Add syntactically passing PascaLIGO ID contract that does not typecheck
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
type id is int
type id_details is
record [
owner: address;
controller: address;
profile: bytes;
type buy is
record [
profile: bytes;
initial_controller: option(address);
type update_owner is
record [
id: id;
new_owner: address;
type update_details is
record [
id: id;
new_profile: option(bytes);
new_controller: option(address);
type action is
| Buy of buy
| Update_owner of update_owner
| Update_details of update_details
| Skip of unit
(* The prices kept in storage can be changed by bakers, though they should only be
adjusted down over time, not up. *)
type storage is
record [
identities: big_map (id, id_details);
next_id: int;
name_price: tez;
skip_price: tez;
(** Preliminary thoughts on ids:
I very much like the simplicity of
5 three letter words means you have a 15 character identity, not actually more
annoying than an IP address and a lot more memorable than the raw digits. This
can be stored as a single integer which is then translated into the corresponding
series of 5 words.
I in general like the idea of having a 'skip' mechanism, but it does need to cost
something so people don't eat up the address space. 256 ^ 5 means you have a lot
of address space, but if people troll by skipping a lot that could be eaten up.
Should probably do some napkin calculations for how expensive skipping needs to
be to deter people from doing it just to chew up address space.
function buy (const parameter : buy; const storage : storage) : list(operation) * storage is
if amount = storage.name_price
then skip
else failwith("Incorrect amount paid.");
const profile : bytes = parameter.profile;
const initial_controller : option(address) = parameter.initial_controller;
var identities : big_map (id, id_details) := storage.identities;
const new_id : int = storage.next_id;
const controller : address =
case initial_controller of
Some(addr) -> addr
| None -> sender
const new_id_details: id_details =
record [
owner = sender ;
controller = controller ;
profile = profile ;
identities[new_id] := Some(new_id_details);
end with ((nil : list(operation)), record [
identities = updated_identities;
next_id = new_id + 1;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
function update_owner (const parameter : update_owner; const storage : storage) :
list(operation) * storage is
if (amount =/= 0mutez)
failwith("Updating owner doesn't cost anything.");
else skip;
const id : int = parameter[id];
const new_owner : address = parameter[new_owner];
var identities : big_map (id, id_details) := storage[identities];
const id_details : id_details =
case identities[id] of
Some(id_details) -> id_details
| None -> (failwith("This ID does not exist."): id_details)
var is_allowed : bool := false;
if sender = id_details[owner]
then is_allowed := true
else failwith("You are not the owner of this ID.");
id_details[owner] := new_owner;
identities[id] := Some(id_details);
end with ((nil: list(operation)), record [
identities = updated_identities;
next_id = storage.next_id;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
function update_details (const parameter : update_details; const storage : storage ) :
list(operation) * storage is
if (amount =/= 0mutez)
then failwith("Updating details doesn't cost anything.")
else skip;
const id : int = parameter[id];
const new_profile : option(bytes) = parameter[new_profile];
const new_controller : option(address) = parameter[new_controller];
const identities : big_map (id, id_details) = storage[identities];
const id_details: id_details =
case identities[id] of
Some(id_details) -> id_details
| None -> (failwith("This ID does not exist."): id_details)
var is_allowed : bool := false;
if (sender = current_id_details[controller]) or (sender = current_id_details[owner])
then is_allowed := true
else failwith("You are not the owner or controller of this ID.");
const owner: address = id_details[owner];
const profile: bytes =
case new_profile of
None -> (* Default *) id_details[profile]
| Some(new_profile) -> new_profile
const controller: address =
case new_controller of
None -> (* Default *) current_id_details[controller]
| Some(new_controller) -> new_controller
id_details[owner] := owner;
id_details[controller] := controller;
id_details[profile] := profile;
identities[id] := Some(id_details);
end with ((nil: list(operation)), record [
identities = identities;
next_id = storage[next_id];
name_price = storage[name_price];
skip_price = storage[skip_price];
(* Let someone skip the next identity so nobody has to take one that's undesirable *)
function skip_ (const p: unit; const storage: storage) : list(operation) * storage is
if amount = storage[skip_price]
then skip
else failwith("Incorrect amount paid.");
end with ((nil: list(operation)), record [
identities = storage[identities];
next_id = storage[next_id] + 1;
name_price = storage[name_price];
skip_price = storage[skip_price];
function main (const action : action; const storage : storage) : list(operation) * storage is
case action of
| Buy(b) -> buy (b, storage)
| Update_owner(uo) -> update_owner (uo, storage)
| Update_details(ud) -> update_details (ud, storage)
| Skip(s) -> skip_ (unit, storage)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
open Trace
open Test_helpers
open Ast_simplified
let mtype_file f =
let%bind simplified = Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile f (Syntax_name "pascaligo") in
let%bind typed,state = Ligo.Compile.Of_simplified.compile simplified in
ok (typed,state)
let get_program =
let s = ref None in
fun () -> match !s with
| Some s -> ok s
| None -> (
let%bind program = mtype_file "./contracts/id.ligo" in
s := Some program ;
ok program
let compile_main () =
let%bind simplified = Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile "./contracts/id.ligo" (Syntax_name "pascaligo") in
let%bind typed_prg,_ = Ligo.Compile.Of_simplified.compile simplified in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let%bind michelson_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg "main" in
let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
(* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *)
Ligo.Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in
ok ()
let (first_owner , first_contract) =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let id = List.nth dummy_environment.identities 0 in
let kt = id.implicit_contract in
Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.to_b58check kt , kt
let buy_id () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:( ()
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_some (e_address new_addr))) ;
] in
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
let buy_id_sender_addr () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:( ()
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_typed_none t_address))] in
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails if we attempt to buy an ID for the wrong amount *)
let buy_id_wrong_amount () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:(Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.fifty_cents) ()
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_some (e_address new_addr)))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
"Incorrect amount paid."
in ok ()
let update_details_owner () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address new_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
let update_details_controller () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails when we attempt to update details of nonexistent ID *)
let update_details_nonexistent () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 2) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
"This ID does not exist."
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails when we attempt to update details from wrong addr *)
let update_details_wrong_addr () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 0) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
"You are not the owner or controller of this ID."
in ok ()
(* Test that giving none on both profile and controller address is a no-op *)
let update_details_unchanged () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_typed_none t_bytes) ;
("new_controller", e_typed_none t_address)] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) storage)
in ok ()
let update_owner () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_owner", e_address owner_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails when we attempt to update owner of nonexistent ID *)
let update_owner_nonexistent () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 2);
("new_owner", e_address new_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
"This ID does not exist."
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails when we attempt to update owner from non-owner addr *)
let update_owner_wrong_addr () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 0);
("new_owner", e_address new_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
"You are not the owner of this ID."
in ok ()
let skip () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:( ()
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 3) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options program "skip"
(e_pair (e_unit ()) storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
in ok ()
(* Test that contract fails if we try to skip without paying the right amount *)
let skip_wrong_amount () =
let%bind program, _ = get_program () in
let owner_addr = addr 5 in
let owner_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_1 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:(Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.fifty_cents) ()
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
let id_details_2 = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options program "skip"
(e_pair (e_unit ()) storage)
"Incorrect amount paid."
in ok ()
let main = test_suite "ID Layer" [
test "buy" buy_id ;
test "buy (sender addr)" buy_id_sender_addr ;
test "buy (wrong amount)" buy_id_wrong_amount ;
test "update_details (owner)" update_details_owner ;
test "update_details (controller)" update_details_controller ;
test "update_details_nonexistent" update_details_nonexistent ;
test "update_details_wrong_addr" update_details_wrong_addr ;
test "update_details_unchanged" update_details_unchanged ;
test "update_owner" update_owner ;
test "update_owner_nonexistent" update_owner_nonexistent ;
test "update_owner_wrong_addr" update_owner_wrong_addr ;
test "skip" skip ;
test "skip (wrong amount)" skip_wrong_amount ;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ let () =
Coase_tests.main ;
Vote_tests.main ;
Id_tests.main ;
Id_tests_p.main ;
Multisig_tests.main ;
Multisig_v2_tests.main ;
Replaceable_id_tests.main ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user