2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2016-11-14 15:55:24 +01:00
module Ed25519 = Environment.Ed25519
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
open Client_proto_args
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
let report_parse_error _prefix exn _lexbuf =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let open Lexing in
let open Script_located_ir in
let print_loc ppf ((sl, sc), (el, ec)) =
if sl = el then
if sc = ec then
Format.fprintf ppf
"at line %d character %d"
sl sc
Format.fprintf ppf
"at line %d characters %d to %d"
sl sc ec
Format.fprintf ppf
"from line %d character %d to line %d character %d"
sl sc el ec in
match exn with
| Missing_program_field n ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "missing script %s" n
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Illegal_character (loc, c) ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "%a, illegal character %C" print_loc loc c
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Illegal_escape (loc, c) ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "%a, illegal escape sequence %S" print_loc loc c
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Failure s ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "%s" s
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| exn ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "%s" @@ Printexc.to_string exn
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
let print_location_mark ppf = function
| None -> ()
| Some l -> Format.fprintf ppf " /* %d */" l
let no_locations _ = None
let rec print_expr_unwrapped locations ppf = function
| Script.Prim (loc, name, []) ->
begin match locations loc with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
| Some _ as l -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%s%a)" name print_location_mark l
| Script.Prim (loc, name, args) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s%a@ %a@]"
name print_location_mark (locations loc)
~pp_sep: Format.pp_print_space
(print_expr locations))
| Script.Seq (loc, []) ->
begin match locations loc with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "{}"
| Some _ as l -> Format.fprintf ppf "{%a }" print_location_mark l
| Script.Seq (loc, exprs) ->
begin match locations loc with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>{ "
| Some _ as l -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>{%a@ " print_location_mark l
end ;
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@] }"
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " ;@ ")
(print_expr_unwrapped locations))
| Script.Int (loc, n) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a" n print_location_mark (locations loc)
| Script.String (loc, s) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%S%a" s print_location_mark (locations loc)
and print_expr locations ppf = function
| Script.Prim (_, _, _ :: _) as expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" (print_expr_unwrapped locations) expr
| expr -> print_expr_unwrapped locations ppf expr
let print_typed_code locations ppf (expr, type_map) =
let print_stack ppf = function
| [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "[]"
| more ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>[ %a ]@]"
~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf " :@ ")
(print_expr_unwrapped no_locations))
more in
let rec print_typed_code_unwrapped ppf expr =
match expr with
| Script.Prim (loc, name, []) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a"
name print_location_mark (locations loc)
| Script.Prim (loc, name, args) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s%a@ %a@]"
name print_location_mark (locations loc)
~pp_sep: Format.pp_print_space
| Script.Seq (loc, []) ->
begin match List.assoc loc type_map with
| exception Not_found -> Format.fprintf ppf "{}"
| (first, _) ->
match locations loc with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{} /* %a */"
print_stack first
| Some _ as l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "{%a %a }"
print_location_mark l print_stack first
| Script.Seq (loc, exprs) ->
begin match locations loc with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>{ "
| Some _ as l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>{%a@,"
print_location_mark l
end ;
let rec loop = function
| [] -> assert false
| [ Script.Int (loc, _) | String (loc, _) | Prim (loc, _, _) as expr ] ->
begin match List.assoc loc type_map with
| exception Not_found ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a }@]"
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr
| (before, after) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "/* %a */@,%a@,/* %a */ }@]"
print_stack before
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr
print_stack after
end ;
| Script.Int (loc, _) | String (loc, _) | Prim (loc, _, _) as expr :: rest ->
begin match List.assoc loc type_map with
| exception Not_found ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a ;@,"
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr ;
loop rest
| (before, _) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "/* %a */@,%a ;@,"
print_stack before
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr ;
loop rest
end ;
| [ Seq (_, _) as expr ] ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a }@]"
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr
| Seq (_, _) as expr :: rest ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@,"
print_typed_code_unwrapped expr ;
loop rest in
loop exprs ;
| Script.Int (loc, n) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%a" n print_location_mark (locations loc)
| Script.String (loc, s) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%S%a" s print_location_mark (locations loc)
and print_typed_code ppf = function
| Script.Prim (_, _, _ :: _) as expr ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" print_typed_code_unwrapped expr
| expr -> print_typed_code_unwrapped ppf expr in
print_typed_code_unwrapped ppf expr
let print_program locations ppf ((c : Script.code), type_map) =
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 0>@[<hov 2>storage@ %a ;@]@,\
@[<hov 2>parameter@ %a ;@]@,\
@[<hov 2>return@ %a ;@]@,\
@[<hov 2>code@ %a@]@]"
(print_expr no_locations) c.storage_type
(print_expr no_locations) c.arg_type
(print_expr no_locations) c.ret_type
(print_typed_code locations) (c.code, type_map)
2017-07-19 16:40:23 +02:00
let report_typechecking_errors ?show_types cctxt errs =
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
let open Client_commands in
let open Script_typed_ir in
let open Script_ir_translator in
let rec print_ty (type t) ppf (ty : t ty) =
let expr = unparse_ty ty in
print_expr no_locations ppf expr in
let rec print_stack_ty (type t) ?(depth = max_int) ppf (s : t stack_ty) =
let rec loop
: type t. int -> Format.formatter -> t stack_ty -> unit
= fun depth ppf -> function
| Empty_t -> ()
| _ when depth <= 0 ->
Format.fprintf ppf "..."
| Item_t (last, Empty_t) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a"
print_ty last
| Item_t (last, rest) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a :@ %a"
print_ty last (loop (depth - 1)) rest in
match s with
| Empty_t ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[]"
| sty ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>[ %a ]@]" (loop depth) sty in
let rec print_enumeration ppf = function
| [ single ] ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a"
Format.pp_print_text single
| [ prev ; last ] ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@ or@ %a"
Format.pp_print_text prev Format.pp_print_text last
| first :: rest ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a,@ %a"
Format.pp_print_text first print_enumeration rest
| [] -> assert false in
let rec collect_locations acc = function
| (Ill_typed_data (_, _, _)
| Ill_formed_type (_, _)
2017-07-19 16:40:23 +02:00
| Ill_typed_contract (_, _, _, _, _)) :: _
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
| [] ->
let assoc, _ =
(fun (acc, i) l ->
if List.mem_assoc l acc then
(acc, i)
((l, i) :: acc, i + 1))
([], 1) acc in
(fun l -> try Some (List.assoc l assoc) with Not_found -> None)
| (Invalid_arity (loc, _, _, _)
| Invalid_namespace (loc, _, _, _)
| Invalid_primitive (loc, _, _)
| Invalid_case (loc, _)
| Invalid_kind (loc, _, _)
| Fail_not_in_tail_position loc
| Undefined_cast (loc, _, _)
| Undefined_binop (loc, _, _, _)
| Undefined_unop (loc, _, _)
| Bad_return (loc, _, _)
| Bad_stack (loc, _, _, _)
| Unmatched_branches (loc, _, _)
| Transfer_in_lambda loc
| Invalid_constant (loc, _, _)
| Invalid_contract (loc, _)
| Comparable_type_expected (loc, _)) :: rest ->
collect_locations (loc :: acc) rest
| _ :: rest -> collect_locations acc rest in
let print_typechecking_error locations err =
let print_loc ppf loc =
match locations loc with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "At (unmarked) location %d, " loc
| Some loc ->
Format.fprintf ppf "At mark /* %d */, " loc in
match err with
| Ill_typed_data (name, expr, ty) ->
"@[<hv 0>@[<hov 2>Ill typed %adata:@ %a@]@ \
@[<hov 2>is not an expression of type@ %a@]@]"
(fun ppf -> function
| None -> ()
| Some s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s " s)
(print_expr locations) expr
print_ty ty
| Ill_formed_type (name, expr) ->
"@[<hov 2>Ill formed type %aexpression@ %a@]"
(fun ppf -> function
| None -> ()
| Some s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s " s)
(print_expr locations) expr
2017-07-19 16:40:23 +02:00
| Ill_typed_contract (expr, arg_ty, ret_ty, storage_ty, type_map) ->
(match show_types with
| Some prog -> cctxt.message "%a\n" (print_program no_locations) (prog, type_map)
| None -> Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
"@[<v 2>Ill typed contract:@ %a@]"
(print_program locations)
({ Script.storage_type = unparse_ty storage_ty ;
arg_type = unparse_ty arg_ty ;
ret_type = unparse_ty ret_ty ;
code = expr }, [])
| Invalid_arity (loc, name, exp, got) ->
"%aprimitive %s expects %d arguments but is given %d."
print_loc loc name exp got
| Invalid_namespace (loc, name, exp, got) ->
let human_namespace = function
| Instr_namespace -> ("an", "instruction")
| Type_namespace -> ("a", "type name")
| Constant_namespace -> ("a", "constant constructor") in
"@[%aunexpected %s %s, only@ %s@ %s@ can@ be@ used@ here."
print_loc loc
(snd (human_namespace got))
(fst (human_namespace exp)) (snd (human_namespace exp))
| Invalid_primitive (loc, exp, got) ->
"@[%ainvalid primitive %s, only@ %a@ can@ be@ used@ here."
print_loc loc
print_enumeration exp
| Invalid_case (loc, name) ->
"%a%s is not a valid primitive name."
print_loc loc
| Invalid_kind (loc, exp, got) ->
let human_kind = function
| Seq_kind -> ("a", "sequence")
| Prim_kind -> ("a", "primitive")
| Int_kind -> ("an", "int")
| String_kind -> ("a", "string") in
"@[%aunexpected %s, only@ %a@ can@ be@ used@ here."
print_loc loc
(snd (human_kind got))
(List.map (fun k -> let (a, n) = human_kind k in a ^ " " ^ n) exp)
| Fail_not_in_tail_position loc ->
"%aThe FAIL instruction must appear in a tail position."
print_loc loc
| Undefined_cast (loc, tya, tyb) ->
"@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>%atype cast is undefined from@ %a@]@ \
@[<hov 2>to@ %a.@]@]"
print_loc loc
print_ty tya
print_ty tyb
| Undefined_binop (loc, name, tya, tyb) ->
"@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>%aoperator %s is undefined between@ %a@]@ \
@[<hov 2>and@ %a.@]@]"
print_loc loc
print_ty tya
print_ty tyb
| Undefined_unop (loc, name, ty) ->
"@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>%aoperator %s is undefined on@ %a@]@]"
print_loc loc
print_ty ty
| Bad_return (loc, got, exp) ->
"@[<v 2>%awrong stack type at end of body:@,\
- @[<hov>expected return stack type:@ %a,@]@,\
- @[<hov>actual stack type:@ %a.@]@]"
print_loc loc
(fun ppf -> print_stack_ty ppf) (Item_t (exp, Empty_t))
(fun ppf -> print_stack_ty ppf) got
| Bad_stack (loc, name, depth, sty) ->
"@[<hov 2>%awrong stack type for instruction %s:@ %a.@]"
print_loc loc name (print_stack_ty ~depth) sty
| Unmatched_branches (loc, sta, stb) ->
"@[<v 2>%atwo branches don't end with the same stack type:@,\
- @[<hov>first stack type:@ %a,@]@,\
- @[<hov>other stack type:@ %a.@]@]"
print_loc loc
(fun ppf -> print_stack_ty ppf) sta
(fun ppf -> print_stack_ty ppf) stb
| Transfer_in_lambda loc ->
"%aThe TRANSFER_TOKENS instruction cannot appear in a lambda."
print_loc loc
| Bad_stack_length ->
"Bad stack length."
| Bad_stack_item lvl ->
"Bad stack item %d ."
| Invalid_constant (loc, got, exp) ->
"@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>%avalue@ %a@]@ \
@[<hov 2>is invalid for type@ %a.@]@]"
print_loc loc
(fun ppf -> print_expr no_locations ppf) got
print_ty exp
| Invalid_contract (loc, contract) ->
"%ainvalid contract %a."
print_loc loc Contract.pp contract
| Comparable_type_expected (loc, ty) ->
cctxt.warning "%acomparable type expected."
print_loc loc >>= fun () ->
cctxt.warning "@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>Type@ %a@]@ is not comparable.@]"
print_ty ty
| Bad_sign ty ->
begin match ty with
| Int_t kind ->
let signed = match kind with
| Script_int.Int8 -> true
| Script_int.Int16 -> true
| Script_int.Int32 -> true
| Script_int.Int64 -> true
| Script_int.Uint8 -> false
| Script_int.Uint16 -> false
| Script_int.Uint32 -> false
| Script_int.Uint64 -> false in
if signed then
cctxt.warning "Unsigned integer type expected."
cctxt.warning "Signed integer type expected."
| _ -> assert false
| Inconsistent_types (tya, tyb) ->
"@[<hov 0>@[<hov 2>Type@ %a@]@ \
@[<hov 2>is not compatible with type@ %a.@]@]"
print_ty tya print_ty tyb
| err ->
cctxt.warning "%a"
Local_environment.Environment.Error_monad.pp_print_error [ err ] in
let rec print_typechecking_error_trace locations errs =
let locations = match errs with
| (Ill_typed_data (_, _, _)
| Ill_formed_type (_, _)
2017-07-19 16:40:23 +02:00
| Ill_typed_contract (_, _, _, _, _)) :: rest ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
collect_locations [] rest
| _ -> locations in
match errs with
| [] -> Lwt.return ()
| err :: errs ->
print_typechecking_error locations err >>= fun () ->
print_typechecking_error_trace locations errs in
| Ecoproto_error errs ->
print_typechecking_error_trace no_locations errs
| err -> cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error [ err ])
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
let parse_program s =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(Concrete_parser.tree Concrete_lexer.(token (init_state ())) lexbuf |>
List.map Script_located_ir.strip_locations |> fun fields ->
let rec get_field n = function
| Script.Prim (_, pn, [ ctns ]) :: _ when n = pn -> ctns
| _ :: rest -> get_field n rest
| [] -> raise (Script_located_ir.Missing_program_field n) in
Script.{ code = get_field "code" fields ;
arg_type = get_field "parameter" fields ;
ret_type = get_field "return" fields ;
storage_type = get_field "storage" fields }
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
| exn -> report_parse_error "program: " exn lexbuf
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
let parse_data s =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
match Concrete_parser.tree Concrete_lexer.(token (init_state ())) lexbuf with
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
| [node] -> return (Script_located_ir.strip_locations node)
| _ -> failwith "single data expression expected"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
| exn -> report_parse_error "data: " exn lexbuf
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
let parse_data_type s =
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
match Concrete_parser.tree Concrete_lexer.(token (init_state ())) lexbuf with
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
| [node] -> return (Script_located_ir.strip_locations node)
| _ -> failwith "single type expression expected"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
| exn -> report_parse_error "data_type: " exn lexbuf
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-03-09 19:17:13 +01:00
let unexpand_macros type_map (program : Script.code) =
2016-11-10 17:16:37 +01:00
let open Script in
let rec caddr type_map acc = function
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
2016-12-14 18:05:09 +01:00
| Prim (loc, "CAR" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "A") :: acc) rest
| Prim (loc, "CDR" , []) :: rest when List.mem_assoc loc type_map ->
caddr type_map ((loc, "D") :: acc) rest
2016-11-10 17:16:37 +01:00
| _ -> None in
let rec unexpand type_map node =
match node with
| Seq (loc, l) ->
begin match caddr type_map [] l with
| None ->
let type_map, l =
(fun (type_map, acc) e ->
let type_map, e = unexpand type_map e in
type_map, e :: acc)
(type_map, [])
l in
type_map, Seq (loc, List.rev l)
| Some l ->
let locs, steps = List.split l in
2016-12-14 18:05:09 +01:00
let name = "C" ^ String.concat "" steps ^ "R" in
2016-11-10 17:16:37 +01:00
let first, last = List.hd locs, List.hd (List.rev locs) in
let (before, _) = List.assoc first type_map in
let (_, after) = List.assoc last type_map in
let type_map =
(fun (loc, _) -> not (List.mem loc locs))
type_map in
let type_map = (loc, (before, after)):: type_map in
type_map, Prim (loc, name, [])
| oth -> type_map, oth in
let type_map, code = unexpand type_map program.code in
type_map, { program with code }
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
module Program = Client_aliases.Alias (struct
type t = Script.code
let encoding = Script.code_encoding
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
let of_source _cctxt s = parse_program s
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
let to_source _ p =
return (Format.asprintf "%a" (print_program no_locations) (p, []))
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let name = "program"
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
let group =
{ Cli_entries.name = "programs" ;
title = "Commands for managing the record of known programs" }
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let commands () =
let open Cli_entries in
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
let show_types = ref false in
let show_types_arg =
Arg.Set show_types,
"Show the types of each instruction" in
let trace_stack = ref false in
let trace_stack_arg =
Arg.Set trace_stack,
"Show the stack after each step" in
2017-07-19 11:35:01 +02:00
let amount, amount_arg =
~desc:"The amount of the transfer in \xEA\x9C\xA9."
~default: "0.00" in
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "lists all known programs"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "programs" ])
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
(fun cctxt ->
Program.load cctxt >>=? fun list ->
Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, _) -> cctxt.message "%s" n) list >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "remember a program under some name"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(prefixes [ "remember" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.fresh_alias_param
@@ Program.source_param
@@ stop)
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
(fun name hash cctxt -> Program.add cctxt name hash) ;
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "forget a remembered program"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(prefixes [ "forget" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.alias_param
@@ stop)
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
(fun (name, _) cctxt -> Program.del cctxt name) ;
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "display a program"
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(prefixes [ "show" ; "known" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.alias_param
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun (_, program) cctxt ->
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
Program.to_source cctxt program >>=? fun source ->
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.message "%s\n" source >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "ask the node to run a program"
2017-07-19 11:35:01 +02:00
~args: [ trace_stack_arg ; amount_arg ]
2016-11-15 15:58:18 +01:00
(prefixes [ "run" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.source_param
@@ prefixes [ "on" ; "storage" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"storage" ~desc:"the storage data"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-11-15 15:58:18 +01:00
@@ prefixes [ "and" ; "input" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"storage" ~desc:"the input data"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-11-15 15:58:18 +01:00
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun program storage input cctxt ->
2016-11-15 15:58:18 +01:00
let open Data_encoding in
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
if !trace_stack then
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.trace_code cctxt.rpc_config
2017-07-19 11:35:01 +02:00
cctxt.config.block program (storage, input, !amount) >>= function
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
| Ok (storage, output, trace) ->
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
"@[<v 0>@[<v 2>storage@,%a@]@,\
@[<v 2>output@,%a@]@,@[<v 2>trace@,%a@]@]@."
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
(print_expr no_locations) storage
(print_expr no_locations) output
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
(fun ppf (loc, gas, stack) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
"- @[<v 0>location: %d (remaining gas: %d)@,\
[ @[<v 0>%a ]@]@]"
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
loc gas
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
(Format.pp_print_list (print_expr no_locations))
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
trace >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
| Error errs ->
2017-07-22 00:09:22 +02:00
report_typechecking_errors cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.error "error running program" >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.run_code cctxt.rpc_config
2017-07-19 11:35:01 +02:00
cctxt.config.block program (storage, input, !amount) >>= function
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
| Ok (storage, output) ->
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
cctxt.message "@[<v 0>@[<v 2>storage@,%a@]@,@[<v 2>output@,%a@]@]@."
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
(print_expr no_locations) storage
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
(print_expr no_locations) output >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
| Error errs ->
2017-07-22 00:09:22 +02:00
report_typechecking_errors cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.error "error running program" >>= fun () ->
return ()) ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "ask the node to typecheck a program"
2016-11-16 15:05:02 +01:00
~args: [ show_types_arg ]
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(prefixes [ "typecheck" ; "program" ]
@@ Program.source_param
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun program cctxt ->
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let open Data_encoding in
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_code cctxt.rpc_config cctxt.config.block program >>= function
2016-11-10 16:25:31 +01:00
| Ok type_map ->
2016-11-10 17:16:37 +01:00
let type_map, program = unexpand_macros type_map program in
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
cctxt.message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
if !show_types then
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.message "%a" (print_program no_locations) (program, type_map) >>= fun () ->
return ()
else return ()
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
| Error errs ->
2017-07-19 16:40:23 +02:00
?show_types:(if !show_types then Some program else None) cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "ill-typed program") ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2017-01-11 17:42:54 +01:00
command ~group ~desc: "ask the node to typecheck a data expression"
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
(prefixes [ "typecheck" ; "data" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to typecheck"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
@@ prefixes [ "against" ; "type" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"type" ~desc:"the expected type"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun data exp_ty cctxt ->
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
let open Data_encoding in
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.typecheck_data cctxt.Client_commands.rpc_config
2017-03-15 01:17:20 +01:00
cctxt.config.block (data, exp_ty) >>= function
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Ok () ->
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.message "Well typed" >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Error errs ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
report_typechecking_errors cctxt errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "ill-typed data") ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group
2017-01-11 17:42:54 +01:00
~desc: "ask the node to compute the hash of a data expression \
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
using the same algorithm as script instruction H"
(prefixes [ "hash" ; "data" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to hash"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun data cctxt ->
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
let open Data_encoding in
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt.Client_commands.rpc_config
2017-03-15 01:17:20 +01:00
cctxt.config.block data >>= function
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Ok hash ->
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
cctxt.message "%S" hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Error errs ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "ill-formed data") ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
command ~group
2017-01-11 17:42:54 +01:00
~desc: "ask the node to compute the hash of a data expression \
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
using the same algorithm as script instruction H, sign it using \
a given secret key, and display it using the format expected by \
script instruction CHECK_SIGNATURE"
(prefixes [ "hash" ; "and" ; "sign" ; "data" ]
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
@@ Cli_entries.param ~name:"data" ~desc:"the data to hash"
(fun _cctxt data -> parse_data data)
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
@@ prefixes [ "for" ]
@@ Client_keys.Secret_key.alias_param
@@ stop)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
(fun data (_, key) cctxt ->
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
let open Data_encoding in
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.hash_data cctxt.rpc_config
2017-03-15 01:17:20 +01:00
cctxt.config.block data >>= function
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Ok hash ->
let signature = Ed25519.sign key (MBytes.of_string hash) in
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
cctxt.message "Hash: %S@.Signature: %S"
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
(signature |>
2017-02-28 02:56:40 +01:00
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Ed25519.Signature.encoding |>
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
Hex_encode.hex_of_bytes) >>= fun () ->
return ()
2016-09-12 14:06:23 +02:00
| Error errs ->
2017-01-12 19:37:18 +01:00
cctxt.warning "%a" pp_print_error errs >>= fun () ->
2017-04-05 10:22:41 +02:00
failwith "ill-formed data") ;
2017-04-05 01:02:10 +02:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00