Refactor id layer contract to use records instead of tuples
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,9 +6,21 @@ type id_details = {
profile: bytes
type buy = bytes * address option
type update_owner = id * address
type update_details = id * bytes option * address option
type buy = {
profile: bytes;
initial_controller: address option;
type update_owner = {
id: id;
new_owner: address;
type update_details = {
id: id;
new_profile: bytes option;
new_controller: address option;
type action =
| Buy of buy
@ -19,7 +31,14 @@ type action =
(* The prices kept in storage can be changed by bakers, though they
should only be adjusted down over time, not up. *)
type storage = (id, id_details) big_map * int * (tez * tez)
(* The prices kept in storage can be changed by bakers, though they should only be
adjusted down over time, not up. *)
type storage = {
identities: (id, id_details) big_map;
next_id: int;
name_price: tez;
skip_price: tez;
type return = operation list * storage
@ -38,13 +57,17 @@ a lot that could be eaten up. Should probably do some napkin
calculations for how expensive skipping needs to be to deter people
from doing it just to chew up address space. *)
let buy (parameter, storage: (bytes * address option) * storage) =
let void : unit =
if Tezos.amount <> storage.2.0
then (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit) in
let profile, initial_controller = parameter in
let identities, new_id, prices = storage in
let controller : address =
let buy (parameter, storage: buy * storage) =
let void: unit =
if amount = storage.name_price
then ()
else (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit)
let profile = parameter.profile in
let initial_controller = parameter.initial_controller in
let identities = storage.identities in
let new_id = storage.next_id in
let controller: address =
match initial_controller with
| Some addr -> addr
| None -> sender in
@ -54,74 +77,98 @@ let buy (parameter, storage: (bytes * address option) * storage) =
profile = profile} in
let updated_identities : (id, id_details) big_map =
Big_map.update new_id (Some new_id_details) identities
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, new_id + 1, prices)
([]: operation list), {identities = updated_identities;
next_id = new_id + 1;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
let update_owner (parameter, storage : (id * address) * storage) =
if amount <> 0tez
then (failwith "Updating owner doesn't cost anything.": return)
let update_owner (parameter, storage: update_owner * storage) =
if (amount <> 0mutez)
then (failwith "Updating owner doesn't cost anything.": (operation list) * storage)
let id, new_owner = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details : id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist." : id_details) in
let is_allowed : bool =
if Tezos.sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
else (failwith "You are not the owner of this ID." : bool) in
let updated_id_details : id_details = {
let id = in
let new_owner = parameter.new_owner in
let identities = storage.identities in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details)
let is_allowed: bool =
if sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
else (failwith "You are not the owner of this ID.": bool)
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
owner = new_owner;
controller = current_id_details.controller;
profile = current_id_details.profile} in
let updated_identities =
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
profile = current_id_details.profile;
let updated_identities = Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities in
([]: operation list), {identities = updated_identities;
next_id = storage.next_id;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
let update_details (parameter, storage: (id * bytes option * address option) * storage) =
if Tezos.amount <> 0tez
(failwith "Updating details doesn't cost anything." : return)
let update_details (parameter, storage: update_details * storage) =
if (amount <> 0mutez)
then (failwith "Updating details doesn't cost anything.": (operation list) * storage)
let id, new_profile, new_controller = parameter in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details) in
let is_allowed : bool =
if Tezos.sender = current_id_details.controller
|| Tezos.sender = current_id_details.owner
then true
(failwith ("You are not the owner or controller of this ID.")
: bool) in
let owner : address = current_id_details.owner in
let profile : bytes =
match new_profile with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.profile
| Some new_profile -> new_profile in
let controller : address =
match new_controller with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.controller
| Some new_controller -> new_controller in
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
owner = owner;
controller = controller;
profile = profile} in
let id = in
let new_profile = parameter.new_profile in
let new_controller = parameter.new_controller in
let identities = storage.identities in
let current_id_details: id_details =
match Big_map.find_opt id identities with
| Some id_details -> id_details
| None -> (failwith "This ID does not exist.": id_details)
let is_allowed: bool =
if (sender = current_id_details.controller) || (sender = current_id_details.owner)
then true
else (failwith ("You are not the owner or controller of this ID."): bool)
let owner: address = current_id_details.owner in
let profile: bytes =
match new_profile with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.profile
| Some new_profile -> new_profile
let controller: address =
match new_controller with
| None -> (* Default *) current_id_details.controller
| Some new_controller -> new_controller
let updated_id_details: id_details = {
owner = owner;
controller = controller;
profile = profile;
let updated_identities: (id, id_details) big_map =
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities
in ([]: operation list), (updated_identities, last_id, prices)
Big_map.update id (Some updated_id_details) identities in
([]: operation list), {identities = updated_identities;
next_id = storage.next_id;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
(* Let someone skip the next identity so nobody has to take one that's
undesirable *)
let skip (p, storage: unit * storage) =
let void : unit =
if Tezos.amount <> storage.2.1
then (failwith "Incorrect amount paid." : unit) in
let identities, last_id, prices = storage in
([]: operation list), (identities, last_id + 1, prices)
(* Let someone skip the next identity so nobody has to take one that's undesirable *)
let skip (p,storage: unit * storage) =
let void: unit =
if amount = storage.skip_price
then ()
else (failwith "Incorrect amount paid.": unit)
([]: operation list), {identities = storage.identities;
next_id = storage.next_id + 1;
name_price = storage.name_price;
skip_price = storage.skip_price;
let main (action, storage : action * storage) : return =
match action with
@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ let buy_id () =
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)]) ;
e_int 1;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
@ -54,11 +55,15 @@ let buy_id () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let param = e_pair owner_website (e_some (e_address new_addr)) in
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_some (e_address new_addr))) ;
] in
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
@ -73,9 +78,10 @@ let buy_id_sender_addr () =
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)]) ;
e_int 1;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
@ -87,11 +93,14 @@ let buy_id_sender_addr () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let param = e_pair owner_website (e_typed_none (t_address ())) in
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_typed_none (t_address ())))] in
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
@ -107,18 +116,20 @@ let buy_id_wrong_amount () =
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", owner_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)]) ;
e_int 1;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 1) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
~amount:(Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.fifty_cents) ()
let param = e_pair owner_website (e_some (e_address new_addr)) in
let param = e_record_ez [("profile", owner_website) ;
("initial_controller", (e_some (e_address new_addr)))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "buy"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair param storage)
"Incorrect amount paid."
in ok ()
@ -133,7 +144,7 @@ let update_details_owner () =
let new_addr = first_owner in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options
let new_website = e_bytes_string "" in
@ -144,20 +155,24 @@ let update_details_owner () =
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address new_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_tuple [e_int 1 ;
e_some details ;
e_some (e_address new_addr)] in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address new_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
@ -185,20 +200,24 @@ let update_details_controller () =
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address owner_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_tuple [e_int 1 ;
e_some details ;
e_some (e_address owner_addr)] in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
@ -224,15 +243,17 @@ let update_details_nonexistent () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_tuple [e_int 2 ;
e_some details ;
e_some (e_address owner_addr)] in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 2) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
"This ID does not exist."
@ -257,15 +278,17 @@ let update_details_wrong_addr () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let details = e_bytes_string "" in
let param = e_tuple [e_int 0 ;
e_some details ;
e_some (e_address owner_addr)] in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 0) ;
("new_profile", e_some details) ;
("new_controller", e_some (e_address owner_addr))] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
"You are not the owner or controller of this ID."
@ -291,14 +314,16 @@ let update_details_unchanged () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_tuple [e_int 1 ;
e_typed_none (t_bytes ()) ;
e_typed_none (t_address ())] in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_profile", e_typed_none (t_bytes ())) ;
("new_controller", e_typed_none (t_address ()))] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "update_details"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) storage)
@ -326,17 +351,22 @@ let update_owner () =
let id_details_2_diff = e_record_ez [("owner", e_address owner_addr) ;
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)] in
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2_diff)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_pair (e_int 1) (e_address owner_addr) in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 1) ;
("new_owner", e_address owner_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
(e_pair (e_list []) new_storage)
@ -362,12 +392,15 @@ let update_owner_nonexistent () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_pair (e_int 2) (e_address new_addr) in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 2);
("new_owner", e_address new_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
"This ID does not exist."
@ -393,12 +426,15 @@ let update_owner_wrong_addr () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let param = e_pair (e_int 0) (e_address new_addr) in
let param = e_record_ez [("id", e_int 0);
("new_owner", e_address new_addr)] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "update_owner"
(e_pair param storage)
"You are not the owner of this ID."
@ -422,15 +458,19 @@ let skip () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let new_storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 3;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let new_storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 3) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_eq ~options (program, state) "skip"
(e_pair (e_unit ()) storage)
@ -456,10 +496,12 @@ let skip_wrong_amount () =
("controller", e_address new_addr) ;
("profile", new_website)]
let storage = e_tuple [(e_big_map [(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)]) ;
e_int 2;
e_tuple [e_mutez 1000000 ; e_mutez 1000000]]
let storage = e_record_ez [("identities", (e_big_map
[(e_int 0, id_details_1) ;
(e_int 1, id_details_2)])) ;
("next_id", e_int 2) ;
("name_price", e_mutez 1000000) ;
("skip_price", e_mutez 1000000) ; ]
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "skip"
(e_pair (e_unit ()) storage)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user