Data_encoding: deduplicate documentation

This commit is contained in:
Raphaël Proust 2018-05-03 15:25:47 +08:00
parent 194d3f9120
commit 0a3c9d52ec
5 changed files with 13 additions and 296 deletions

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@ -7,46 +7,21 @@
(* *) (* *)
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(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Binary}. *)
val length : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> int val length : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> int
val read : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> (int * 'a) option val read : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> (int * 'a) option
val write : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int option val write : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int option
val to_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t val to_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t
val of_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a option val of_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a option
val of_bytes_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a val of_bytes_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a
(** [to_bytes_list ?copy_blocks blocks_size encod data] encode the
given data as a list of successive blocks of length
'blocks_size' at most.
NB. If 'copy_blocks' is false (default), the blocks of the list
can be garbage-collected only when all the blocks are
unreachable (because of the 'optimized' implementation of
MBytes.sub used internally *)
val to_bytes_list : ?copy_blocks:bool -> int -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t list val to_bytes_list : ?copy_blocks:bool -> int -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t list
(** This type is used when decoding binary data incrementally.
- In case of 'Success', the decoded data, the size of used data
to decode the result, and the remaining data are returned
- In case of error, 'Error' is returned
- 'Await' status embeds a function that waits for additional data
to continue decoding, when given data are not sufficient *)
type 'a status = type 'a status =
| Success of { res : 'a ; res_len : int ; remaining : MBytes.t list } | Success of { res : 'a ; res_len : int ; remaining : MBytes.t list }
| Await of (MBytes.t -> 'a status) | Await of (MBytes.t -> 'a status)
| Error | Error
(** This function allows to decode (or to initialize decoding) a
stream of 'MByte.t'. The given data encoding should have a
'Fixed' or a 'Dynamic' size, otherwise an exception
'Invalid_argument "streaming data with variable size"' is
raised *)
val read_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a status val read_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a status
(** Like read_stream_of_bytes, but only checks that the stream can
be read. Note that this is an approximation because failures
that may come from conversion functions present in encodings are
not checked *)
val check_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> unit status val check_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> unit status
val fixed_length : 'a Encoding.t -> int option val fixed_length : 'a Encoding.t -> int option
val fixed_length_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> int val fixed_length_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> int

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@ -7,12 +7,10 @@
(* *) (* *)
(**************************************************************************) (**************************************************************************)
(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Bson}. *)
type bson = Json_repr_bson.bson type bson = Json_repr_bson.bson
type t = bson type t = bson
(** Construct a BSON object from an encoding. *)
val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> bson val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> bson
(** Destruct a BSON object into a value.
Fail with an exception if the JSON object and encoding do not match.. *)
val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> bson -> 't val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> bson -> 't

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@ -7,63 +7,16 @@
(* *) (* *)
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(** Type-safe serialization and deserialization of data structures. *) (** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Encoding}. *)
(** {1 Data Encoding} *)
(** This module provides type-safe serialization and deserialization of
data structures. Backends are provided to both binary and JSON.
This works by writing type descriptors by hand, using the provided
combinators. These combinators can fine-tune the binary
representation to be compact and efficient, but also provide
proper field names and meta information, so the API of Tezos can
be automatically introspected and documented.
Here is an example encoding for type [(int * string)].
[let enc = obj2 (req "code" uint16) (req "message" string)]
In JSON, this encoding maps values of type [int * string] to JSON
objects with a field [code] whose value is a number and a field
[message] whose value is a string.
In binary, this encoding maps to two raw bytes for the [int]
followed by the size of the string in bytes, and finally the raw
contents of the string. This binary format is mostly tagless,
meaning that serialized data cannot be interpreted without the
encoding that was used for serialization.
Regarding binary serialization, encodings are classified as either:
- fixed size (booleans, integers, numbers)
data is always the same size for that type ;
- dynamically sized (arbitrary strings and bytes)
data is of unknown size and requires an explicit length field ;
- variable size (special case of strings, bytes, and arrays)
data makes up the remainder of an object of known size,
thus its size is given by the context, and does not
have to be serialized.
JSON operations are delegated to [ocplib-json-typed]. *)
(* TODO: reorder all the functions so it makes sense (ground, combinator,
* predicates, etc.) *)
(* TODO: move the doc into the packing module *)
module Kind: sig module Kind: sig
type t = [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ] type t = [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ]
type length = [ `Fixed of int | `Variable ] type length = [ `Fixed of int | `Variable ]
type enum = [ `Dynamic | `Variable ] type enum = [ `Dynamic | `Variable ]
val combine: string -> t -> t -> t val combine: string -> t -> t -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t val merge : t -> t -> t
val merge_list: Size.tag_size -> t list -> t val merge_list: Size.tag_size -> t list -> t
end end
type case_tag = Tag of int | Json_only type case_tag = Tag of int | Json_only
@ -145,167 +98,53 @@ exception Int_out_of_range of int * int * int
exception Invalid_size of int exception Invalid_size of int
(** Special value [null] in JSON, nothing in binary. *)
val null : unit encoding val null : unit encoding
(** Empty object (not included in binary, encoded as empty object in JSON). *)
val empty : unit encoding val empty : unit encoding
(** Unit value, ommitted in binary.
Serialized as an empty object in JSON, accepts any object when deserializing. *)
val unit : unit encoding val unit : unit encoding
(** Constant string (data is not included in the binary data). *)
val constant : string -> unit encoding val constant : string -> unit encoding
(** Signed 8 bit integer
(data is encoded as a byte in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val int8 : int encoding val int8 : int encoding
(** Unsigned 8 bit integer
(data is encoded as a byte in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val uint8 : int encoding val uint8 : int encoding
(** Signed 16 bit integer
(data is encoded as a short in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val int16 : int encoding val int16 : int encoding
(** Unsigned 16 bit integer
(data is encoded as a short in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val uint16 : int encoding val uint16 : int encoding
(** Signed 31 bit integer, which corresponds to type int on 32-bit OCaml systems
(data is encoded as a 32 bit int in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val int31 : int encoding val int31 : int encoding
(** Signed 32 bit integer
(data is encoded as a 32-bit int in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
val int32 : int32 encoding val int32 : int32 encoding
(** Signed 64 bit integer
(data is encodedas a 64-bit int in binary and a decimal string in JSON). *)
val int64 : int64 encoding val int64 : int64 encoding
(** Integer with bounds in a given range. Both bounds are inclusive.
Raises [Invalid_argument] if the bounds are beyond the interval
[-2^30; 2^30-1]. These bounds are chosen to be compatible with all versions
of OCaml.
val ranged_int : int -> int -> int encoding val ranged_int : int -> int -> int encoding
(** Float with bounds in a given range. Both bounds are inclusive *)
val ranged_float : float -> float -> float encoding val ranged_float : float -> float -> float encoding
(** Encoding of a boolean
(data is encoded as a byte in binary and a boolean in JSON). *)
val bool : bool encoding val bool : bool encoding
(** Encoding of a string
- default variable in width
- encoded as a byte sequence in binary
- encoded as a string in JSON. *)
val string : string encoding val string : string encoding
(** Encoding of arbitrary bytes
(encoded via hex in JSON and directly as a sequence byte in binary). *)
val bytes : MBytes.t encoding val bytes : MBytes.t encoding
(** Encoding of floating point number
(encoded as a floating point number in JSON and a double in binary). *)
val float : float encoding val float : float encoding
(** Combinator to make an optional value
(represented as a 1-byte tag followed by the data (or nothing) in binary
and either the raw value or an empty object in JSON). *)
val option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding val option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding
(** Combinator to make a {!result} value
(represented as a 1-byte tag followed by the data of either type in binary,
and either unwrapped value in JSON (the caller must ensure that both
encodings do not collide)). *)
val result : 'a encoding -> 'b encoding -> ('a, 'b) result encoding val result : 'a encoding -> 'b encoding -> ('a, 'b) result encoding
(** Encode enumeration via association list
(represented as a string in JSON and binary). *)
val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding
(** Is the given encoding serialized as a JSON object? *)
val is_obj : 'a encoding -> bool val is_obj : 'a encoding -> bool
(** Does the given encoding encode a tuple? *)
val is_tup : 'a encoding -> bool val is_tup : 'a encoding -> bool
(** Create encodings that produce data of a fixed length when binary encoded.
See the preamble for an explanation. *)
module Fixed : sig module Fixed : sig
(** Encode a fixed length string *)
val string : int -> string encoding val string : int -> string encoding
(** Encode a fixed length byte sequence *)
val bytes : int -> MBytes.t encoding val bytes : int -> MBytes.t encoding
end end
(** Create encodings that produce data of a variable length when binary encoded.
See the preamble for an explanation. *)
module Variable : sig module Variable : sig
(** Encode a string *)
val string : string encoding val string : string encoding
(** Encode a byte sequence *)
val bytes : MBytes.t encoding val bytes : MBytes.t encoding
(** Array encoding combinator *)
val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
(** List encoding combinator *)
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
end end
(** Mark an encoding as being of dynamic size.
Forces the size to be stored alongside content when needed.
Usually used to fix errors from combining two encodings. *)
val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
(** Recompute the encoding definition each time it is used.
Useful for dynamically updating the encoding of values of an extensible
type via a global reference (e.g. exceptions). *)
val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
(** Required field. *)
val req : val req :
?title:string -> ?description:string -> ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't field string -> 't encoding -> 't field
(** Optional field. Omitted entirely in JSON encoding if None.
Omitted in binary if the only optional field in a [`Variable]
encoding, otherwise a 1-byte prefix (`0` or `1`) tells if the
field is present or not. *)
val opt : val opt :
?title:string -> ?description:string -> ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't option field string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
(** Optional field of variable length.
Only one can be present in a given object. *)
val varopt : val varopt :
?title:string -> ?description:string -> ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't option field string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
(** Required field with a default value.
If the default value is passed, the field is omitted in JSON.
The value is always serialized in binary. *)
val dft : val dft :
?title:string -> ?description:string -> ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field
(** {2 Constructors for objects with N fields} *)
(** These are serialized to binary by converting each internal object to binary
and placing them in the order of the original object.
These are serialized to JSON as a JSON object with the field names. *)
val obj1 : val obj1 :
'f1 field -> 'f1 encoding 'f1 field -> 'f1 encoding
val obj2 : val obj2 :
@ -339,12 +178,6 @@ val obj10 :
'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> 'f10 field -> 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> 'f10 field ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
(** {2 Constructors for tuples with N fields} *)
(** These are serialized to binary by converting each internal object to binary
and placing them in the order of the original object.
These are serialized to JSON as JSON arrays/lists. *)
val tup1 : val tup1 :
'f1 encoding -> 'f1 encoding ->
'f1 encoding 'f1 encoding
@ -384,77 +217,28 @@ val tup10 :
'f9 encoding -> 'f10 encoding -> 'f9 encoding -> 'f10 encoding ->
('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
(** {2 Combinators} *)
(** Create a larger object from the encodings of two smaller ones.
@raise invalid_arg if both arguments are not objects. *)
val merge_objs : 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding val merge_objs : 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding
(** Create a large tuple encoding from two smaller ones.
@raise invalid_arg if both values are not tuples. *)
val merge_tups : 'a1 encoding -> 'a2 encoding -> ('a1 * 'a2) encoding val merge_tups : 'a1 encoding -> 'a2 encoding -> ('a1 * 'a2) encoding
(** Array combinator. *)
val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
(** List combinator. *)
val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
(** Encodes a variant constructor. Takes the encoding for the specific
parameters, a recognizer function that will extract the parameters
in case the expected case of the variant is being serialized, and
a constructor function for deserialization.
The tag must be less than the tag size of the union in which you use the case.
An optional tag gives a name to a case and should be used to maintain
An optional name for the case can be provided,
which is used in the binary documentation. *)
val case : val case :
?name:string -> ?name:string ->
case_tag -> case_tag ->
'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case 'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case
(** Create a single encoding from a series of cases.
In JSON, all cases are tried one after the other. The caller must
check for collisions.
In binary, a prefix tag is added to discriminate quickly between
cases. The default is `Uint8 and you must use a `Uint16 if you are
going to have more than 256 cases.
This function will raise an exception if it is given the empty list
or if there are more cases than can fit in the tag size. *)
val union : val union :
?tag_size:[ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ] -> 't case list -> 't encoding ?tag_size:[ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ] -> 't case list -> 't encoding
(** Add documentation to an encoding. *)
val describe : val describe :
?title:string -> ?description:string -> ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
't encoding ->'t encoding 't encoding ->'t encoding
(** Give a name to an encoding. *)
val def : string -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding val def : string -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
(** Provide a transformer from one encoding to a different one.
Used to simplify nested encodings or to change the generic tuples
built by {obj1}, {tup1} and the like into proper records.
A schema may optionally be provided as documentation of the new encoding. *)
val conv : val conv :
('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) ->
?schema:Json_schema.schema -> ?schema:Json_schema.schema ->
'b encoding -> 'a encoding 'b encoding -> 'a encoding
(** Combinator for recursive encodings. *)
val mu : string -> ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding val mu : string -> ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
(** Classify an encoding wrt. its binary serialization as explained in the preamble. *)
val classify : 'a encoding -> [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ] val classify : 'a encoding -> [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ]
(** Define different encodings for JSON and binary serialization. *)
val raw_splitted : json:'a Json_encoding.encoding -> binary:'a encoding -> 'a encoding val raw_splitted : json:'a Json_encoding.encoding -> binary:'a encoding -> 'a encoding

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
(* *) (* *)
(**************************************************************************) (**************************************************************************)
(** Type-safe serialization and deserialization of data structures. *) (** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Json}. *)
(** In memory JSON data, compatible with [Ezjsonm]. *)
type json = type json =
[ `O of (string * json) list [ `O of (string * json) list
| `Bool of bool | `Bool of bool
@ -18,79 +18,37 @@ type json =
| `Null | `Null
| `String of string ] | `String of string ]
type t = json type t = json
type schema = Json_schema.schema type schema = Json_schema.schema
(** Create a {!Json_encoding.encoding} from an {encoding}. *)
val convert : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a Json_encoding.encoding val convert : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a Json_encoding.encoding
(** Generate a schema from an {!encoding}. *)
val schema : 'a Encoding.t -> schema val schema : 'a Encoding.t -> schema
val encoding: json Encoding.t val encoding: json Encoding.t
val schema_encoding: schema Encoding.t val schema_encoding: schema Encoding.t
(** Construct a JSON object from an encoding. *)
val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> json val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> json
(** Destruct a JSON object into a value.
Fail with an exception if the JSON object and encoding do not match.. *)
val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> json -> 't val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> json -> 't
(** JSON Error. *)
type path = path_item list type path = path_item list
(** A set of accessors that point to a location in a JSON object. *)
and path_item = and path_item =
[ `Field of string [ `Field of string
(** A field in an object. *)
| `Index of int | `Index of int
(** An index in an array. *)
| `Star | `Star
(** Any / every field or index. *)
| `Next | `Next
(** The next element after an array. *) ] ]
(** Exception raised by destructors, with the location in the original
JSON structure and the specific error. *)
exception Cannot_destruct of (path * exn) exception Cannot_destruct of (path * exn)
(** Unexpected kind of data encountered (w/ the expectation). *)
exception Unexpected of string * string exception Unexpected of string * string
(** Some {!union} couldn't be destructed, w/ the reasons for each {!case}. *)
exception No_case_matched of exn list exception No_case_matched of exn list
(** Array of unexpected size encountered (w/ the expectation). *)
exception Bad_array_size of int * int exception Bad_array_size of int * int
(** Missing field in an object. *)
exception Missing_field of string exception Missing_field of string
(** Supernumerary field in an object. *)
exception Unexpected_field of string exception Unexpected_field of string
val print_error : val print_error :
?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) -> ?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> exn -> unit Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
(** Helpers for writing encoders. *)
val cannot_destruct : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a val cannot_destruct : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
val wrap_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b val wrap_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** Read a JSON document from a string. *)
val from_string : string -> (json, string) result val from_string : string -> (json, string) result
(** Read a stream of JSON documents from a stream of strings.
A single JSON document may be represented in multiple consecutive
strings. But only the first document of a string is considered. *)
val from_stream : string Lwt_stream.t -> (json, string) result Lwt_stream.t val from_stream : string Lwt_stream.t -> (json, string) result Lwt_stream.t
(** Write a JSON document to a string. This goes via an intermediate
buffer and so may be slow on large documents. *)
val to_string : ?minify:bool -> json -> string val to_string : ?minify:bool -> json -> string
val pp : Format.formatter -> json -> unit val pp : Format.formatter -> json -> unit

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(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. *)
val bool: int val bool: int
val int8: int val int8: int
val uint8: int val uint8: int