diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo.ml b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo.ml
index 4858fd0a4..2cf59bb3b 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo.ml
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo.ml
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ module Errors = struct
     ] in
     error ~data title message
+  let non_linear_pattern Region.{value; region} =
+    let title () = Printf.sprintf "repeated variable \"%s\" in this pattern" value in
+    let message () = "" in
+    let data = [
+      ("location",
+       fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp_lift @@ region)
+    ] in
+    error ~data title message
   let duplicate_parameter Region.{value; region} =
     let title () = Printf.sprintf "duplicate parameter \"%s\"" value in
     let message () = "" in
@@ -118,7 +127,9 @@ let parse (parser: 'a parser) source lexbuf =
       ok (parser read lexbuf)
-      SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_parameter name) ->
+      SyntaxError.Error (Non_linear_pattern var) ->
+        fail @@ (non_linear_pattern var)
+    | SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_parameter name) ->
         fail @@ (duplicate_parameter name)
     | SyntaxError.Error (Duplicate_variant name) ->
         fail @@ (duplicate_variant name)
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.ml b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.ml
index 9aca3eaf3..6dbf62137 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.ml
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.ml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 (* To disable warning about multiply-defined record labels. *)
-[@@@warning "-30-42"]
+[@@@warning "-30-40-42"]
 (* Utilities *)
@@ -21,22 +21,6 @@ open Utils
 type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg
-let rec last to_region = function
-    [] -> Region.ghost
-|  [x] -> to_region x
-| _::t -> last to_region t
-let nseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
-  Region.cover (to_region hd) (last to_region tl)
-let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
-  let reg (_, item) = to_region item in
-  Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl)
-let sepseq_to_region to_region = function
-      None -> Region.ghost
-| Some seq -> nsepseq_to_region to_region seq
 (* Keywords of LIGO *)
 type keyword        = Region.t
@@ -85,32 +69,32 @@ type c_Unit  = Region.t
 (* Symbols *)
-type semi     = Region.t
-type comma    = Region.t
-type lpar     = Region.t
-type rpar     = Region.t
-type lbrace   = Region.t
-type rbrace   = Region.t
-type lbracket = Region.t
-type rbracket = Region.t
-type cons     = Region.t
-type vbar     = Region.t
-type arrow    = Region.t
-type assign   = Region.t
-type equal    = Region.t
-type colon    = Region.t
-type lt       = Region.t
-type leq      = Region.t
-type gt       = Region.t
-type geq      = Region.t
-type neq      = Region.t
-type plus     = Region.t
-type minus    = Region.t
-type slash    = Region.t
-type times    = Region.t
-type dot      = Region.t
-type wild     = Region.t
-type cat      = Region.t
+type semi     = Region.t  (* ";"   *)
+type comma    = Region.t  (* ","   *)
+type lpar     = Region.t  (* "("   *)
+type rpar     = Region.t  (* ")"   *)
+type lbrace   = Region.t  (* "{"   *)
+type rbrace   = Region.t  (* "}"   *)
+type lbracket = Region.t  (* "["   *)
+type rbracket = Region.t  (* "]"   *)
+type cons     = Region.t  (* "#"   *)
+type vbar     = Region.t  (* "|"   *)
+type arrow    = Region.t  (* "->"  *)
+type assign   = Region.t  (* ":="  *)
+type equal    = Region.t  (* "="   *)
+type colon    = Region.t  (* ":"   *)
+type lt       = Region.t  (* "<"   *)
+type leq      = Region.t  (* "<="  *)
+type gt       = Region.t  (* ">"   *)
+type geq      = Region.t  (* ">="  *)
+type neq      = Region.t  (* "=/=" *)
+type plus     = Region.t  (* "+"   *)
+type minus    = Region.t  (* "-"   *)
+type slash    = Region.t  (* "/"   *)
+type times    = Region.t  (* "*"   *)
+type dot      = Region.t  (* "."   *)
+type wild     = Region.t  (* "_"   *)
+type cat      = Region.t  (* "^"   *)
 (* Virtual tokens *)
@@ -613,9 +597,24 @@ and list_pattern =
 | PParCons  of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
 | PCons     of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
 (* Projecting regions *)
-open! Region
+let rec last to_region = function
+    [] -> Region.ghost
+|  [x] -> to_region x
+| _::t -> last to_region t
+let nseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
+  Region.cover (to_region hd) (last to_region tl)
+let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) =
+  let reg (_, item) = to_region item in
+  Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl)
+let sepseq_to_region to_region = function
+      None -> Region.ghost
+| Some seq -> nsepseq_to_region to_region seq
 let type_expr_to_region = function
   TProd   {region; _}
@@ -760,49 +759,4 @@ let rhs_to_region = expr_to_region
 let selection_to_region = function
   FieldName {region; _}
-  | Component {region; _} -> region
-(* Extracting variables from patterns *)
-module Ord =
-  struct
-    type t = string Region.reg
-    let compare v1 v2 =
-      compare v1.value v2.value
-  end
-module VSet = Set.Make (Ord)
-let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
-  PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
-| PVar v -> VSet.add v env
-| PWild _ | PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _ | PString _ -> env
-| PList l -> vars_of_plist env l
-| PTuple t -> vars_of_ptuple env t.value
-and vars_of_pconstr env = function
-  PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _ | PNone _ -> env
-| PSomeApp {value=_, {value={inside; _};_}; _} ->
-    vars_of_pattern env inside
-| PConstrApp {value=_, Some tuple; _} ->
-    vars_of_ptuple env tuple.value
-| PConstrApp {value=_,None; _} -> env
-and vars_of_plist env = function
-  PListComp {value; _} ->
-    vars_of_pinj env value
-| PNil _ ->
-    env
-| PParCons {value={inside; _}; _} ->
-   let head, _, tail = inside in
-   vars_of_pattern (vars_of_pattern env head) tail
-| PCons {value; _} ->
-    Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env value
-and vars_of_pinj env inj =
-  Utils.sepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inj.elements
-and vars_of_ptuple env {inside; _} =
-    Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inside
-let vars_of_pattern = vars_of_pattern VSet.empty
+| Component {region; _} -> region
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.mli b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 70620a880..000000000
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/AST.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-(* Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Pascaligo *)
-[@@@warning "-30"]
-open Utils
-(* Regions
-   The AST carries all the regions where tokens have been found by the
-   lexer, plus additional regions corresponding to whole subtrees
-   (like entire expressions, patterns etc.). These regions are needed
-   for error reporting and source-to-source transformations. To make
-   these pervasive regions more legible, we define singleton types for
-   the symbols, keywords etc. with suggestive names like "kwd_and"
-   denoting the _region_ of the occurrence of the keyword "and".
-type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg
-val nseq_to_region    : ('a -> Region.t) -> 'a nseq -> Region.t
-val nsepseq_to_region : ('a -> Region.t) -> ('a,'sep) nsepseq -> Region.t
-val sepseq_to_region  : ('a -> Region.t) -> ('a,'sep) sepseq -> Region.t
-(* Keywords of LIGO *)
-type keyword        = Region.t
-type kwd_and        = Region.t
-type kwd_begin      = Region.t
-type kwd_block      = Region.t
-type kwd_case       = Region.t
-type kwd_const      = Region.t
-type kwd_contains   = Region.t
-type kwd_down       = Region.t
-type kwd_else       = Region.t
-type kwd_end        = Region.t
-type kwd_for        = Region.t
-type kwd_from       = Region.t
-type kwd_function   = Region.t
-type kwd_if         = Region.t
-type kwd_in         = Region.t
-type kwd_is         = Region.t
-type kwd_list       = Region.t
-type kwd_map        = Region.t
-type kwd_mod        = Region.t
-type kwd_nil        = Region.t
-type kwd_not        = Region.t
-type kwd_of         = Region.t
-type kwd_or         = Region.t
-type kwd_patch      = Region.t
-type kwd_record     = Region.t
-type kwd_remove     = Region.t
-type kwd_set        = Region.t
-type kwd_skip       = Region.t
-type kwd_step       = Region.t
-type kwd_then       = Region.t
-type kwd_to         = Region.t
-type kwd_type       = Region.t
-type kwd_var        = Region.t
-type kwd_while      = Region.t
-type kwd_with       = Region.t
-(* Data constructors *)
-type c_False = Region.t
-type c_None  = Region.t
-type c_Some  = Region.t
-type c_True  = Region.t
-type c_Unit  = Region.t
-(* Symbols *)
-type semi     = Region.t  (* ";"   *)
-type comma    = Region.t  (* ","   *)
-type lpar     = Region.t  (* "("   *)
-type rpar     = Region.t  (* ")"   *)
-type lbrace   = Region.t  (* "{"   *)
-type rbrace   = Region.t  (* "}"   *)
-type lbracket = Region.t  (* "["   *)
-type rbracket = Region.t  (* "]"   *)
-type cons     = Region.t  (* "#"   *)
-type vbar     = Region.t  (* "|"   *)
-type arrow    = Region.t  (* "->"  *)
-type assign   = Region.t  (* ":="  *)
-type equal    = Region.t  (* "="   *)
-type colon    = Region.t  (* ":"   *)
-type lt       = Region.t  (* "<"   *)
-type leq      = Region.t  (* "<="  *)
-type gt       = Region.t  (* ">"   *)
-type geq      = Region.t  (* ">="  *)
-type neq      = Region.t  (* "=/=" *)
-type plus     = Region.t  (* "+"   *)
-type minus    = Region.t  (* "-"   *)
-type slash    = Region.t  (* "/"   *)
-type times    = Region.t  (* "*"   *)
-type dot      = Region.t  (* "."   *)
-type wild     = Region.t  (* "_"   *)
-type cat      = Region.t  (* "^"   *)
-(* Virtual tokens *)
-type eof = Region.t
-(* Literals *)
-type variable   = string reg
-type fun_name   = string reg
-type type_name  = string reg
-type field_name = string reg
-type map_name   = string reg
-type set_name   = string reg
-type constr     = string reg
-(* Parentheses *)
-type 'a par = {
-  lpar   : lpar;
-  inside : 'a;
-  rpar   : rpar
-(* Brackets compounds *)
-type 'a brackets = {
-  lbracket : lbracket;
-  inside   : 'a;
-  rbracket : rbracket
-(* Braced compounds *)
-type 'a braces = {
-  lbrace : lbrace;
-  inside : 'a;
-  rbrace : rbrace
-(** The Abstract Syntax Tree
-The AST mirrors the contents of Parser.mly, which defines a tree of parsing
-productions that are used to make a syntax tree from a given program input.
-This file defines the concrete AST for PascaLIGO, which is used to associate
-regions of the source code text with the contents of the syntax tree.
-type t = {
-  decl : declaration nseq;
-  eof  : eof
-and ast = t
-and declaration =
-  TypeDecl  of type_decl reg
-| ConstDecl of const_decl reg
-| FunDecl   of fun_decl reg
-and const_decl = {
-  kwd_const  : kwd_const;
-  name       : variable;
-  colon      : colon;
-  const_type : type_expr;
-  equal      : equal;
-  init       : expr;
-  terminator : semi option
-(* Type declarations *)
-and type_decl = {
-  kwd_type   : kwd_type;
-  name       : type_name;
-  kwd_is     : kwd_is;
-  type_expr  : type_expr;
-  terminator : semi option
-and type_expr =
-  TProd   of cartesian
-| TSum    of (variant reg, vbar) nsepseq reg
-| TRecord of field_decl reg ne_injection reg
-| TApp    of (type_name * type_tuple) reg
-| TFun    of (type_expr * arrow * type_expr) reg
-| TPar    of type_expr par reg
-| TVar    of variable
-and cartesian = (type_expr, times) nsepseq reg
-and variant = {
-  constr : constr;
-  arg    : (kwd_of * type_expr) option
-and field_decl = {
-  field_name : field_name;
-  colon      : colon;
-  field_type : type_expr
-and type_tuple = (type_expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
-(* Function declarations *)
-and fun_expr = {
-  kwd_function : kwd_function;
-  name         : variable option;
-  param        : parameters;
-  colon        : colon;
-  ret_type     : type_expr;
-  kwd_is       : kwd_is;
-  block_with   : (block reg * kwd_with) option;
-  return       : expr
-and fun_decl = {
-  fun_expr   : fun_expr reg;
-  terminator : semi option
-and parameters = (param_decl, semi) nsepseq par reg
-and param_decl =
-  ParamConst of param_const reg
-| ParamVar   of param_var reg
-and param_const = {
-  kwd_const  : kwd_const;
-  var        : variable;
-  colon      : colon;
-  param_type : type_expr
-and param_var = {
-  kwd_var    : kwd_var;
-  var        : variable;
-  colon      : colon;
-  param_type : type_expr
-and block = {
-  opening    : block_opening;
-  statements : statements;
-  terminator : semi option;
-  closing    : block_closing
-and block_opening =
-  Block of kwd_block * lbrace
-| Begin of kwd_begin
-and block_closing =
-  Block of rbrace
-| End   of kwd_end
-and statements = (statement, semi) nsepseq
-and statement =
-  Instr of instruction
-| Data  of data_decl
-and data_decl =
-  LocalConst of const_decl reg
-| LocalVar   of var_decl reg
-| LocalFun  of fun_decl reg
-and var_decl = {
-  kwd_var    : kwd_var;
-  name       : variable;
-  colon      : colon;
-  var_type   : type_expr;
-  assign     : assign;
-  init       : expr;
-  terminator : semi option
-and instruction =
-  Cond        of conditional reg
-| CaseInstr   of if_clause case reg
-| Assign      of assignment reg
-| Loop        of loop
-| ProcCall    of fun_call
-| Skip        of kwd_skip
-| RecordPatch of record_patch reg
-| MapPatch    of map_patch reg
-| SetPatch    of set_patch reg
-| MapRemove   of map_remove reg
-| SetRemove   of set_remove reg
-and set_remove = {
-  kwd_remove : kwd_remove;
-  element    : expr;
-  kwd_from   : kwd_from;
-  kwd_set    : kwd_set;
-  set        : path
-and map_remove = {
-  kwd_remove : kwd_remove;
-  key        : expr;
-  kwd_from   : kwd_from;
-  kwd_map    : kwd_map;
-  map        : path
-and set_patch  = {
-  kwd_patch : kwd_patch;
-  path      : path;
-  kwd_with  : kwd_with;
-  set_inj   : expr ne_injection reg
-and map_patch  = {
-  kwd_patch : kwd_patch;
-  path      : path;
-  kwd_with  : kwd_with;
-  map_inj   : binding reg ne_injection reg
-and binding = {
-  source : expr;
-  arrow  : arrow;
-  image  : expr
-and record_patch = {
-  kwd_patch  : kwd_patch;
-  path       : path;
-  kwd_with   : kwd_with;
-  record_inj : field_assign reg ne_injection reg
-and cond_expr = {
-  kwd_if     : kwd_if;
-  test       : expr;
-  kwd_then   : kwd_then;
-  ifso       : expr;
-  terminator : semi option;
-  kwd_else   : kwd_else;
-  ifnot      : expr
-and conditional = {
-  kwd_if     : kwd_if;
-  test       : expr;
-  kwd_then   : kwd_then;
-  ifso       : if_clause;
-  terminator : semi option;
-  kwd_else   : kwd_else;
-  ifnot      : if_clause
-and if_clause =
-  ClauseInstr of instruction
-| ClauseBlock of clause_block
-and clause_block =
-  LongBlock  of block reg
-| ShortBlock of (statements * semi option) braces reg
-and set_membership = {
-  set          : expr;
-  kwd_contains : kwd_contains;
-  element      : expr
-and 'a case = {
-  kwd_case  : kwd_case;
-  expr      : expr;
-  opening   : opening;
-  lead_vbar : vbar option;
-  cases     : ('a case_clause reg, vbar) nsepseq reg;
-  closing   : closing
-and 'a case_clause = {
-  pattern : pattern;
-  arrow   : arrow;
-  rhs     : 'a
-and assignment = {
-  lhs    : lhs;
-  assign : assign;
-  rhs    : rhs;
-and lhs =
-  Path    of path
-| MapPath of map_lookup reg
-and rhs = expr
-and loop =
-  While of while_loop reg
-| For   of for_loop
-and while_loop = {
-  kwd_while : kwd_while;
-  cond      : expr;
-  block     : block reg
-and for_loop =
-  ForInt     of for_int reg
-| ForCollect of for_collect reg
-and for_int = {
-  kwd_for : kwd_for;
-  assign  : var_assign reg;
-  kwd_to  : kwd_to;
-  bound   : expr;
-  block   : block reg
-and var_assign = {
-  name   : variable;
-  assign : assign;
-  expr   : expr
-and for_collect = {
-  kwd_for    : kwd_for;
-  var        : variable;
-  bind_to    : (arrow * variable) option;
-  kwd_in     : kwd_in;
-  collection : collection;
-  expr       : expr;
-  block      : block reg
-and collection =
-  Map  of kwd_map
-| Set  of kwd_set
-| List of kwd_list
-(* Expressions *)
-and expr =
-  ECase   of expr case reg
-| ECond   of cond_expr reg
-| EAnnot  of annot_expr reg
-| ELogic  of logic_expr
-| EArith  of arith_expr
-| EString of string_expr
-| EList   of list_expr
-| ESet    of set_expr
-| EConstr of constr_expr
-| ERecord of field_assign reg ne_injection reg
-| EProj   of projection reg
-| EMap    of map_expr
-| EVar    of Lexer.lexeme reg
-| ECall   of fun_call
-| EBytes  of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
-| EUnit   of c_Unit
-| ETuple  of tuple_expr
-| EPar    of expr par reg
-| EFun    of fun_expr reg
-and annot_expr = (expr * type_expr)
-and set_expr =
-  SetInj of expr injection reg
-| SetMem of set_membership reg
-and 'a injection = {
-  opening    : opening;
-  elements   : ('a, semi) sepseq;
-  terminator : semi option;
-  closing    : closing
-and 'a ne_injection = {
-  opening     : opening;
-  ne_elements : ('a, semi) nsepseq;
-  terminator  : semi option;
-  closing     : closing
-and opening =
-  Kwd        of keyword
-| KwdBracket of keyword * lbracket
-and closing =
-  End       of kwd_end
-| RBracket  of rbracket
-and map_expr =
-  MapLookUp of map_lookup reg
-| MapInj    of binding reg injection reg
-| BigMapInj    of binding reg injection reg
-and map_lookup = {
-  path  : path;
-  index : expr brackets reg
-and path =
-  Name of variable
-| Path of projection reg
-and logic_expr =
-  BoolExpr of bool_expr
-| CompExpr of comp_expr
-and bool_expr =
-  Or    of kwd_or  bin_op reg
-| And   of kwd_and bin_op reg
-| Not   of kwd_not  un_op reg
-| False of c_False
-| True  of c_True
-and 'a bin_op = {
-  op   : 'a;
-  arg1 : expr;
-  arg2 : expr
-and 'a un_op = {
-  op  : 'a;
-  arg : expr
-and comp_expr =
-  Lt    of lt    bin_op reg
-| Leq   of leq   bin_op reg
-| Gt    of gt    bin_op reg
-| Geq   of geq   bin_op reg
-| Equal of equal bin_op reg
-| Neq   of neq   bin_op reg
-and arith_expr =
-  Add  of plus    bin_op reg
-| Sub  of minus   bin_op reg
-| Mult of times   bin_op reg
-| Div  of slash   bin_op reg
-| Mod  of kwd_mod bin_op reg
-| Neg  of minus    un_op reg
-| Int  of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-| Nat  of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-| Mutez  of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-and string_expr =
-  Cat    of cat bin_op reg
-| String of Lexer.lexeme reg
-and list_expr =
-  ECons     of cons bin_op reg
-| EListComp of expr injection reg
-| ENil      of kwd_nil
-and constr_expr =
-  SomeApp   of (c_Some * arguments) reg
-| NoneExpr  of c_None
-| ConstrApp of (constr * arguments option) reg
-and field_assign = {
-  field_name : field_name;
-  equal      : equal;
-  field_expr : expr
-and projection = {
-  struct_name : variable;
-  selector    : dot;
-  field_path  : (selection, dot) nsepseq
-and selection =
-  FieldName of field_name
-| Component of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-and tuple_expr = (expr, comma) nsepseq par reg
-and fun_call = (expr * arguments) reg
-and arguments = tuple_expr
-(* Patterns *)
-and pattern =
-  PConstr of constr_pattern
-| PVar    of Lexer.lexeme reg
-| PWild   of wild
-| PInt    of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-| PNat    of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg
-| PBytes  of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg
-| PString of Lexer.lexeme reg
-| PList   of list_pattern
-| PTuple  of tuple_pattern
-and constr_pattern =
-  PUnit      of c_Unit
-| PFalse     of c_False
-| PTrue      of c_True
-| PNone      of c_None
-| PSomeApp   of (c_Some * pattern par reg) reg
-| PConstrApp of (constr * tuple_pattern option) reg
-and tuple_pattern = (pattern, comma) nsepseq par reg
-and list_pattern =
-  PListComp of pattern injection reg
-| PNil      of kwd_nil
-| PParCons  of (pattern * cons * pattern) par reg
-| PCons     of (pattern, cons) nsepseq reg
-(* Projecting regions *)
-val type_expr_to_region  : type_expr -> Region.t
-val expr_to_region       : expr -> Region.t
-val instr_to_region      : instruction -> Region.t
-val pattern_to_region    : pattern -> Region.t
-val path_to_region       : path -> Region.t
-val lhs_to_region        : lhs -> Region.t
-val rhs_to_region        : rhs -> Region.t
-val if_clause_to_region  : if_clause -> Region.t
-val selection_to_region  : selection -> Region.t
-(* Extracting variables from patterns *)
-module VSet : Set.S with type elt = string Region.reg
-val vars_of_pattern : pattern -> VSet.t
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/Parser.mly b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/Parser.mly
index efff9226f..f12cbf035 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/Parser.mly
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/Parser.mly
@@ -6,60 +6,7 @@
 open Region
 open AST
-module SSet = Utils.String.Set
-let reserved =
-  let open SSet in
-  empty
-  |> add "get_force"
-  |> add "get_chain_id"
-  |> add "transaction"
-  |> add "get_contract"
-  |> add "get_entrypoint"
-  |> add "size"
-  |> add "int"
-  |> add "abs"
-  |> add "is_nat"
-  |> add "amount"
-  |> add "balance"
-  |> add "now"
-  |> add "unit"
-  |> add "source"
-  |> add "sender"
-  |> add "failwith"
-  |> add "bitwise_or"
-  |> add "bitwise_and"
-  |> add "bitwise_xor"
-  |> add "string_concat"
-  |> add "string_slice"
-  |> add "crypto_check"
-  |> add "crypto_hash_key"
-  |> add "bytes_concat"
-  |> add "bytes_slice"
-  |> add "bytes_pack"
-  |> add "bytes_unpack"
-  |> add "set_empty"
-  |> add "set_mem"
-  |> add "set_add"
-  |> add "set_remove"
-  |> add "set_iter"
-  |> add "set_fold"
-  |> add "list_iter"
-  |> add "list_fold"
-  |> add "list_map"
-  |> add "map_iter"
-  |> add "map_map"
-  |> add "map_fold"
-  |> add "map_remove"
-  |> add "map_update"
-  |> add "map_get"
-  |> add "map_mem"
-  |> add "sha_256"
-  |> add "sha_512"
-  |> add "blake2b"
-  |> add "cons"
- (* END HEADER *)
 (* See [ParToken.mly] for the definition of tokens. *)
@@ -171,10 +118,7 @@ declaration:
   "type" type_name "is" type_expr ";"? {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
+    ignore (SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2);
     let stop =
       match $5 with
         Some region -> region
@@ -242,14 +186,7 @@ type_tuple:
   "|"? nsepseq(variant,"|") {
-    let add acc {value; _} =
-      if VSet.mem value.constr acc then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Duplicate_variant value.constr))
-      else VSet.add value.constr acc in
-    let variants =
-      Utils.nsepseq_foldl add VSet.empty $2 in
-    let () = ignore variants in
+    SyntaxError.check_variants (Utils.nsepseq_to_list $2);
     let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $2
     in TSum {region; value=$2} }
@@ -263,6 +200,8 @@ variant:
   "record" sep_or_term_list(field_decl,";") "end" {
     let ne_elements, terminator = $2 in
+    let () = Utils.nsepseq_to_list ne_elements
+             |> SyntaxError.check_fields in
     let region = cover $1 $3
     and value  = {opening = Kwd $1;
@@ -290,13 +229,7 @@ fun_expr:
   "function" fun_name? parameters ":" type_expr "is"
   "with" expr {
-    let () =
-      match $2 with
-        Some name ->
-          if SSet.mem name.value reserved then
-            let open! SyntaxError in
-            raise (Error (Reserved_name name))
-      | None -> () in
+    let ()     = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name_opt $2 in
     let stop   = expr_to_region $9 in
     let region = cover $1 stop
     and value  = {kwd_function = $1;
@@ -309,13 +242,7 @@ fun_expr:
                   return       = $9}
     in {region; value} }
 | "function" fun_name? parameters ":" type_expr "is" expr {
-    let () =
-      match $2 with
-        Some name ->
-          if SSet.mem name.value reserved then
-            let open! SyntaxError in
-            raise (Error (Reserved_name name))
-      | None -> () in
+    let ()     = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name_opt $2 in
     let stop   = expr_to_region $7 in
     let region = cover $1 stop
     and value  = {kwd_function = $1;
@@ -346,47 +273,28 @@ open_fun_decl:
   par(nsepseq(param_decl,";")) {
-    let open! AST in
-    let contents : (param_decl, semi) Utils.nsepseq par reg = $1 in
-    let add acc = function
-      ParamConst {value; _} ->
-        if VSet.mem value.var acc then
-          let open! SyntaxError in
-          raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
-        else VSet.add value.var acc
-    | ParamVar {value; _} ->
-        if VSet.mem value.var acc then
-          let open! SyntaxError in
-          raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
-        else VSet.add value.var acc in
     let params =
-      Utils.nsepseq_foldl add VSet.empty contents.value.inside in
-    let () = ignore params
-    in $1 }
+      Utils.nsepseq_to_list ($1.value: _ par).inside
+    in SyntaxError.check_parameters params;
+       $1 }
   "var" var ":" param_type {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
+    let var    = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
     let stop   = type_expr_to_region $4 in
     let region = cover $1 stop
     and value  = {kwd_var    = $1;
-                  var        = $2;
+                  var;
                   colon      = $3;
                   param_type = $4}
     in ParamVar {region; value}
 | "const" var ":" param_type {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
+    let var    = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
     let stop   = type_expr_to_region $4 in
     let region = cover $1 stop
     and value  = {kwd_const  = $1;
-                  var        = $2;
+                  var;
                   colon      = $3;
                   param_type = $4}
     in ParamConst {region; value} }
@@ -450,12 +358,9 @@ open_var_decl:
   var ":" type_expr OP expr {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $1.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $1)) in
+    let var    = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $1 in
     let region = expr_to_region $5
-    in $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, region }
+    in var, $2, $3, $4, $5, region }
   open_const_decl ";"? {
@@ -662,14 +567,7 @@ cases(rhs):
   pattern "->" rhs {
-    let vars = AST.vars_of_pattern $1 in
-    let is_reserved elt = SSet.mem elt.value reserved in
-    let inter = VSet.filter is_reserved vars in
-    let () =
-      if not (VSet.is_empty inter) then
-        let clash = VSet.choose inter in
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name clash)) in
+    SyntaxError.check_pattern $1;
     fun rhs_to_region ->
       let start  = pattern_to_region $1 in
       let region = cover start (rhs_to_region $3)
@@ -711,13 +609,10 @@ for_loop:
     in For (ForInt {region; value})
 | "for" var arrow_clause? "in" collection expr block {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $2)) in
+    let var    = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 in
     let region = cover $1 $7.region in
     let value  = {kwd_for    = $1;
-                  var        = $2;
+                  var;
                   bind_to    = $3;
                   kwd_in     = $4;
                   collection = $5;
@@ -732,21 +627,13 @@ collection:
   var ":=" expr {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $1.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $1)) in
-    let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3)
-    and value  = {name=$1; assign=$2; expr=$3}
+    let name   = SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $1 in
+    let region = cover name.region (expr_to_region $3)
+    and value  = {name; assign=$2; expr=$3}
     in {region; value} }
-  "->" var {
-    let () =
-      if SSet.mem $2.value reserved then
-        let open! SyntaxError in
-        raise (Error (Reserved_name $2))
-    in $1,$2 }
+  "->" var { $1, SyntaxError.check_reserved_name $2 }
 (* Expressions *)
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/ParserMain.ml b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/ParserMain.ml
index 8ed914f1b..b3b0936a0 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/ParserMain.ml
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/ParserMain.ml
@@ -64,10 +64,42 @@ let () =
       let () = Unit.close_all () in
       let token =
         MyLexer.Token.mk_constr name.Region.value name.Region.region in
-      let point = "Duplicate variant in this type declaration.\n\
+      let point = "Duplicate variant in this sum type declaration.\n\
                    Hint: Change the name.\n",
                   None, token in
       let error =
         Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
                           IO.options#mode point
       in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error
+  | Error (Non_linear_pattern var) ->
+      let () = Unit.close_all () in
+      let token =
+        MyLexer.Token.mk_ident var.Region.value var.Region.region in
+      (match token with
+         Stdlib.Error _ ->
+           assert false (* Should not fail if [name] is valid. *)
+       | Ok invalid ->
+           let point = "Repeated variable in this pattern.\n\
+                        Hint: Change the name.\n",
+                       None, invalid in
+           let error =
+             Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
+                               IO.options#mode point
+           in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error)
+  | Error (Duplicate_field name) ->
+      let () = Unit.close_all () in
+      let token =
+        MyLexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in
+      (match token with
+         Stdlib.Error _ ->
+           assert false (* Should not fail if [name] is valid. *)
+       | Ok invalid ->
+           let point = "Duplicate field name in this record declaration.\n\
+                        Hint: Change the name.\n",
+                       None, invalid in
+           let error =
+             Unit.format_error ~offsets:IO.options#offsets
+                               IO.options#mode point
+           in Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error)
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.ml b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.ml
index 4bdc77d88..d402be17e 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.ml
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.ml
@@ -1,8 +1,185 @@
+[@@@warning "-42"]
 type t =
-  Reserved_name of string Region.reg
-| Duplicate_parameter of string Region.reg
-| Duplicate_variant of string Region.reg
+  Reserved_name       of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_parameter of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_variant   of AST.variable
+| Non_linear_pattern  of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_field     of AST.variable
 type error = t
 exception Error of t
+open Region
+(* Useful modules *)
+module SSet = Utils.String.Set
+module Ord =
+  struct
+    type t = AST.variable
+    let compare v1 v2 =
+      compare v1.value v2.value
+  end
+module VarSet = Set.Make (Ord)
+(* Checking the definition of reserved names (shadowing) *)
+let reserved =
+  let open SSet in
+  empty
+  |> add "get_force"
+  |> add "get_chain_id"
+  |> add "transaction"
+  |> add "get_contract"
+  |> add "get_entrypoint"
+  |> add "size"
+  |> add "int"
+  |> add "abs"
+  |> add "is_nat"
+  |> add "amount"
+  |> add "balance"
+  |> add "now"
+  |> add "unit"
+  |> add "source"
+  |> add "sender"
+  |> add "failwith"
+  |> add "bitwise_or"
+  |> add "bitwise_and"
+  |> add "bitwise_xor"
+  |> add "string_concat"
+  |> add "string_slice"
+  |> add "crypto_check"
+  |> add "crypto_hash_key"
+  |> add "bytes_concat"
+  |> add "bytes_slice"
+  |> add "bytes_pack"
+  |> add "bytes_unpack"
+  |> add "set_empty"
+  |> add "set_mem"
+  |> add "set_add"
+  |> add "set_remove"
+  |> add "set_iter"
+  |> add "set_fold"
+  |> add "list_iter"
+  |> add "list_fold"
+  |> add "list_map"
+  |> add "map_iter"
+  |> add "map_map"
+  |> add "map_fold"
+  |> add "map_remove"
+  |> add "map_update"
+  |> add "map_get"
+  |> add "map_mem"
+  |> add "sha_256"
+  |> add "sha_512"
+  |> add "blake2b"
+  |> add "cons"
+  |> add "address"
+  |> add "self_address"
+  |> add "implicit_account"
+  |> add "set_delegate"
+let check_reserved_names vars =
+  let is_reserved elt = SSet.mem elt.value reserved in
+  let inter = VarSet.filter is_reserved vars in
+  if not (VarSet.is_empty inter) then
+    let clash = VarSet.choose inter in
+    raise (Error (Reserved_name clash))
+  else vars
+let check_reserved_name var =
+  if SSet.mem var.value reserved then
+    raise (Error (Reserved_name var))
+  else var
+let check_reserved_name_opt = function
+  Some var -> ignore (check_reserved_name var)
+| None     -> ()
+(* Checking the linearity of patterns *)
+open! AST
+let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
+  PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
+| PWild _ | PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _ | PString _ -> env
+| PList l -> vars_of_plist env l
+| PTuple t -> vars_of_ptuple env t.value
+| PVar var ->
+    if VarSet.mem var env then
+      raise (Error (Non_linear_pattern var))
+    else VarSet.add var env
+and vars_of_pconstr env = function
+  PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _ | PNone _ -> env
+| PSomeApp {value=_, {value={inside; _};_}; _} ->
+    vars_of_pattern env inside
+| PConstrApp {value=_, Some tuple; _} ->
+    vars_of_ptuple env tuple.value
+| PConstrApp {value=_,None; _} -> env
+and vars_of_plist env = function
+  PListComp {value; _} ->
+    vars_of_pinj env value
+| PNil _ ->
+    env
+| PParCons {value={inside; _}; _} ->
+   let head, _, tail = inside in
+   vars_of_pattern (vars_of_pattern env head) tail
+| PCons {value; _} ->
+    Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env value
+and vars_of_pinj env inj =
+  Utils.sepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inj.elements
+and vars_of_ptuple env {inside; _} =
+  Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env inside
+let check_linearity = vars_of_pattern VarSet.empty
+(* Checking patterns *)
+let check_pattern p =
+  check_linearity p |> check_reserved_names |> ignore
+(* Checking variants for duplicates *)
+let check_variants variants =
+  let add acc {value; _} =
+    if VarSet.mem value.constr acc then
+      raise (Error (Duplicate_variant value.constr))
+    else VarSet.add value.constr acc in
+  let variants =
+    List.fold_left add VarSet.empty variants
+  in ignore variants
+(* Checking parameters *)
+let check_parameters params =
+  let add acc = function
+    ParamConst {value; _} ->
+      if VarSet.mem value.var acc then
+        raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
+      else VarSet.add value.var acc
+  | ParamVar {value; _} ->
+      if VarSet.mem value.var acc then
+        raise (Error (Duplicate_parameter value.var))
+      else VarSet.add value.var acc in
+  let params =
+    List.fold_left add VarSet.empty params
+  in ignore params
+(* Checking record fields *)
+let check_fields fields =
+  let add acc {value; _} =
+    if VarSet.mem (value: field_decl).field_name acc then
+      raise (Error (Duplicate_field value.field_name))
+    else VarSet.add value.field_name acc in
+  let fields =
+    List.fold_left add VarSet.empty fields
+  in ignore fields
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.mli b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.mli
index 4bdc77d88..ee3d96872 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.mli
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/SyntaxError.mli
@@ -1,8 +1,26 @@
 type t =
-  Reserved_name of string Region.reg
-| Duplicate_parameter of string Region.reg
-| Duplicate_variant of string Region.reg
+  Reserved_name       of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_parameter of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_variant   of AST.variable
+| Non_linear_pattern  of AST.variable
+| Duplicate_field     of AST.variable
 type error = t
 exception Error of t
+module Ord :
+  sig
+    type t = AST.variable
+    val compare : t -> t -> int
+  end
+module VarSet : Set.S with type elt = Ord.t
+val check_reserved_name     : AST.variable -> AST.variable
+val check_reserved_name_opt : AST.variable option -> unit
+val check_reserved_names    : VarSet.t -> VarSet.t
+val check_pattern           : AST.pattern -> unit
+val check_variants          : AST.variant Region.reg list -> unit
+val check_parameters        : AST.param_decl list -> unit
+val check_fields            : AST.field_decl Region.reg list -> unit
diff --git a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/dune b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/dune
index a75445932..66737b9c2 100644
--- a/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/dune
+++ b/src/passes/1-parser/pascaligo/dune
@@ -1,24 +1,42 @@
+;; Build of the lexer
 (ocamllex LexToken)
+;; Build of the parser
- (merge_into Parser)
- (modules ParToken Parser)
- (flags -la 1 --table --strict --explain --external-tokens LexToken))
+  (merge_into Parser)
+  (modules ParToken Parser)
+  (flags -la 1 --table --strict --external-tokens LexToken))
+;; Build of the parser as a library
- (name parser_pascaligo)
- (public_name ligo.parser.pascaligo)
- (modules
-    SyntaxError AST pascaligo Parser ParserLog LexToken)
- (libraries
-    menhirLib
-    parser_shared
-    hex
-    simple-utils
-    tezos-utils)
- (preprocess
-   (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
- (flags (:standard -open Parser_shared -open Simple_utils)))
+  (name parser_pascaligo)
+  (public_name ligo.parser.pascaligo)
+  (modules
+     SyntaxError AST pascaligo Parser ParserLog LexToken)
+  (libraries
+     menhirLib
+     parser_shared
+     hex
+     simple-utils
+     tezos-utils)
+  (preprocess
+    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
+  (flags (:standard -open Parser_shared -open Simple_utils)))
+;; Build of the unlexer (for covering the
+;; error states of the LR automaton)
+  (name Unlexer)
+  (libraries str)
+  (preprocess
+    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
+  (modules Unlexer))
+;; Local build of a standalone lexer
   (name LexerMain)
@@ -29,6 +47,8 @@
     (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
   (flags (:standard -open Parser_shared -open Parser_pascaligo)))
+;; Local build of a standalone parser
   (name ParserMain)
   (libraries parser_pascaligo)
@@ -37,25 +57,3 @@
     (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
   (flags (:standard -open Simple_utils -open Parser_shared -open Parser_pascaligo)))
-  (name Unlexer)
-  (libraries str)
-  (preprocess
-    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional))
-  (modules Unlexer))
-;; Les deux directives (rule) qui suivent sont pour le dev local.
-;; Il suffit de faire "dune build Parser.exe" pour avoir un Parser.exe dans le dossier.
-;; Pour le purger, il faut faire "dune clean".
-;  (targets Parser.exe)
-;  (deps ParserMain.exe)
-;  (action (copy ParserMain.exe Parser.exe))
-;  (mode promote-until-clean))
-;  (targets Lexer.exe)
-;  (deps LexerMain.exe)
-;  (action (copy LexerMain.exe Lexer.exe))
-;  (mode promote-until-clean))
diff --git a/src/test/#multisig_tests.ml# b/src/test/#multisig_tests.ml#
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..490bffff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/#multisig_tests.ml#
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+open Trace
+open Test_helpers
+let type_file f =
+  let%bind (typed , state , _env) = Ligo.Compile.Wrapper.source_to_typed (Syntax_name "pascaligo") f in
+  ok @@ (typed,state)
+let get_program =
+  let s = ref None in
+  fun () -> match !s with
+    | Some s -> ok s
+    | None -> (
+        let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/multisig.ligo" in
+        s := Some program ;
+        ok program
+      )
+let compile_main () = 
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let%bind michelson = Compile.Wrapper.typed_to_michelson_value_as_function program "main" in
+"  let%bind _ex_ty_value = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate michelson in
+  ok ()
+open Ast_simplified
+let init_storage threshold counter pkeys =
+  let keys = List.map
+    (fun el ->
+      let (_,pk_str,_) = str_keys el in
+      e_key @@ pk_str) 
+    pkeys in
+  ez_e_record [
+    ("id" , e_string "MULTISIG" ) ;
+    ("counter" , e_nat counter ) ;
+    ("threshold" , e_nat threshold) ;
+    ("auth" , e_typed_list keys t_key ) ;
+  ]
+let empty_op_list = 
+  (e_typed_list [] t_operation)
+let empty_message = e_lambda (Var.of_name "arguments")
+  (Some t_unit) (Some (t_list t_operation))
+  empty_op_list
+let chain_id_zero = e_chain_id @@ Tezos_crypto.Base58.simple_encode
+  Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Chain_id.b58check_encoding
+  Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Chain_id.zero
+(* sign the message 'msg' with 'keys', if 'is_valid'=false the providid signature will be incorrect *)
+let params counter msg keys is_validl  = 
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let aux = fun acc (key,is_valid) ->
+    let (_,_pk,sk) = key in
+    let (pkh,_,_) = str_keys key in
+    let payload = e_tuple
+      [ msg ; 
+        e_nat counter ; 
+        e_string (if is_valid then "MULTISIG" else "XX") ; 
+        chain_id_zero ] in
+    let%bind signature = sign_message program payload sk in
+    ok @@ (e_pair (e_key_hash pkh) (e_signature signature))::acc in
+  let%bind signed_msgs = Trace.bind_fold_list aux [] (List.rev @@ List.combine keys is_validl) in
+  ok @@ e_constructor
+    "CheckMessage"
+    (ez_e_record [
+      ("counter" , e_nat counter ) ;
+      ("message" , msg) ;
+      ("signatures" , e_typed_list signed_msgs (t_pair (t_key_hash,t_signature)) ) ;
+    ])
+(* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is two of two keys *)
+let not_enough_1_of_2 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in
+  let keys = gen_keys () in
+  let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message [keys] [true] in
+  let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
+    program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 [keys;gen_keys()])) exp_failwith in
+  ok ()
+let unmatching_counter () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let exp_failwith = "Counters does not match" in
+  let keys = gen_keys () in
+  let%bind test_params = params 1 empty_message [keys] [true] in
+  let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
+    program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 [keys])) exp_failwith in
+  ok ()
+(* Provide one invalid signature (correct key but incorrect signature)
+   when the threshold is one of one key *)
+let invalid_1_of_1 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in
+  let keys = [gen_keys ()] in
+  let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message keys [false] in
+  let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
+    program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 keys)) exp_failwith in
+  ok ()
+(* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is one of one key *)
+let valid_1_of_1 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let keys = gen_keys () in
+  let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main"
+      (fun n ->
+        let%bind params = params n empty_message [keys] [true] in
+        ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 1 n [keys])
+      )
+      (fun n ->
+        ok @@ e_pair empty_op_list (init_storage 1 (n+1) [keys])
+      ) in
+  ok ()
+(* Provive two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *)
+let valid_2_of_3 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let param_keys = [gen_keys (); gen_keys ()] in
+  let st_keys = param_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in
+  let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main"
+      (fun n ->
+        let%bind params = params n empty_message param_keys [true;true] in
+        ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 2 n st_keys)
+      )
+      (fun n ->
+        ok @@ e_pair empty_op_list (init_storage 2 (n+1) st_keys)
+      ) in
+  ok ()
+(* Provide one invalid signature and two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *)
+let invalid_3_of_3 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in
+  let invalid_key = gen_keys () in
+  let param_keys = valid_keys @ [invalid_key] in
+  let st_keys = valid_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in
+  let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message param_keys [false;true;true] in
+  let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in
+  let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
+    program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in
+  ok ()
+(* Provide two valid signatures when the threshold is three of three keys *)
+let not_enough_2_of_3 () =
+  let%bind program,_ = get_program () in
+  let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in
+  let st_keys = gen_keys () :: valid_keys  in
+  let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_message (valid_keys) [true;true] in
+  let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in
+  let%bind () = expect_string_failwith
+    program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 3 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in
+  ok ()
+let main = test_suite "Multisig" [
+    test "compile"              compile_main       ;
+    test "unmatching_counter"   unmatching_counter ;
+    test "valid_1_of_1"         valid_1_of_1       ;
+    test "invalid_1_of_1"       invalid_1_of_1     ;
+    test "not_enough_signature" not_enough_1_of_2  ;
+    test "valid_2_of_3"         valid_2_of_3       ;
+    test "invalid_3_of_3"       invalid_3_of_3     ;
+    test "not_enough_2_of_3"    not_enough_2_of_3  ;
+  ]
diff --git a/src/test/contracts/annotation.ligo b/src/test/contracts/annotation.ligo
index 7f5e969f4..58fd3e8bc 100644
--- a/src/test/contracts/annotation.ligo
+++ b/src/test/contracts/annotation.ligo
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (* Test that a string is cast to an address given a type annotation *)
-const lst : list(int) = list [] ;
+const lst : list(int) = list []
-const address : address = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" : address) ;
+const my_address : address =
+  ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" : address)
diff --git a/src/test/integration_tests.ml b/src/test/integration_tests.ml
index bf312c53d..6277e1012 100644
--- a/src/test/integration_tests.ml
+++ b/src/test/integration_tests.ml
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let annotation () : unit result =
     expect_eq_evaluate program "lst" (e_list [])
   let%bind () =
-    expect_eq_evaluate program "address" (e_address "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx")
+    expect_eq_evaluate program "my_address" (e_address "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx")
   ok ()