RPC: fix CORS preflight.
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ module Answer = struct
type step =
type step = RestoDirectory.step =
| Static of string
| Dynamic of Arg.descr
type conflict =
type conflict = RestoDirectory.conflict =
| CService
| CDir
| CBuilder
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ type conflict =
| CTypes of Arg.descr * Arg.descr
| CType of Arg.descr * string list
exception Conflict of step list * conflict
exception Cannot_parse of Arg.descr * string * string list
exception Conflict = RestoDirectory.Conflict
exception Cannot_parse = RestoDirectory.Cannot_parse
(* Dispatch *)
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ type server = (* hidden *)
module ConnectionMap = Map.Make(Cohttp.Connection)
exception Invalid_method
exception Options_preflight
exception Cannot_parse_body of string
let check_origin_matches origin allowed_origin =
@ -119,46 +118,91 @@ let launch ?pre_hook ?post_hook ?(host="::") mode root cors_allowed_origins cors
| Some res ->
Lwt.return res
| None ->
lookup root ~meth:req.meth () path >>= fun handler ->
match req.meth with
| `PUT
| `DELETE -> begin
Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string body with
| Error msg -> Lwt.fail (Cannot_parse_body msg)
| Ok body -> Lwt.return (Some body)
| `GET
| `HEAD -> Lwt.return None
| `OPTIONS -> Lwt.fail Options_preflight
| _ -> Lwt.fail Invalid_method
end >>= fun body ->
handler body >>= fun { Answer.code ; body } ->
let body = match body with
| Empty ->
| Single json ->
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json)
| Stream s ->
let stream =
create_stream io con Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string s in
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_stream stream in
lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC %s"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con)
(if Cohttp.Code.is_error code
then "failed"
else "success") >>= fun () ->
let headers =
Cohttp.Header.init_with "Content-Type" "application/json" in
let headers =
make_cors_headers ~headers
cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header
Lwt.return (Response.make
~flush:true ~status:(`Code code) ~headers (), body))
(fun () ->
lookup root ~meth:req.meth () path >>= fun handler ->
Lwt.return_some handler)
(function Not_found -> Lwt.return_none
| exn -> Lwt.fail exn) >>= function
| None ->
(* Default OPTIONS handler for CORS preflight *)
if req.meth = `OPTIONS && origin_header <> None then
match Cohttp.Header.get req_headers
"Access-Control-Request-Method" with
| Some meth ->
let meth = Cohttp.Code.method_of_string meth in
lookup root ~meth () path >>= fun _handler ->
(* unless [lookup] failed with [Not_found] -> 404 *)
Lwt.return [ meth ]
| None ->
let supported_meths =
[ `POST ; `PUT ; `PATCH ; `DELETE ; `GET ; `HEAD ] in
(fun meth ->
(fun () ->
lookup root ~meth () path >>= fun _handler ->
Lwt.return_some meth)
(function Not_found -> Lwt.return_none
| exn -> Lwt.fail exn))
supported_meths >>= function
| [] -> Lwt.fail Not_found (* No handler -> 404 *)
| meths -> Lwt.return meths
else Lwt.fail Not_found
end >>= fun cors_allowed_meths ->
lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC preflight"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () ->
let headers =
(Cohttp.Header.init ())
(String.concat ", "
(List.map Cohttp.Code.string_of_method cors_allowed_meths)) in
let headers =
make_cors_headers ~headers
cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header in
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:(`Code 200) ~headers (),
| Some handler ->
begin match req.meth with
| `PUT
| `DELETE -> begin
Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string body with
| Error msg -> Lwt.fail (Cannot_parse_body msg)
| Ok body -> Lwt.return (Some body)
| `GET
| `OPTIONS -> Lwt.return None
| _ -> Lwt.fail Invalid_method
end >>= fun body ->
handler body >>= fun { Answer.code ; body } ->
let body = match body with
| Empty ->
| Single json ->
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json)
| Stream s ->
let stream =
create_stream io con Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string s in
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_stream stream in
lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC %s"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con)
(if Cohttp.Code.is_error code
then "failed"
else "success") >>= fun () ->
let headers =
Cohttp.Header.init_with "Content-Type" "application/json" in
let headers =
make_cors_headers ~headers
cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header
Lwt.return (Response.make
~flush:true ~status:(`Code code) ~headers (), body))
| Not_found | Cannot_parse _ ->
lwt_log_info "(%s) not found"
@ -184,12 +228,6 @@ let launch ?pre_hook ?post_hook ?(host="::") mode root cors_allowed_origins cors
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:`Bad_request (),
Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string msg)
| Options_preflight ->
lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC preflight"
(Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () ->
let headers = make_cors_headers cors_allowed_headers cors_allowed_origins origin_header in
Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:(`Code 200) ~headers (),
| e -> Lwt.fail e)
and conn_closed (_, con) =
log_info "connection closed %s" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) ;
@ -200,7 +238,7 @@ let launch ?pre_hook ?post_hook ?(host="::") mode root cors_allowed_origins cors
let on_exn = function
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EADDRINUSE, "bind", _) ->
log_error "RPC server port already taken, \
the node will be shutdown" ;
the node will be shutdown" ;
Lwt_exit.exit 1
| Unix.Unix_error (ECONNRESET, _, _)
| Unix.Unix_error (EPIPE, _, _) -> ()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user