diff --git a/src/lib_data_encoding/binary.mli b/src/lib_data_encoding/binary.mli
index e9c64b9f6..57088771e 100644
--- a/src/lib_data_encoding/binary.mli
+++ b/src/lib_data_encoding/binary.mli
@@ -7,46 +7,21 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
+    use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Binary}. *)
 val length : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> int
 val read : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> (int * 'a) option
 val write : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int option
 val to_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t
 val of_bytes : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a option
 val of_bytes_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> MBytes.t -> 'a
-(** [to_bytes_list ?copy_blocks blocks_size encod data] encode the
-    given data as a list of successive blocks of length
-    'blocks_size' at most.
-    NB. If 'copy_blocks' is false (default), the blocks of the list
-    can be garbage-collected only when all the blocks are
-    unreachable (because of the 'optimized' implementation of
-    MBytes.sub used internally *)
 val to_bytes_list : ?copy_blocks:bool -> int  -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a -> MBytes.t list
-(** This type is used when decoding binary data incrementally.
-    - In case of 'Success', the decoded data, the size of used data
-     to decode the result, and the remaining data are returned
-    - In case of error, 'Error' is returned
-    - 'Await' status embeds a function that waits for additional data
-     to continue decoding, when given data are not sufficient *)
 type 'a status =
   | Success of { res : 'a ; res_len : int ; remaining : MBytes.t list }
   | Await of (MBytes.t -> 'a status)
   | Error
-(** This function allows to decode (or to initialize decoding) a
-    stream of 'MByte.t'. The given data encoding should have a
-    'Fixed' or a 'Dynamic' size, otherwise an exception
-    'Invalid_argument "streaming data with variable size"' is
-    raised *)
 val read_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'a status
-(** Like read_stream_of_bytes, but only checks that the stream can
-    be read. Note that this is an approximation because failures
-    that may come from conversion functions present in encodings are
-    not checked *)
 val check_stream_of_bytes : ?init:MBytes.t list -> 'a Encoding.t -> unit status
 val fixed_length : 'a Encoding.t -> int option
 val fixed_length_exn : 'a Encoding.t -> int
diff --git a/src/lib_data_encoding/bson.mli b/src/lib_data_encoding/bson.mli
index 0a670dec4..8e4d7fc2f 100644
--- a/src/lib_data_encoding/bson.mli
+++ b/src/lib_data_encoding/bson.mli
@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
+    use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Bson}. *)
 type bson = Json_repr_bson.bson
 type t = bson
-(** Construct a BSON object from an encoding. *)
 val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> bson
-(** Destruct a BSON object into a value.
-    Fail with an exception if the JSON object and encoding do not match.. *)
 val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> bson -> 't
diff --git a/src/lib_data_encoding/encoding.mli b/src/lib_data_encoding/encoding.mli
index 1923dc570..12f1a233c 100644
--- a/src/lib_data_encoding/encoding.mli
+++ b/src/lib_data_encoding/encoding.mli
@@ -7,63 +7,16 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(** Type-safe serialization and deserialization of data structures. *)
-(** {1 Data Encoding} *)
-(** This module provides type-safe serialization and deserialization of
-    data structures. Backends are provided to both binary and JSON.
-    This works by writing type descriptors by hand, using the provided
-    combinators. These combinators can fine-tune the binary
-    representation to be compact and efficient, but also provide
-    proper field names and meta information, so the API of Tezos can
-    be automatically introspected and documented.
-    Here is an example encoding for type [(int * string)].
-    [let enc = obj2 (req "code" uint16) (req "message" string)]
-    In JSON, this encoding maps values of type [int * string] to JSON
-    objects with a field [code] whose value is a number and a field
-    [message] whose value is a string.
-    In binary, this encoding maps to two raw bytes for the [int]
-    followed by the size of the string in bytes, and finally the raw
-    contents of the string. This binary format is mostly tagless,
-    meaning that serialized data cannot be interpreted without the
-    encoding that was used for serialization.
-    Regarding binary serialization, encodings are classified as either:
-    - fixed size (booleans, integers, numbers)
-      data is always the same size for that type ;
-    - dynamically sized (arbitrary strings and bytes)
-      data is of unknown size and requires an explicit length field ;
-    - variable size (special case of strings, bytes, and arrays)
-      data makes up the remainder of an object of known size,
-      thus its size is given by the context, and does not
-      have to be serialized.
-    JSON operations are delegated to [ocplib-json-typed]. *)
-(* TODO: reorder all the functions so it makes sense (ground, combinator,
- * predicates, etc.) *)
-(* TODO: move the doc into the packing module *)
+(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
+    use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Encoding}. *)
 module Kind: sig
   type t = [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ]
   type length = [ `Fixed of int | `Variable ]
   type enum = [ `Dynamic | `Variable ]
   val combine: string -> t -> t -> t
   val merge : t -> t -> t
   val merge_list: Size.tag_size -> t list -> t
 type case_tag = Tag of int | Json_only
@@ -145,167 +98,53 @@ exception Int_out_of_range of int * int * int
 exception Invalid_size of int
-(** Special value [null] in JSON, nothing in binary. *)
 val null : unit encoding
-(** Empty object (not included in binary, encoded as empty object in JSON). *)
 val empty : unit encoding
-(** Unit value, ommitted in binary.
-    Serialized as an empty object in JSON, accepts any object when deserializing. *)
 val unit : unit encoding
-(** Constant string (data is not included in the binary data). *)
 val constant : string -> unit encoding
-(** Signed 8 bit integer
-    (data is encoded as a byte in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val int8 : int encoding
-(** Unsigned 8 bit integer
-    (data is encoded as a byte in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val uint8 : int encoding
-(** Signed 16 bit integer
-    (data is encoded as a short in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val int16 : int encoding
-(** Unsigned 16 bit integer
-    (data is encoded as a short in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val uint16 : int encoding
-(** Signed 31 bit integer, which corresponds to type int on 32-bit OCaml systems
-    (data is encoded as a 32 bit int in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val int31 : int encoding
-(** Signed 32 bit integer
-    (data is encoded as a 32-bit int in binary and an integer in JSON). *)
 val int32 : int32 encoding
-(** Signed 64 bit integer
-    (data is encodedas a 64-bit int in binary and a decimal string in JSON). *)
 val int64 : int64 encoding
-(** Integer with bounds in a given range. Both bounds are inclusive.
-    Raises [Invalid_argument] if the bounds are beyond the interval
-    [-2^30; 2^30-1]. These bounds are chosen to be compatible with all versions
-    of OCaml.
 val ranged_int : int -> int -> int encoding
-(** Float with bounds in a given range. Both bounds are inclusive *)
 val ranged_float : float -> float -> float encoding
-(** Encoding of a boolean
-    (data is encoded as a byte in binary and a boolean in JSON). *)
 val bool : bool encoding
-(** Encoding of a string
-    - default variable in width
-    - encoded as a byte sequence in binary
-    - encoded as a string in JSON. *)
 val string : string encoding
-(** Encoding of arbitrary bytes
-    (encoded via hex in JSON and directly as a sequence byte in binary). *)
 val bytes : MBytes.t encoding
-(** Encoding of floating point number
-    (encoded as a floating point number in JSON and a double in binary). *)
 val float : float encoding
-(** Combinator to make an optional value
-    (represented as a 1-byte tag followed by the data (or nothing) in binary
-     and either the raw value or an empty object in JSON). *)
 val option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding
-(** Combinator to make a {!result} value
-    (represented as a 1-byte tag followed by the data of either type in binary,
-     and either unwrapped value in JSON (the caller must ensure that both
-     encodings do not collide)). *)
 val result : 'a encoding -> 'b encoding -> ('a, 'b) result encoding
-(** Encode enumeration via association list
-    (represented as a string in JSON and binary). *)
 val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding
-(** Is the given encoding serialized as a JSON object? *)
 val is_obj : 'a encoding -> bool
-(** Does the given encoding encode a tuple? *)
 val is_tup : 'a encoding -> bool
-(** Create encodings that produce data of a fixed length when binary encoded.
-    See the preamble for an explanation. *)
 module Fixed : sig
-  (** Encode a fixed length string *)
   val string : int -> string encoding
-  (** Encode a fixed length byte sequence *)
   val bytes : int -> MBytes.t encoding
-(** Create encodings that produce data of a variable length when binary encoded.
-    See the preamble for an explanation. *)
 module Variable : sig
-  (** Encode a string *)
   val string : string encoding
-  (** Encode a byte sequence *)
   val bytes : MBytes.t encoding
-  (** Array encoding combinator *)
   val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
-  (** List encoding combinator *)
   val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
-(** Mark an encoding as being of dynamic size.
-    Forces the size to be stored alongside content when needed.
-    Usually used to fix errors from combining two encodings. *)
 val dynamic_size : 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
-(** Recompute the encoding definition each time it is used.
-    Useful for dynamically updating the encoding of values of an extensible
-    type via a global reference (e.g. exceptions). *)
 val delayed : (unit -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
-(** Required field. *)
 val req :
   ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
   string -> 't encoding -> 't field
-(** Optional field. Omitted entirely in JSON encoding if None.
-    Omitted in binary if the only optional field in a [`Variable]
-    encoding, otherwise a 1-byte prefix (`0` or `1`) tells if the
-    field is present or not. *)
 val opt :
   ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
   string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
-(** Optional field of variable length.
-    Only one can be present in a given object. *)
 val varopt :
   ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
   string -> 't encoding -> 't option field
-(** Required field with a default value.
-    If the default value is passed, the field is omitted in JSON.
-    The value is always serialized in binary. *)
 val dft :
   ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
   string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field
-(** {2 Constructors for objects with N fields} *)
-(** These are serialized to binary by converting each internal object to binary
-    and placing them in the order of the original object.
-    These are serialized to JSON as a JSON object with the field names. *)
 val obj1 :
   'f1 field -> 'f1 encoding
 val obj2 :
@@ -339,12 +178,6 @@ val obj10 :
   'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> 'f10 field ->
   ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
-(** {2 Constructors for tuples with N fields} *)
-(** These are serialized to binary by converting each internal object to binary
-    and placing them in the order of the original object.
-    These are serialized to JSON as JSON arrays/lists. *)
 val tup1 :
   'f1 encoding ->
   'f1 encoding
@@ -384,77 +217,28 @@ val tup10 :
   'f9 encoding -> 'f10 encoding ->
   ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding
-(** {2 Combinators} *)
-(** Create a larger object from the encodings of two smaller ones.
-    @raise invalid_arg if both arguments are not objects. *)
 val merge_objs : 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding
-(** Create a large tuple encoding from two smaller ones.
-    @raise invalid_arg if both values are not tuples. *)
 val merge_tups : 'a1 encoding -> 'a2 encoding -> ('a1 * 'a2) encoding
-(** Array combinator. *)
 val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding
-(** List combinator. *)
 val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding
-(** Encodes a variant constructor. Takes the encoding for the specific
-    parameters, a recognizer function that will extract the parameters
-    in case the expected case of the variant is being serialized, and
-    a constructor function for deserialization.
-    The tag must be less than the tag size of the union in which you use the case.
-    An optional tag gives a name to a case and should be used to maintain
-    compatibility.
-    An optional name for the case can be provided,
-    which is used in the binary documentation. *)
 val case :
   ?name:string ->
   case_tag ->
   'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case
-(** Create a single encoding from a series of cases.
-    In JSON, all cases are tried one after the other. The caller must
-    check for collisions.
-    In binary, a prefix tag is added to discriminate quickly between
-    cases. The default is `Uint8 and you must use a `Uint16 if you are
-    going to have more than 256 cases.
-    This function will raise an exception if it is given the empty list
-    or if there are more cases than can fit in the tag size. *)
 val union :
   ?tag_size:[ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ] -> 't case list -> 't encoding
-(** Add documentation to an encoding. *)
 val describe :
   ?title:string -> ?description:string ->
   't encoding ->'t encoding
-(** Give a name to an encoding. *)
 val def : string -> 'a encoding -> 'a encoding
-(** Provide a transformer from one encoding to a different one.
-    Used to simplify nested encodings or to change the generic tuples
-    built by {obj1}, {tup1} and the like into proper records.
-    A schema may optionally be provided as documentation of the new encoding. *)
 val conv :
   ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) ->
   ?schema:Json_schema.schema ->
   'b encoding -> 'a encoding
-(** Combinator for recursive encodings. *)
 val mu : string -> ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding
-(** Classify an encoding wrt. its binary serialization as explained in the preamble. *)
 val classify : 'a encoding -> [ `Fixed of int | `Dynamic | `Variable ]
-(** Define different encodings for JSON and binary serialization. *)
 val raw_splitted : json:'a Json_encoding.encoding -> binary:'a encoding -> 'a encoding
diff --git a/src/lib_data_encoding/json.mli b/src/lib_data_encoding/json.mli
index 75811afe6..b6382b4f0 100644
--- a/src/lib_data_encoding/json.mli
+++ b/src/lib_data_encoding/json.mli
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(** Type-safe serialization and deserialization of data structures. *)
+(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. Instead, you should
+    use the corresponding module intended for use: {Data_encoding.Json}. *)
-(** In memory JSON data, compatible with [Ezjsonm]. *)
 type json =
   [ `O of (string * json) list
   | `Bool of bool
@@ -18,79 +18,37 @@ type json =
   | `Null
   | `String of string ]
 type t = json
 type schema = Json_schema.schema
-(** Create a {!Json_encoding.encoding} from an {encoding}. *)
 val convert : 'a Encoding.t -> 'a Json_encoding.encoding
-(** Generate a schema from an {!encoding}. *)
 val schema : 'a Encoding.t -> schema
 val encoding: json Encoding.t
 val schema_encoding: schema Encoding.t
-(** Construct a JSON object from an encoding. *)
 val construct : 't Encoding.t -> 't -> json
-(** Destruct a JSON object into a value.
-    Fail with an exception if the JSON object and encoding do not match.. *)
 val destruct : 't Encoding.t -> json -> 't
-(** JSON Error. *)
 type path = path_item list
-(** A set of accessors that point to a location in a JSON object. *)
 and path_item =
   [ `Field of string
-  (** A field in an object. *)
   | `Index of int
-  (** An index in an array. *)
   | `Star
-  (** Any / every field or index. *)
   | `Next
-    (** The next element after an array. *) ]
-(** Exception raised by destructors, with the location in the original
-    JSON structure and the specific error. *)
+  ]
 exception Cannot_destruct of (path * exn)
-(** Unexpected kind of data encountered (w/ the expectation). *)
 exception Unexpected of string * string
-(** Some {!union} couldn't be destructed, w/ the reasons for each {!case}. *)
 exception No_case_matched of exn list
-(** Array of unexpected size encountered  (w/ the expectation). *)
 exception Bad_array_size of int * int
-(** Missing field in an object. *)
 exception Missing_field of string
-(** Supernumerary field in an object. *)
 exception Unexpected_field of string
 val print_error :
   ?print_unknown: (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) ->
   Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
-(** Helpers for writing encoders. *)
 val cannot_destruct : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
 val wrap_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-(** Read a JSON document from a string. *)
 val from_string : string -> (json, string) result
-(** Read a stream of JSON documents from a stream of strings.
-    A single JSON document may be represented in multiple consecutive
-    strings. But only the first document of a string is considered. *)
 val from_stream : string Lwt_stream.t -> (json, string) result Lwt_stream.t
-(** Write a JSON document to a string. This goes via an intermediate
-    buffer and so may be slow on large documents. *)
 val to_string : ?minify:bool -> json -> string
 val pp : Format.formatter -> json -> unit
diff --git a/src/lib_data_encoding/size.mli b/src/lib_data_encoding/size.mli
index 65ab9f625..9807d2a8d 100644
--- a/src/lib_data_encoding/size.mli
+++ b/src/lib_data_encoding/size.mli
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+(** This is for use *within* the data encoding library only. *)
 val bool: int
 val int8: int
 val uint8: int