Merge branch 'rinderknecht-dev' into 'dev'
Moved stuff to module [SyntaxError] from [AST] and [Parser]. See merge request ligolang/ligo!317
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ module Errors = struct
] in
error ~data title message
let non_linear_pattern Region.{value; region} =
let title () = Printf.sprintf "repeated variable \"%s\" in this pattern" value in
let message () = "" in
let data = [
fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ region)
] in
error ~data title message
let duplicate_parameter Region.{value; region} =
let title () = Printf.sprintf "duplicate parameter \"%s\"" value in
let message () = "" in
@ -118,7 +127,9 @@ let parse (parser: 'a parser) source lexbuf =
ok (parser read lexbuf)
SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_parameter name) ->
SyntaxError.Error (Non_linear_pattern var) ->
fail @@ (non_linear_pattern var)
| SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_parameter name) ->
fail @@ (duplicate_parameter name)
| SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_variant name) ->
fail @@ (duplicate_variant name)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(* To disable warning about multiply-defined record labels. *)
[@@@warning "-30-42"]
[@@@warning "-30-40-42"]
(* Utilities *)
@ -21,22 +21,6 @@ open Utils
type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg
let rec last to_region = function
[] -> Region.ghost
| [x] -> to_region x
| _::t -> last to_region t
let nseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
Region.cover (to_region hd) (last to_region tl)
let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
let reg (_, item) = to_region item in
Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl)
let sepseq_to_region to_region = function
None -> Region.ghost
| Some seq -> nsepseq_to_region to_region seq
(* Keywords of LIGO *)
type keyword = Region.t
@ -85,32 +69,32 @@ type c_Unit = Region.t
(* Symbols *)
type semi = Region.t
type comma = Region.t
type lpar = Region.t
type rpar = Region.t
type lbrace = Region.t
type rbrace = Region.t
type lbracket = Region.t
type rbracket = Region.t
type cons = Region.t
type vbar = Region.t
type arrow = Region.t
type assign = Region.t
type equal = Region.t
type colon = Region.t
type lt = Region.t
type leq = Region.t
type gt = Region.t
type geq = Region.t
type neq = Region.t
type plus = Region.t
type minus = Region.t
type slash = Region.t
type times = Region.t
type dot = Region.t
type wild = Region.t
type cat = Region.t
type semi = Region.t (* ";" *)
type comma = Region.t (* "," *)
type lpar = Region.t (* "(" *)
type rpar = Region.t (* ")" *)
type lbrace = Region.t (* "{" *)
type rbrace = Region.t (* "}" *)
type lbracket = Region.t (* "[" *)
type rbracket = Region.t (* "]" *)
type cons = Region.t (* "#" *)
type vbar = Region.t (* "|" *)
type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *)
type assign = Region.t (* ":=" *)
type equal = Region.t (* "=" *)
type colon = Region.t (* ":" *)
type lt = Region.t (* "<" *)
type leq = Region.t (* "<=" *)
type gt = Region.t (* ">" *)
type geq = Region.t (* ">=" *)
type neq = Region.t (* "=/=" *)
type plus = Region.t (* "+" *)
type minus = Region.t (* "-" *)
type slash = Region.t (* "/" *)
type times = Region.t (* "*" *)
type dot = Region.t (* "." *)
type wild = Region.t (* "_" *)
type cat = Region.t (* "^" *)
(* Virtual tokens *)
@ -613,9 +597,24 @@ and list_pattern =
| PParCons of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
| PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
(* Projecting regions *)
open! Region
let rec last to_region = function
[] -> Region.ghost
| [x] -> to_region x
| _::t -> last to_region t
let nseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
Region.cover (to_region hd) (last to_region tl)
let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
let reg (_, item) = to_region item in
Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl)
let sepseq_to_region to_region = function
None -> Region.ghost
| Some seq -> nsepseq_to_region to_region seq
let type_expr_to_region = function
TProd {region; _}
@ -761,48 +760,3 @@ let rhs_to_region = expr_to_region
let selection_to_region = function
FieldName {region; _}
| Component {region; _} -> region
(* Extracting variables from patterns *)
module Ord =
type t = string Region.reg
let compare v1 v2 =
compare v1.value v2.value
module VSet = Set.Make (Ord)
let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
| PVar v -> VSet.add v env
| PWild _ | PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _ | PString _ -> env
| PList l -> vars_of_plist env l
| PTuple t -> vars_of_ptuple env t.value
and vars_of_pconstr env = function
PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _ | PNone _ -> env
| PSomeApp {value=_, {value={inside; _};_}; _} ->
vars_of_pattern env inside
| PConstrApp {value=_, Some tuple; _} ->
vars_of_ptuple env tuple.value
| PConstrApp {value=_,None; _} -> env
and vars_of_plist env = function
PListComp {value; _} ->
vars_of_pinj env value
| PNil _ ->
| PParCons {value={inside; _}; _} ->
let head, _, tail = inside in
vars_of_pattern (vars_of_pattern env head) tail
| PCons {value; _} ->
Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env value
and vars_of_pinj env inj =
Utils.sepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inj.elements
and vars_of_ptuple env {inside; _} =
Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inside
let vars_of_pattern = vars_of_pattern VSet.empty
@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
(* Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Pascaligo *)
[@@@warning "-30"]
open Utils
(* Regions
The AST carries all the regions where tokens have been found by the
lexer, plus additional regions corresponding to whole subtrees
(like entire expressions, patterns etc.). These regions are needed
for error reporting and source-to-source transformations. To make
these pervasive regions more legible, we define singleton types for
the symbols, keywords etc. with suggestive names like "kwd_and"
denoting the _region_ of the occurrence of the keyword "and".
type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg
val nseq_to_region : ('a -> Region.t) -> 'a nseq -> Region.t
val nsepseq_to_region : ('a -> Region.t) -> ('a,'sep) nsepseq -> Region.t
val sepseq_to_region : ('a -> Region.t) -> ('a,'sep) sepseq -> Region.t
(* Keywords of LIGO *)
type keyword = Region.t
type kwd_and = Region.t
type kwd_begin = Region.t
type kwd_block = Region.t
type kwd_case = Region.t
type kwd_const = Region.t
type kwd_contains = Region.t
type kwd_down = Region.t
type kwd_else = Region.t
type kwd_end = Region.t
type kwd_for = Region.t
type kwd_from = Region.t
type kwd_function = Region.t
type kwd_if = Region.t
type kwd_in = Region.t
type kwd_is = Region.t
type kwd_list = Region.t
type kwd_map = Region.t
type kwd_mod = Region.t
type kwd_nil = Region.t
type kwd_not = Region.t
type kwd_of = Region.t
type kwd_or = Region.t
type kwd_patch = Region.t
type kwd_record = Region.t
type kwd_remove = Region.t
type kwd_set = Region.t
type kwd_skip = Region.t
type kwd_step = Region.t
type kwd_then = Region.t
type kwd_to = Region.t
type kwd_type = Region.t
type kwd_var = Region.t
type kwd_while = Region.t
type kwd_with = Region.t
(* Data constructors *)
type c_False = Region.t
type c_None = Region.t
type c_Some = Region.t
type c_True = Region.t
type c_Unit = Region.t
(* Symbols *)
type semi = Region.t (* ";" *)
type comma = Region.t (* "," *)
type lpar = Region.t (* "(" *)
type rpar = Region.t (* ")" *)
type lbrace = Region.t (* "{" *)
type rbrace = Region.t (* "}" *)
type lbracket = Region.t (* "[" *)
type rbracket = Region.t (* "]" *)
type cons = Region.t (* "#" *)
type vbar = Region.t (* "|" *)
type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *)
type assign = Region.t (* ":=" *)
type equal = Region.t (* "=" *)
type colon = Region.t (* ":" *)
type lt = Region.t (* "<" *)
type leq = Region.t (* "<=" *)
type gt = Region.t (* ">" *)
type geq = Region.t (* ">=" *)
type neq = Region.t (* "=/=" *)
type plus = Region.t (* "+" *)
type minus = Region.t (* "-" *)
type slash = Region.t (* "/" *)
type times = Region.t (* "*" *)
type dot = Region.t (* "." *)
type wild = Region.t (* "_" *)
type cat = Region.t (* "^" *)
(* Virtual tokens *)
type eof = Region.t
(* Literals *)
type variable = string reg
type fun_name = string reg
type type_name = string reg
type field_name = string reg
type map_name = string reg
type set_name = string reg
type constr = string reg
(* Parentheses *)
type 'a par = {
lpar : lpar;
inside : 'a;
rpar : rpar
(* Brackets compounds *)
type 'a brackets = {
lbracket : lbracket;
inside : 'a;
rbracket : rbracket
(* Braced compounds *)
type 'a braces = {
lbrace : lbrace;
inside : 'a;
rbrace : rbrace
(** The Abstract Syntax Tree
The AST mirrors the contents of Parser.mly, which defines a tree of parsing
productions that are used to make a syntax tree from a given program input.
This file defines the concrete AST for PascaLIGO, which is used to associate
regions of the source code text with the contents of the syntax tree.
type t = {
decl : declaration nseq;
eof : eof
and ast = t
and declaration =
TypeDecl of type_decl reg
| ConstDecl of const_decl reg
| FunDecl of fun_decl reg
and const_decl = {
kwd_const : kwd_const;
name : variable;
colon : colon;
const_type : type_expr;
equal : equal;
init : expr;
terminator : semi option
(* Type declarations *)
and type_decl = {
kwd_type : kwd_type;
name : type_name;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
type_expr : type_expr;
terminator : semi option
and type_expr =
TProd of cartesian
| TSum of (variant reg, vbar) nsepseq reg
| TRecord of field_decl reg ne_injection reg
| TApp of (type_name * type_tuple) reg
| TFun of (type_expr * arrow * type_expr) reg
| TPar of type_expr par reg
| TVar of variable
and cartesian = (type_expr, times) nsepseq reg
and variant = {
constr : constr;
arg : (kwd_of * type_expr) option
and field_decl = {
field_name : field_name;
colon : colon;
field_type : type_expr
and type_tuple = (type_expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
(* Function declarations *)
and fun_expr = {
kwd_function : kwd_function;
name : variable option;
param : parameters;
colon : colon;
ret_type : type_expr;
kwd_is : kwd_is;
block_with : (block reg * kwd_with) option;
return : expr
and fun_decl = {
fun_expr : fun_expr reg;
terminator : semi option
and parameters = (param_decl, semi) nsepseq par reg
and param_decl =
ParamConst of param_const reg
| ParamVar of param_var reg
and param_const = {
kwd_const : kwd_const;
var : variable;
colon : colon;
param_type : type_expr
and param_var = {
kwd_var : kwd_var;
var : variable;
colon : colon;
param_type : type_expr
and block = {
opening : block_opening;
statements : statements;
terminator : semi option;
closing : block_closing
and block_opening =
Block of kwd_block * lbrace
| Begin of kwd_begin
and block_closing =
Block of rbrace
| End of kwd_end
and statements = (statement, semi) nsepseq
and statement =
Instr of instruction
| Data of data_decl
and data_decl =
LocalConst of const_decl reg
| LocalVar of var_decl reg
| LocalFun of fun_decl reg
and var_decl = {
kwd_var : kwd_var;
name : variable;
colon : colon;
var_type : type_expr;
assign : assign;
init : expr;
terminator : semi option
and instruction =
Cond of conditional reg
| CaseInstr of if_clause case reg
| Assign of assignment reg
| Loop of loop
| ProcCall of fun_call
| Skip of kwd_skip
| RecordPatch of record_patch reg
| MapPatch of map_patch reg
| SetPatch of set_patch reg
| MapRemove of map_remove reg
| SetRemove of set_remove reg
and set_remove = {
kwd_remove : kwd_remove;
element : expr;
kwd_from : kwd_from;
kwd_set : kwd_set;
set : path
and map_remove = {
kwd_remove : kwd_remove;
key : expr;
kwd_from : kwd_from;
kwd_map : kwd_map;
map : path
and set_patch = {
kwd_patch : kwd_patch;
path : path;
kwd_with : kwd_with;
set_inj : expr ne_injection reg
and map_patch = {
kwd_patch : kwd_patch;
path : path;
kwd_with : kwd_with;
map_inj : binding reg ne_injection reg
and binding = {
source : expr;
arrow : arrow;
image : expr
and record_patch = {
kwd_patch : kwd_patch;
path : path;
kwd_with : kwd_with;
record_inj : field_assign reg ne_injection reg
and cond_expr = {
kwd_if : kwd_if;
test : expr;
kwd_then : kwd_then;
ifso : expr;
terminator : semi option;
kwd_else : kwd_else;
ifnot : expr
and conditional = {
kwd_if : kwd_if;
test : expr;
kwd_then : kwd_then;
ifso : if_clause;
terminator : semi option;
kwd_else : kwd_else;
ifnot : if_clause
and if_clause =
ClauseInstr of instruction
| ClauseBlock of clause_block
and clause_block =
LongBlock of block reg
| ShortBlock of (statements * semi option) braces reg
and set_membership = {
set : expr;
kwd_contains : kwd_contains;
element : expr
and 'a case = {
kwd_case : kwd_case;
expr : expr;
opening : opening;
lead_vbar : vbar option;
cases : ('a case_clause reg, vbar) nsepseq reg;
closing : closing
and 'a case_clause = {
pattern : pattern;
arrow : arrow;
rhs : 'a
and assignment = {
lhs : lhs;
assign : assign;
rhs : rhs;
and lhs =
Path of path
| MapPath of map_lookup reg
and rhs = expr
and loop =
While of while_loop reg
| For of for_loop
and while_loop = {
kwd_while : kwd_while;
cond : expr;
block : block reg
and for_loop =
ForInt of for_int reg
| ForCollect of for_collect reg
and for_int = {
kwd_for : kwd_for;
assign : var_assign reg;
kwd_to : kwd_to;
bound : expr;
block : block reg
and var_assign = {
name : variable;
assign : assign;
expr : expr
and for_collect = {
kwd_for : kwd_for;
var : variable;
bind_to : (arrow * variable) option;
kwd_in : kwd_in;
collection : collection;
expr : expr;
block : block reg
and collection =
Map of kwd_map
| Set of kwd_set
| List of kwd_list
(* Expressions *)
and expr =
ECase of expr case reg
| ECond of cond_expr reg
| EAnnot of annot_expr reg
| ELogic of logic_expr
| EArith of arith_expr
| EString of string_expr
| EList of list_expr
| ESet of set_expr
| EConstr of constr_expr
| ERecord of field_assign reg ne_injection reg
| EProj of projection reg
| EMap of map_expr
| EVar of Lexer.lexeme reg
| ECall of fun_call
| EBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
| EUnit of c_Unit
| ETuple of tuple_expr
| EPar of expr par reg
| EFun of fun_expr reg
and annot_expr = (expr * type_expr)
and set_expr =
SetInj of expr injection reg
| SetMem of set_membership reg
and 'a injection = {
opening : opening;
elements : ('a, semi) sepseq;
terminator : semi option;
closing : closing
and 'a ne_injection = {
opening : opening;
ne_elements : ('a, semi) nsepseq;
terminator : semi option;
closing : closing
and opening =
Kwd of keyword
| KwdBracket of keyword * lbracket
and closing =
End of kwd_end
| RBracket of rbracket
and map_expr =
MapLookUp of map_lookup reg
| MapInj of binding reg injection reg
| BigMapInj of binding reg injection reg
and map_lookup = {
path : path;
index : expr brackets reg
and path =
Name of variable
| Path of projection reg
and logic_expr =
BoolExpr of bool_expr
| CompExpr of comp_expr
and bool_expr =
Or of kwd_or bin_op reg
| And of kwd_and bin_op reg
| Not of kwd_not un_op reg
| False of c_False
| True of c_True
and 'a bin_op = {
op : 'a;
arg1 : expr;
arg2 : expr
and 'a un_op = {
op : 'a;
arg : expr
and comp_expr =
Lt of lt bin_op reg
| Leq of leq bin_op reg
| Gt of gt bin_op reg
| Geq of geq bin_op reg
| Equal of equal bin_op reg
| Neq of neq bin_op reg
and arith_expr =
Add of plus bin_op reg
| Sub of minus bin_op reg
| Mult of times bin_op reg
| Div of slash bin_op reg
| Mod of kwd_mod bin_op reg
| Neg of minus un_op reg
| Int of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| Nat of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| Mutez of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
and string_expr =
Cat of cat bin_op reg
| String of Lexer.lexeme reg
and list_expr =
ECons of cons bin_op reg
| EListComp of expr injection reg
| ENil of kwd_nil
and constr_expr =
SomeApp of (c_Some * arguments) reg
| NoneExpr of c_None
| ConstrApp of (constr * arguments option) reg
and field_assign = {
field_name : field_name;
equal : equal;
field_expr : expr
and projection = {
struct_name : variable;
selector : dot;
field_path : (selection, dot) nsepseq
and selection =
FieldName of field_name
| Component of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
and tuple_expr = (expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
and fun_call = (expr * arguments) reg
and arguments = tuple_expr
(* Patterns *)
and pattern =
PConstr of constr_pattern
| PVar of Lexer.lexeme reg
| PWild of wild
| PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PNat of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
| PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
| PString of Lexer.lexeme reg
| PList of list_pattern
| PTuple of tuple_pattern
and constr_pattern =
PUnit of c_Unit
| PFalse of c_False
| PTrue of c_True
| PNone of c_None
| PSomeApp of (c_Some * pattern par reg) reg
| PConstrApp of (constr * tuple_pattern option) reg
and tuple_pattern = (pattern, comma) nsepseq par reg
and list_pattern =
PListComp of pattern injection reg
| PNil of kwd_nil
| PParCons of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
| PCons of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
(* Projecting regions *)
val type_expr_to_region : type_expr -> Region.t
val expr_to_region : expr -> Region.t
val instr_to_region : instruction -> Region.t
val pattern_to_region : pattern -> Region.t
val path_to_region : path -> Region.t
val lhs_to_region : lhs -> Region.t
val rhs_to_region : rhs -> Region.t
val if_clause_to_region : if_clause -> Region.t
val selection_to_region : selection -> Region.t
(* Extracting variables from patterns *)
module VSet : Set.S with type elt = string Region.reg
val vars_of_pattern : pattern -> VSet.t
@ -6,59 +6,6 @@
open Region
open AST
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
let reserved =
let open SSet in
|> add "get_force"
|> add "get_chain_id"
|> add "transaction"
|> add "get_contract"
|> add "get_entrypoint"
|> add "size"
|> add "int"
|> add "abs"
|> add "is_nat"
|> add "amount"
|> add "balance"
|> add "now"
|> add "unit"
|> add "source"
|> add "sender"
|> add "failwith"
|> add "bitwise_or"
|> add "bitwise_and"
|> add "bitwise_xor"
|> add "string_concat"
|> add "string_slice"
|> add "crypto_check"
|> add "crypto_hash_key"
|> add "bytes_concat"
|> add "bytes_slice"
|> add "bytes_pack"
|> add "bytes_unpack"
|> add "set_empty"
|> add "set_mem"
|> add "set_add"
|> add "set_remove"
|> add "set_iter"
|> add "set_fold"
|> add "list_iter"
|> add "list_fold"
|> add "list_map"
|> add "map_iter"
|> add "map_map"
|> add "map_fold"
|> add "map_remove"
|> add "map_update"
|> add "map_get"
|> add "map_mem"
|> add "sha_256"
|> add "sha_512"
|> add "blake2b"
|> add "cons"
@ -171,10 +118,7 @@ declaration:
"type" type_name "is" type_expr ";"? {
let () =
if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
ignore (SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2);
let stop =
match $5 with
Some region -> region
@ -242,14 +186,7 @@ type_tuple:
"|"? nsepseq(variant,"|") {
let add acc {value; _} =
if VSet.mem value.constr acc then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Duplicate_variant value.constr))
else VSet.add value.constr acc in
let variants =
Utils.nsepseq_foldl add VSet.empty $2 in
let () = ignore variants in
SyntaxError.check_variants (Utils.nsepseq_to_list $2);
let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $2
in TSum {region; value=$2} }
@ -263,6 +200,8 @@ variant:
"record" sep_or_term_list(field_decl,";") "end" {
let ne_elements, terminator = $2 in
let () = Utils.nsepseq_to_list ne_elements
|> SyntaxError.check_fields in
let region = cover $1 $3
and value = {opening = Kwd $1;
@ -290,13 +229,7 @@ fun_expr:
"function" fun_name? parameters ":" type_expr "is"
"with" expr {
let () =
match $2 with
Some name ->
if SSet.mem name.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name name))
| None -> () in
let () = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name_opt $2 in
let stop = expr_to_region $9 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_function = $1;
@ -309,13 +242,7 @@ fun_expr:
return = $9}
in {region; value} }
| "function" fun_name? parameters ":" type_expr "is" expr {
let () =
match $2 with
Some name ->
if SSet.mem name.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name name))
| None -> () in
let () = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name_opt $2 in
let stop = expr_to_region $7 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_function = $1;
@ -346,47 +273,28 @@ open_fun_decl:
par(nsepseq(param_decl,";")) {
let open! AST in
let contents : (param_decl, semi) Utils.nsepseq par reg = $1 in
let add acc = function
ParamConst {value; _} ->
if VSet.mem value.var acc then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
else VSet.add value.var acc
| ParamVar {value; _} ->
if VSet.mem value.var acc then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
else VSet.add value.var acc in
let params =
Utils.nsepseq_foldl add VSet.empty contents.value.inside in
let () = ignore params
in $1 }
Utils.nsepseq_to_list ($1.value: _ par).inside
in SyntaxError.check_parameters params;
$1 }
"var" var ":" param_type {
let () =
if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
let var = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_var = $1;
var = $2;
colon = $3;
param_type = $4}
in ParamVar {region; value}
| "const" var ":" param_type {
let () =
if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
let var = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in
let region = cover $1 stop
and value = {kwd_const = $1;
var = $2;
colon = $3;
param_type = $4}
in ParamConst {region; value} }
@ -450,12 +358,9 @@ open_var_decl:
var ":" type_expr OP expr {
let () =
if SSet.mem $1.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $1)) in
let var = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $1 in
let region = expr_to_region $5
in $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, region }
in var, $2, $3, $4, $5, region }
open_const_decl ";"? {
@ -662,14 +567,7 @@ cases(rhs):
pattern "->" rhs {
let vars = AST.vars_of_pattern $1 in
let is_reserved elt = SSet.mem elt.value reserved in
let inter = VSet.filter is_reserved vars in
let () =
if not (VSet.is_empty inter) then
let clash = VSet.choose inter in
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name clash)) in
SyntaxError.check_pattern $1;
fun rhs_to_region ->
let start = pattern_to_region $1 in
let region = cover start (rhs_to_region $3)
@ -711,13 +609,10 @@ for_loop:
in For (ForInt {region; value})
| "for" var arrow_clause? "in" collection expr block {
let () =
if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
let var = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
let region = cover $1 $7.region in
let value = {kwd_for = $1;
var = $2;
bind_to = $3;
kwd_in = $4;
collection = $5;
@ -732,21 +627,13 @@ collection:
var ":=" expr {
let () =
if SSet.mem $1.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $1)) in
let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3)
and value = {name=$1; assign=$2; expr=$3}
let name = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $1 in
let region = cover name.region (expr_to_region $3)
and value = {name; assign=$2; expr=$3}
in {region; value} }
"->" var {
let () =
if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
let open! SyntaxError in
raise (Error (Reserved_name $2))
in $1,$2 }
"->" var { $1, SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 }
(* Expressions *)
@ -64,10 +64,42 @@ let () =
let () = Unit.close_all () in
let token =
MyLexer.Token.mk_constr name.Region.value name.Region.region in
let point = "Duplicate variant in this type declaration.\n\
let point = "Duplicate variant in this sum type declaration.\n\
Hint: Change the name.\n",
None, token in
let error =
Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode point
in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
| Error (Non_linear_pattern var) ->
let () = Unit.close_all () in
let token =
MyLexer.Token.mk_ident var.Region.value var.Region.region in
(match token with
Stdlib.Error _ ->
assert false (* Should not fail if [name] is valid. *)
| Ok invalid ->
let point = "Repeated variable in this pattern.\n\
Hint: Change the name.\n",
None, invalid in
let error =
Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode point
in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error)
| Error (Duplicate_field name) ->
let () = Unit.close_all () in
let token =
MyLexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in
(match token with
Stdlib.Error _ ->
assert false (* Should not fail if [name] is valid. *)
| Ok invalid ->
let point = "Duplicate field name in this record declaration.\n\
Hint: Change the name.\n",
None, invalid in
let error =
Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
IO.options#mode point
in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error)
@ -1,8 +1,185 @@
[@@@warning "-42"]
type t =
Reserved_name of string Region.reg
| Duplicate_parameter of string Region.reg
| Duplicate_variant of string Region.reg
Reserved_name of AST.variable
| Duplicate_parameter of AST.variable
| Duplicate_variant of AST.variable
| Non_linear_pattern of AST.variable
| Duplicate_field of AST.variable
type error = t
exception Error of t
open Region
(* Useful modules *)
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module Ord =
type t = AST.variable
let compare v1 v2 =
compare v1.value v2.value
module VarSet = Set.Make (Ord)
(* Checking the definition of reserved names (shadowing) *)
let reserved =
let open SSet in
|> add "get_force"
|> add "get_chain_id"
|> add "transaction"
|> add "get_contract"
|> add "get_entrypoint"
|> add "size"
|> add "int"
|> add "abs"
|> add "is_nat"
|> add "amount"
|> add "balance"
|> add "now"
|> add "unit"
|> add "source"
|> add "sender"
|> add "failwith"
|> add "bitwise_or"
|> add "bitwise_and"
|> add "bitwise_xor"
|> add "string_concat"
|> add "string_slice"
|> add "crypto_check"
|> add "crypto_hash_key"
|> add "bytes_concat"
|> add "bytes_slice"
|> add "bytes_pack"
|> add "bytes_unpack"
|> add "set_empty"
|> add "set_mem"
|> add "set_add"
|> add "set_remove"
|> add "set_iter"
|> add "set_fold"
|> add "list_iter"
|> add "list_fold"
|> add "list_map"
|> add "map_iter"
|> add "map_map"
|> add "map_fold"
|> add "map_remove"
|> add "map_update"
|> add "map_get"
|> add "map_mem"
|> add "sha_256"
|> add "sha_512"
|> add "blake2b"
|> add "cons"
|> add "address"
|> add "self_address"
|> add "implicit_account"
|> add "set_delegate"
let check_reserved_names vars =
let is_reserved elt = SSet.mem elt.value reserved in
let inter = VarSet.filter is_reserved vars in
if not (VarSet.is_empty inter) then
let clash = VarSet.choose inter in
raise (Error (Reserved_name clash))
else vars
let check_reserved_name var =
if SSet.mem var.value reserved then
raise (Error (Reserved_name var))
else var
let check_reserved_name_opt = function
Some var -> ignore (check_reserved_name var)
| None -> ()
(* Checking the linearity of patterns *)
open! AST
let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
| PWild _ | PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _ | PString _ -> env
| PList l -> vars_of_plist env l
| PTuple t -> vars_of_ptuple env t.value
| PVar var ->
if VarSet.mem var env then
raise (Error (Non_linear_pattern var))
else VarSet.add var env
and vars_of_pconstr env = function
PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _ | PNone _ -> env
| PSomeApp {value=_, {value={inside; _};_}; _} ->
vars_of_pattern env inside
| PConstrApp {value=_, Some tuple; _} ->
vars_of_ptuple env tuple.value
| PConstrApp {value=_,None; _} -> env
and vars_of_plist env = function
PListComp {value; _} ->
vars_of_pinj env value
| PNil _ ->
| PParCons {value={inside; _}; _} ->
let head, _, tail = inside in
vars_of_pattern (vars_of_pattern env head) tail
| PCons {value; _} ->
Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env value
and vars_of_pinj env inj =
Utils.sepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inj.elements
and vars_of_ptuple env {inside; _} =
Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inside
let check_linearity = vars_of_pattern VarSet.empty
(* Checking patterns *)
let check_pattern p =
check_linearity p |> check_reserved_names |> ignore
(* Checking variants for duplicates *)
let check_variants variants =
let add acc {value; _} =
if VarSet.mem value.constr acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_variant value.constr))
else VarSet.add value.constr acc in
let variants =
List.fold_left add VarSet.empty variants
in ignore variants
(* Checking parameters *)
let check_parameters params =
let add acc = function
ParamConst {value; _} ->
if VarSet.mem value.var acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
else VarSet.add value.var acc
| ParamVar {value; _} ->
if VarSet.mem value.var acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
else VarSet.add value.var acc in
let params =
List.fold_left add VarSet.empty params
in ignore params
(* Checking record fields *)
let check_fields fields =
let add acc {value; _} =
if VarSet.mem (value: field_decl).field_name acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_field value.field_name))
else VarSet.add value.field_name acc in
let fields =
List.fold_left add VarSet.empty fields
in ignore fields
@ -1,8 +1,26 @@
type t =
Reserved_name of string Region.reg
| Duplicate_parameter of string Region.reg
| Duplicate_variant of string Region.reg
Reserved_name of AST.variable
| Duplicate_parameter of AST.variable
| Duplicate_variant of AST.variable
| Non_linear_pattern of AST.variable
| Duplicate_field of AST.variable
type error = t
exception Error of t
module Ord :
type t = AST.variable
val compare : t -> t -> int
module VarSet : Set.S with type elt = Ord.t
val check_reserved_name : AST.variable -> AST.variable
val check_reserved_name_opt : AST.variable option -> unit
val check_reserved_names : VarSet.t -> VarSet.t
val check_pattern : AST.pattern -> unit
val check_variants : AST.variant Region.reg list -> unit
val check_parameters : AST.param_decl list -> unit
val check_fields : AST.field_decl Region.reg list -> unit
@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
;; Build of the lexer
(ocamllex LexToken)
;; Build of the parser
(merge_into Parser)
(modules ParToken Parser)
(flags -la 1 --table --strict --explain --external-tokens LexToken))
(flags -la 1 --table --strict --external-tokens LexToken))
;; Build of the parser as a library
(name parser_pascaligo)
@ -20,6 +26,18 @@
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
(flags (:standard -open Parser_shared -open Simple_utils)))
;; Build of the unlexer (for covering the
;; error states of the LR automaton)
(name Unlexer)
(libraries str)
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
(modules Unlexer))
;; Local build of a standalone lexer
(name LexerMain)
@ -29,6 +47,8 @@
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
(flags (:standard -open Parser_shared -open Parser_pascaligo)))
;; Local build of a standalone parser
(name ParserMain)
(libraries parser_pascaligo)
@ -37,25 +57,3 @@
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
(flags (:standard -open Simple_utils -open Parser_shared -open Parser_pascaligo)))
(name Unlexer)
(libraries str)
(pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
(modules Unlexer))
;; Les deux directives (rule) qui suivent sont pour le dev local.
;; Il suffit de faire "dune build Parser.exe" pour avoir un Parser.exe dans le dossier.
;; Pour le purger, il faut faire "dune clean".
; (targets Parser.exe)
; (deps ParserMain.exe)
; (action (copy ParserMain.exe Parser.exe))
; (mode promote-until-clean))
; (targets Lexer.exe)
; (deps LexerMain.exe)
; (action (copy LexerMain.exe Lexer.exe))
; (mode promote-until-clean))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
open Trace
open Test_helpers
let type_file f =
let%bind (typed , state , _env) = Ligo.Compile.Wrapper.source_to_typed (Syntax_name "pascaligo") f in
ok @@ (typed,state)
let get_program =
let s = ref None in
fun () -> match !s with
| Some s -> ok s
| None -> (
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/multisig.ligo" in
s := Some program ;
ok program
let compile_main () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let%bind michelson = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function program "main" in
" let%bind _ex_ty_value = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate michelson in
ok ()
open Ast_simplified
let init_storage threshold counter pkeys =
let keys =
(fun el ->
let (_,pk_str,_) = str_keys el in
e_key @@ pk_str)
pkeys in
ez_e_record [
("id" , e_string "MULTISIG" ) ;
("counter" , e_nat counter ) ;
("threshold" , e_nat threshold) ;
("auth" , e_typed_list keys t_key ) ;
let empty_op_list =
(e_typed_list [] t_operation)
let empty_message = e_lambda (Var.of_name "arguments")
(Some t_unit) (Some (t_list t_operation))
let chain_id_zero = e_chain_id @@ Tezos_crypto.Base58.simple_encode
(* sign the message 'msg' with 'keys', if 'is_valid'=false the providid signature will be incorrect *)
let params counter msg keys is_validl =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let aux = fun acc (key,is_valid) ->
let (_,_pk,sk) = key in
let (pkh,_,_) = str_keys key in
let payload = e_tuple
[ msg ;
e_nat counter ;
e_string (if is_valid then "MULTISIG" else "XX") ;
chain_id_zero ] in
let%bind signature = sign_message program payload sk in
ok @@ (e_pair (e_key_hash pkh) (e_signature signature))::acc in
let%bind signed_msgs = Trace.bind_fold_list aux [] (List.rev @@ List.combine keys is_validl) in
ok @@ e_constructor
(ez_e_record [
("counter" , e_nat counter ) ;
("message" , msg) ;
("signatures" , e_typed_list signed_msgs (t_pair (t_key_hash,t_signature)) ) ;
(* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is two of two keys *)
let not_enough_1_of_2 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in
let keys = gen_keys () in
let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message [keys] [true] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 [keys;gen_keys()])) exp_failwith in
ok ()
let unmatching_counter () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let exp_failwith = "Counters does not match" in
let keys = gen_keys () in
let%bind test_params = params 1 empty_message [keys] [true] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 [keys])) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* Provide one invalid signature (correct key but incorrect signature)
when the threshold is one of one key *)
let invalid_1_of_1 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in
let keys = [gen_keys ()] in
let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message keys [false] in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 keys)) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is one of one key *)
let valid_1_of_1 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let keys = gen_keys () in
let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main"
(fun n ->
let%bind params = params n empty_message [keys] [true] in
ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 1 n [keys])
(fun n ->
ok @@ e_pair empty_op_list (init_storage 1 (n+1) [keys])
) in
ok ()
(* Provive two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *)
let valid_2_of_3 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let param_keys = [gen_keys (); gen_keys ()] in
let st_keys = param_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in
let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main"
(fun n ->
let%bind params = params n empty_message param_keys [true;true] in
ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 2 n st_keys)
(fun n ->
ok @@ e_pair empty_op_list (init_storage 2 (n+1) st_keys)
) in
ok ()
(* Provide one invalid signature and two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *)
let invalid_3_of_3 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in
let invalid_key = gen_keys () in
let param_keys = valid_keys @ [invalid_key] in
let st_keys = valid_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in
let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message param_keys [false;true;true] in
let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* Provide two valid signatures when the threshold is three of three keys *)
let not_enough_2_of_3 () =
let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in
let st_keys = gen_keys () :: valid_keys in
let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message (valid_keys) [true;true] in
let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in
let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 3 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in
ok ()
let main = test_suite "Multisig" [
test "compile" compile_main ;
test "unmatching_counter" unmatching_counter ;
test "valid_1_of_1" valid_1_of_1 ;
test "invalid_1_of_1" invalid_1_of_1 ;
test "not_enough_signature" not_enough_1_of_2 ;
test "valid_2_of_3" valid_2_of_3 ;
test "invalid_3_of_3" invalid_3_of_3 ;
test "not_enough_2_of_3" not_enough_2_of_3 ;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(* Test that a string is cast to an address given a type annotation *)
const lst : list(int) = list [] ;
const lst : list(int) = list []
const address : address = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" : address) ;
const my_address : address =
("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" : address)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let annotation () : unit result =
expect_eq_evaluate program "lst" (e_list [])
let%bind () =
expect_eq_evaluate program "address" (e_address "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx")
expect_eq_evaluate program "my_address" (e_address "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx")
ok ()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user