Fix camligo not registering fun/lam args

This commit is contained in:
Kirill Andreev 2020-08-21 18:24:06 +04:00
parent 7fa947e92e
commit 1c684a791c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: CF7DA79DE4785A47
5 changed files with 88 additions and 86 deletions

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import System.Exit
import qualified System.Log as L
import Duplo.Error
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Tree (collect)
import Range

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module.exports = grammar({
_pattern: $ => choice(
@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ module.exports = grammar({
var_pattern: $ => seq(
field("var", $.Name)
con_pattern: $ => prec(10,
field("ctor", $.data_con),

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ example :: FilePath
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/lambda2.mligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.mligo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/let_in_multi_bind.mligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/list.mligo"
example = "../../../src/test/contracts/fibo2.mligo"
raw :: IO ()
raw = toParseTree (Path example)
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ recognise = descent (\_ -> error . show . pp) $ map usingScope
"con_pattern" -> IsConstr <$> field "ctor" <*> fieldOpt "args"
"annot_pattern" -> IsAnnot <$> field "pat" <*> field "type"
"paren_pattern" -> IsTuple <$> fields "pat"
"var_pattern" -> IsVar <$> field "var"
"_" -> pure IsWildcard
_ -> fallthrough

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Pretty FullEnv where
mergeFE fe = getTag @"vars" @Env fe Prelude.<> getTag @"types" fe
instance Pretty ScopedDecl where
pp (ScopedDecl n o _ t refs doc) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> color 4 (maybe "?" (either pp pp) t) <+> "=" <+> pp refs `indent` pp doc
pp (ScopedDecl n o _ t refs doc) = color 3 (pp n) <+> pp o <+> ":" <+> maybe "?" (either pp pp) t <+> "=" <+> pp refs `indent` pp doc
instance Pretty Kind where
pp _ = "TYPE"

@ -228,6 +228,12 @@ newtype FieldName it = FieldName Text
deriving (Show) via PP (TypeName it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
sexpr :: Text -> [Doc] -> Doc
sexpr header items = "(" <.> pp header `indent` foldr above empty items <.> ")"
sop :: Doc -> Text -> [Doc] -> Doc
sop a op b = "(" <.> a `indent` pp op `indent` foldr above empty b <.> ")"
instance Pretty1 Language where
pp1 = \case
Language _ p -> p
@ -238,43 +244,38 @@ instance Pretty1 Undefined where
instance Pretty1 Contract where
pp1 = \case
ContractEnd -> "(* end *)"
ContractCons x xs -> x $$ " " $$ xs
ContractEnd -> "(endtract)"
ContractCons x xs -> sexpr "constract" [x, xs]
instance Pretty1 RawContract where
pp1 = \case
RawContract xs -> "(* begin *)" `indent` sparseBlock xs `above` "(* end *)"
RawContract xs -> sexpr "contract" xs
instance Pretty1 Binding where
pp1 = \case
Irrefutable pat expr -> "irref" <+> pat <+> "=" `indent` expr
TypeDecl n ty -> "type" <+> n <+> "=" `indent` ty
Var name ty value -> "var" <+> name <+> ":" <+> fromMaybe "<unnanotated>" ty <+> ":=" `indent` value
Const name ty body -> "const" <+> name <+> ":" <+> pp ty <+> "=" `indent` body
Attribute name -> "[@" <.> name <.> "]"
Include fname -> "#include" <+> fname
Irrefutable pat expr -> sexpr "irref" [pat, expr]
TypeDecl n ty -> sexpr "type" [n, ty]
Var name ty value -> sexpr "var" [name, pp ty, value]
Const name ty body -> sexpr "const" [name, pp ty, body]
Attribute name -> sexpr "attr" [name]
Include fname -> sexpr "#include" [fname]
Function isRec name params ty body ->
( (if isRec then "recursive" else empty)
<+> "function"
<+> name
`indent` pp params
`indent` (":" <+> pp ty `above` "is")
`indent` body
sexpr "fun" $ concat
[ ["rec" | isRec]
, [name]
, params
, [":", pp ty]
, ["=", body]
instance Pretty1 Parameters where
pp1 = \case
Parameters them -> tuple them
Parameters them -> sexpr "params" them
instance Pretty1 VarDecl where
pp1 = \case
Decl mutability name ty -> mutability <+> name <+> ":" `indent` ty
Decl mutability name ty -> sexpr "decl" [mutability, name, ty]
instance Pretty1 Mutable where
pp1 = \case
@ -283,79 +284,74 @@ instance Pretty1 Mutable where
instance Pretty1 Type where
pp1 = \case
TArrow dom codom -> parens (dom `indent` "->" <+> codom)
TRecord fields -> "record [" `indent` block fields `above` "]"
TArrow dom codom -> sop dom "->" [codom]
TRecord fields -> sexpr "RECORD" fields
TVar name -> name
TSum variants -> block variants
TProduct elements -> train " *" elements
TApply f xs -> f <+> tuple xs
TTuple xs -> tuple xs
TOr l n r m -> "michelson_or" <+> tuple [l, n, r, m]
TAnd l n r m -> "michelson_pair" <+> tuple [l, n, r, m]
TSum variants -> sexpr "SUM" variants
TProduct elements -> sexpr "PROD" elements
TApply f xs -> sop f "$" xs
TTuple xs -> sexpr "TUPLE" xs
TOr l n r m -> sexpr "OR" [l, n, r, m]
TAnd l n r m -> sexpr "AND" [l, n, r, m]
instance Pretty1 Variant where
pp1 = \case
Variant ctor (Just ty) -> "|" <+> ctor <+> "of" `indent` ty
Variant ctor _ -> "|" <+> ctor
Variant ctor ty -> sexpr "ctor" [ctor, pp ty]
instance Pretty1 ReasonExpr where
pp1 = \case
-- TODO: prettify
Block decls ret -> "block' {"
`indent` block decls
<+> (if null decls then "" else ";")
`above` maybe "" ("return" `indent`) ret `above` "}"
Block decls ret -> sexpr "block" $ decls ++ [pp ret]
instance Pretty1 Expr where
pp1 = \case
Let decl body -> "let" <+> decl `above` body
Apply f xs -> "(" <.> f <.> ")" `indent` xs
Let decl body -> sexpr "let" [decl, body]
Apply f xs -> sexpr "apply" [f, xs]
Constant constant -> constant
Ident qname -> qname
BinOp l o r -> parens (l <+> pp o <+> r)
UnOp o r -> parens (pp o <+> r)
BinOp l o r -> sop l (ppToText o) [r]
UnOp o r -> sexpr (ppToText o) [r]
Op o -> pp o
Record az -> "record" <+> list az
If b t e -> fsep ["if" `indent` b, "then" `indent` t, "else" `indent` pp e]
Assign l r -> l <+> ":=" `indent` r
List l -> "list" <+> list l
ListAccess l ids -> l <.> cat ((("[" <.>) . (<.> "]") . pp) <$> ids)
Set l -> "set" <+> list l
Tuple l -> tuple l
Annot n t -> parens (n <+> ":" `indent` t)
Attrs ts -> "attributes" <+> list ts
BigMap bs -> "big_map" <+> list bs
Map bs -> "map" <+> list bs
MapRemove k m -> "remove" `indent` k `above` "from" <+> "map" `indent` m
SetRemove k s -> "remove" `indent` k `above` "from" <+> "set" `indent` s
Indexing a j -> a <.> list [j]
Case s az -> "case" <+> s <+> "of" `indent` block az
Record az -> sexpr "record" az
If b t e -> sexpr "if" [b, t, pp e]
Assign l r -> sop l ":=" [r]
List l -> sexpr "list" l
ListAccess l ids -> sexpr "get" (l : ids)
Set l -> sexpr "set" l
Tuple l -> sexpr "tuple" l
Annot n t -> sop n ":" [t]
Attrs ts -> sexpr "attrs" ts
BigMap bs -> sexpr "big_map" bs
Map bs -> sexpr "map" bs
MapRemove k m -> sexpr "remove_map" [k, m]
SetRemove k s -> sexpr "remove_set" [k, s]
Indexing a j -> sexpr "index" [a, j]
Case s az -> sexpr "case" (s : az)
Skip -> "skip"
ForLoop j s f d b -> "for" <+> j <+> ":=" <+> s <+> "to" <+> f <+> mb ("step" <+>) d `indent` b
ForBox k mv t z b -> "for" <+> k <+> mb ("->" <+>) mv <+> "in" <+> pp t <+> z `indent` b
WhileLoop f b -> "while" <+> f `indent` b
Seq es -> "block {" `indent` block es `above` "}"
Lambda ps ty b -> (("lam" `indent` pp ps) `indent` (":" <+> fromMaybe "<unnanotated>" ty)) `indent` "=>" `indent` b
MapPatch z bs -> "patch" `indent` z `above` "with" <+> "map" `indent` list bs
SetPatch z bs -> "patch" `indent` z `above` "with" <+> "set" `indent` list bs
RecordUpd r up -> r `indent` "with" <+> "record" `indent` list up
ForLoop j s f d b -> sexpr "for" [j, s, f, pp d, b]
ForBox k mv t z b -> sexpr "for_box" [k, pp mv, pp t, z, b]
WhileLoop f b -> sexpr "while" [f, b]
Seq es -> sexpr "seq" es
Lambda ps ty b -> sexpr "lam" $ concat [ps, [":", pp ty], ["=>", b]]
MapPatch z bs -> sexpr "patch" (z : bs)
SetPatch z bs -> sexpr "patch_set" (z : bs)
RecordUpd r up -> sexpr "update" (r : up)
instance Pretty1 Alt where
pp1 = \case
Alt p b -> "|" <+> p <+> "->" `indent` b
Alt p b -> sexpr "alt" [p, b]
instance Pretty1 MapBinding where
pp1 = \case
MapBinding k v -> k <+> "->" `indent` v
MapBinding k v -> sexpr "bind" [k, v]
instance Pretty1 Assignment where
pp1 = \case
Assignment n e -> n <+> "=" `indent` e
Assignment n e -> sexpr "assign" [n, e]
instance Pretty1 FieldAssignment where
pp1 = \case
FieldAssignment n e -> n <+> "=" `indent` e
Spread n -> "..." <+> n
FieldAssignment n e -> sexpr ".=" [n, e]
Spread n -> sexpr "..." [n]
instance Pretty1 Constant where
pp1 = \case
@ -368,34 +364,34 @@ instance Pretty1 Constant where
instance Pretty1 QualifiedName where
pp1 = \case
QualifiedName src path -> src <.> sepByDot path
QualifiedName src path -> sexpr "." (src : path)
instance Pretty1 Pattern where
pp1 = \case
IsConstr ctor arg -> ctor <+> maybe empty id arg
IsConstant z -> z
IsVar name -> name
IsCons h t -> h <+> ("#" <+> t)
IsAnnot s t -> "(" <+> s <+> ":" <+> t <+> ")"
IsWildcard -> "_"
IsList l -> list l
IsTuple t -> tuple t
IsConstr ctor arg -> sexpr "ctor?" [ctor, pp arg]
IsConstant z -> sexpr "is?" [z]
IsVar name -> sexpr "?" [name]
IsCons h t -> sop h "::?" [t]
IsAnnot s t -> sexpr "type?" [s, t]
IsWildcard -> "_?"
IsList l -> sexpr "list?" l
IsTuple t -> sexpr "tuple?" t
instance Pretty1 Name where
pp1 = \case
Name raw -> pp raw
Name raw -> color 2 $ pp raw
instance Pretty1 TypeName where
pp1 = \case
TypeName raw -> pp raw
TypeName raw -> color 3 $ pp raw
instance Pretty1 FieldName where
pp1 = \case
FieldName raw -> pp raw
FieldName raw -> color 4 $ pp raw
instance Pretty1 Ctor where
pp1 = \case
Ctor raw -> pp raw
Ctor raw -> color 5 $ pp raw
instance Pretty1 Path where
pp1 = \case