[LIGO-29] Integrate existing completion framework with haskell-lsp
Problem: Currently we have not integrated our completions with haskell-lsp server so that we could use this completion from text editor itself. Solution: Add the corresponding requests for handling code completion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Range
import Product
import AST hiding (def)
import qualified AST.Find as Find
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- import Error
main :: IO ()
@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ lspHandlers rin = def
, Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
, Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
, Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
, Core.completionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCompletion
, Core.completionResolveHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCompletionItemResolve
passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
@ -184,6 +187,21 @@ eventLoop funs chan = do
Nothing -> do
respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
ReqCompletion req -> do
stopDyingAlready funs req $ do
U.logs $ "got completion request: " <> show req
let uri = req ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
let pos = posToRange $ req ^. J.params . J.position
tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
let completions = fmap toCompletionItem . fromMaybe [] $ complete pos tree
respondWith funs req RspCompletion . J.Completions . J.List $ completions
-- Additional callback executed after completion was made, currently no-op
ReqCompletionItemResolve req -> do
stopDyingAlready funs req $ do
U.logs $ "got completion resolve request: " <> show req
respondWith funs req RspCompletionItemResolve (req ^. J.params)
_ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ library:
- vendor/reasonligo/parser.c
- vendor/camligo/parser.c
- haskell-lsp-types
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module AST.Completion where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (CompletionDoc (..), CompletionItem (..), CompletionItemKind (..))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (isSubsequenceOf, nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
@ -45,6 +48,29 @@ complete r tree = do
$ filter (fits nameCat . catFromType)
$ scope
toCompletionItem :: Completion -> CompletionItem
toCompletionItem c@Completion{..} = CompletionItem
{ _label = cName
, _kind = Just $ CiFunction -- TODO
, _detail = Just $ ":: " <> cType -- TODO: more elaborate info
, _documentation = Just $ mkDoc c
, _deprecated = Nothing
, _preselect = Nothing
, _sortText = Nothing
, _filterText = Nothing
, _insertTextFormat = Nothing
, _textEdit = Nothing
, _insertText = Nothing
, _additionalTextEdits = Nothing
, _commitCharacters = Nothing
, _command = Nothing
, _xdata = Nothing
mkDoc :: Completion -> CompletionDoc
mkDoc Completion {..} = CompletionDocString $
cName <> " is of type " <> cType <> ". " <> cDoc
asCompletion :: ScopedDecl -> Completion
asCompletion sd = Completion
{ cName = ppToText (_sdName sd)
Reference in New Issue
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