Client: more Error_monad
in Client_{node,proto}_rpcs
This commit is contained in:
@ -486,8 +486,9 @@ clean::
client/client_commands.mli \
client/client_rpcs.mli \
client/client_node_rpcs.mli \
client/client_commands.mli \
client/client_generic_rpcs.mli \
client/client_helpers.mli \
client/client_aliases.mli \
@ -498,9 +499,10 @@ CLIENT_LIB_INTFS := \
client/client_network.mli \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
client/ \
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(* Tezos Command line interface - Local Storage for Configuration *)
open Lwt
open Lwt.Infix
open Cli_entries
module type Entity = sig
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
let load cctxt =
let filename = filename cctxt in
if not (Sys.file_exists filename) then return [] else
if not (Sys.file_exists filename) then Lwt.return [] else
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file filename >>= function
| Error _ ->
@ -108,43 +108,43 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
"didn't understand the %s alias file"
| list ->
return list
Lwt.return list
let find_opt cctxt name =
load cctxt >>= fun list ->
try return (Some (List.assoc name list))
with Not_found -> return None
try Lwt.return (Some (List.assoc name list))
with Not_found -> Lwt.return_none
let find cctxt name =
load cctxt >>= fun list ->
try return (List.assoc name list)
try Lwt.return (List.assoc name list)
with Not_found ->
cctxt.Client_commands.error "no %s alias named %s" name
let rev_find cctxt v =
load cctxt >>= fun list ->
try return (Some (List.find (fun (_, v') -> v = v') list |> fst))
with Not_found -> return None
try Lwt.return (Some (List.find (fun (_, v') -> v = v') list |> fst))
with Not_found -> Lwt.return_none
let mem cctxt name =
load cctxt >>= fun list ->
ignore (List.assoc name list) ;
Lwt.return true
| Not_found -> Lwt.return false
| Not_found -> Lwt.return_false
let save cctxt list =
(fun () ->
let dirname = dirname cctxt in
(if not (Sys.file_exists dirname) then Lwt_utils.create_dir dirname
else return ()) >>= fun () ->
else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
let filename = filename cctxt in
let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding list in
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.write_file filename json >>= function
| Error _ -> fail (Failure "Json.write_file")
| Ok () -> return ())
| Error _ -> (Failure "Json.write_file")
| Ok () -> Lwt.return ())
(fun exn ->
"could not write the %s alias file: %s."
@ -157,20 +157,20 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, v) ->
if n = name && v = value then
(keep := true ;
"The %s alias %s already exists with the same value." n)
else if n = name && v <> value then
"another %s is already aliased as %s, use -force true to update" n
else if n <> name && v = value then
"this %s is already aliased as %s, use -force true to insert duplicate" n
else return ())
list else return ()) >>= fun () ->
else Lwt.return ())
list else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
let list = List.filter (fun (n, _) -> n <> name) list in
let list = (name, value) :: list in
if !keep then
return ()
Lwt.return ()
save cctxt list >>= fun () ->
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
let alias_param ?(name = "name") ?(desc = "existing " ^ ^ " alias") next =
param ~name ~desc
(fun cctxt s -> find cctxt s >>= fun v -> return (s, v))
(fun cctxt s -> find cctxt s >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (s, v))
let fresh_alias_param ?(name = "new") ?(desc = "new " ^ ^ " alias") next =
@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
if n = s then
"the %s alias %s already exists, use -force true to update" n
else return ())
else Lwt.return ())
list >>= fun () ->
return s
else return s)
Lwt.return s
else Lwt.return s)
let source_param ?(name = "src") ?(desc = "source " ^ next =
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
param ~name ~desc
(fun cctxt s ->
let read path =
(fun () -> Lwt_io.(with_file ~mode:Input path read))
(fun exn -> Lwt.fail_with @@ Format.asprintf "cannot read file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string exn))
>>= of_source cctxt in
@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct
| [ "file" ; path ] ->
read path
| _ ->
(fun () -> find cctxt s)
(fun _ ->
(fun () -> read s)
(fun _ -> of_source cctxt s)))
@ -11,18 +11,17 @@ let genesis =
let get_block_hash cctxt = function
| `Hash hash -> Lwt.return hash
let get_block_hash config = function
| `Hash hash -> return hash
| `Genesis | `Head _ | `Test_head _ as block ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt block
| `Prevalidation -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt (`Head 0)
| `Test_prevalidation -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt (`Test_head 0)
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash config block
| `Prevalidation -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash config (`Head 0)
| `Test_prevalidation -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash config (`Test_head 0)
let get_block_info cctxt block =
let get_block_info config block =
let block =
match block with
| `Prevalidation -> `Head 0
| `Test_prevalidation -> `Test_head 0
| b -> b in
|||| cctxt block
|||| config block
@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
val genesis: Block_hash.t
val get_block_hash:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Block_hash.Table.key Lwt.t
Block_hash.Table.key tzresult Lwt.t
val get_block_info:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block_info Lwt.t
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block_info tzresult Lwt.t
@ -12,31 +12,27 @@ type ('a, 'b) lwt_format =
type cfg = {
(* network options. *)
node_addr : string ;
node_port : int ;
tls : bool ;
(* webclient options *)
web_port : int ;
(* misc options *)
base_dir : string ;
print_timings : bool ;
force : bool ;
block : Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block ;
type context =
{ config : cfg ;
error : 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) lwt_format -> 'a ;
warning : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
message : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
answer : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
log : 'a. string -> ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a }
type context = {
rpc_config : Client_rpcs.config ;
config : cfg ;
error : 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) lwt_format -> 'a ;
warning : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
message : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
answer : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
log : 'a. string -> ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
type command = (context, unit) Cli_entries.command
type command = (context, unit tzresult) Cli_entries.command
(* Default config *)
@ -44,14 +40,9 @@ let (//) = Filename.concat
let default_cfg_of_base_dir base_dir = {
base_dir ;
print_timings = false ;
force = false ;
block = `Prevalidation ;
node_addr = "" ;
node_port = 8732 ;
tls = false ;
web_port = 8080 ;
@ -63,7 +54,10 @@ let default_base_dir = home // ".tezos-client"
let default_cfg = default_cfg_of_base_dir default_base_dir
let make_context ?(config = default_cfg) log =
let make_context
?(config = default_cfg)
?(rpc_config = Client_rpcs.default_config)
log =
let error fmt =
(fun msg ->
@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ let make_context ?(config = default_cfg) log =
(fun msg -> log name msg)
fmt in
{ config ; error ; warning ; message ; answer ; log }
{ config ; rpc_config ; error ; warning ; message ; answer ; log }
let ignore_context =
make_context (fun _ _ -> Lwt.return ())
@ -12,29 +12,25 @@ type ('a, 'b) lwt_format =
type cfg = {
(* network options. *)
node_addr : string ;
node_port : int ;
tls : bool ;
(* webclient options *)
web_port : int ;
(* misc options *)
base_dir : string ;
print_timings : bool ;
force : bool ;
block : Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block ;
type context =
{ config : cfg ;
error : 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) lwt_format -> 'a ;
warning : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
message : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
answer : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
log : 'a. string -> ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a }
type context = {
rpc_config : Client_rpcs.config ;
config : cfg ;
error : 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) lwt_format -> 'a ;
warning : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
message : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
answer : 'a. ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
log : 'a. string -> ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a ;
(** This [context] allows the client {!command} handlers to work in
various modes (command line, batch mode, web client, etc.) by
abstracting some basic operations such as logging and reading
@ -48,6 +44,7 @@ val default_cfg : cfg
val make_context :
?config:cfg ->
?rpc_config:Client_rpcs.config ->
(string -> string -> unit Lwt.t) -> context
(** [make_context ?config log_fun] builds a context whose logging
callbacks call [log_fun section msg], and whose [error] function
@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ val ignore_context : context
(** [ignore_context] is a context whose logging callbacks do nothing,
and whose [error] function calls [Lwt.fail_with]. *)
type command = (context, unit) Cli_entries.command
type command = (context, unit tzresult) Cli_entries.command
exception Version_not_found
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
(* Tezos Command line interface - Generic JSON RPC interface *)
open Lwt
open Lwt.Infix
open Client_commands
open Cli_entries
open Json_schema
@ -44,92 +45,92 @@ let fill_in input schema =
| Some (m, `Inclusive) -> int_of_float m
| Some (m, `Exclusive) -> int_of_float m - 1 in
|||| minimum maximum title path >>= fun i ->
return (`Float (float i))
Lwt.return (`Float (float i))
| Number _ ->
input.float title path >>= fun f ->
return (`Float f)
Lwt.return (`Float f)
| Boolean ->
input.bool title path >>= fun f ->
return (`Bool f)
Lwt.return (`Bool f)
| String _ ->
input.string title path >>= fun f ->
return (`String f)
Lwt.return (`String f)
| Combine ((One_of | Any_of), elts) ->
let nb = List.length elts in
|||| 0 (nb - 1) (Some "Select the schema to follow") path >>= fun n ->
element path (List.nth elts n)
| Combine ((All_of | Not), _) -> fail Unsupported_construct
| Combine ((All_of | Not), _) -> Unsupported_construct
| Def_ref name ->
return (`String (Json_query.json_pointer_of_path name))
Lwt.return (`String (Json_query.json_pointer_of_path name))
| Id_ref _ | Ext_ref _ ->
fail Unsupported_construct
|||| Unsupported_construct
| Array (elts, _) ->
let rec fill_loop acc n ls =
match ls with
| [] -> return acc
| [] -> Lwt.return acc
| elt :: elts ->
element (string_of_int n :: path) elt >>= fun json ->
fill_loop (json :: acc) (succ n) elts
fill_loop [] 0 elts >>= fun acc ->
return (`A (List.rev acc))
Lwt.return (`A (List.rev acc))
| Object { properties } ->
let rec fill_loop acc ls =
match ls with
| [] -> return acc
| [] -> Lwt.return acc
| (n, elt, _, _) :: elts ->
element (n :: path) elt >>= fun json ->
fill_loop ((n, json) :: acc) elts
fill_loop [] properties >>= fun acc ->
return (`O (List.rev acc))
Lwt.return (`O (List.rev acc))
| Monomorphic_array (elt, specs) ->
let rec fill_loop acc min n max =
if n > max then
return acc
Lwt.return acc
element (string_of_int n :: path) elt >>= fun json ->
(if n < min then return true else input.continue title path) >>= function
(if n < min then Lwt.return true else input.continue title path) >>= function
| true -> fill_loop (json :: acc) min (succ n) max
| false -> return (json :: acc)
| false -> Lwt.return (json :: acc)
let max = match specs.max_items with None -> max_int | Some m -> m in
fill_loop [] specs.min_items 0 max >>= fun acc ->
return (`A (List.rev acc))
| Any -> fail Unsupported_construct
| Dummy -> fail Unsupported_construct
| Null -> return `Null
Lwt.return (`A (List.rev acc))
| Any -> Unsupported_construct
| Dummy -> Unsupported_construct
| Null -> Lwt.return `Null
element [] (Json_schema.root schema)
let random_fill_in schema =
let display _ = return () in
let display _ = Lwt.return () in
let int min max _ _ =
let max = Int64.of_int max
and min = Int64.of_int min in
let range = Int64.sub max min in
let random_int64 = Int64.add (Random.int64 range) min in
return (Int64.to_int random_int64) in
let string _title _ = return "" in
let float _ _ = return (Random.float infinity) in
let bool _ _ = return ( 2 = 0) in
let continue _ _ = return ( 4 = 0) in
Lwt.return (Int64.to_int random_int64) in
let string _title _ = Lwt.return "" in
let float _ _ = Lwt.return (Random.float infinity) in
let bool _ _ = Lwt.return ( 2 = 0) in
let continue _ _ = Lwt.return ( 4 = 0) in
(fun () ->
{ int ; float ; string ; bool ; display ; continue }
schema >>= fun json ->
return (Ok json))
Lwt.return (Ok json))
(fun e ->
let msg = Printf.sprintf "Fill-in failed %s\n%!" (Printexc.to_string e) in
return (Error msg))
Lwt.return (Error msg))
let editor_fill_in schema =
let tmp = Filename.temp_file "tezos_rpc_call_" ".json" in
let rec init () =
(* write a temp file with instructions *)
random_fill_in schema >>= function
| Error msg -> return (Error msg)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return (Error msg)
| Ok json ->
Lwt_io.(with_file Output tmp (fun fp ->
write_line fp (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json))) >>= fun () ->
@ -139,30 +140,30 @@ let editor_fill_in schema =
let editor_cmd =
try let ed = Sys.getenv "EDITOR" in (ed ^ " " ^ tmp)
with Not_found ->
try let ed = Sys.getenv "VISUAL" in (ed ^ " " ^ tmp)
with Not_found ->
if Sys.win32 then
(* TODO: I have no idea what I'm doing here *)
("", [| "notepad.exe" ; tmp |])
(* TODO: vi on MacOSX ? *)
("", [| "nano" ; tmp |])
try let ed = Sys.getenv "VISUAL" in (ed ^ " " ^ tmp)
with Not_found ->
if Sys.win32 then
(* TODO: I have no idea what I'm doing here *)
("", [| "notepad.exe" ; tmp |])
(* TODO: vi on MacOSX ? *)
("", [| "nano" ; tmp |])
(Lwt_process.open_process_none editor_cmd) # status >>= function
| Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
reread () >>= fun json ->
delete () >>= fun () ->
return json
Lwt.return json
| Unix.WSIGNALED x | Unix.WSTOPPED x | Unix.WEXITED x ->
let msg = Printf.sprintf "FAILED %d \n%!" x in
delete () >>= fun () ->
return (Error msg)
Lwt.return (Error msg)
and reread () =
(* finally reread the file *)
Lwt_io.(with_file Input tmp (fun fp -> read fp)) >>= fun text ->
match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string text with
| Ok r -> return (Ok r)
| Error msg -> return (Error (Printf.sprintf "bad input: %s" msg))
| Ok r -> Lwt.return (Ok r)
| Error msg -> Lwt.return (Error (Printf.sprintf "bad input: %s" msg))
and delete () =
(* and delete the temp file *)
Lwt_unix.unlink tmp
@ -194,7 +195,8 @@ let rec count =
let list url cctxt =
let args = Utils.split '/' url in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:true args >>= fun tree ->
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt.rpc_config
~recurse:true args >>=? fun tree ->
let open RPC.Description in
let collected_args = ref [] in
let collect arg =
@ -274,23 +276,26 @@ let list url cctxt =
cctxt.message "@ @[<v 2>Available services:@ @ %a@]@."
display (args, args, tree) >>= fun () ->
if !collected_args <> [] then
if !collected_args <> [] then begin
cctxt.message "@,@[<v 2>Dynamic parameter description:@ @ %a@]@."
(Format.pp_print_list display_arg) !collected_args
else Lwt.return ()
(Format.pp_print_list display_arg) !collected_args >>= fun () ->
return ()
end else return ()
let schema url cctxt =
let args = Utils.split '/' url in
let open RPC.Description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>= function
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt.rpc_config ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { service = Some { input ; output } } ->
cctxt.message "Input schema:\n%s\nOutput schema:\n%s\n%!"
(Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string (Json_schema.to_json input))
(Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string (Json_schema.to_json output))
(Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string (Json_schema.to_json output)) >>= fun () ->
return ()
| _ ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!"
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let fill_in schema =
let open Json_schema in
@ -302,32 +307,36 @@ let fill_in schema =
let call url cctxt =
let args = Utils.split '/' url in
let open RPC.Description in
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt ~recurse:false args >>= function
Client_node_rpcs.describe cctxt.rpc_config ~recurse:false args >>=? function
| Static { service = Some { input } } -> begin
fill_in input >>= function
| Error msg ->
cctxt.error "%s" msg
cctxt.error "%s" msg >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Ok json ->
Client_node_rpcs.get_json cctxt `POST args json >>= fun json ->
Client_rpcs.get_json cctxt.rpc_config `POST args json >>=? fun json ->
"Output:\n%s\n%!" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json)
"Output:\n%s\n%!" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json) >>= fun () ->
return ()
| _ ->
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!"
"No service found at this URL (but this is a valid prefix)\n%!" >>= fun () ->
return ()
let call_with_json url json (cctxt: Client_commands.context) =
let args = Utils.split '/' url in
match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string json with
| Error err ->
"Failed to parse the proviede json: %s\n%!"
"Failed to parse the provided json: %s\n%!"
| Ok json ->
let open RPC.Description in
Client_node_rpcs.get_json cctxt `POST args json >>= fun json ->
Client_rpcs.get_json cctxt.rpc_config `POST args json >>=? fun json ->
"Output:\n%s\n%!" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json)
"Output:\n%s\n%!" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json) >>= fun () ->
return ()
let group =
{ = "rpc" ;
@ -339,7 +348,8 @@ let commands = [
(fun cctxt ->
(fun (ver, _) -> cctxt.Client_commands.message "%a" Protocol_hash.pp_short ver)
(Client_commands.get_versions ())) ;
(Client_commands.get_versions ()) >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "list available RPCs (low level command for advanced users)"
(prefixes [ "rpc" ; "list" ] @@ stop)
(list "/");
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
open Client_config
let unique = ref false
@ -28,25 +29,31 @@ let commands () = Cli_entries.[
~desc: "the prefix of the Base58Check-encoded hash to be completed" @@
(fun prefix cctxt ->
Client_node_rpcs.complete cctxt ~block:cctxt.config.block prefix >>= fun completions ->
cctxt.rpc_config ~block:cctxt.config.block prefix >>=? fun completions ->
match completions with
| [] -> Pervasives.exit 3
| _ :: _ :: _ when !unique -> Pervasives.exit 3
| completions ->
List.iter print_endline completions ;
Lwt.return_unit) ;
return ()) ;
~desc: "Wait for the node to be bootstrapped."
~args: []
(prefixes [ "bootstrapped" ] @@
(fun cctxt ->
Client_node_rpcs.bootstrapped cctxt >>= fun stream ->
Lwt_stream.iter_s (fun (hash, time) ->
cctxt.message "Current head: %a (%a)"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Time.pp_hum time
Client_node_rpcs.bootstrapped cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun stream ->
Lwt_stream.iter_s (function
| Ok (hash, time) ->
cctxt.message "Current head: %a (%a)"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Time.pp_hum time
| Error err ->
cctxt.error "Error: %a"
pp_print_error err
) stream >>= fun () ->
cctxt.answer "Bootstrapped."
cctxt.answer "Bootstrapped." >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ let gen_keys ?seed cctxt name =
Secret_key.add cctxt name secret_key >>= fun () ->
Public_key.add cctxt name public_key >>= fun () ->
Public_key_hash.add cctxt name (Ed25519.Public_key.hash public_key) >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "I generated a brand new pair of keys under the name '%s'." name
cctxt.message "I generated a brand new pair of keys under the name '%s'." name >>= fun () ->
return ()
let check_keys_consistency pk sk =
let message = MBytes.of_string "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir ?" in
@ -116,19 +117,22 @@ let commands () =
@@ Secret_key.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun name sk cctxt ->
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
Public_key.find cctxt name >>= fun pk ->
if check_keys_consistency pk sk || cctxt.config.force then
Secret_key.add cctxt name sk
"public and secret keys '%s' don't correspond, \
please don't use -force true" name)
| Not_found ->
Lwt.catch (fun () ->
Public_key.find cctxt name >>= fun pk ->
if check_keys_consistency pk sk || cctxt.config.force then
Secret_key.add cctxt name sk
"no public key named '%s', add it before adding the secret key" name
| exn -> exn)) ;
"public and secret keys '%s' don't correspond, \
please don't use -force true" name)
| Not_found ->
"no public key named '%s', add it before adding the secret key" name
| exn -> exn)
end >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "add a public key to the wallet"
(prefixes [ "add" ; "public" ; "key" ]
@@ Public_key.fresh_alias_param
@ -136,14 +140,16 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun name key cctxt ->
Public_key_hash.add cctxt name (Ed25519.Public_key.hash key) >>= fun () ->
Public_key.add cctxt name key) ;
Public_key.add cctxt name key >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "add an ID a public key hash to the wallet"
(prefixes [ "add" ; "identity" ]
@@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param
@@ Public_key_hash.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun name hash cctxt ->
Public_key_hash.add cctxt name hash) ;
Public_key_hash.add cctxt name hash >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "list all public key hashes and associated keys"
(fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "identities" ])
(fun cctxt ->
@ -153,14 +159,18 @@ let commands () =
cctxt.message "%s: %s%s%s" name v
(if pkm then " (public key known)" else "")
(if pks then " (secret key known)" else ""))
l) ;
l >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "forget all keys"
(fixed [ "forget" ; "all" ; "keys" ])
(fun cctxt ->
if not cctxt.config.force then
cctxt.Client_commands.error "this can only used with option -force true"
|||| cctxt [] >>= fun () ->
|||| cctxt [] >>= fun () ->
|||| cctxt []) ;
if not cctxt.config.force then
cctxt.Client_commands.error "this can only used with option -force true"
|||| cctxt [] >>= fun () ->
|||| cctxt [] >>= fun () ->
|||| cctxt []
end >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ val gen_keys:
?seed: Sodium.Sign.seed ->
Client_commands.context ->
string ->
unit Lwt.t
unit tzresult Lwt.t
val commands: unit -> Client_commands.command list
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
let group =
{ = "network" ;
title = "Commands for monitoring and controlling network state" }
@ -15,10 +17,10 @@ let commands () = [
let open Cli_entries in
command ~group ~desc: "show global network status"
(prefixes ["network" ; "stat"] stop) begin fun cctxt ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.stat cctxt >>= fun stat ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.connections cctxt >>= fun conns ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.peers cctxt >>= fun peers ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.points cctxt >>= fun points ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.stat cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun stat ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.connections cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun conns ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.peers cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun peers ->
Client_node_rpcs.Network.points cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun points ->
cctxt.message "GLOBAL STATS" >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message " %a" P2p_types.Stat.pp stat >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "CONNECTIONS" >>= fun () ->
@ -64,6 +66,6 @@ let commands () = [
Point.pp p
(if pi.trusted then "★" else " ")
end points >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -9,153 +9,46 @@
(* Tezos Command line interface - RPC Calls *)
open Lwt
open Cli_entries
open Client_commands
open Logging.RPC
let log_request { log } cpt url req =
log "requests" ">>>>%d: %s\n%s\n" cpt url req
let log_response { log } cpt code ans =
log "requests" "<<<<%d: %s\n%s\n" cpt (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code) ans
let cpt = ref 0
let make_request cctxt meth service json =
incr cpt ;
let cpt = !cpt in
let scheme = if cctxt.config.tls then "https" else "http" in
let host = cctxt.config.node_addr in
let port = cctxt.config.node_port in
let path = String.concat "/" service in
let uri = Uri.make ~scheme ~host ~port ~path () in
let string_uri = Uri.to_string uri in
let reqbody = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json in
let tzero = Unix.gettimeofday () in
(fun () ->
let body = Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string reqbody in
|||| meth ~body uri >>= fun (code, ansbody) ->
log_request cctxt cpt string_uri reqbody >>= fun () ->
return (cpt, Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero,
code.Cohttp.Response.status, ansbody))
(fun e ->
let msg = match e with
| Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Unix.error_message e
| e -> Printexc.to_string e in
cctxt.error "cannot connect to the RPC server (%s)" msg)
let get_streamed_json cctxt meth service json =
make_request cctxt meth service json >>= fun (_cpt, time, code, ansbody) ->
let ansbody = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_stream ansbody in
match code, ansbody with
| #Cohttp.Code.success_status, ansbody ->
(if cctxt.config.print_timings then
cctxt.message "Request to /%s succeeded in %gs"
(String.concat "/" service) time
else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (
| Ok v -> Lwt.return (Some v)
| Error msg ->
"Failed to parse json: %s" msg >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return None)
(Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_stream ansbody))
| err, _ansbody ->
(if cctxt.config.print_timings then
cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed in %gs"
(String.concat "/" service) time
else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed, server returned %s"
(String.concat "/" service) (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "the RPC server returned a non-success status (%s)"
(Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err)
let get_json cctxt meth service json =
make_request cctxt meth service json >>= fun (cpt, time, code, ansbody) ->
Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string ansbody >>= fun ansbody ->
match code, ansbody with
| #Cohttp.Code.success_status, ansbody -> begin
(if cctxt.config.print_timings then
cctxt.message "Request to /%s succeeded in %gs"
(String.concat "/" service) time
else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
log_response cctxt cpt code ansbody >>= fun () ->
if ansbody = "" then Lwt.return `Null
else match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string ansbody with
| Error _ -> cctxt.error "the RPC server returned malformed JSON"
| Ok res -> Lwt.return res
| err, _ansbody ->
(if cctxt.config.print_timings then
cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed in %gs"
(String.concat "/" service) time
else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed, server returned %s"
(String.concat "/" service) (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "the RPC server returned a non-success status (%s)"
(Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err)
exception Unknown_error of Data_encoding.json
let parse_answer cctxt service path json =
match RPC.read_answer service json with
| Error msg -> (* TODO print_error *)
cctxt.error "request to /%s returned wrong JSON (%s)\n%s"
(String.concat "/" path) msg (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json)
| Ok v -> return v
let call_service0 cctxt service arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_service1 cctxt service a1 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service ((), a1) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_service2 cctxt service a1 a2 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service (((), a1), a2) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_streamed_service0 cctxt service arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_streamed_json cctxt meth path arg >|= fun st ->
Lwt_stream.map_s (parse_answer cctxt service path) st
open Client_rpcs
module Services = Node_rpc_services
let errors cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Error.service ()
let forge_block cctxt ?net ?predecessor ?timestamp fitness ops header =
call_service0 cctxt Services.forge_block
(net, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, ops, header)
let validate_block cctxt net block =
call_service0 cctxt Services.validate_block (net, block)
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.validate_block (net, block)
let inject_block cctxt ?(async = false) ?(force = false) raw operations =
call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_block
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_block
{ raw ; blocking = not async ; force ; operations }
let inject_operation cctxt ?(async = false) ?force operation =
call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_operation (operation, not async, force)
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_operation
(operation, not async, force)
let inject_protocol cctxt ?(async = false) ?force protocol =
call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_protocol (protocol, not async, force)
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_protocol
(protocol, not async, force)
let bootstrapped cctxt =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.bootstrapped ()
let complete cctxt ?block prefix =
match block with
| None ->
call_service1 cctxt Services.complete prefix ()
| Some block ->
call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix ()
let describe cctxt ?recurse path =
let meth, prefix, arg = RPC.forge_request Services.describe () recurse in
get_json cctxt meth (prefix @ path) arg >>=
parse_answer cctxt Services.describe prefix
let describe config ?recurse path =
call_describe0 config Services.describe path recurse
module Blocks = struct
type block = Services.Blocks.block
type block_info = Services.Blocks.block_info = {
@ -181,18 +74,30 @@ module Blocks = struct
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
let net cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt h ()
let predecessor cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessor h ()
let predecessors cctxt h l = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessors h l
let hash cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.hash h ()
let timestamp cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.timestamp h ()
let fitness cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt h ()
let operations cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.operations h ()
let protocol cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.protocol h ()
let test_protocol cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_protocol h ()
let test_network cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_network h ()
let net cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt h ()
let predecessor cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessor h ()
let predecessors cctxt h l =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessors h l
let hash cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.hash h ()
let timestamp cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.timestamp h ()
let fitness cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt h ()
let operations cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.operations h ()
let protocol cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.protocol h ()
let test_protocol cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_protocol h ()
let test_network cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_network h ()
let preapply cctxt h ?timestamp ?(sort = false) operations =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.preapply h { operations ; sort ; timestamp }
cctxt Services.Blocks.preapply h
{ operations ; sort ; timestamp }
let pending_operations cctxt block =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.pending_operations block ()
let info cctxt ?(operations = true) ?(data = true) h =
@ -209,30 +114,44 @@ module Blocks = struct
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list
{ operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some true ; delay ;
min_date ; min_heads }
module Operations = struct
let contents cctxt hashes =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Operations.contents hashes ()
let monitor cctxt ?contents () =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Operations.list
{ monitor = Some true ; contents }
module Protocols = struct
let contents cctxt hash =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Protocols.contents hash ()
let list cctxt ?contents () =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Protocols.list { contents; monitor = Some false }
cctxt Services.Protocols.list
{ contents; monitor = Some false }
module Network = struct
let stat cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.stat ()
let connections cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Connection.list ()
let peers cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Peer_id.list []
let points cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Point.list []
@ -7,19 +7,20 @@
(* *)
open Client_rpcs
val errors:
Client_commands.context ->
Json_schema.schema Lwt.t
config -> Json_schema.schema tzresult Lwt.t
val forge_block:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?net:Net_id.t ->
?predecessor:Block_hash.t ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
|||| ->
Operation_list_list_hash.t ->
MBytes.t ->
MBytes.t Lwt.t
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [forge_block cctxt ?net ?predecessor ?timestamp fitness ops
proto_hdr] returns the serialization of a block header with
[proto_hdr] as protocol-specific part. The arguments [?net] and
@ -27,12 +28,12 @@ val forge_block:
and [?timestamp] defaults to [ ()]. *)
val validate_block:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
Net_id.t -> Block_hash.t ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_block:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool ->
MBytes.t -> Operation_hash.t list list ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -43,13 +44,13 @@ val inject_block:
fitness. *)
val inject_operation:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool ->
MBytes.t ->
Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val inject_protocol:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?async:bool -> ?force:bool ->
Tezos_compiler.Protocol.t ->
Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -64,39 +65,40 @@ module Blocks : sig
val net:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Net_id.t Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Net_id.t tzresult Lwt.t
val predecessor:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Block_hash.t Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val predecessors:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> int -> Block_hash.t list Lwt.t
config ->
block -> int -> Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val hash:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Block_hash.t Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val timestamp:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Time.t Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t
val fitness:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> MBytes.t list Lwt.t
config ->
block -> MBytes.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val operations:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Operation_hash.t list list Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Operation_hash.t list list tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Protocol_hash.t Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val test_protocol:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Protocol_hash.t option Lwt.t
config ->
block -> Protocol_hash.t option tzresult Lwt.t
val test_network:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> (Net_id.t * Time.t) option Lwt.t
config ->
block -> (Net_id.t * Time.t) option tzresult Lwt.t
val pending_operations:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> (error Updater.preapply_result * Operation_hash.Set.t) Lwt.t
config ->
block ->
(error Updater.preapply_result * Operation_hash.Set.t) tzresult Lwt.t
type block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
@ -113,20 +115,20 @@ module Blocks : sig
val info:
Client_commands.context ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> block -> block_info Lwt.t
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
val list:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
unit -> block_info list list Lwt.t
unit -> block_info list list tzresult Lwt.t
val monitor:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?operations:bool -> ?data:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
unit -> block_info list list Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
unit -> block_info list list tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
type preapply_result = {
operations: error Updater.preapply_result ;
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ module Blocks : sig
val preapply:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
block ->
?timestamp:Time.t ->
?sort:bool ->
@ -146,63 +148,54 @@ end
module Operations : sig
val contents:
Client_commands.context ->
Operation_hash.t list -> Store.Operation.t list Lwt.t
config ->
Operation_hash.t list -> Store.Operation.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val monitor:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?contents:bool -> unit ->
(Operation_hash.t * Store.Operation.t option) list list Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
(Operation_hash.t * Store.Operation.t option) list list tzresult
Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Protocols : sig
val contents:
Client_commands.context ->
Protocol_hash.t -> Store.Protocol.t Lwt.t
config ->
Protocol_hash.t -> Store.Protocol.t tzresult Lwt.t
val list:
Client_commands.context ->
config ->
?contents:bool -> unit ->
(Protocol_hash.t * Store.Protocol.t option) list Lwt.t
(Protocol_hash.t * Store.Protocol.t option) list tzresult Lwt.t
val bootstrapped:
Client_commands.context -> (Block_hash.t * Time.t) Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
config -> (Block_hash.t * Time.t) tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Network : sig
val stat:
Client_commands.context -> P2p_types.Stat.t Lwt.t
config -> P2p_types.Stat.t tzresult Lwt.t
val connections:
Client_commands.context -> P2p_types.Connection_info.t list Lwt.t
config -> P2p_types.Connection_info.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val peers:
Client_commands.context -> (P2p.Peer_id.t * list Lwt.t
config -> (P2p.Peer_id.t * list tzresult Lwt.t
val points:
Client_commands.context -> (P2p.Point.t * list Lwt.t
config -> (P2p.Point.t * list tzresult Lwt.t
val complete:
Client_commands.context ->
?block:Blocks.block -> string -> string list Lwt.t
config ->
?block:Blocks.block -> string -> string list tzresult Lwt.t
val describe:
Client_commands.context ->
?recurse:bool -> string list -> RPC.Description.directory_descr Lwt.t
(** Low-level *)
val get_json:
Client_commands.context ->
RPC.meth -> string list -> Data_encoding.json -> Data_encoding.json Lwt.t
val call_service0:
Client_commands.context ->
(unit, unit, 'i, 'o) RPC.service -> 'i -> 'o Lwt.t
val call_service1:
Client_commands.context ->
(unit, unit * 'a, 'i, 'o) RPC.service -> 'a -> 'i -> 'o Lwt.t
val call_service2:
Client_commands.context ->
(unit, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'i, 'o) RPC.service -> 'a -> 'b -> 'i -> 'o Lwt.t
config ->
?recurse:bool -> string list ->
RPC.Description.directory_descr tzresult Lwt.t
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
let group =
{ = "protocols" ;
title = "Commands for managing protocols" }
@ -24,8 +26,9 @@ let commands () =
command ~group ~desc: "list known protocols"
(prefixes [ "list" ; "protocols" ] stop)
(fun cctxt ->
Client_node_rpcs.Protocols.list cctxt ~contents:false () >>= fun protos ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (ph, _p) -> cctxt.message "%a" Protocol_hash.pp ph) protos
Client_node_rpcs.Protocols.list cctxt.rpc_config ~contents:false () >>=? fun protos ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (ph, _p) -> cctxt.message "%a" Protocol_hash.pp ph) protos >>= fun () ->
return ()
command ~group ~desc: "inject a new protocol to the shell database"
(prefixes [ "inject" ; "protocol" ]
@ -35,24 +38,30 @@ let commands () =
(fun () ->
let proto = Tezos_compiler.Protocol.of_dir dirname in
Client_node_rpcs.inject_protocol cctxt proto >>= function
Client_node_rpcs.inject_protocol cctxt.rpc_config proto >>= function
| Ok hash ->
cctxt.message "Injected protocol %a successfully" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash
cctxt.message "Injected protocol %a successfully" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error err ->
cctxt.error "Error while injecting protocol from %s: %a"
dirname Error_monad.pp_print_error err)
dirname Error_monad.pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
return ())
(fun exn ->
cctxt.error "Error while injecting protocol from %s: %a"
dirname Error_monad.pp_print_error [Error_monad.Exn exn])
dirname Error_monad.pp_print_error [Error_monad.Exn exn] >>= fun () ->
return ())
command ~group ~desc: "dump a protocol from the shell database"
(prefixes [ "dump" ; "protocol" ]
@@ param ~name:"protocol hash" ~desc:"" check_hash
@@ stop)
(fun ph cctxt ->
Client_node_rpcs.Protocols.contents cctxt ph >>= fun proto ->
Client_node_rpcs.Protocols.contents cctxt.rpc_config ph >>=? fun proto ->
Updater.extract "" ph proto >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Extracted protocol %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short ph) ;
cctxt.message "Extracted protocol %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short ph >>= fun () ->
return ()
) ;
(* | Error err -> *)
(* cctxt.error "Error while dumping protocol %a: %a" *)
(* Protocol_hash.pp_short ph Error_monad.pp_print_error err); *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Error_monad
open Lwt.Infix
type logger = Logger : {
log_request: Uri.t -> Data_encoding.json -> 'a Lwt.t ;
'a -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> Data_encoding.json -> unit Lwt.t ;
'a -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string -> unit Lwt.t ;
} -> logger
type config = {
host : string ;
port : int ;
tls : bool ;
logger : logger ;
let null_logger =
Logger {
log_request = (fun _ _ -> Lwt.return_unit) ;
log_success = (fun _ _ _ -> Lwt.return_unit) ;
log_error = (fun _ _ _ -> Lwt.return_unit) ;
let timings_logger ppf =
Logger {
log_request = begin fun url _body ->
let tzero = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let url = Uri.to_string url in
Lwt.return (url, tzero)
end ;
log_success = begin fun (url, tzero) _code _body ->
let time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero in
Format.fprintf ppf "Request to %s succeeded in %gs" url time ;
end ;
log_error = begin fun (url, tzero) _code _body ->
let time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero in
Format.fprintf ppf "Request to %s failed in %gs" url time ;
end ;
let full_logger ppf =
let cpt = ref 0 in
Logger {
log_request = begin fun url body ->
let id = !cpt in
let url = Uri.to_string url in
let body = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string body in
incr cpt ;
Format.fprintf ppf ">>>>%d: %s\n%s@." id url body ;
Lwt.return (id, url)
end ;
log_success = begin fun (id, _url) code body ->
let code = Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code in
let body = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string body in
Format.fprintf ppf "<<<<%d: %s\n%s@." id code body ;
end ;
log_error = begin fun (id, _url) code body ->
let code = Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code in
Format.fprintf ppf "<<<<%d: %s\n%s@." id code body ;
end ;
let default_config = {
host = "localhost" ;
port = 8732 ;
tls = false ;
logger = null_logger ;
type rpc_error =
| Cannot_connect_to_RPC_server of string
| Request_failed of string list * Cohttp.Code.status_code
| Malformed_json of string list * string * string
| Unexpected_json of string list * Data_encoding.json * string
type error += RPC_error of config * rpc_error
let fail config err = fail (RPC_error (config, err))
let make_request config log_request meth service json =
let scheme = if config.tls then "https" else "http" in
let path = String.concat "/" service in
let uri =
Uri.make ~scheme ~port:config.port ~path () in
let reqbody = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json in
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
let body = Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string reqbody in
|||| meth ~body uri >>= fun (code, ansbody) ->
log_request uri json >>= fun reqid ->
return (reqid, code.Cohttp.Response.status, ansbody)
end begin fun e ->
let msg = match e with
| Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Unix.error_message e
| e -> Printexc.to_string e in
fail config (Cannot_connect_to_RPC_server msg)
let get_streamed_json config meth service json =
let Logger logger = config.logger in
make_request config logger.log_request
meth service json >>=? fun (reqid, code, ansbody) ->
match code with
| #Cohttp.Code.success_status ->
let ansbody = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_stream ansbody in
let json_st = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_stream ansbody in
let parsed_st, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let rec loop () =
Lwt_stream.get json_st >>= function
| Some (Ok json) as v ->
push v ;
logger.log_success reqid code json >>= fun () ->
loop ()
| None ->
push None ;
| Some (Error msg) ->
let error =
RPC_error (config, Malformed_json (service, "", msg)) in
push (Some (Error [error])) ;
push None ;
Lwt.async loop ;
return parsed_st
| err ->
Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string ansbody >>= fun ansbody ->
logger.log_error reqid code ansbody >>= fun () ->
fail config (Request_failed (service, err))
let get_json config meth service json =
let Logger logger = config.logger in
make_request config logger.log_request
meth service json >>=? fun (reqid, code, ansbody) ->
Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string ansbody >>= fun ansbody ->
match code with
| #Cohttp.Code.success_status -> begin
if ansbody = "" then
return `Null
match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string ansbody with
| Error msg ->
logger.log_error reqid code ansbody >>= fun () ->
fail config (Malformed_json (service, ansbody, msg))
| Ok json ->
logger.log_success reqid code json >>= fun () ->
return json
| err ->
logger.log_error reqid code ansbody >>= fun () ->
fail config (Request_failed (service, err))
let parse_answer config service path json =
match RPC.read_answer service json with
| Error msg -> (* TODO print_error *)
fail config (Unexpected_json (path, json, msg))
| Ok v -> return v
let call_service0 cctxt service arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_service1 cctxt service a1 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service ((), a1) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_service2 cctxt service a1 a2 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service (((), a1), a2) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service path json
let call_streamed_service0 cctxt service arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_streamed_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json_st ->
let parsed_st, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let rec loop () =
Lwt_stream.get json_st >>= function
| Some (Ok json) -> begin
parse_answer cctxt service path json >>= function
| Ok v -> push (Some (Ok v)) ; loop ()
| Error _ as err ->
push (Some err) ; push None ; Lwt.return_unit
| Some (Error _) as v ->
push v ; push None ; Lwt.return_unit
| None -> push None ; Lwt.return_unit
Lwt.async loop ;
return parsed_st
let parse_err_answer config service path json =
match RPC.read_answer service json with
| Error msg -> (* TODO print_error *)
fail config (Unexpected_json (path, json, msg))
| Ok v -> Lwt.return v
let call_err_service0 cctxt service arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_err_answer cctxt service path json
let call_err_service1 cctxt service a1 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service ((), a1) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_err_answer cctxt service path json
let call_err_service2 cctxt service a1 a2 arg =
let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service (((), a1), a2) arg in
get_json cctxt meth path arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_err_answer cctxt service path json
let call_describe0 cctxt service path arg =
let meth, prefix, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in
get_json cctxt meth (prefix @ path) arg >>=? fun json ->
parse_answer cctxt service prefix json
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type config = {
host : string ;
port : int ;
tls : bool ;
logger : logger ;
and logger =
Logger : {
log_request : Uri.t -> Data_encoding.json -> 'a Lwt.t ;
log_success :
'a -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> Data_encoding.json -> unit Lwt.t ;
log_error :
'a -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string -> unit Lwt.t ;
} -> logger
val default_config: config
val null_logger: logger
val timings_logger: Format.formatter -> logger
val full_logger: Format.formatter -> logger
val get_json:
config ->
RPC.meth -> string list -> Data_encoding.json ->
Data_encoding.json tzresult Lwt.t
val call_service0:
config ->
(unit, unit, 'i, 'o) RPC.service ->
'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_service1:
config ->
(unit, unit * 'a, 'i, 'o) RPC.service ->
'a -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_service2:
config ->
(unit, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'i, 'o) RPC.service ->
'a -> 'b -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_streamed_service0:
config ->
(unit, unit, 'a, 'b) RPC.service ->
'a -> ('b, error list) result Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service0:
config ->
(unit, unit, 'i, 'o tzresult) RPC.service ->
'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service1:
config ->
(unit, unit * 'a, 'i, 'o tzresult) RPC.service ->
'a -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_err_service2:
config ->
(unit, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'i, 'o tzresult) RPC.service ->
'a -> 'b -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t
val call_describe0:
config ->
(unit, unit, 'a, 'b) RPC.service ->
string list -> 'a -> 'b tzresult Lwt.t
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module Tags (Entity : Entity) : sig
val tag_param:
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
('a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params ->
(Tag.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params
('a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params ->
(Tag.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params
val rev_find_by_tag:
Client_commands.context ->
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let convert_block_info_err cctxt
return { hash ; predecessor ; fitness ; timestamp ; protocol ; level }
let info cctxt ?operations block =
|||| cctxt ?operations block >>= fun block ->
|||| cctxt ?operations block >>=? fun block ->
convert_block_info_err cctxt block
let compare (bi1 : block_info) (bi2 : block_info) =
@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ let monitor cctxt
?min_date ?min_heads ?compare () =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.monitor cctxt
?operations ?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads
() >>= fun block_stream ->
let convert blocks = sort_blocks cctxt ?compare (List.flatten blocks) in
Lwt.return (Lwt_stream.map_s convert block_stream)
() >>=? fun block_stream ->
let convert blocks =
Lwt.return blocks >>=? fun blocks ->
sort_blocks cctxt ?compare (List.flatten blocks) >>= return in
return (Lwt_stream.map_s convert block_stream)
let blocks_from_cycle cctxt block cycle =
let block =
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ let blocks_from_cycle cctxt block cycle =
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.levels cctxt block cycle >>=? fun (first, last) ->
let length = Int32.to_int (Raw_level.diff level.level first) in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessors cctxt block length >>= fun blocks ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessors cctxt block length >>=? fun blocks ->
let blocks =
(length - (1 + Int32.to_int (Raw_level.diff last first))) blocks in
@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ type block_info = {
val info:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
?operations:bool -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
val compare:
block_info -> block_info -> int
val monitor:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
?operations:bool -> ?length:int -> ?heads:Block_hash.t list ->
?delay:int -> ?min_date:Time.t -> ?min_heads:int ->
?compare:(block_info -> block_info -> int) ->
unit -> block_info list Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
unit -> block_info list tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
val blocks_from_cycle:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Cycle.t ->
Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
open Logging.Client.Mining
let run cctxt ?max_priority ~delay ?min_date delegates =
@ -14,33 +15,36 @@ let run cctxt ?max_priority ~delay ?min_date delegates =
let endorsement =
if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !endorsement) then
cctxt ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>= fun block_stream ->
Client_mining_endorsement.create cctxt ~delay delegates block_stream
cctxt.rpc_config ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>=? fun block_stream ->
Client_mining_endorsement.create cctxt ~delay delegates block_stream >>= fun () ->
return ()
return ()
let denunciation =
if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !denunciation) then
cctxt >>= fun endorsement_stream ->
Client_mining_denunciation.create cctxt endorsement_stream
cctxt.rpc_config >>=? fun endorsement_stream ->
Client_mining_denunciation.create cctxt endorsement_stream >>= fun () ->
return ()
return ()
let forge =
if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !mining) then begin
cctxt ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>= fun block_stream ->
cctxt.rpc_config ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>=? fun block_stream ->
(* Temporary desactivate the monitoring of endorsement:
too slow for now. *)
(* Client_mining_operations.monitor_endorsement *)
(* cctxt >>= fun endorsement_stream -> *)
let endorsement_stream, _push = Lwt_stream.create () in
Client_mining_forge.create cctxt
?max_priority delegates block_stream endorsement_stream
?max_priority delegates block_stream endorsement_stream >>=? fun () ->
return ()
end else
return ()
denunciation >>= fun () ->
endorsement >>= fun () ->
denunciation >>=? fun () ->
endorsement >>=? fun () ->
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ val run:
?max_priority: int ->
delay: int ->
?min_date: Time.t ->
public_key_hash list -> unit Lwt.t
public_key_hash list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ let create cctxt endorsement_stream =
(* (timeout >|= fun () -> `Timeout) ; *)
(get_endorsement () >|= fun e -> `Endorsement e) ;
] >>= function
| `Endorsement None ->
| `Endorsement (None | Some (Error _)) ->
| `Endorsement (Some e) ->
| `Endorsement (Some (Ok e)) ->
last_get_endorsement := None ;
|||| cctxt
e.Client_mining_operations.source >>= fun source ->
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
val create:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement Lwt_stream.t ->
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement tzresult Lwt_stream.t ->
unit Lwt.t
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open Logging.Client.Endorsement
open Client_commands
open Cli_entries
module Ed25519 = Environment.Ed25519
@ -118,9 +119,9 @@ let get_signing_slots cctxt ?max_priority block delegate level =
let inject_endorsement cctxt
block level ?async ?force
src_sk source slot =
Client_blocks.get_block_hash cctxt block >>= fun block_hash ->
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Delegate.endorsement cctxt
Client_blocks.get_block_hash cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun block_hash ->
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Delegate.endorsement cctxt.rpc_config
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ let inject_endorsement cctxt
() >>=? fun bytes ->
let signed_bytes = Ed25519.Signature.append src_sk bytes in
cctxt ?force ?async signed_bytes >>=? fun oph ->
cctxt.rpc_config ?force ?async signed_bytes >>=? fun oph ->
State.record_endorsement cctxt level block_hash slot oph >>=? fun () ->
return oph
@ -157,14 +158,14 @@ let forge_endorsement cctxt
| `Test_prevalidation -> `Test_head 0
| _ -> block in
let src_pkh = Ed25519.Public_key.hash src_pk in
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun level ->
let level = Raw_level.succ level.level in
match slot with
| Some slot -> return slot
| None ->
cctxt ?max_priority block src_pkh level >>=? function
cctxt.rpc_config ?max_priority block src_pkh level >>=? function
| slot::_ -> return slot
| [] -> cctxt.error "No slot found at level %a" Raw_level.pp level
end >>=? fun slot ->
@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ let schedule_endorsements cctxt state bis =
Block_hash.pp_short block.hash name >>= fun () ->
let b = `Hash block.hash in
let level = Raw_level.succ block.level.level in
get_signing_slots cctxt b delegate level >>=? fun slots ->
get_signing_slots cctxt.rpc_config b delegate level >>=? fun slots ->
lwt_debug "Found slots for %a/%s (%d)"
Block_hash.pp_short block.hash name (List.length slots) >>= fun () ->
@ -341,9 +342,9 @@ let compute_timeout state =
let create cctxt ~delay contracts block_stream =
lwt_log_info "Starting endorsement daemon" >>= fun () ->
Lwt_stream.get block_stream >>= function
| None | Some [] ->
| None | Some (Ok []) | Some (Error _) ->
cctxt.Client_commands.error "Can't fetch the current block head."
| Some (bi :: _ as initial_heads) ->
| Some (Ok (bi :: _ as initial_heads)) ->
let last_get_block = ref None in
let get_block () =
match !last_get_block with
@ -357,9 +358,9 @@ let create cctxt ~delay contracts block_stream =
let timeout = compute_timeout state in
Lwt.choose [ (timeout >|= fun () -> `Timeout) ;
(get_block () >|= fun b -> `Hash b) ] >>= function
| `Hash None ->
| `Hash (None | Some (Error _)) ->
| `Hash (Some bis) ->
| `Hash (Some (Ok bis)) ->
Lwt.cancel timeout ;
last_get_block := None ;
schedule_endorsements cctxt state bis >>= fun () ->
@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ val create:
Client_commands.context ->
delay: int ->
public_key_hash list ->
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list Lwt_stream.t ->
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list tzresult Lwt_stream.t ->
unit Lwt.t
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
open Logging.Client.Mining
module Ed25519 = Environment.Ed25519
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ let inject_block cctxt block
~priority ~timestamp ~fitness ~seed_nonce
~src_sk operation_list =
let block = match block with `Prevalidation -> `Head 0 | block -> block in
|||| cctxt block >>= fun bi ->
|||| cctxt block >>=? fun bi ->
let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
let operations =
@ -89,11 +91,11 @@ let forge_block cctxt block
match operations with
| None ->
cctxt block >|= fun (ops, pendings) ->
Operation_hash.Set.elements @@
Operation_hash.Set.union (Updater.operations ops) pendings
| Some operations -> Lwt.return operations
end >>= fun operations ->
cctxt block >>=? fun (ops, pendings) ->
return (Operation_hash.Set.elements @@
Operation_hash.Set.union (Updater.operations ops) pendings)
| Some operations -> return operations
end >>=? fun operations ->
match priority with
| `Set prio -> begin
@ -304,24 +306,24 @@ let compute_timeout { future_slots } =
Lwt_unix.sleep (Int64.to_float delay)
let get_unrevealed_nonces cctxt ?(force = false) block =
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun level ->
let cur_cycle = level.cycle in
match Cycle.pred cur_cycle with
| None -> return []
| Some cycle ->
cctxt block cycle >>=? fun blocks ->
cctxt.rpc_config block cycle >>=? fun blocks ->
map_filter_s (fun hash ->
Client_proto_nonces.find cctxt hash >>= function
| None -> return None
| Some nonce ->
cctxt (`Hash hash) >>=? fun level ->
cctxt.rpc_config (`Hash hash) >>=? fun level ->
if force then
return (Some (hash, (level.level, nonce)))
cctxt block level.level >>=? function
cctxt.rpc_config block level.level >>=? function
| Missing nonce_hash
when Nonce.check_hash nonce nonce_hash ->
cctxt.warning "Found nonce for %a (level: %a)@."
@ -362,7 +364,7 @@ let insert_block
~before:(Time.add (-1800L)) state ;
end ;
get_delegates cctxt state >>= fun delegates ->
get_mining_slot cctxt ?max_priority bi delegates >>= function
get_mining_slot cctxt.rpc_config ?max_priority bi delegates >>= function
| None ->
"Can't compute slot for %a" Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash >>= fun () ->
@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ let insert_blocks cctxt ?max_priority state bis =
let mine cctxt state =
let slots = pop_mining_slots state in
(fun (timestamp, (bi, prio, delegate)) ->
let block = `Hash bi.Client_mining_blocks.hash in
let timestamp =
@ -404,19 +406,19 @@ let mine cctxt state =
lwt_debug "Try mining after %a (slot %d) for %s (%a)"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash
prio name Time.pp_hum timestamp >>= fun () ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.pending_operations cctxt
block >>= fun (res, ops) ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.pending_operations cctxt.rpc_config
block >>=? fun (res, ops) ->
let operations =
let open Operation_hash.Set in
elements (union ops (Updater.operations res)) in
let request = List.length operations in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.preapply cctxt block
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.preapply cctxt.rpc_config block
~timestamp ~sort:true operations >>= function
| Error errs ->
lwt_log_error "Error while prevalidating operations:\n%a"
errs >>= fun () ->
return None
| Ok { operations ; fitness ; timestamp } ->
"Computed condidate block after %a (slot %d): %d/%d fitness: %a"
@ -424,9 +426,9 @@ let mine cctxt state =
(List.length operations.applied) request
Fitness.pp fitness
>>= fun () ->
(Some (bi, prio, fitness, timestamp, operations, delegate)))
slots >>= fun candidates ->
slots >>=? fun candidates ->
let candidates =
(fun (_,_,f1,_,_,_) (_,_,f2,_,_,_) -> ~- ( f1 f2))
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ let mine cctxt state =
Fitness.pp fitness >>= fun () ->
let seed_nonce = generate_seed_nonce () in
Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_,_,src_sk) ->
inject_block cctxt
inject_block cctxt.rpc_config
~force:true ~src_sk ~priority ~timestamp ~fitness ~seed_nonce
(`Hash bi.hash) [operations.applied]
|> trace_exn (Failure "Error while injecting block") >>=? fun block_hash ->
@ -466,14 +468,14 @@ let mine cctxt state =
let create
cctxt ?max_priority delegates
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list Lwt_stream.t)
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list tzresult Lwt_stream.t)
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement Lwt_stream.t) =
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement tzresult Lwt_stream.t) =
Lwt_stream.get block_stream >>= function
| None | Some [] ->
| None | Some (Ok [] | Error _) ->
cctxt.Client_commands.error "Can't fetch the current block head."
| Some (bi :: _ as initial_heads) ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt `Genesis >>= fun genesis_hash ->
| Some (Ok (bi :: _ as initial_heads)) ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt.rpc_config `Genesis >>=? fun genesis_hash ->
let last_get_block = ref None in
let get_block () =
match !last_get_block with
@ -498,10 +500,10 @@ let create
(get_block () >|= fun b -> `Hash b) ;
(get_endorsement () >|= fun e -> `Endorsement e) ;
] >>= function
| `Hash None
| `Endorsement None ->
| `Hash (None | Some (Error _))
| `Endorsement (None | Some (Error _)) ->
| `Hash (Some bis) -> begin
| `Hash (Some (Ok bis)) -> begin
Lwt.cancel timeout ;
last_get_block := None ;
@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ let create
insert_blocks cctxt ?max_priority state bis >>= fun () ->
worker_loop ()
| `Endorsement (Some e) ->
| `Endorsement (Some (Ok e)) ->
Lwt.cancel timeout ;
last_get_endorsement := None ;
|||| cctxt
@ -534,7 +536,8 @@ let create
end >>= fun () ->
worker_loop () in
lwt_log_info "Starting mining daemon" >>= fun () ->
worker_loop ()
worker_loop () >>= fun () ->
return ()
(* FIXME bug in ocamldep ?? *)
open Level
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ val generate_seed_nonce: unit -> Nonce.t
reveal the aforementionned nonce during the next cycle. *)
val inject_block:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?force:bool ->
priority:int ->
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val inject_block:
precomputed). [src_sk] is used to sign the block header. *)
val forge_block:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?force:bool ->
?operations:Operation_hash.t list ->
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ val create:
Client_commands.context ->
?max_priority: int ->
public_key_hash list ->
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list Lwt_stream.t ->
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement Lwt_stream.t ->
unit Lwt.t
Client_mining_blocks.block_info list tzresult Lwt_stream.t ->
Client_mining_operations.valid_endorsement tzresult Lwt_stream.t ->
unit tzresult Lwt.t
val get_unrevealed_nonces:
Client_commands.context ->
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open Cli_entries
open Client_commands
open Client_proto_contracts
let mine_block cctxt block ?force ?max_priority ?src_sk delegate =
@ -18,10 +19,10 @@ let mine_block cctxt block ?force ?max_priority ?src_sk delegate =
return src_sk
| Some sk -> return sk
end >>=? fun src_sk ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt block >>=? fun level ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun level ->
let level = Raw_level.succ level.level in
let seed_nonce = Client_mining_forge.generate_seed_nonce () in
Client_mining_forge.forge_block cctxt
Client_mining_forge.forge_block cctxt.rpc_config
~timestamp:( ())
~seed_nonce ~src_sk block
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ let reveal_block_nonces cctxt ?force block_hashes =
(fun hash ->
(fun () ->
|||| cctxt (`Hash hash) >>= function
|||| cctxt.rpc_config (`Hash hash) >>= function
| Ok bi -> Lwt.return (Some bi)
| Error _ ->
|||| Not_found)
@ -119,8 +120,7 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun (_, delegate) cctxt ->
endorse_block cctxt
~force:!force ?max_priority:!max_priority delegate >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
~force:!force ?max_priority:!max_priority delegate) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject block using the delegate rights"
~args: [ max_priority_arg ; force_arg ]
(prefixes [ "mine"; "for" ]
@ -129,23 +129,20 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun (_, delegate) cctxt ->
mine_block cctxt cctxt.config.block
~force:!force ?max_priority:!max_priority delegate >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
~force:!force ?max_priority:!max_priority delegate) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject a seed-nonce revelation operation"
~args: [ force_arg ]
(prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonce"; "for" ]
@@ Cli_entries.seq_of_param Block_hash.param)
(fun block_hashes cctxt ->
reveal_block_nonces cctxt
~force:!force block_hashes >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
~force:!force block_hashes) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject redemption operations"
~args: [ force_arg ]
(prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonces" ]
@@ stop)
(fun cctxt ->
reveal_nonces cctxt ~force:!force () >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
reveal_nonces cctxt ~force:!force ()) ;
let () =
@ -19,29 +19,22 @@ type operation = {
let monitor cctxt ?contents ?check () =
Client_node_rpcs.Operations.monitor cctxt ?contents () >>= fun ops_stream ->
Client_node_rpcs.Operations.monitor cctxt ?contents () >>=? fun ops_stream ->
let convert ops =
Lwt.return ops >>=? fun ops ->
(fun (hash, op) ->
match op with
| None -> Lwt.return (Some { hash; content = None })
| Some op ->
| None -> return { hash; content = None }
| Some (op : Updater.raw_operation) ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Parse.operations cctxt
`Prevalidation ?check [op] >>= function
| Ok [proto] ->
Lwt.return (Some { hash ; content = Some (, proto) })
| Ok _ ->
"@[<v 2>Error while parsing operations@[" >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return None
| Error err ->
"@[<v 2>Error while parsing operations@,%a@["
pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return None)
(List.concat ops)
`Prevalidation ?check [op] >>=? function
| [proto] ->
return { hash ; content = Some (, proto) }
| _ -> failwith "Error while parsing the operation")
(List.concat ops)
Lwt.return (Lwt_stream.map_s convert ops_stream)
return (Lwt_stream.map_s convert ops_stream)
type valid_endorsement = {
@ -97,17 +90,25 @@ let filter_valid_endorsement cctxt { hash; content } =
with Not_found -> Lwt.return_none
let monitor_endorsement cctxt =
monitor cctxt ~contents:true ~check:true () >>= fun ops_stream ->
monitor cctxt ~contents:true ~check:true () >>=? fun ops_stream ->
let endorsement_stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
Lwt.async begin fun () ->
Lwt_stream.closed ops_stream >|= fun () -> push None
end ;
Lwt.async begin fun () ->
(Lwt_list.iter_p (fun e ->
filter_valid_endorsement cctxt e >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some e -> push (Some e) ; Lwt.return_unit))
(fun ops ->
match ops with
| Error _ as err ->
push (Some err) ;
| Ok ops ->
(fun e ->
filter_valid_endorsement cctxt e >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some e -> push (Some (Ok e)) ; Lwt.return_unit)
end ;
Lwt.return endorsement_stream
return endorsement_stream
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ type operation = {
val monitor:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
?contents:bool -> ?check:bool -> unit ->
operation list Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
operation list tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
type valid_endorsement = {
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ type valid_endorsement = {
val filter_valid_endorsement:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
operation -> valid_endorsement option Lwt.t
val monitor_endorsement:
Client_commands.context ->
valid_endorsement Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t
Client_rpcs.config ->
valid_endorsement tzresult Lwt_stream.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let inject_seed_nonce_revelation cctxt block ?force ?async nonces =
(fun (level, nonce) ->
Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) nonces in
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
|||| cctxt block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Anonymous.operations cctxt
block ~net operations >>=? fun bytes ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt ?force ?async bytes >>=? fun oph ->
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ type Error_monad.error += Bad_revelation
let forge_seed_nonce_revelation
(cctxt: Client_commands.context)
block ?(force = false) nonces =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt block >>= fun hash ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.hash cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun hash ->
match nonces with
| [] ->
cctxt.message "No nonce to reveal for block %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
| _ ->
inject_seed_nonce_revelation cctxt block ~force nonces >>=? fun oph ->
inject_seed_nonce_revelation cctxt.rpc_config block ~force nonces >>=? fun oph ->
"Operation successfully injected %d revelation(s) for %a."
(List.length nonces)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
val inject_seed_nonce_revelation:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?force:bool ->
?async:bool ->
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ val endorsement_delay_arg: string * Arg.spec * string
val tez_param :
name:string ->
desc:string ->
('a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params ->
(Tez.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params
('a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params ->
(Tez.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params
val delegate: string option ref
val source: string option ref
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ open Client_proto_args
open Client_proto_contracts
open Client_proto_programs
open Client_keys
open Client_commands
module Ed25519 = Environment.Ed25519
let check_contract cctxt neu =
@ -30,11 +31,12 @@ let get_delegate_pkh cctxt = function
(fun _ -> Lwt.return None)
let get_timestamp cctxt block =
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.timestamp cctxt block >>= fun v ->
cctxt.message "%s" (Time.to_notation v)
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.timestamp cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun v ->
cctxt.message "%s" (Time.to_notation v) >>= fun () ->
return ()
let list_contracts cctxt block =
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.list cctxt block >>=? fun contracts ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.list cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun contracts ->
map_s (fun h ->
begin match Contract.is_default h with
| Some m -> begin
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ let list_contracts cctxt block =
let list_contract_labels cctxt block =
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.list cctxt block >>=? fun contracts ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.list cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun contracts ->
map_s (fun h ->
begin match Contract.is_default h with
| Some m -> begin
@ -83,28 +85,28 @@ let transfer cctxt
block ?force
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~destination ?arg ~amount ~fee () =
let open Cli_entries in
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
begin match arg with
| Some arg ->
Client_proto_programs.parse_data cctxt arg >>= fun arg ->
Lwt.return (Some arg)
| None -> Lwt.return None
end >>= fun parameters ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt.rpc_config block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
cctxt.message "Acquired the source's sequence counter (%ld -> %ld)."
pcounter counter >>= fun () ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.transaction cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.transaction cctxt.rpc_config block
~net ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~counter ~amount
~destination ?parameters ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
cctxt.Client_commands.message "Forged the raw origination frame." >>= fun () ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt block >>= fun predecessor ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun predecessor ->
let signature = Ed25519.sign src_sk bytes in
let signed_bytes = MBytes.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt.rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? fun contracts ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt.rpc_config ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
cctxt.message "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
@ -116,12 +118,12 @@ let originate cctxt ?force ~block ?signature bytes =
match signature with
| None -> bytes
| Some signature -> MBytes.concat bytes signature in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt block >>= fun predecessor ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun predecessor ->
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt.rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes signature >>=? function
| [ contract ] ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt.rpc_config ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
cctxt.message "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
@ -132,12 +134,12 @@ let originate cctxt ?force ~block ?signature bytes =
let originate_account cctxt
block ?force
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~manager_pkh ?delegatable ?spendable ?delegate ~balance ~fee () =
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt.rpc_config block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
cctxt.message "Acquired the source's sequence counter (%ld -> %ld)."
pcounter counter >>= fun () ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt.rpc_config block
~net ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~managerPubKey:manager_pkh
~counter ~balance ?spendable
?delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate ~fee () >>=? fun bytes ->
@ -150,12 +152,12 @@ let originate_contract cctxt
~(code:Script.code) ~init ~fee () =
Client_proto_programs.parse_data cctxt init >>= fun storage ->
let storage = Script.{ storage ; storage_type = code.storage_type } in
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt.rpc_config block source >>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
cctxt.message "Acquired the source's sequence counter (%ld -> %ld)."
pcounter counter >>= fun () ->
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt block
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.origination cctxt.rpc_config block
~net ~source ~sourcePubKey:src_pk ~managerPubKey:manager_pkh
~counter ~balance ~spendable:!spendable
?delegatable ?delegatePubKey
@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ let originate_contract cctxt
originate cctxt ?force ~block ~signature bytes
let faucet cctxt block ?force ~manager_pkh () =
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Anonymous.faucet cctxt block
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Anonymous.faucet cctxt.rpc_config block
~net ~id:manager_pkh () >>=? fun bytes ->
originate cctxt ?force ~block bytes
@ -173,24 +175,24 @@ let delegate_contract cctxt
block ?force
~source ?src_pk ~manager_sk
~fee delegate_opt =
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt block source
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.counter cctxt.rpc_config block source
>>=? fun pcounter ->
let counter = Int32.succ pcounter in
cctxt.message "Acquired the source's sequence counter (%ld -> %ld)."
pcounter counter >>= fun () ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.delegation cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Manager.delegation cctxt.rpc_config block
~net ~source ?sourcePubKey:src_pk ~counter ~fee delegate_opt
>>=? fun bytes ->
cctxt.Client_commands.message "Forged the raw origination frame." >>= fun () ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt block >>= fun predecessor ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.predecessor cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun predecessor ->
let signature = Environment.Ed25519.sign manager_sk bytes in
let signed_bytes = MBytes.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt block
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.apply_operation cctxt.rpc_config block
predecessor oph bytes (Some signature) >>=? function
| [] ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt.rpc_config ?force signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
cctxt.message "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
@ -199,13 +201,13 @@ let delegate_contract cctxt
cctxt.error "The origination introduced %d contracts instead of one." (List.length contracts)
let dictate cctxt block command seckey =
|||| cctxt block >>= fun net ->
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun net ->
cctxt block ~net command >>=? fun bytes ->
cctxt.rpc_config block ~net command >>=? fun bytes ->
let signature = Ed25519.sign seckey bytes in
let signed_bytes = MBytes.concat bytes signature in
let oph = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [ signed_bytes ] in
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation cctxt.rpc_config signed_bytes >>=? fun injected_oph ->
assert (Operation_hash.equal oph injected_oph) ;
cctxt.message "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () ->
cctxt.message "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () ->
@ -224,30 +226,30 @@ let commands () =
command ~group ~desc: "lists all non empty contracts of the block"
(fixed [ "list" ; "contracts" ])
(fun cctxt ->
list_contract_labels cctxt cctxt.config.block >>= fun res ->
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt res >>= fun contracts ->
list_contract_labels cctxt cctxt.config.block >>=? fun contracts ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (alias, hash, kind) ->
cctxt.message "%s%s%s" hash kind alias)
contracts) ;
contracts >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "get the balance of a contract"
(prefixes [ "get" ; "balance" ]
@@ ContractAlias.destination_param ~name:"src" ~desc:"source contract"
@@ stop)
(fun (_, contract) cctxt ->
get_balance cctxt cctxt.config.block contract
>>= Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt >>= fun amount ->
cctxt.answer "%a %s" Tez.pp amount tez_sym) ;
get_balance cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block contract >>=? fun amount ->
cctxt.answer "%a %s" Tez.pp amount tez_sym >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "get the manager of a block"
(prefixes [ "get" ; "manager" ]
@@ ContractAlias.destination_param ~name:"src" ~desc:"source contract"
@@ stop)
(fun (_, contract) cctxt ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.manager cctxt cctxt.config.block contract
>>= Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt >>= fun manager ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.manager cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block contract >>=? fun manager ->
Public_key_hash.rev_find cctxt manager >>= fun mn ->
Public_key_hash.to_source cctxt manager >>= fun m ->
cctxt.message "%s (%s)" m
(match mn with None -> "unknown" | Some n -> "known as " ^ n));
(match mn with None -> "unknown" | Some n -> "known as " ^ n) >>= fun () ->
return ());
command ~group ~desc: "open a new account"
~args: ([ fee_arg ; delegate_arg ; force_arg ]
@ delegatable_args @ spendable_args)
@ -267,15 +269,16 @@ let commands () =
(fun neu (_, manager) balance (_, source) cctxt ->
check_contract cctxt neu >>= fun () ->
get_delegate_pkh cctxt !delegate >>= fun delegate ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt src_pkh
>>=? fun (src_name, src_pk, src_sk) ->
cctxt.message "Got the source's manager keys (%s)." src_name >>= fun () ->
originate_account cctxt cctxt.config.block ~force:!force
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~manager_pkh:manager ~balance ~fee:!fee
~delegatable:!delegatable ~spendable:!spendable ?delegate:delegate
()) >>= Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt >>= fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract) ;
()) >>=? fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "open a new scripted account"
~args: ([ fee_arg ; delegate_arg ; force_arg ] @
delegatable_args @ spendable_args @ [ init_arg ])
@ -299,15 +302,16 @@ let commands () =
(fun neu (_, manager) balance (_, source) code cctxt ->
check_contract cctxt neu >>= fun () ->
get_delegate_pkh cctxt !delegate >>= fun delegate ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt src_pkh
>>=? fun (src_name, src_pk, src_sk) ->
cctxt.message "Got the source's manager keys (%s)." src_name >>= fun () ->
originate_contract cctxt cctxt.config.block ~force:!force
~source ~src_pk ~src_sk ~manager_pkh:manager ~balance ~fee:!fee
~delegatable:!delegatable ?delegatePubKey:delegate ~code ~init:!init
()) >>= Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt >>= fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract) ;
()) >>=? fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "open a new (free) account"
~args: ([ fee_arg ; delegate_arg ; force_arg ]
@ delegatable_args @ spendable_args)
@ -320,8 +324,9 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun neu (_, manager) cctxt ->
check_contract cctxt neu >>= fun () ->
faucet cctxt cctxt.config.block ~force:!force ~manager_pkh:manager () >>= Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt >>= fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract) ;
faucet cctxt cctxt.config.block ~force:!force ~manager_pkh:manager () >>=? fun contract ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt neu contract >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "transfer tokens"
~args: [ fee_arg ; arg_arg ; force_arg ]
(prefixes [ "transfer" ]
@ -335,7 +340,7 @@ let commands () =
~name: "dst" ~desc: "name/literal of the destination contract"
@@ stop)
(fun amount (_, source) (_, destination) cctxt ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
(Client_proto_contracts.get_manager cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block source >>=? fun src_pkh ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt src_pkh
>>=? fun (src_name, src_pk, src_sk) ->
cctxt.message "Got the source's manager keys (%s)." src_name >>= fun () ->
@ -344,8 +349,8 @@ let commands () =
(fun c -> cctxt.message "New contract %a originated from a smart contract."
Contract.pp c)
contracts >>= fun () -> return ()) >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
contracts >>= fun () ->
return ())) ;
command ~desc: "Activate a protocol" begin
prefixes [ "activate" ; "protocol" ] @@
param ~name:"version" ~desc:"Protocol version (b58check)"
@ -357,8 +362,7 @@ let commands () =
(fun hash seckey cctxt ->
dictate cctxt cctxt.config.block (Activate hash) seckey >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
dictate cctxt cctxt.config.block (Activate hash) seckey) ;
command ~desc: "Fork a test protocol" begin
prefixes [ "fork" ; "test" ; "protocol" ] @@
param ~name:"version" ~desc:"Protocol version (b58check)"
@ -370,6 +374,5 @@ let commands () =
(fun hash seckey cctxt ->
dictate cctxt cctxt.config.block (Activate_testnet hash) seckey >>=
Client_proto_rpcs.handle_error cctxt) ;
dictate cctxt cctxt.config.block (Activate_testnet hash) seckey) ;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ val list_contracts:
list tzresult Lwt.t
val get_balance:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Contract.t ->
Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
@ -158,12 +158,16 @@ let commands () =
@@ RawContractAlias.fresh_alias_param
@@ RawContractAlias.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun name hash cctxt -> RawContractAlias.add cctxt name hash) ;
(fun name hash cctxt ->
RawContractAlias.add cctxt name hash >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "remove a contract from the wallet"
(prefixes [ "forget" ; "contract" ]
@@ RawContractAlias.alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun (name, _) cctxt -> RawContractAlias.del cctxt name) ;
(fun (name, _) cctxt ->
RawContractAlias.del cctxt name >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "lists all known contracts"
(fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "contracts" ])
(fun cctxt ->
@ -171,20 +175,25 @@ let commands () =
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (prefix, alias, contract) ->
cctxt.message "%s%s: %s" prefix alias
(Contract.to_b58check contract))
contracts) ;
contracts >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "forget all known contracts"
(fixed [ "forget" ; "all" ; "contracts" ])
(fun cctxt ->
if not cctxt.config.force then
cctxt.Client_commands.error "this can only used with option -force true"
|||| cctxt []) ;
if not cctxt.config.force then
cctxt.Client_commands.error "this can only used with option -force true" >>= fun () ->
return ()
|||| cctxt [] >>= fun () ->
return ()
) ;
command ~group ~desc: "display a contract from the wallet"
(prefixes [ "show" ; "known" ; "contract" ]
@@ RawContractAlias.alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun (_, contract) cctxt ->
cctxt.message "%a\n%!" Contract.pp contract) ;
cctxt.message "%a\n%!" Contract.pp contract >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "tag a contract in the wallet"
(prefixes [ "tag" ; "contract" ]
@@ RawContractAlias.alias_param
@ -196,7 +205,8 @@ let commands () =
let new_tags = match tags with
| None -> new_tags
| Some tags -> Utils.merge_list2 tags new_tags in
Contract_tags.update cctxt alias new_tags) ;
Contract_tags.update cctxt alias new_tags >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "remove tag(s) from a contract in the wallet"
(prefixes [ "untag" ; "contract" ]
@@ RawContractAlias.alias_param
@ -214,5 +224,6 @@ let commands () =
| None, Some _ -> None
| Some t1, Some t2 when t1 = t2 -> None
| Some t1, _ -> Some t1) tags new_tags in
Contract_tags.update cctxt alias new_tags) ;
Contract_tags.update cctxt alias new_tags >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ module ContractAlias : sig
val alias_param:
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
('a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params ->
(Lwt_io.file_name * Contract.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params
('a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params ->
(Lwt_io.file_name * Contract.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params
val destination_param:
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
('a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params ->
(Lwt_io.file_name * Contract.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, unit) Cli_entries.params
('a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params ->
(Lwt_io.file_name * Contract.t -> 'a, Client_commands.context, 'ret) Cli_entries.params
val rev_find:
Client_commands.context ->
Contract.t -> string option Lwt.t
@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ val list_contracts:
(string * string * Contract.t) list Lwt.t
val get_manager:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Contract.t ->
public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
val get_delegate:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Contract.t ->
public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
val check_public_key :
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?src_pk:public_key ->
public_key_hash ->
@ -538,27 +538,31 @@ let commands () =
command ~group ~desc: "lists all known programs"
(fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "programs" ])
(fun cctxt -> Program.load cctxt >>= fun list ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, _) -> cctxt.message "%s" n) list) ;
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, _) -> cctxt.message "%s" n) list >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "remember a program under some name"
(prefixes [ "remember" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.fresh_alias_param
@@ Program.source_param
@@ stop)
(fun name hash cctxt ->
Program.add cctxt name hash) ;
Program.add cctxt name hash >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "forget a remembered program"
(prefixes [ "forget" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun (name, _) cctxt ->
Program.del cctxt name) ;
Program.del cctxt name >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "display a program"
(prefixes [ "show" ; "known" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.alias_param
@@ stop)
(fun (_, program) cctxt ->
Program.to_source cctxt program >>= fun source ->
cctxt.message "%s\n" source) ;
cctxt.message "%s\n" source >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "ask the node to run a program"
~args: [ trace_stack_arg ]
(prefixes [ "run" ; "program" ]
@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ let commands () =
(fun program storage input cctxt ->
let open Data_encoding in
if !trace_stack then
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.trace_code cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.trace_code cctxt.rpc_config
cctxt.config.block program (storage, input) >>= function
| Ok (storage, output, trace) ->
cctxt.message "@[<v 0>@[<v 2>storage@,%a@]@,@[<v 2>output@,%a@]@,@[<v 2>trace@,%a@]@]@."
@ -584,20 +588,24 @@ let commands () =
loc gas
(Format.pp_print_list (print_expr no_locations))
trace >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "error running program"
cctxt.error "error running program" >>= fun () ->
return ()
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.run_code cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.run_code cctxt.rpc_config
cctxt.config.block program (storage, input) >>= function
| Ok (storage, output) ->
cctxt.message "@[<v 0>@[<v 2>storage@,%a@]@,@[<v 2>output@,%a@]@]@."
(print_expr no_locations) storage
(print_expr no_locations) output
(print_expr no_locations) output >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "error running program") ;
cctxt.error "error running program" >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group ~desc: "ask the node to typecheck a program"
~args: [ show_types_arg ]
(prefixes [ "typecheck" ; "program" ]
@ -605,13 +613,14 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun program cctxt ->
let open Data_encoding in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt cctxt.config.block program >>= function
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block program >>= function
| Ok type_map ->
let type_map, program = unexpand_macros type_map program in
cctxt.message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
if !show_types then
cctxt.message "%a" (print_program no_locations) (program, type_map)
else Lwt.return ()
cctxt.message "%a" (print_program no_locations) (program, type_map) >>= fun () ->
return ()
else return ()
| Error errs ->
report_typechecking_errors cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "ill-typed program") ;
@ -623,13 +632,15 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun data exp_ty cctxt ->
let open Data_encoding in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_data cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_data cctxt.rpc_config
cctxt.config.block (data, exp_ty) >>= function
| Ok () ->
cctxt.message "Well typed"
cctxt.message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
report_typechecking_errors cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "ill-typed data") ;
cctxt.error "ill-typed data" >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group
~desc: "ask the node to compute the hash of a data expression \
using the same algorithm as script instruction H"
@ -638,13 +649,15 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun data cctxt ->
let open Data_encoding in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt.rpc_config
cctxt.config.block data >>= function
| Ok hash ->
cctxt.message "%S" hash
cctxt.message "%S" hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "ill-formed data") ;
cctxt.error "ill-formed data" >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
command ~group
~desc: "ask the node to compute the hash of a data expression \
using the same algorithm as script instruction H, sign it using \
@ -657,7 +670,7 @@ let commands () =
@@ stop)
(fun data (_, key) cctxt ->
let open Data_encoding in
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt.rpc_config
cctxt.config.block data >>= function
| Ok hash ->
let signature = Ed25519.sign key (MBytes.of_string hash) in
@ -665,8 +678,10 @@ let commands () =
(signature |>
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Ed25519.Signature.encoding |>
Hex_encode.hex_of_bytes) >>= fun () ->
return ()
| Error errs ->
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
cctxt.error "ill-formed data") ;
cctxt.error "ill-formed data" >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
@ -24,23 +24,21 @@ type block = [
let call_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
Client_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1
let call_error_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >|= wrap_error
end begin fun exn ->
Lwt.return (Error [Exn exn])
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >>= function
| Ok (Error _ as err) -> Lwt.return (wrap_error err)
| Ok (Ok v) -> return v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let call_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service2 cctxt
Client_rpcs.call_service2 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1 a2
let call_error_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 =
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
call_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 >|= wrap_error
end begin fun exn ->
Lwt.return (Error [Exn exn])
call_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 >>= function
| Ok (Error _ as err) -> Lwt.return (wrap_error err)
| Ok (Ok v) -> return v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
module Constants = struct
let errors cctxt block =
@ -19,72 +19,72 @@ type block = [
module Constants : sig
val errors:
Client_commands.context ->
block -> Json_schema.schema Lwt.t
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Json_schema.schema tzresult Lwt.t
val cycle_length:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val voting_period_length:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val time_before_reward:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Period.t tzresult Lwt.t
val slot_durations:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> (Period.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val first_free_mining_slot:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val max_signing_slot:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val instructions_per_transaction:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val stamp_threshold:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> int64 tzresult Lwt.t
module Context : sig
val level:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Level.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [level cctxt blk] returns the (protocol view of the) level of
[blk]. *)
val next_level:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Level.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [next_level cctxt blk] returns the (protocol view of the) level
of the successor of [blk]. *)
module Nonce : sig
val hash:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Nonce_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
type nonce_info =
| Revealed of Nonce.t
| Missing of Nonce_hash.t
| Forgotten
val get:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Raw_level.t -> nonce_info tzresult Lwt.t
module Key : sig
val get :
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
public_key_hash -> (public_key_hash * public_key) tzresult Lwt.t
val list :
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
((public_key_hash * public_key) list) tzresult Lwt.t
module Contract : sig
val list:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t list tzresult Lwt.t
type info = {
manager: public_key_hash ;
@ -95,88 +95,88 @@ module Context : sig
counter: int32 ;
val get:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t -> info tzresult Lwt.t
val balance:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
val manager:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
val delegate:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
public_key_hash option tzresult Lwt.t
val counter:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val spendable:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
bool tzresult Lwt.t
val delegatable:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t ->
bool tzresult Lwt.t
val script:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Contract.t -> Script.t option tzresult Lwt.t
module Helpers : sig
val minimal_time:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> ?prio:int -> unit -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t
(** [minimal_time cctxt blk ?prio ()] is the minimal acceptable
timestamp for the successor of [blk]. [?prio] defaults to
[0]. *)
val apply_operation:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t -> MBytes.t -> MBytes.t option ->
(Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val run_code:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Script.code ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr) ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr) tzresult Lwt.t
val trace_code:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Script.code ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr) ->
(Script.expr * Script.expr *
(Script.location * int * Script.expr list) list) tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_code:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Script.code -> Script_ir_translator.type_map tzresult Lwt.t
val typecheck_data:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Script.expr * Script.expr -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val hash_data:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Script.expr -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val level:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> ?offset:int32 -> Raw_level.t -> Level.t tzresult Lwt.t
val levels:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Cycle.t -> (Raw_level.t * Raw_level.t) tzresult Lwt.t
module Rights : sig
type mining_slot = Raw_level.t * int * Time.t
type endorsement_slot = Raw_level.t * int
val mining_rights_for_delegate:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> public_key_hash ->
?max_priority:int -> ?first_level:Raw_level.t ->
?last_level:Raw_level.t -> unit ->
(mining_slot list) tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement_rights_for_delegate:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> public_key_hash ->
?max_priority:int -> ?first_level:Raw_level.t -> ?last_level:Raw_level.t -> unit ->
(endorsement_slot list) tzresult Lwt.t
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
module Forge : sig
module Manager : sig
val operations:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:Contract.t ->
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
manager_operation list ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val transaction:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:Contract.t ->
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
fee:Tez.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val origination:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:Contract.t ->
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ module Helpers : sig
unit ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val delegation:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:Contract.t ->
@ -235,19 +235,19 @@ module Helpers : sig
module Dictator : sig
val operation:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
dictator_operation ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val activate:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
Protocol_hash.t ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val activate_testnet:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
Protocol_hash.t ->
@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ module Helpers : sig
module Delegate : sig
val operations:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:public_key ->
delegate_operation list ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
source:public_key ->
@ -272,27 +272,27 @@ module Helpers : sig
module Anonymous : sig
val operations:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
anonymous_operation list ->
MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val seed_nonce_revelation:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
level:Raw_level.t ->
nonce:Nonce.t ->
unit -> MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val faucet:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
id:public_key_hash ->
unit -> MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t
val block:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block ->
net:Net_id.t ->
predecessor:Block_hash.t ->
@ -319,11 +319,11 @@ module Helpers : sig
module Parse : sig
val operations:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> ?check:bool -> Updater.raw_operation list ->
proto_operation list tzresult Lwt.t
val block:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
block -> Updater.shell_block -> MBytes.t ->
Block.proto_header tzresult Lwt.t
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ let demo cctxt =
let block = Client_commands.(cctxt.config.block) in
cctxt.Client_commands.message "Calling the 'echo' RPC." >>= fun () ->
let msg = "test" in
Client_proto_rpcs.echo cctxt block msg >>= fun reply ->
Client_proto_rpcs.echo cctxt.rpc_config block msg >>=? fun reply ->
fail_unless (reply = msg) (Unclassified "...") >>=? fun () ->
cctxt.message "Calling the 'failing' RPC." >>= fun () ->
Client_proto_rpcs.failing cctxt block 3 >>= function
Client_proto_rpcs.failing cctxt.rpc_config block 3 >>= function
| Error [Ecoproto_error [Error.Demo_error 3]] ->
return ()
| _ -> failwith "..."
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ let mine cctxt =
| `Prevalidation -> `Head 0
| `Test_prevalidation -> `Test_head 0
| b -> b in
|||| cctxt block >>= fun bi ->
|||| cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun bi ->
let fitness =
match with
| [ v ; b ] ->
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ let mine cctxt =
(cctxt.message "Cannot parse fitness: %a" Fitness.pp;
exit 2 in
Client_node_rpcs.forge_block cctxt
Client_node_rpcs.forge_block cctxt.rpc_config
|||| ~predecessor:bi.hash
fitness Operation_list_list_hash.empty (MBytes.create 0) >>= fun bytes ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt bytes [] >>=? fun hash ->
fitness Operation_list_list_hash.empty (MBytes.create 0) >>=? fun bytes ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt.rpc_config bytes [] >>=? fun hash ->
cctxt.answer "Injected %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -70,16 +70,15 @@ let commands () =
command ~group ~desc: "A demo command"
(fixed [ "demo" ])
(fun cctxt -> demo cctxt >>= handle_error cctxt) ;
(fun cctxt -> demo cctxt) ;
command ~group ~desc: "A failing command"
(fixed [ "fail" ])
(fun cctxt ->
(fun _cctxt ->
Error.demo_error 101010
>|= wrap_error
>>= handle_error cctxt) ;
>|= wrap_error) ;
command ~group ~desc: "Mine an empty block"
(fixed [ "mine" ])
(fun cctxt -> mine cctxt >>= handle_error cctxt) ;
(fun cctxt -> mine cctxt) ;
let () =
@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
let call_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
Client_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1
let call_error_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >|= wrap_error
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >>= function
| Ok (Error _ as err) -> Lwt.return (wrap_error err)
| Ok (Ok v) -> return v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let echo cctxt = call_service1 cctxt Services.echo_service
let failing cctxt = call_error_service1 cctxt Services.failing_service
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
open Node_rpc_services
val echo:
Client_commands.context ->
Blocks.block -> string -> string Lwt.t
Client_rpcs.config ->
Blocks.block -> string -> string tzresult Lwt.t
val failing:
Client_commands.context ->
Client_rpcs.config ->
Blocks.block -> int -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
@ -7,29 +7,34 @@
(* *)
open Client_commands
let protocol =
let call_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
Client_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1
let call_error_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >|= wrap_error
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >>= function
| Ok (Error _ as err) -> Lwt.return (wrap_error err)
| Ok (Ok v) -> return v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let forge_block
cctxt block net_id ?(timestamp = ()) command fitness =
Client_blocks.get_block_hash cctxt block >>= fun pred ->
Client_blocks.get_block_hash cctxt block >>=? fun pred ->
call_service1 cctxt
Services.Forge.block block
((net_id, pred, timestamp, fitness), command)
let mine cctxt ?timestamp block command fitness seckey =
Client_blocks.get_block_info cctxt block >>= fun bi ->
forge_block cctxt ?timestamp block command fitness >>= fun blk ->
Client_blocks.get_block_info cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun bi ->
forge_block cctxt.rpc_config ?timestamp block command fitness >>=? fun blk ->
let signed_blk = Environment.Ed25519.Signature.append seckey blk in
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt signed_blk [[]] >>=? fun hash ->
Client_node_rpcs.inject_block cctxt.rpc_config signed_blk [[]] >>=? fun hash ->
cctxt.answer "Injected %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
@ -66,8 +71,7 @@ let commands () =
let fitness =
Client_embedded_proto_alpha.Fitness_repr.from_int64 fitness in
mine cctxt ?timestamp cctxt.config.block
(Activate hash) fitness seckey >>=
handle_error cctxt
(Activate hash) fitness seckey
end ;
command ~args ~desc: "Fork a test protocol" begin
@ -88,8 +92,7 @@ let commands () =
let fitness =
Client_embedded_proto_alpha.Fitness_repr.from_int64 fitness in
mine cctxt ?timestamp cctxt.config.block
(Activate_testnet hash) fitness seckey >>=
handle_error cctxt
(Activate_testnet hash) fitness seckey
end ;
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
(* Tezos Command line interface - Main Program *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Client_commands
open Error_monad
let cctxt =
(* TODO: set config as parameter? *)
let config = Client_commands.default_cfg in
let cctxt config rpc_config =
let startup =
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let cctxt =
~mode: Lwt_io.Output
Client_commands.(config.base_dir // "logs" // log // startup)
(fun chan -> Lwt_io.write chan msg) in
Client_commands.make_context log
Client_commands.make_context ~config ~rpc_config log
(* Main (lwt) entry *)
let main () =
@ -41,16 +41,21 @@ let main () =
Sodium.Random.stir () ;
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
let parsed_config_file, block = Client_config.preparse_args Sys.argv in
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.protocol cctxt cctxt.config.block >>= fun version ->
Lwt.return (Some version, Client_commands.commands_for_version version)
end begin fun exn ->
"Failed to acquire the protocol version from the node: %s."
(match exn with
| Failure msg -> msg
| exn -> Printexc.to_string exn) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (None, [])
let rpc_config : Client_rpcs.config = {
Client_rpcs.default_config with
host = parsed_config_file.node_addr ;
port = parsed_config_file.node_port ;
tls = parsed_config_file.tls ;
} in
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.protocol rpc_config block >>= function
| Ok version ->
Lwt.return (Some version, Client_commands.commands_for_version version)
| Error err ->
"Failed to acquire the protocol version from the node: %a.@."
pp_print_error err ;
Lwt.return (None, [])
end >>= fun (_version, commands_for_version) ->
let commands =
Client_generic_rpcs.commands @
@ -66,16 +71,23 @@ let main () =
Sys.argv in
let config : Client_commands.cfg = {
base_dir = parsed_config_file.base_dir ;
print_timings = parsed_args.print_timings ;
force = parsed_args.force ;
block ;
node_addr = parsed_config_file.node_addr ;
node_port = parsed_config_file.node_port ;
tls = parsed_config_file.tls ;
web_port = Client_commands.default_cfg.web_port ;
} in
command { cctxt with config } >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return 0
let rpc_config =
if parsed_args.print_timings then
{ rpc_config with
logger = Client_rpcs.timings_logger Format.err_formatter }
command (cctxt config rpc_config) >>= function
| Ok () ->
Lwt.return 0
| Error err ->
Format.eprintf "Error: %a@." pp_print_error err ;
Lwt.return 1
end begin function
| Arg.Help help ->
Format.printf "%s%!" help ;
@ -84,22 +96,22 @@ let main () =
Format.eprintf "%s%!" help ;
Lwt.return 1
| Cli_entries.Command_not_found ->
Format.eprintf "Unknown command, try `-help`.\n%!" ;
Format.eprintf "Unknown command, try `-help`.@." ;
Lwt.return 1
| Client_commands.Version_not_found ->
Format.eprintf "Unknown protocol version, try `list versions`.\n%!" ;
Format.eprintf "Unknown protocol version, try `list versions`.@." ;
Lwt.return 1
| Cli_entries.Bad_argument (idx, _n, v) ->
Format.eprintf "There's a problem with argument %d, %s.\n%!" idx v ;
Format.eprintf "There's a problem with argument %d, %s.@." idx v ;
Lwt.return 1
| Cli_entries.Command_failed message ->
Format.eprintf "Command failed, %s.\n%!" message ;
Format.eprintf "Command failed, %s.@." message ;
Lwt.return 1
| Failure message ->
Format.eprintf "Fatal error: %s\n%!" message ;
Format.eprintf "Fatal error: %s@." message ;
Lwt.return 1
| exn ->
Format.printf "Fatal internal error: %s\n%!"
Format.printf "Fatal internal error: %s@."
(Printexc.to_string exn) ;
Lwt.return 1
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(* Tezos - Persistent structures on top of {!Store} or {!Context} *)
open Lwt
open Lwt.Infix
(*-- Signatures --------------------------------------------------------------*)
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module MakeBytesStore
let list s l =
S.list s ( to_path l) >>= fun res ->
return ( of_path res)
Lwt.return ( of_path res)
let remove_rec s k =
S.remove_rec s (to_path k)
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ module MakeTypedStore
let mem = S.mem
let get s k =
S.get s k >>= function
| None -> return None
| Some v -> return (C.of_bytes v)
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some v -> Lwt.return (C.of_bytes v)
let set s k v = S.set s k (C.to_bytes v)
let del = S.del
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type 'msg t
val equal: 'mst t -> 'msg t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> 'msg t -> unit
val pp: Format.formatter -> 'msg t -> unit
val info: 'msg t -> Connection_info.t
(** {1 Low-level functions (do not use directly)} *)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(* Tezos Command line interface - Command Line Parsing *)
open Lwt
open Lwt.Infix
(* User catchable exceptions *)
exception Command_not_found
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let command ?group ?(args = []) ~desc params handler =
(* Param combinators *)
let string ~name ~desc next =
param name desc (fun _ s -> return s) next
param name desc (fun _ s -> Lwt.return s) next
(* Command execution *)
let exec
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let exec
let rec do_seq i acc = function
| [] -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| p :: rest ->
(fun () -> f last p)
| Failure msg -> (Bad_argument (i, p, msg))
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ let exec
| Prefix (n, next), p :: rest when n = p ->
exec (succ i) next cb rest
| Param (_, _, f, next), p :: rest ->
(fun () -> f last p)
| Failure msg -> (Bad_argument (i, p, msg))
@ -348,7 +348,8 @@ end
include Make()
let generic_error s = error (Unclassified s)
let generic_error fmt =
Format.kasprintf (fun s -> error (Unclassified s)) fmt
let failwith fmt =
Format.kasprintf (fun s -> fail (Unclassified s)) fmt
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ type error_category =
include Error_monad_sig.S
(** Erroneous result (shortcut for generic errors) *)
val generic_error : string -> 'a tzresult
val generic_error :
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b tzresult) format4 ->
(** Erroneous return (shortcut for generic errors) *)
val failwith :
Reference in New Issue
Block a user