2018-01-26 16:07:49 +04:00
(* *)
2018-02-06 00:17:03 +04:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
2018-01-26 16:07:49 +04:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
open Chain_services
2018-01-26 16:07:49 +04:00
type block = [
| `Genesis
2018-03-14 20:16:18 +04:00
| `Head of int
2018-03-29 17:23:31 +04:00
| `Hash of Block_hash.t * int
2018-01-26 16:07:49 +04:00
val parse_block: string -> (block, string) result
val to_string: block -> string
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type prefix = (unit * Chain_services.chain) * block
val path: (Chain_services.prefix, Chain_services.prefix * block) RPC_path.t
2018-02-16 17:05:46 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type operation_list_quota = {
max_size: int ;
max_op: int option ;
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type raw_context =
2018-02-13 13:25:45 +04:00
| Key of MBytes.t
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
| Dir of (string * raw_context) list
2018-02-13 13:25:45 +04:00
| Cut
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
val pp_raw_context: Format.formatter -> raw_context -> unit
2018-02-13 13:25:45 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type error +=
| Invalid_depth_arg of (string list * int)
| Missing_key of string list
2018-02-13 13:25:45 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
module type PROTO = sig
val hash: Protocol_hash.t
type block_header_data
val block_header_data_encoding: block_header_data Data_encoding.t
type block_header_metadata
val block_header_metadata_encoding:
block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data
val operation_data_encoding: operation_data Data_encoding.t
type operation_metadata
val operation_metadata_encoding: operation_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: operation_data ;
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
module Make(Proto : PROTO)(Next_proto : PROTO) : sig
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
val path: (unit, Chain_services.prefix * block) RPC_path.t
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type raw_block_header = {
shell: Block_header.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_data ;
type block_header = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
shell: Block_header.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_data ;
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type block_metadata = {
protocol_data: Proto.block_header_metadata ;
test_chain_status: Test_chain_status.t ;
max_operations_ttl: int ;
max_operation_data_length: int ;
max_block_header_length: int ;
operation_list_quota: operation_list_quota list ;
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type operation = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
protocol_data: Proto.operation_data ;
metadata: Proto.operation_metadata ;
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
type block_info = {
chain_id: Chain_id.t ;
hash: Block_hash.t ;
header: raw_block_header ;
metadata: block_metadata ;
operations: operation list list ;
open RPC_context
val info:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> block_info tzresult Lwt.t
val hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Header : sig
val header:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> block_header tzresult Lwt.t
val shell_header:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Block_header.shell_header tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol_data:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Proto.block_header_data tzresult Lwt.t
module Shell : sig
val level:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Int32.t tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol_level:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val predecessor:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val timestamp:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t
val validation_passes:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val operations_hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Operation_list_list_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val fitness:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Fitness.t tzresult Lwt.t
val context_hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Context_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Metadata : sig
val metadata:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> block_metadata tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol_data:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Proto.block_header_metadata tzresult Lwt.t
val protocol_hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val next_protocol_hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Protocol_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val test_chain_status:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Test_chain_status.t tzresult Lwt.t
val max_operations_ttl:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val max_operation_data_length:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val max_block_header_length:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> int tzresult Lwt.t
val max_operation_list_length:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> operation_list_quota list tzresult Lwt.t
module Operation : sig
val operations:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> operation list list tzresult Lwt.t
val operations_in_pass:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
int -> operation list tzresult Lwt.t
val operation:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
int -> int -> operation tzresult Lwt.t
module Operation_hash : sig
val operation_hashes:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
unit -> Operation_hash.t list list tzresult Lwt.t
val operation_hashes_in_pass:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
int -> Operation_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t
val operation_hash:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
int -> int -> Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Context : sig
module Raw : sig
val read:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
?depth: int ->
string list -> raw_context tzresult Lwt.t
module Helpers : sig
val preapply:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
?sort:bool ->
timestamp:Time.t ->
protocol_data:Next_proto.block_header_data ->
Next_proto.operation list list ->
(Block_header.shell_header * error Preapply_result.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val complete:
#simple -> ?chain:chain -> ?block:block ->
string -> string list tzresult Lwt.t
module S : sig
val hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Block_hash.t) RPC_service.t
val info:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
block_info) RPC_service.t
module Header : sig
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
val header:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
block_header) RPC_service.t
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
val shell_header:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Block_header.shell_header) RPC_service.t
val protocol_data:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Proto.block_header_data) RPC_service.t
module Shell : sig
val level:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Int32.t) RPC_service.t
val protocol_level:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
int) RPC_service.t
val predecessor:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Block_hash.t) RPC_service.t
val timestamp:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Time.t) RPC_service.t
val validation_passes:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
int) RPC_service.t
val operations_hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Operation_list_list_hash.t) RPC_service.t
val fitness:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Fitness.t) RPC_service.t
val context_hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Context_hash.t) RPC_service.t
module Metadata : sig
val metadata:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
block_metadata) RPC_service.t
val protocol_data:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Proto.block_header_metadata) RPC_service.t
val protocol_hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Protocol_hash.t) RPC_service.t
val next_protocol_hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Protocol_hash.t) RPC_service.t
val test_chain_status:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Test_chain_status.t) RPC_service.t
val max_operations_ttl:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
int) RPC_service.t
val max_operation_data_length:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
int) RPC_service.t
val max_block_header_length:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
int) RPC_service.t
val operation_list_quota:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
operation_list_quota list) RPC_service.t
module Operation : sig
val operations:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
operation list list) RPC_service.t
val operations_in_pass:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix * int, unit, unit,
operation list) RPC_service.t
val operation:
([ `GET ], prefix,
(prefix * int) * int, unit, unit,
operation) RPC_service.t
module Operation_hash : sig
val operation_hashes:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix, unit, unit,
Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t list list) RPC_service.t
val operation_hashes_in_pass:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix * int, unit, unit,
Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t list) RPC_service.t
val operation_hash:
([ `GET ], prefix,
(prefix * int) * int, unit, unit,
Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t) RPC_service.t
module Context : sig
module Raw : sig
val read:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix * string list, < depth : int option >, unit,
raw_context) RPC_service.t
module Helpers : sig
type preapply_param = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
protocol_data: Next_proto.block_header_data ;
operations: Next_proto.operation list list ;
val preapply:
([ `POST ], prefix,
prefix, < sort_operations : bool >, preapply_param,
Block_header.shell_header * error Preapply_result.t list) RPC_service.t
val complete:
([ `GET ], prefix,
prefix * string, unit, unit,
string list) RPC_service.t
2018-01-26 16:07:49 +04:00
2018-02-08 13:51:02 +04:00
2018-04-16 02:44:24 +04:00
module Fake_protocol : PROTO
module Empty : (module type of Make(Fake_protocol)(Fake_protocol))