Alpha, Michelson: no need to thread the gas in parsing linear structures
This commit is contained in:
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ let apply_manager_operation_content
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, None)
| Error err ->
return (ctxt, origination_nonce, Some err) in
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel ctxt script.code >>=? fun ((arg_type, _, _, _), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return @@ Script_ir_translator.parse_toplevel script.code >>=? fun (arg_type, _, _, _) ->
let arg_type = Micheline.strip_locations arg_type in
match parameters, Micheline.root arg_type with
| None, Prim (_, T_unit, _, _) ->
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ let () =
let ctxt = match maybe_gas with
| None -> Gas.set_unlimited ctxt
| Some gas -> Gas.set_limit ctxt gas in
Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false (Micheline.root typ)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty typ, _), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (parse_ty false (Micheline.root typ)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty typ, _) ->
parse_data ctxt typ (Micheline.root expr) >>=? fun (data, ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (Script_ir_translator.hash_data ctxt typ data) >>=? fun (hash, ctxt) ->
return (hash, Gas.level ctxt)
@ -893,138 +893,122 @@ let merge_branches
module Typecheck_costs = Michelson_v1_gas.Cost_of.Typechecking
let rec parse_comparable_ty : context -> Script.node -> (ex_comparable_ty * context) tzresult = fun ctxt node ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle >>? fun ctxt ->
match node with
| Prim (_, T_int, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Int_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_nat, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Nat_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_string, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty String_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_tez, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Tez_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_bool, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Bool_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_key_hash, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Key_hash_key), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_timestamp, [], _) -> ok ((Ex_comparable_ty Timestamp_key), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, (T_int | T_nat
| T_string | T_tez | T_bool
| T_key | T_timestamp as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 0, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_pair | T_or | T_set | T_map
| T_list | T_option | T_lambda
| T_unit | T_signature | T_contract), _, _) as expr ->
parse_ty ctxt false expr >>? fun ((Ex_ty ty, _), _ctxt) ->
error (Comparable_type_expected (loc, ty))
| expr ->
error @@ unexpected expr [] Type_namespace
[ T_int ; T_nat ;
T_string ; T_tez ; T_bool ;
T_key ; T_key_hash ; T_timestamp ]
let rec parse_comparable_ty
: Script.node -> ex_comparable_ty tzresult
= function
| Prim (_, T_int, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Int_key)
| Prim (_, T_nat, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Nat_key)
| Prim (_, T_string, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty String_key)
| Prim (_, T_tez, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Tez_key)
| Prim (_, T_bool, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Bool_key)
| Prim (_, T_key_hash, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Key_hash_key)
| Prim (_, T_timestamp, [], _) -> ok (Ex_comparable_ty Timestamp_key)
| Prim (loc, (T_int | T_nat
| T_string | T_tez | T_bool
| T_key | T_timestamp as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 0, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_pair | T_or | T_set | T_map
| T_list | T_option | T_lambda
| T_unit | T_signature | T_contract), _, _) as expr ->
parse_ty false expr >>? fun (Ex_ty ty, _) ->
error (Comparable_type_expected (loc, ty))
| expr ->
error @@ unexpected expr [] Type_namespace
[ T_int ; T_nat ;
T_string ; T_tez ; T_bool ;
T_key ; T_key_hash ; T_timestamp ]
and parse_ty :
context -> bool -> Script.node ->
((ex_ty * annot) * context) tzresult = fun ctxt big_map_possible node ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle >>? fun ctxt ->
match node with
| Prim (_, T_pair,
[ Prim (big_map_loc, T_big_map, args, map_annot) ; remaining_storage ],
when big_map_possible ->
begin match args with
| [ key_ty ; value_ty ] ->
parse_comparable_ty ctxt key_ty >>? fun ((Ex_comparable_ty key_ty), gas) ->
parse_ty gas false value_ty >>? fun ((Ex_ty value_ty, right_annot), gas) ->
error_unexpected_annot big_map_loc right_annot >>? fun () ->
parse_ty gas false remaining_storage >>? fun ((Ex_ty remaining_storage, remaining_annot), gas) ->
ok ((Ex_ty (Pair_t ((Big_map_t (key_ty, value_ty), map_annot),
(remaining_storage, remaining_annot))),
| args -> error @@ Invalid_arity (big_map_loc, T_big_map, 2, List.length args)
| Prim (_, T_unit, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Unit_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_int, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Int_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_nat, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Nat_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_string, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty String_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_tez, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Tez_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_bool, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Bool_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_key, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Key_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_key_hash, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Key_hash_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_timestamp, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Timestamp_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_signature, [], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.primitive_type >>? fun ctxt ->
ok ((Ex_ty Signature_t, annot), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, T_contract, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.two_arg_type >>? fun ctxt ->
parse_ty ctxt false utl >>? fun ((Ex_ty tl, left_annot), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utr >>? fun ((Ex_ty tr, right_annot), ctxt) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc left_annot >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc right_annot >|? fun () ->
((Ex_ty (Contract_t (tl, tr)), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_pair, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utl >>? fun ((Ex_ty tl, left_annot), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utr >|? fun ((Ex_ty tr, right_annot), ctxt) ->
((Ex_ty (Pair_t ((tl, left_annot), (tr, right_annot))), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_or, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utl >>? fun ((Ex_ty tl, left_annot), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utr >|? fun ((Ex_ty tr, right_annot), ctxt) ->
((Ex_ty (Union_t ((tl, left_annot), (tr, right_annot))), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_lambda, [ uta; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty ctxt false uta >>? fun ((Ex_ty ta, _), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utr >|? fun ((Ex_ty tr, _), ctxt) ->
((Ex_ty (Lambda_t (ta, tr)), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, T_option, [ ut ], annot) ->
parse_ty ctxt false ut >>? fun ((Ex_ty t, opt_annot), ctxt) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc annot >|? fun () ->
((Ex_ty (Option_t t), opt_annot), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, T_list, [ ut ], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.one_arg_type >>? fun ctxt ->
parse_ty ctxt false ut >>? fun ((Ex_ty t, list_annot), ctxt) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc list_annot >>? fun () ->
ok ((Ex_ty (List_t t), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_set, [ ut ], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.one_arg_type >>? fun ctxt ->
parse_comparable_ty ctxt ut >>? fun ((Ex_comparable_ty t), ctxt) ->
ok ((Ex_ty (Set_t t), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (_, T_map, [ uta; utr ], annot) ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.one_arg_type >>? fun ctxt ->
parse_comparable_ty ctxt uta >>? fun ((Ex_comparable_ty ta), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false utr >>? fun ((Ex_ty tr, _), ctxt) ->
ok ((Ex_ty (Map_t (ta, tr)), annot), ctxt)
| Prim (loc, T_big_map, _, _) ->
error (Unexpected_big_map loc)
| Prim (loc, (T_unit | T_signature
| T_int | T_nat
| T_string | T_tez | T_bool
| T_key | T_key_hash | T_timestamp as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 0, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_set | T_list | T_option as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 1, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_pair | T_or | T_map | T_lambda | T_contract as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 2, List.length l))
| expr ->
error @@ unexpected expr [] Type_namespace
[ T_pair ; T_or ; T_set ; T_map ;
T_list ; T_option ; T_lambda ;
T_unit ; T_signature ; T_contract ;
T_int ; T_nat ;
T_string ; T_tez ; T_bool ;
T_key ; T_key_hash ; T_timestamp ]
and parse_ty
: bool -> Script.node -> (ex_ty * annot) tzresult
= fun big_map_possible node ->
match node with
| Prim (_, T_pair,
[ Prim (big_map_loc, T_big_map, args, map_annot) ; remaining_storage ],
when big_map_possible ->
begin match args with
| [ key_ty ; value_ty ] ->
parse_comparable_ty key_ty >>? fun (Ex_comparable_ty key_ty) ->
parse_ty false value_ty >>? fun (Ex_ty value_ty, right_annot) ->
error_unexpected_annot big_map_loc right_annot >>? fun () ->
parse_ty false remaining_storage >>? fun (Ex_ty remaining_storage, remaining_annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty (Pair_t ((Big_map_t (key_ty, value_ty), map_annot),
(remaining_storage, remaining_annot))),
| args -> error @@ Invalid_arity (big_map_loc, T_big_map, 2, List.length args)
| Prim (_, T_unit, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Unit_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_int, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Int_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_nat, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Nat_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_string, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty String_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_tez, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Tez_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_bool, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Bool_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_key, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Key_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_key_hash, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Key_hash_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_timestamp, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Timestamp_t, annot)
| Prim (_, T_signature, [], annot) ->
ok (Ex_ty Signature_t, annot)
| Prim (loc, T_contract, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty false utl >>? fun (Ex_ty tl, left_annot) ->
parse_ty false utr >>? fun (Ex_ty tr, right_annot) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc left_annot >>? fun () ->
error_unexpected_annot loc right_annot >|? fun () ->
(Ex_ty (Contract_t (tl, tr)), annot)
| Prim (_, T_pair, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty false utl >>? fun (Ex_ty tl, left_annot) ->
parse_ty false utr >|? fun (Ex_ty tr, right_annot) ->
(Ex_ty (Pair_t ((tl, left_annot), (tr, right_annot))), annot)
| Prim (_, T_or, [ utl; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty false utl >>? fun (Ex_ty tl, left_annot) ->
parse_ty false utr >|? fun (Ex_ty tr, right_annot) ->
(Ex_ty (Union_t ((tl, left_annot), (tr, right_annot))), annot)
| Prim (_, T_lambda, [ uta; utr ], annot) ->
parse_ty false uta >>? fun (Ex_ty ta, _) ->
parse_ty false utr >|? fun (Ex_ty tr, _) ->
(Ex_ty (Lambda_t (ta, tr)), annot)
| Prim (loc, T_option, [ ut ], annot) ->
parse_ty false ut >>? fun (Ex_ty t, opt_annot) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc annot >|? fun () ->
(Ex_ty (Option_t t), opt_annot)
| Prim (loc, T_list, [ ut ], annot) ->
parse_ty false ut >>? fun (Ex_ty t, list_annot) ->
error_unexpected_annot loc list_annot >>? fun () ->
ok (Ex_ty (List_t t), annot)
| Prim (_, T_set, [ ut ], annot) ->
parse_comparable_ty ut >>? fun (Ex_comparable_ty t) ->
ok (Ex_ty (Set_t t), annot)
| Prim (_, T_map, [ uta; utr ], annot) ->
parse_comparable_ty uta >>? fun (Ex_comparable_ty ta) ->
parse_ty false utr >>? fun (Ex_ty tr, _) ->
ok (Ex_ty (Map_t (ta, tr)), annot)
| Prim (loc, T_big_map, _, _) ->
error (Unexpected_big_map loc)
| Prim (loc, (T_unit | T_signature
| T_int | T_nat
| T_string | T_tez | T_bool
| T_key | T_key_hash | T_timestamp as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 0, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_set | T_list | T_option as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 1, List.length l))
| Prim (loc, (T_pair | T_or | T_map | T_lambda | T_contract as prim), l, _) ->
error (Invalid_arity (loc, prim, 2, List.length l))
| expr ->
error @@ unexpected expr [] Type_namespace
[ T_pair ; T_or ; T_set ; T_map ;
T_list ; T_option ; T_lambda ;
T_unit ; T_signature ; T_contract ;
T_int ; T_nat ;
T_string ; T_tez ; T_bool ;
T_key ; T_key_hash ; T_timestamp ]
let rec unparse_stack
: type a. a stack_ty -> Script.expr list
@ -1367,7 +1351,7 @@ and parse_instr
(Item_t (w, Item_t (v, rest, cur_top_annot), annot))
| Prim (loc, I_PUSH, [ t ; d ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false t)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty t, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t, _) ->
parse_data ?type_logger ctxt t d >>=? fun (v, ctxt) ->
typed ctxt loc (Const v)
(Item_t (t, stack, instr_annot))
@ -1382,7 +1366,7 @@ and parse_instr
(Item_t (Option_t t, rest, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_NONE, [ t ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false t)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty t, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t, _) ->
typed ctxt loc (Cons_none t)
(Item_t (Option_t t, stack, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_IF_NONE, [ bt ; bf ], instr_annot),
@ -1413,12 +1397,12 @@ and parse_instr
(* unions *)
| Prim (loc, I_LEFT, [ tr ], instr_annot),
Item_t (tl, rest, stack_annot) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false tr)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty tr, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false tr)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tr, _) ->
typed ctxt loc Left
(Item_t (Union_t ((tl, stack_annot), (tr, None)), rest, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_RIGHT, [ tl ], instr_annot),
Item_t (tr, rest, stack_annot) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false tl)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty tl, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false tl)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tl, _) ->
typed ctxt loc Right
(Item_t (Union_t ((tl, None), (tr, stack_annot)), rest, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_IF_LEFT, [ bt ; bf ], instr_annot),
@ -1435,7 +1419,7 @@ and parse_instr
(* lists *)
| Prim (loc, I_NIL, [ t ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false t)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty t, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false t)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty t, _) ->
typed ctxt loc Nil
(Item_t (List_t t, stack, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_CONS, [], instr_annot),
@ -1502,7 +1486,7 @@ and parse_instr
(* sets *)
| Prim (loc, I_EMPTY_SET, [ t ], instr_annot),
rest ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty ctxt t)) >>=? fun ((Ex_comparable_ty t), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty t)) >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty t) ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_set t)
(Item_t (Set_t t, rest, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_REDUCE, [], instr_annot),
@ -1548,8 +1532,8 @@ and parse_instr
(* maps *)
| Prim (loc, I_EMPTY_MAP, [ tk ; tv ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty ctxt tk)) >>=? fun ((Ex_comparable_ty tk), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false tv)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty tv, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_comparable_ty tk)) >>=? fun (Ex_comparable_ty tk) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false tv)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tv, _) ->
typed ctxt loc (Empty_map (tk, tv))
(Item_t (Map_t (tk, tv), stack, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_MAP, [], instr_annot),
@ -1709,8 +1693,8 @@ and parse_instr
| Prim (loc, I_LAMBDA, [ arg ; ret ; code ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false arg)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty arg, arg_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false ret)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ret, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false arg)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty arg, arg_annot) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false ret)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty ret, _) ->
check_kind [ Seq_kind ] code >>=? fun () ->
parse_returning Lambda ?type_logger ctxt
(arg, default_annot ~default:default_arg_annot arg_annot)
@ -2020,16 +2004,16 @@ and parse_instr
(ginit, rest, _), _), _), _), _), _) ->
fail_unexpected_annot seq_loc annot >>=? fun () ->
let cannonical_code = fst @@ Micheline.extract_locations code in
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel ctxt cannonical_code) >>=? fun ((arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel cannonical_code) >>=? fun (arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "parameter", cannonical_code, location arg_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false arg_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false arg_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "return", cannonical_code, location ret_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false ret_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ret_type, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false ret_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty ret_type, _) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "storage", cannonical_code, location storage_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt true storage_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty true storage_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot) ->
let arg_type_full = Pair_t ((arg_type, default_annot ~default:default_param_annot param_annot),
(storage_type, default_annot ~default:default_storage_annot storage_annot)) in
let ret_type_full = Pair_t ((ret_type, None), (storage_type, None)) in
@ -2074,8 +2058,8 @@ and parse_instr
(Item_t (Nat_t, stack, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SOURCE, [ ta; tb ], instr_annot),
stack ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false ta)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ta, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false tb)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty tb, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false ta)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty ta, _) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false tb)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty tb, _) ->
typed ctxt loc (Source (ta, tb))
(Item_t (Contract_t (ta, tb), stack, instr_annot))
| Prim (loc, I_SELF, [], instr_annot),
@ -2198,9 +2182,9 @@ and parse_contract
ok (contract, ctxt))
| Some { code ; _ } ->
(parse_toplevel ctxt code >>? fun ((arg_type, ret_type, _, _), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false arg_type >>? fun ((Ex_ty targ, _), ctxt) ->
parse_ty ctxt false ret_type >>? fun ((Ex_ty tret, _), ctxt) ->
(parse_toplevel code >>? fun (arg_type, ret_type, _, _) ->
parse_ty false arg_type >>? fun (Ex_ty targ, _) ->
parse_ty false ret_type >>? fun (Ex_ty tret, _) ->
ty_eq targ arg >>? fun Eq ->
ty_eq tret ret >>? fun Eq ->
let contract : (arg, ret) typed_contract =
@ -2208,39 +2192,37 @@ and parse_contract
ok (contract, ctxt))
and parse_toplevel
: context -> Script.expr -> ((Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) * context) tzresult
= fun ctxt toplevel ->
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle >>? fun ctxt ->
: Script.expr -> (Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) tzresult
= fun toplevel ->
match root toplevel with
| Int (loc, _) -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Seq_kind ], Int_kind))
| String (loc, _) -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Seq_kind ], String_kind))
| Prim (loc, _, _, _) -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Seq_kind ], Prim_kind))
| Seq (_, fields, _) ->
let rec find_fields ctxt p r s c fields =
Gas.consume ctxt Typecheck_costs.cycle >>? fun ctxt ->
let rec find_fields p r s c fields =
match fields with
| [] -> ok ((p, r, s, c), ctxt)
| [] -> ok (p, r, s, c)
| Int (loc, _) :: _ -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Prim_kind ], Int_kind))
| String (loc, _) :: _ -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Prim_kind ], String_kind))
| Seq (loc, _, _) :: _ -> error (Invalid_kind (loc, [ Prim_kind ], Seq_kind))
| Prim (loc, K_parameter, [ arg ], _) :: rest ->
begin match p with
| None -> find_fields ctxt (Some arg) r s c rest
| None -> find_fields (Some arg) r s c rest
| Some _ -> error (Duplicate_field (loc, K_parameter))
| Prim (loc, K_return, [ arg ], _) :: rest ->
begin match r with
| None -> find_fields ctxt p (Some arg) s c rest
| None -> find_fields p (Some arg) s c rest
| Some _ -> error (Duplicate_field (loc, K_return))
| Prim (loc, K_storage, [ arg ], _) :: rest ->
begin match s with
| None -> find_fields ctxt p r (Some arg) c rest
| None -> find_fields p r (Some arg) c rest
| Some _ -> error (Duplicate_field (loc, K_storage))
| Prim (loc, K_code, [ arg ], _) :: rest ->
begin match c with
| None -> find_fields ctxt p r s (Some arg) rest
| None -> find_fields p r s (Some arg) rest
| Some _ -> error (Duplicate_field (loc, K_code))
| Prim (loc, (K_parameter | K_return | K_storage | K_code as name), args, _) :: _ ->
@ -2249,27 +2231,27 @@ and parse_toplevel
let allowed = [ K_parameter ; K_return ; K_storage ; K_code ] in
error (Invalid_primitive (loc, allowed, name))
find_fields ctxt None None None None fields >>? function
| ((None, _, _, _), _ctxt) -> error (Missing_field K_parameter)
| ((Some _, None, _, _), _ctxt) -> error (Missing_field K_return)
| ((Some _, Some _, None, _), _ctxt) -> error (Missing_field K_storage)
| ((Some _, Some _, Some _, None), _ctxt) -> error (Missing_field K_code)
| ((Some p, Some r, Some s, Some c), ctxt) -> ok ((p, r, s, c), ctxt)
find_fields None None None None fields >>? function
| (None, _, _, _) -> error (Missing_field K_parameter)
| (Some _, None, _, _) -> error (Missing_field K_return)
| (Some _, Some _, None, _) -> error (Missing_field K_storage)
| (Some _, Some _, Some _, None) -> error (Missing_field K_code)
| (Some p, Some r, Some s, Some c) -> ok (p, r, s, c)
let parse_script
: ?type_logger: (int -> Script.expr list -> Script.expr list -> unit) ->
context -> Script.t -> (ex_script * context) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ?type_logger ctxt { code ; storage } ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel ctxt code) >>=? fun ((arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel code) >>=? fun (arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "parameter", code, location arg_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false arg_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false arg_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "return", code, location ret_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false ret_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ret_type, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false ret_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty ret_type, _) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "storage", code, location storage_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt true storage_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty true storage_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot) ->
let arg_type_full = Pair_t ((arg_type, default_annot ~default:default_param_annot param_annot),
(storage_type, default_annot ~default:default_storage_annot storage_annot)) in
let ret_type_full = Pair_t ((ret_type, None), (storage_type, None)) in
@ -2285,18 +2267,18 @@ let parse_script
let typecheck_code
: context -> Script.expr -> (type_map * context) tzresult Lwt.t
= fun ctxt code ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel ctxt code) >>=? fun ((arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return (parse_toplevel code) >>=? fun (arg_type, ret_type, storage_type, code_field) ->
let type_map = ref [] in
(* TODO: annotation checking *)
(Ill_formed_type (Some "parameter", code, location arg_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false arg_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false arg_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty arg_type, param_annot) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "return", code, location ret_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt false ret_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ret_type, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty false ret_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty ret_type, _) ->
(Ill_formed_type (Some "storage", code, location storage_type))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt true storage_type)) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty true storage_type)) >>=? fun (Ex_ty storage_type, storage_annot) ->
let arg_type_full = Pair_t ((arg_type, default_annot ~default:default_param_annot param_annot),
(storage_type, default_annot ~default:default_storage_annot storage_annot)) in
let ret_type_full = Pair_t ((ret_type, None), (storage_type, None)) in
@ -2317,7 +2299,7 @@ let typecheck_data
= fun ?type_logger ctxt (data, exp_ty) ->
(Ill_formed_type (None, exp_ty, 0))
(Lwt.return (parse_ty ctxt true (root exp_ty))) >>=? fun ((Ex_ty exp_ty, _), ctxt) ->
(Lwt.return (parse_ty true (root exp_ty))) >>=? fun (Ex_ty exp_ty, _) ->
(Ill_typed_data (None, data, exp_ty))
(parse_data ?type_logger ctxt exp_ty (root data)) >>=? fun (_, ctxt) ->
@ -2397,8 +2379,8 @@ let to_printable_big_map ctxt (Ex_bm { diff ; key_type ; value_type }) =
|||| ~f:(fun x -> Micheline.strip_locations @@ unparse value_type x) value) :: acc)) [] pairs
let erase_big_map_initialization ctxt ({ code ; storage } : Script.t) =
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel ctxt code >>=? fun ((_, _, storage_type, _), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty ctxt true storage_type >>=? fun ((Ex_ty ty, _), ctxt) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_toplevel code >>=? fun (_, _, storage_type, _) ->
Lwt.return @@ parse_ty true storage_type >>=? fun (Ex_ty ty, _) ->
parse_data ctxt ty (Micheline.root storage) >>=? fun (storage, ctxt) ->
match extract_big_map ty storage with
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ val unparse_data :
context -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> 'a -> (Script.node * context) tzresult
val parse_ty :
context -> bool -> Script.node ->
((ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) * context) tzresult
bool -> Script.node ->
(ex_ty * Script_typed_ir.annot) tzresult
val unparse_ty :
string option -> 'a Script_typed_ir.ty -> Script.node
val parse_toplevel
: context -> Script.expr -> ((Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) * context) tzresult
: Script.expr -> (Script.node * Script.node * Script.node * Script.node) tzresult
val typecheck_code :
context -> Script.expr -> (type_map * context) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -29,12 +29,10 @@ let type_map_enc =
let ex_ty_enc =
(fun (Ex_ty ty) -> strip_locations (unparse_ty None ty))
(fun _expr ->
(* (* code temporarily deactivated *)
match parse_ty (Gas.of_int 10000000000) true (root expr) with
| Ok ((Ex_ty ty, _), _) -> Ex_ty ty
| _ -> *)
Ex_ty Unit_t (* FIXME: ? *))
(fun expr ->
match parse_ty true (root expr) with
| Ok (Ex_ty ty, _) -> Ex_ty ty
| _ -> assert false)
(* main registration *)
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