fun (chain_id, branch) ->
begin match arg with
| Some arg ->
@ -49,17 +49,43 @@ let transfer cctxt
cctxt block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
Block_services.predecessor cctxt block >>=? fun predecessor ->
begin match gas_limit with
| Some gas_limit -> return gas_limit
| None ->
Alpha_services.Constants.hard_gas_limits cctxt block >>=? fun (_, max_gas) ->
cctxt block
~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~counter ~amount
~destination ?parameters ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
Block_services.predecessor cctxt block >>=? fun predecessor ->
~destination ?parameters ~fee ~gas_limit:max_gas () >>=? fun bytes ->
src_sk ~watermark:Generic_operation bytes >>=? fun signature ->
let signed_bytes = Signature.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Alpha_services.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun contracts ->
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun (_, gas) ->
match gas with
| Limited { remaining } ->
let gas = Z.sub max_gas remaining in
if Z.equal gas then
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: none" >>= fun () ->
let gas = Z.sub max_gas remaining in
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: %s units (will add 100 for safety)" (Z.to_string gas) >>= fun () ->
return (Z.add gas (Z.of_int 100))
| Unaccounted -> assert false
end >>=? fun gas_limit ->
cctxt block
~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~counter ~amount
~destination ?parameters ~fee ~gas_limit () >>=? fun bytes ->
src_sk ~watermark:Generic_operation bytes >>=? fun signature ->
let signed_bytes = Signature.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Alpha_services.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun (contracts, _gas) ->
cctxt ~chain_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
@ -91,12 +117,12 @@ let originate rpc_config ?chain_id ~block ?signature bytes =
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Alpha_services.Helpers.apply_operation rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes signature >>=? function
| [ contract ] ->
| [ contract ], _ ->
rpc_config ?chain_id signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
return (oph, contract)
| contracts ->
| contracts, _ ->
"The origination introduced %d contracts instead of one."
(List.length contracts)
@ -121,7 +147,7 @@ let originate_account ?branch
Alpha_services.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt block
~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~managerPubKey:manager_pkh
~counter ~balance ~spendable:true
?delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
?delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
src_sk ~watermark:Generic_operation bytes >>=? fun signature ->
originate cctxt ~block ~chain_id ~signature bytes
@ -216,6 +242,7 @@ let save_contract ~force cctxt alias_name contract =
let originate_contract
@ -235,11 +262,38 @@ let originate_contract
cctxt block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
get_branch cctxt block None >>=? fun (_chain_id, branch) ->
begin match gas_limit with
| Some gas_limit -> return gas_limit
| None ->
Alpha_services.Constants.hard_gas_limits cctxt block >>=? fun (_, max_gas) ->
Alpha_services.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt block
~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~managerPubKey:manager
~counter ~balance ~spendable:spendable
~delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate
~script:{ code ; storage } ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
~script:{ code ; storage } ~fee ~gas_limit:max_gas () >>=? fun bytes ->
~watermark:Generic_operation src_sk bytes >>=? fun signature ->
let signed_bytes = Signature.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Block_services.predecessor cctxt block >>=? fun predecessor ->
Alpha_services.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun (_, gas) ->
match gas with
| Limited { remaining } ->
let gas = Z.sub max_gas remaining in
if Z.equal gas then
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: none" >>= fun () ->
cctxt#message "Estimated gas: %s units (will add 100 for safety)" (Z.to_string gas) >>= fun () ->
return (Z.add gas (Z.of_int 100))
| Unaccounted -> assert false
end >>=? fun gas_limit ->
Alpha_services.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt block
~branch ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~managerPubKey:manager
~counter ~balance ~spendable:spendable
~delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate
~script:{ code ; storage } ~fee ~gas_limit () >>=? fun bytes ->
src_sk ~watermark:Generic_operation bytes >>=? fun signature ->
originate cctxt ~block ~signature bytes
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ val operation_submitted_message :
val originate_contract:
fee:Tez.t ->
?gas_limit:Z.t ->
delegate:public_key_hash option ->
?delegatable:bool ->
?spendable:bool ->
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ val transfer :
?arg:string ->
amount:Tez.t ->
fee:Tez.t ->
?gas_limit:Z.t ->
unit ->
(Operation_hash.t * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ val print_trace_result :
tzresult -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_and_sign :
?gas:int ->
?gas:Z.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Client_keys.sk_uri ->
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ val hash_and_sign :
(string * string * Gas.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data :
?gas:int ->
?gas:Z.t ->
data:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
ty:Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
'a ->
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ val typecheck_data :
Gas.t tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_program :
?gas:int ->
?gas:Z.t ->
Michelson_v1_parser.parsed ->
Block_services.block ->
#Proto_alpha.rpc_context ->
@ -206,9 +206,14 @@ let report_errors ~details ~show_source ?parsed ppf errs =
print_source (parsed, hilights) ;
if rest <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
print_trace (parsed_locations parsed) rest
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Gas.Quota_exceeded :: rest ->
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Gas.Block_quota_exceeded :: rest ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>Gas limit exceeded during typechecking or execution. Try again with a higher gas limit.@]" ;
"@[<v 0>Gas limit for the block exceeded during typechecking or execution.@]" ;
if rest <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
print_trace locations rest
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Gas.Operation_quota_exceeded :: rest ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>Gas limit exceeded during typechecking or execution.@,Try again with a higher gas limit.@]" ;
if rest <> [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@," ;
print_trace locations rest
| Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error err :: rest ->
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ let commands () =
end ;
command ~group ~desc: "Launch a smart contract on the blockchain."
fee_arg delegate_arg (Client_keys.force_switch ())
fee_arg gas_limit_arg delegate_arg (Client_keys.force_switch ())
delegatable_switch spendable_switch init_arg no_print_source_flag)
(prefixes [ "originate" ; "contract" ]
@@ RawContractAlias.fresh_alias_param
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ let commands () =
~name:"prg" ~desc: "script of the account\n\
Combine with -init if the storage type is not unit."
@@ stop)
begin fun (fee, delegate, force, delegatable, spendable, initial_storage, no_print_source)
begin fun (fee, gas_limit, delegate, force, delegatable, spendable, initial_storage, no_print_source)
alias_name manager balance (_, source) program (cctxt : Proto_alpha.full) ->
RawContractAlias.of_fresh cctxt force alias_name >>=? fun alias_name ->
Lwt.return (Micheline_parser.no_parsing_error program) >>=? fun { expanded = code } ->
source_to_keys cctxt cctxt#block source >>=? fun (src_pk, src_sk) ->
originate_contract ~fee ~delegate ~delegatable ~spendable ~initial_storage
originate_contract ~fee ?gas_limit ~delegate ~delegatable ~spendable ~initial_storage
~manager ~balance ~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~code cctxt >>= fun errors ->
report_michelson_errors ~no_print_source ~msg:"origination simulation failed" cctxt errors >>= function
| None -> return ()
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ let commands () =
end ;
command ~group ~desc: "Transfer tokens / call a smart contract."
(args3 fee_arg arg_arg no_print_source_flag)
(args4 fee_arg gas_limit_arg arg_arg no_print_source_flag)
(prefixes [ "transfer" ]
@@ tez_param
~name: "qty" ~desc: "amount taken from source"
@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ let commands () =
@@ ContractAlias.destination_param
~name: "dst" ~desc: "name/literal of the destination contract"
@@ stop)
begin fun (fee, arg, no_print_source) amount (_, source) (_, destination) cctxt ->
begin fun (fee, gas_limit, arg, no_print_source) amount (_, source) (_, destination) cctxt ->
source_to_keys cctxt cctxt#block source >>=? fun (src_pk, src_sk) ->
transfer cctxt ~fee cctxt#block
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ~arg ~amount () >>=
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ~arg ~amount ?gas_limit () >>=
report_michelson_errors ~no_print_source ~msg:"transfer simulation failed" cctxt >>= function
| None -> return ()
| Some (oph, contracts) ->
@ -47,14 +47,15 @@ let commands () =
~doc:"Initial quantity of gas for typechecking and execution"
(fun _ctx str ->
(parameter (fun _ctx str ->
return (int_of_string str)
with _ ->
failwith "Invalid gas literal: '%s'" str)) in
let resolve_max_gas ctxt block = function
| None -> Alpha_services.Constants.max_gas ctxt block >>=? fun gas ->
let v = Z.of_string str in
assert Compare.Z.(v >= ;
return v
with _ -> failwith "invalid gas limit (must be a positive number)")) in
let resolve_max_gas cctxt block = function
| None ->
Alpha_services.Constants.hard_gas_limits cctxt block >>=? fun (_, gas) ->
return gas
| Some gas -> return gas in
let data_parameter =
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module Gas = struct
let set_unlimited = Raw_context.set_gas_unlimited
let consume = Raw_context.consume_gas
let level = Raw_context.gas_level
let block_level = Raw_context.block_gas_level
module Level = struct
include Level_repr
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ end
module Gas : sig
type t = private
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
| Limited of { remaining : Z.t }
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ module Gas : sig
val cost_encoding : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
type error += Quota_exceeded
type error += Block_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
type error += Operation_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
val free : cost
val step_cost : int -> cost
@ -130,10 +131,11 @@ module Gas : sig
val ( *@ ) : int -> cost -> cost
val ( +@ ) : cost -> cost -> cost
val set_limit: context -> int -> context
val set_limit: context -> Z.t -> context tzresult
val set_unlimited: context -> context
val consume: context -> cost -> context tzresult
val level: context -> t
val block_level: context -> Z.t
module Script_int : module type of Script_int_repr
@ -299,7 +301,8 @@ module Constants : sig
time_between_blocks: Period.t list ;
first_free_baking_slot: int ;
endorsers_per_block: int ;
max_gas: int ;
hard_gas_limit_per_operation: Z.t ;
hard_gas_limit_per_block: Z.t ;
proof_of_work_threshold: int64 ;
dictator_pubkey: Signature.Public_key.t ;
max_operation_data_length: int ;
@ -323,7 +326,8 @@ module Constants : sig
val time_between_blocks: context -> Period.t list
val first_free_baking_slot: context -> int
val endorsers_per_block: context -> int
val max_gas: context -> int
val hard_gas_limit_per_operation: context -> Z.t
val hard_gas_limit_per_block: context -> Z.t
val proof_of_work_threshold: context -> int64
val dictator_pubkey: context -> Signature.Public_key.t
val max_operation_data_length: context -> int
@ -764,6 +768,7 @@ and manager_operation =
amount: Tez.t ;
parameters: Script.expr option ;
destination: Contract.contract ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
| Origination of {
manager: public_key_hash ;
@ -772,6 +777,7 @@ and manager_operation =
spendable: bool ;
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez.t ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
| Delegation of public_key_hash option
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ let apply_amendment_operation_content ctxt delegate = function
let apply_manager_operation_content
ctxt origination_nonce source = function
| Reveal _ -> return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination } ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_limit ctxt (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
| Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination ; gas_limit } ->
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
Contract.spend ctxt source amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
|||| ctxt destination amount >>=? fun ctxt ->
@ -422,8 +422,8 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
| None, _ -> fail (Bad_contract_parameter (destination, Some arg_type, None))
| Origination { manager ; delegate ; script ;
spendable ; delegatable ; credit } ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_limit ctxt (Constants.max_gas ctxt) in
spendable ; delegatable ; credit ; gas_limit } ->
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas_limit) >>=? fun ctxt ->
begin match script with
| None -> return (None, None, ctxt)
| Some script ->
@ -488,7 +488,6 @@ let apply_sourced_operation
ctxt origination_nonce source content)
(ctxt, origination_nonce, None) contents
>>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) ->
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, err)
| Consensus_operation content ->
apply_consensus_operation_content ctxt
@ -616,8 +615,7 @@ let apply_anonymous_operation ctxt _delegate origination_nonce kind =
let apply_operation
ctxt delegate pred_block block_prio hash operation =
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
match operation.contents with
begin match operation.contents with
| Anonymous_operations ops ->
let origination_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
@ -632,6 +630,10 @@ let apply_operation
ctxt pred_block block_prio
operation origination_nonce op >>=? fun (ctxt, origination_nonce, err) ->
return (ctxt, Contract.originated_contracts origination_nonce, err)
end >>=? fun (ctxt, contracts, err) ->
let gas = Gas.level ctxt in
let ctxt = Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
return (ctxt, gas, contracts, err)
let may_snapshot_roll ctxt =
let level = Alpha_context.Level.current ctxt in
@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ type parametric = {
time_between_blocks: Period_repr.t list ;
first_free_baking_slot: int ;
endorsers_per_block: int ;
max_gas: int ;
hard_gas_limit_per_operation: Z.t ;
hard_gas_limit_per_block: Z.t ;
proof_of_work_threshold: int64 ;
dictator_pubkey: Signature.Public_key.t ;
max_operation_data_length: int ;
@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ let default = {
|||| Period_repr.of_seconds_exn [ 60L ] ;
first_free_baking_slot = 16 ;
endorsers_per_block = 32 ;
max_gas = 40_000 ;
hard_gas_limit_per_operation = Z.of_int 40_000 ;
hard_gas_limit_per_block = Z.of_int 4_000_000 ;
proof_of_work_threshold =
Int64.(sub (shift_left 1L 56) 1L) ;
dictator_pubkey =
@ -113,9 +115,10 @@ let parametric_encoding =
c.proof_of_work_threshold ),
( c.dictator_pubkey,
@ -123,8 +126,8 @@ let parametric_encoding =
c.endorsement_reward)) )
(c.endorsement_reward))) )
(fun (( preserved_cycles,
@ -133,9 +136,10 @@ let parametric_encoding =
proof_of_work_threshold ),
( dictator_pubkey,
@ -143,8 +147,8 @@ let parametric_encoding =
endorsement_reward )) ->
(endorsement_reward))) ->
{ preserved_cycles ;
blocks_per_cycle ;
blocks_per_commitment ;
@ -153,7 +157,8 @@ let parametric_encoding =
time_between_blocks ;
first_free_baking_slot ;
endorsers_per_block ;
max_gas ;
hard_gas_limit_per_operation ;
hard_gas_limit_per_block ;
proof_of_work_threshold ;
dictator_pubkey ;
max_operation_data_length ;
@ -176,9 +181,11 @@ let parametric_encoding =
(req "time_between_blocks" (list Period_repr.encoding))
(req "first_free_baking_slot" uint16)
(req "endorsers_per_block" uint16)
(req "instructions_per_transaction" int31)
(req "proof_of_work_threshold" int64))
(req "hard_gas_limit_per_operation" z)
(req "hard_gas_limit_per_block" z))
(req "proof_of_work_threshold" int64)
(req "dictator_pubkey" Signature.Public_key.encoding)
(req "max_operation_data_length" int31)
(req "tokens_per_roll" Tez_repr.encoding)
@ -187,8 +194,9 @@ let parametric_encoding =
(req "origination_burn" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "block_security_deposit" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "endorsement_security_deposit" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "block_reward" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "endorsement_reward" Tez_repr.encoding)))
(req "block_reward" Tez_repr.encoding))
(req "endorsement_reward" Tez_repr.encoding))))
type t = {
fixed : fixed ;
@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ module S = struct
~output: (obj1 (req "endorsers_per_block" uint16))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "endorsers_per_block")
let max_gas =
let hard_gas_limits =
~description: "Instructions per transaction"
~description: "Hard maximum amount of gas per operation and per block"
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: empty
~output: (obj1 (req "instructions_per_transaction" int31))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "max_gas")
~output: (obj2 (req "per_block" z) (req "per_operation" z))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "hard_gas_limits")
let proof_of_work_threshold =
@ -189,8 +190,9 @@ let () =
register0 S.endorsers_per_block begin fun ctxt () () ->
return (Constants.endorsers_per_block ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.max_gas begin fun ctxt () () ->
return (Constants.max_gas ctxt)
register0 S.hard_gas_limits begin fun ctxt () () ->
return (Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_block ctxt,
Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.proof_of_work_threshold begin fun ctxt () () ->
return (Constants.proof_of_work_threshold ctxt)
@ -238,8 +240,8 @@ let first_free_baking_slot ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.first_free_baking_slot ctxt block () ()
let endorsers_per_block ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.endorsers_per_block ctxt block () ()
let max_gas ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.max_gas ctxt block () ()
let hard_gas_limits ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.hard_gas_limits ctxt block () ()
let proof_of_work_threshold ctxt block =
RPC_context.make_call0 S.proof_of_work_threshold ctxt block () ()
let seed_nonce_revelation_tip ctxt block =
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ val first_free_baking_slot:
val endorsers_per_block:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a -> int shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val max_gas:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a -> int shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val hard_gas_limits:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a -> (Z.t * Z.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val proof_of_work_threshold:
'a #RPC_context.simple -> 'a -> Int64.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
@ -31,9 +31,12 @@ let first_free_baking_slot c =
let endorsers_per_block c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
let max_gas c =
let hard_gas_limit_per_operation c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
let hard_gas_limit_per_block c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
let proof_of_work_threshold c =
let constants = Raw_context.constants c in
@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
type t =
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
| Limited of { remaining : Z.t }
type cost =
{ allocations : int ;
steps : int }
{ allocations : Z.t ;
steps : Z.t }
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
[ case (Tag 0) int31
[ case (Tag 0) z
(function Limited { remaining } -> Some remaining | _ -> None)
(fun remaining -> Limited { remaining }) ;
case (Tag 1) (constant "unaccounted")
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let pp ppf = function
| Unaccounted ->
Format.fprintf ppf "unaccounted"
| Limited { remaining } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%d units remaining" remaining
Format.fprintf ppf "%s units remaining" (Z.to_string remaining)
let cost_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
@ -39,30 +39,40 @@ let cost_encoding =
(fun (allocations, steps) ->
{ allocations ; steps })
(req "allocations" int31)
(req "steps" int31))
(req "allocations" z)
(req "steps" z))
let pp_cost ppf { allocations ; steps } =
Format.fprintf ppf
"(steps: %d, allocs: %d)"
steps allocations
"(steps: %s, allocs: %s)"
(Z.to_string steps) (Z.to_string allocations)
type error += Quota_exceeded
type error += Block_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
type error += Operation_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
let consume t cost = match t with
| Unaccounted -> ok Unaccounted
let allocation_weight = Z.of_int 2
let step_weight = Z.of_int 1
let consume block_gas operation_gas cost = match operation_gas with
| Unaccounted -> ok (block_gas, Unaccounted)
| Limited { remaining } ->
let weighted_cost =
(Z.mul allocation_weight cost.allocations)
(Z.mul step_weight cost.steps) in
let remaining =
- 2 * cost.allocations
- 1 * cost.steps in
if Compare.Int.(remaining <= 0)
then error Quota_exceeded
else ok (Limited { remaining })
Z.sub remaining weighted_cost in
let block_remaining =
Z.sub block_gas weighted_cost in
if Compare.Z.(remaining <=
then error Operation_quota_exceeded
else if Compare.Z.(block_remaining <=
then error Block_quota_exceeded
else ok (block_remaining, Limited { remaining })
let alloc_cost n =
{ allocations = n + 1 ;
steps = 0 }
{ allocations = Z.of_int (n + 1) ;
steps = }
let alloc_bytes_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 8)
@ -71,30 +81,40 @@ let alloc_bits_cost n =
alloc_cost (n / 64)
let step_cost n =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = n }
{ allocations = ;
steps = Z.of_int n }
let free =
{ allocations = 0 ;
steps = 0 }
{ allocations = ;
steps = }
let ( +@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x.allocations + y.allocations ;
steps = x.steps + y.steps }
{ allocations = Z.add x.allocations y.allocations ;
steps = Z.add x.steps y.steps }
let ( *@ ) x y =
{ allocations = x * y.allocations ;
steps = x * y.steps }
{ allocations = Z.mul (Z.of_int x) y.allocations ;
steps = Z.mul (Z.of_int x) y.steps }
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Quota exceeded (runtime script error)"
~title: "Gas quota exceeded for the operation"
"A script or one of its callee took too much \
time or storage space"
"A script or one of its callee took more \
time than the operation said it would"
(function Quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Quota_exceeded) ;
(function Operation_quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Operation_quota_exceeded) ;
~title: "Gas quota exceeded for the block"
"The sum of gas consumed by all the operations in the block \
exceeds the hard gas limit per block"
(function Block_quota_exceeded -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Block_quota_exceeded) ;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
type t =
| Unaccounted
| Limited of { remaining : int }
| Limited of { remaining : Z.t }
val encoding : t Data_encoding.encoding
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ type cost
val cost_encoding : cost Data_encoding.encoding
val pp_cost : Format.formatter -> cost -> unit
type error += Quota_exceeded
type error += Block_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
type error += Operation_quota_exceeded (* `Temporary *)
val consume : t -> cost -> t tzresult
val consume : Z.t -> t -> cost -> (Z.t * t) tzresult
val free : cost
val step_cost : int -> cost
@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ module S = struct
(req "operation_hash" Operation_hash.encoding)
(req "forged_operation" bytes)
(opt "signature" Signature.encoding))
~output: (obj1 (req "contracts" (list Contract.encoding)))
~output: (obj2
(req "contracts" (list Contract.encoding))
(req "remaining_gas" Gas.encoding))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "apply_operation")
let trace_code =
~description: "Run a piece of code in the current context, \
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ module S = struct
~query: RPC_query.empty
~input: (obj2
(req "program" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" int31))
(opt "gas" z))
~output: (obj2
(req "type_map" Script_tc_errors_registration.type_map_enc)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ module S = struct
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" int31))
(opt "gas" z))
~output: (obj1 (req "gas" Gas.encoding))
RPC_path.(custom_root / "typecheck_data")
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ module S = struct
~input: (obj3
(req "data" Script.expr_encoding)
(req "type" Script.expr_encoding)
(opt "gas" int31))
(opt "gas" z))
~output: (obj2
(req "hash" string)
(req "gas" Gas.encoding))
@ -150,13 +151,13 @@ module I = struct
ctxt (Some baker_pkh) pred_block block_prio hash operation
>>=? function
| (_ctxt, _, Some script_err) -> Lwt.return (Error script_err)
| (_ctxt, contracts, None) -> Lwt.return (Ok contracts)
| (_ctxt, _, _, Some script_err) -> Lwt.return (Error script_err)
| (_ctxt, gas, contracts, None) -> Lwt.return (Ok (contracts, gas))
let run_parameters ctxt (script, storage, input, amount, contract, origination_nonce) =
let max_gas =
Constants.max_gas ctxt in
Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation ctxt in
let origination_nonce =
match origination_nonce with
| Some origination_nonce -> origination_nonce
@ -178,7 +179,10 @@ let () =
register0 S.run_code begin fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
I.run_parameters ctxt parameters in
let ctxt = if Compare.Int.(gas > 0) then Gas.set_limit ctxt gas else Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
begin if Compare.Z.(gas > then
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas)
return (Gas.set_unlimited ctxt) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
contract (* transaction initiator *)
@ -191,7 +195,10 @@ let () =
register0 S.trace_code begin fun ctxt () parameters ->
let (code, storage, input, amount, contract, gas, origination_nonce) =
I.run_parameters ctxt parameters in
let ctxt = if Compare.Int.(gas > 0) then Gas.set_limit ctxt gas else Gas.set_unlimited ctxt in
begin if Compare.Z.(gas > then
Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas)
return (Gas.set_unlimited ctxt) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
contract (* transaction initiator *)
@ -203,24 +210,24 @@ let () =
~f:(Script_ir_translator.to_printable_big_map ctxt))
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_code begin fun ctxt () (expr, maybe_gas) ->
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
begin match maybe_gas with
| None -> return (Gas.set_unlimited ctxt)
| Some gas -> Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_code ctxt expr >>=? fun (res, ctxt) ->
return (res, Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.typecheck_data begin fun ctxt () (data, ty, maybe_gas) ->
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
begin match maybe_gas with
| None -> return (Gas.set_unlimited ctxt)
| Some gas -> Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Script_ir_translator.typecheck_data ctxt (data, ty) >>=? fun ctxt ->
return (Gas.level ctxt)
end ;
register0 S.hash_data begin fun ctxt () (expr, typ, maybe_gas) ->
let open Script_ir_translator in
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
begin match maybe_gas with
| None -> return (Gas.set_unlimited ctxt)
| Some gas -> Lwt.return (Gas.set_limit ctxt gas) end >>=? fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (parse_ty false (Micheline.root typ)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty typ, _) ->
parse_data ctxt typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (Script_ir_translator.hash_data ctxt typ data) >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
@ -343,9 +350,9 @@ module Forge = struct
let transaction ctxt
block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter
~amount ~destination ?parameters ~fee ()=
~amount ~destination ?parameters ~gas_limit ~fee ()=
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Alpha_context.[Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination }]
Alpha_context.[Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination ; gas_limit }]
let origination ctxt
block ~branch
@ -353,7 +360,8 @@ module Forge = struct
~managerPubKey ~balance
?(spendable = true)
?(delegatable = true)
?delegatePubKey ?script ~fee () =
?delegatePubKey ?script
~gas_limit ~fee () =
operations ctxt block ~branch ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Origination { manager = managerPubKey ;
@ -361,7 +369,8 @@ module Forge = struct
script ;
spendable ;
delegatable ;
credit = balance }
credit = balance ;
gas_limit }
let delegation ctxt
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ val minimal_time:
val apply_operation:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t -> MBytes.t -> Signature.t option ->
(Contract.t list) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
(Contract.t list * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val run_code:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ val trace_code:
val typecheck_code:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> (Script.expr * int option) ->
'a -> (Script.expr * Z.t option) ->
(Script_tc_errors.type_map * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * int option -> Gas.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * Z.t option -> Gas.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * int option -> (string * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
'a -> Script.expr * Script.expr * Z.t option -> (string * Gas.t) shell_tzresult Lwt.t
val level:
'a #RPC_context.simple ->
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ module Forge : sig
amount:Tez.t ->
destination:Contract.t ->
?parameters:Script.expr ->
gas_limit:Z.t ->
fee:Tez.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ module Forge : sig
?delegatable:bool ->
?delegatePubKey: public_key_hash ->
?script:Script.t ->
gas_limit:Z.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t shell_tzresult Lwt.t
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ let apply_operation ({ mode ; ctxt ; op_count ; _ } as data) operation =
Some baker in
Apply.apply_operation ctxt baker pred_block block_prio
(Alpha_context.Operation.hash operation) operation
>>=? fun (ctxt, _contracts, _ignored_script_error) ->
>>=? fun (ctxt, _gas, _contracts, _ignored_script_error) ->
let op_count = op_count + 1 in
return { data with ctxt ; op_count }
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ and manager_operation =
amount: Tez_repr.tez ;
parameters: Script_repr.expr option ;
destination: Contract_repr.contract ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
| Origination of {
manager: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ and manager_operation =
spendable: bool ;
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez_repr.tez ;
gas_limit: Z.t;
| Delegation of Signature.Public_key_hash.t option
@ -118,47 +120,49 @@ module Encoding = struct
let transaction_encoding =
describe ~title:"Transaction operation" @@
(req "kind" (constant "transaction"))
(req "amount" Tez_repr.encoding)
(req "destination" Contract_repr.encoding)
(opt "parameters" Script_repr.expr_encoding)
(req "gas_limit" z)
let transaction_case tag =
case tag ~name:"Transaction" transaction_encoding
| Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters } ->
Some ((), amount, destination, parameters)
| Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters ; gas_limit } ->
Some ((), amount, destination, parameters, gas_limit)
| _ -> None)
(fun ((), amount, destination, parameters) ->
Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters })
(fun ((), amount, destination, parameters, gas_limit) ->
Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters ; gas_limit })
let origination_encoding =
describe ~title:"Origination operation" @@
(req "kind" (constant "origination"))
(req "managerPubkey" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(req "balance" Tez_repr.encoding)
(opt "spendable" bool)
(opt "delegatable" bool)
(opt "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)
(opt "script" Script_repr.encoding))
(opt "script" Script_repr.encoding)
(req "gas_limit" z))
let origination_case tag =
case tag ~name:"Origination" origination_encoding
| Origination { manager ; credit ; spendable ;
delegatable ; delegate ; script } ->
delegatable ; delegate ; script ; gas_limit } ->
Some ((), manager, credit, Some spendable,
Some delegatable, delegate, script)
Some delegatable, delegate, script, gas_limit)
| _ -> None)
(fun ((), manager, credit, spendable, delegatable, delegate, script) ->
(fun ((), manager, credit, spendable, delegatable, delegate, script, gas_limit) ->
let delegatable =
match delegatable with None -> true | Some b -> b in
let spendable =
match spendable with None -> true | Some b -> b in
{manager ; credit ; spendable ; delegatable ; delegate ; script })
{manager ; credit ; spendable ; delegatable ; delegate ; script ; gas_limit })
let delegation_encoding =
describe ~title:"Delegation operation" @@
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ and manager_operation =
amount: Tez_repr.tez ;
parameters: Script_repr.expr option ;
destination: Contract_repr.contract ;
gas_limit: Z.t ;
| Origination of {
manager: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ;
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ and manager_operation =
spendable: bool ;
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez_repr.tez ;
gas_limit: Z.t ;
| Delegation of Signature.Public_key_hash.t option
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ let bootstrap_account_encoding =
(fun (public_key, amount) -> { public_key ; amount })
(tup2 Signature.Public_key.encoding Tez_repr.encoding)
(* This encoding is used to read configuration files (e.g. sandbox.json)
where some fields can be missing, in that case they are replaced by
the default. *)
@ -62,9 +63,12 @@ let constants_encoding =
and endorsers_per_block =
opt Compare.Int.(=)
default.endorsers_per_block c.endorsers_per_block
and max_gas =
opt Compare.Int.(=)
default.max_gas c.max_gas
and hard_gas_limit_per_operation =
opt Compare.Z.(=)
default.hard_gas_limit_per_operation c.hard_gas_limit_per_operation
and hard_gas_limit_per_block =
opt Compare.Z.(=)
default.hard_gas_limit_per_block c.hard_gas_limit_per_block
and proof_of_work_threshold =
opt Compare.Int64.(=)
default.proof_of_work_threshold c.proof_of_work_threshold
@ -107,9 +111,10 @@ let constants_encoding =
( dictator_pubkey,
@ -117,8 +122,8 @@ let constants_encoding =
(fun (( preserved_cycles,
@ -127,9 +132,10 @@ let constants_encoding =
( dictator_pubkey,
@ -137,8 +143,8 @@ let constants_encoding =
endorsement_reward)) ->
(endorsement_reward))) ->
let unopt def = function None -> def | Some v -> v in
let default = Constants_repr.default in
{ Constants_repr.preserved_cycles =
@ -158,8 +164,10 @@ let constants_encoding =
unopt default.first_free_baking_slot first_free_baking_slot ;
endorsers_per_block =
unopt default.endorsers_per_block endorsers_per_block ;
max_gas =
unopt default.max_gas max_gas ;
hard_gas_limit_per_operation =
unopt default.hard_gas_limit_per_operation hard_gas_limit_per_operation ;
hard_gas_limit_per_block =
unopt default.hard_gas_limit_per_block hard_gas_limit_per_block ;
proof_of_work_threshold =
unopt default.proof_of_work_threshold proof_of_work_threshold ;
dictator_pubkey =
@ -193,9 +201,11 @@ let constants_encoding =
(opt "time_between_blocks" (list Period_repr.encoding))
(opt "first_free_baking_slot" uint16)
(opt "endorsers_per_block" uint16)
(opt "instructions_per_transaction" int31)
(opt "proof_of_work_threshold" int64))
(opt "hard_gas_limit_per_operation" z)
(opt "hard_gas_limit_per_block" z))
(opt "proof_of_work_threshold" int64)
(opt "dictator_pubkey" Signature.Public_key.encoding)
(opt "max_operation_data_length" int31)
(opt "tokens_per_roll" Tez_repr.encoding)
@ -204,8 +214,9 @@ let constants_encoding =
(opt "origination_burn" Tez_repr.encoding)
(opt "block_security_deposit" Tez_repr.encoding)
(opt "endorsement_security_deposit" Tez_repr.encoding)
(opt "block_reward" Tez_repr.encoding)
(opt "endorsement_reward" Tez_repr.encoding)))
(opt "block_reward" Tez_repr.encoding))
(opt "endorsement_reward" Tez_repr.encoding))))
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ type t = {
endorsements_received: Int_set.t;
fees: Tez_repr.t ;
rewards: Tez_repr.t ;
gas: Gas_repr.t;
block_gas: Z.t ;
operation_gas: Gas_repr.t ;
type context = t
@ -48,12 +49,32 @@ let add_rewards ctxt rewards =
let get_rewards ctxt = ctxt.rewards
let get_fees ctxt = ctxt.fees
let set_gas_limit ctxt remaining = { ctxt with gas = Limited { remaining } }
let set_gas_unlimited ctxt = { ctxt with gas = Unaccounted }
type error += Gas_limit_too_high (* `Permanent *)
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title: "Gas limit higher than the hard limit"
"A transaction tried to exceed the hard limit on gas"
(function Gas_limit_too_high -> Some () | _ -> None)
(fun () -> Gas_limit_too_high)
let set_gas_limit ctxt remaining =
if Compare.Z.(remaining > ctxt.constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation) then
error Gas_limit_too_high
ok { ctxt with operation_gas = Limited { remaining } }
let set_gas_unlimited ctxt =
{ ctxt with operation_gas = Unaccounted }
let consume_gas ctxt cost =
Gas_repr.consume ctxt.gas cost >>? fun gas ->
ok { ctxt with gas }
let gas_level ctxt = ctxt.gas
Gas_repr.consume ctxt.block_gas ctxt.operation_gas cost >>? fun (block_gas, operation_gas) ->
ok { ctxt with block_gas ; operation_gas }
let gas_level ctxt = ctxt.operation_gas
let block_gas_level ctxt = ctxt.block_gas
type storage_error =
@ -272,7 +293,8 @@ let prepare ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt =
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
gas = Unaccounted ;
operation_gas = Unaccounted ;
block_gas = constants.Constants_repr.hard_gas_limit_per_block ;
let check_first_block ctxt =
@ -317,7 +339,8 @@ let register_resolvers enc resolve =
endorsements_received = Int_set.empty ;
fees = ;
rewards = ;
gas = Unaccounted ;
block_gas = Constants_repr.default.hard_gas_limit_per_block ;
operation_gas = Unaccounted ;
} in
resolve faked_context str in
Context.register_resolver enc resolve
@ -73,10 +73,13 @@ val add_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_fees: context -> Tez_repr.t
val get_rewards: context -> Tez_repr.t
val set_gas_limit: t -> int -> t
type error += Gas_limit_too_high (* `Permanent *)
val set_gas_limit: t -> Z.t -> t tzresult
val set_gas_unlimited: t -> t
val consume_gas: t -> Gas_repr.cost -> t tzresult
val gas_level: t -> Gas_repr.t
val block_gas_level: t -> Z.t
(** {1 Generic accessors} *************************************************)
@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ let rec interp
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.steps_to_quota) >>=? fun ctxt ->
let steps = match Gas.level ctxt with
| Limited { remaining } -> remaining
| Unaccounted -> max_int in
logged_return (Item (Script_int.(abs (of_int steps)), rest), ctxt)
| Unaccounted -> Z.of_string "99999999" in
logged_return (Item (Script_int.(abs (of_zint steps)), rest), ctxt)
| Source (ta, tb), rest ->
Lwt.return (Gas.consume ctxt Interp_costs.source) >>=? fun ctxt ->
logged_return (Item ((ta, tb, orig), rest), ctxt)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let operation
operation >>=? fun (tc, contracts, err) ->
operation >>=? fun (tc, _, contracts, err) ->
return ((contracts, err), tc)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ let transaction ~tc ?(fee = 0) ?baker
src dst.contract
(Helpers_cast.cents_of_int amount)
~fee: (Helpers_cast.cents_of_int fee)
(Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation tc)
@@ Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc
>>=? fun protop ->
operation ~tc ?baker ~src pbh opsh protop
@ -45,7 +46,9 @@ let transaction_pred ?tc ~(pred: Helpers_block.result) ?baker (src, dst, amount,
let script_origination
~tc pbh opsh script src amount =
script src (Helpers_cast.cents_of_int amount) @@ Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc
script src (Helpers_cast.cents_of_int amount)
(Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation tc)
@@ Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc
>>=? fun protop -> operation ~tc ?baker: None ~src pbh opsh protop
@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ let origination
src ~spendable ~delegatable
(Helpers_cast.cents_of_int amount) ~fee:(Helpers_cast.tez_of_int fee)
(Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation tc)
@@ Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc
>>=? fun protop ->
operation ~tc ?baker ~src pbh opsh protop
@ -32,18 +32,19 @@ let manager_full src ?(fee = ops context =
manager src ~fee ops context >>=? fun ops -> return @@ sourced ops
let transaction ?parameters amount destination =
let transaction ?parameters amount destination gas_limit =
Transaction {
amount ;
parameters ;
destination ;
let origination
?(delegatable = true) ?(script = None)
?(spendable = true) ?(delegate = None)
(manager: Helpers_account.t) credit
(manager: Helpers_account.t) credit gas_limit
Origination {
manager = manager.hpub ;
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ let origination
spendable ;
delegatable ;
script ;
credit ;
@ -63,16 +65,16 @@ let delegation_full ?(fee = src delegate context =
manager_full src ~fee [delegation delegate] context
let script_origination_full script src credit context =
manager_full src ~fee: [origination ~script src credit] context
let script_origination_full script src credit gas_limit context =
manager_full src ~fee: [origination ~script src credit gas_limit] context
let origination_full ?(spendable = true) ?(delegatable = true) ?(fee = src credit context =
manager_full src ~fee [origination ~spendable ~delegatable src credit] context
let origination_full ?(spendable = true) ?(delegatable = true) ?(fee = src credit gas_limit context =
manager_full src ~fee [origination ~spendable ~delegatable src credit gas_limit] context
let transaction_full ?(fee = ?parameters src dst amount context =
manager src ~fee [transaction ?parameters amount dst] context
let transaction_full ?(fee = ?parameters src dst amount gas_limit context =
manager src ~fee [transaction ?parameters amount dst gas_limit] context
>>=? fun manager_op ->
return @@ sourced manager_op
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ val manager_full :
Alpha_environment.Context.t -> proto_operation proto_tzresult Lwt.t
val transaction :
?parameters:Script.expr -> Tez.t -> Contract.contract ->
?parameters:Script.expr -> Tez.t -> Contract.contract -> Z.t ->
val origination :
?delegatable:bool -> ?script:Script.t option -> ?spendable:bool ->
?delegate:public_key_hash option -> Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> manager_operation
?delegate:public_key_hash option -> Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> Z.t -> manager_operation
val delegation : public_key_hash -> manager_operation
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ val delegation_full :
proto_operation proto_tzresult Lwt.t
val script_origination_full :
Script.t option -> Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> Alpha_environment.Context.t ->
Script.t option -> Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> Z.t -> Alpha_environment.Context.t ->
proto_operation proto_tzresult Lwt.t
val origination_full :
?spendable:bool -> ?delegatable:bool -> ?fee:Tez.tez ->
Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> Alpha_environment.Context.t ->
Helpers_account.t -> Tez.t -> Z.t -> Alpha_environment.Context.t ->
proto_operation proto_tzresult Lwt.t
val transaction_full :
?fee:Tez.tez -> ?parameters:Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Script.expr -> Helpers_account.t -> Contract.contract -> Tez.t ->
?fee:Tez.tez -> ?parameters:Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Script.expr -> Helpers_account.t -> Contract.contract -> Tez.t -> Z.t ->
Alpha_environment.Context.t -> proto_operation proto_tzresult Lwt.t
val amendment_operation :
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ let execute_code_pred
>>=? fun ((dst, _), tc) ->
let dst = List.hd dst in
let ctxt = Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc in
Helpers_operation.transaction_full op dst ctxt
let gas = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation tc in
Helpers_operation.transaction_full op dst gas ctxt
>>=? fun dummy_protop ->
let op_header = Helpers_block.get_op_header_res pred in
let apply_op = Helpers_operation.apply_of_proto
@ -29,8 +30,7 @@ let execute_code_pred
let hash = Operation.hash apply_op in
let dummy_nonce = Contract.initial_origination_nonce hash in
let amount = in
let gas = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.max_gas tc in
let tc = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.set_limit tc gas in
Lwt.return (Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Gas.set_limit tc gas) >>=? fun tc ->
let return = Script_interpreter.execute
dummy_nonce op.contract dst
tc script amount argument in
@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ let main () =
debug "initial big map is ok" ;
let call tc input result =
Lwt.return (parse_expr input) >>=? fun parameters ->
let gas = Proto_alpha.Alpha_context.Constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation tc in
src contract (Helpers_cast.cents_of_int 100_00)
(Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc)
gas (Helpers_cast.ctxt_of_tc tc)
~parameters >>=?? fun op ->
Helpers.Apply.operation ~tc
~src pred.Helpers_block.hash
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ let test_example () =
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "exec_concat" "Unit" "\"test\"" "\"test_abc\"" >>=? fun _ ->
(* Get current steps to quota *)
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39968" >>=? fun _ ->
test_output ~location: __LOC__ "steps_to_quota" "Unit" "Unit" "39989" >>=? fun _ ->
let bootstrap_0 = List.nth Account.bootstrap_accounts 0 in
get_balance_res bootstrap_0 sb >>=?? fun _balance ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user