
397 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module type DISTRIBUTED_DB = sig
type t
type key
type value
type param
val known: t -> key -> bool Lwt.t
type error += Missing_data of key
val read: t -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t
val read_opt: t -> key -> value option Lwt.t
val read_exn: t -> key -> value Lwt.t
val prefetch: t -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> param -> unit
val fetch: t -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> param -> value Lwt.t
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val clear: t -> key -> unit
val inject: t -> key -> value -> bool Lwt.t
val watch: t -> (key * value) Lwt_stream.t * Watcher.stopper
module type DISK_TABLE = sig
type store
type key
type value
val known: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t
val read: store -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t
val read_opt: store -> key -> value option Lwt.t
val read_exn: store -> key -> value Lwt.t
module type MEMORY_TABLE = sig
type 'a t
type key
val create: int -> 'a t
val find: 'a t -> key -> 'a
val add: 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val replace: 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val remove: 'a t -> key -> unit
val fold: (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
module type SCHEDULER_EVENTS = sig
type t
type key
val request: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t option -> key -> unit
val notify: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit
val notify_unrequested: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit
val notify_duplicate: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit
val notify_invalid: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit
module type PRECHECK = sig
type key
type param
type notified_value
type value
val precheck: key -> param -> notified_value -> value option
module Make_table
(Hash : sig
type t
val name : string
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(Disk_table : DISK_TABLE with type key := Hash.t)
(Memory_table : MEMORY_TABLE with type key := Hash.t)
(Scheduler : SCHEDULER_EVENTS with type key := Hash.t)
(Precheck : PRECHECK with type key := Hash.t
and type value := Disk_table.value) : sig
include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type key = Hash.t
and type value = Disk_table.value
and type param = Precheck.param
val create:
?global_input:(key * value) Watcher.input ->
Scheduler.t -> -> t
val notify: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> Precheck.notified_value -> unit Lwt.t
end = struct
type key = Hash.t
type value = Disk_table.value
type param = Precheck.param
type t = {
scheduler: Scheduler.t ;
disk: ;
memory: status Memory_table.t ;
global_input: (key * value) Watcher.input option ;
input: (key * value) Watcher.input ;
and status =
| Pending of value Lwt.u * param
| Found of value
let known s k =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> Disk_table.known s.disk k
| Pending _ -> Lwt.return_false
| Found _ -> Lwt.return_true
let read_opt s k =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> Disk_table.read_opt s.disk k
| Found v -> Lwt.return (Some v)
| Pending _ -> Lwt.return_none
let read_exn s k =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> Disk_table.read_exn s.disk k
| Found v -> Lwt.return v
| Pending _ -> Not_found
type error += Missing_data of key
let () =
Error_monad.register_error_kind `Permanent
~id: ("distributed_db." ^ ^ ".missing")
~title: ("Missing " ^
~description: ("Some " ^ ^ " is missing from the distributed db")
~pp: (fun ppf key ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Missing %s %a" Hash.pp key)
(Data_encoding.obj1 (Data_encoding.req "key" Hash.encoding))
(function Missing_data key -> Some key | _ -> None)
(fun key -> Missing_data key)
let read s k =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found ->
trace (Missing_data k) @@ s.disk k
| Found v -> return v
| Pending _ -> fail (Missing_data k)
let fetch s ?peer k param =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> begin
Disk_table.read_opt s.disk k >>= function
| Some v -> Lwt.return v
| None ->
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> begin
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
Memory_table.add s.memory k (Pending (wakener, param)) ;
Scheduler.request s.scheduler peer k ;
| Pending (w, _) ->
Scheduler.request s.scheduler peer k ;
Lwt.waiter_of_wakener w
| Found v -> Lwt.return v
| Pending (w, _) ->
Scheduler.request s.scheduler peer k ;
Lwt.waiter_of_wakener w
| Found v -> Lwt.return v
let prefetch s ?peer k param = Lwt.ignore_result (fetch s ?peer k param)
let notify s p k v =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> begin
Disk_table.known s.disk k >>= function
| true ->
Scheduler.notify_duplicate s.scheduler p k ;
| false ->
Scheduler.notify_unrequested s.scheduler p k ;
| Pending (w, param) -> begin
match Precheck.precheck k param v with
| None ->
Scheduler.notify_invalid s.scheduler p k ;
| Some v ->
Scheduler.notify s.scheduler p k ;
Memory_table.replace s.memory k (Found v) ;
Lwt.wakeup w v ;
iter_option s.global_input
~f:(fun input -> Watcher.notify input (k, v)) ;
Watcher.notify s.input (k, v) ;
| Found _ ->
Scheduler.notify_duplicate s.scheduler p k ;
let inject s k v =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
| exception Not_found -> begin
Disk_table.known s.disk k >>= function
| true ->
| false ->
Memory_table.add s.memory k (Found v) ;
| Pending _
| Found _ ->
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let clear s k =
match Memory_table.find s.memory k with
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| exception Not_found -> ()
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| Pending _ -> assert false
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| Found _ -> Memory_table.remove s.memory k
let watch s = Watcher.create_stream s.input
let create ?global_input scheduler disk =
let memory = Memory_table.create 17 in
let input = Watcher.create_input () in
{ scheduler ; disk ; memory ; input ; global_input }
module type REQUEST = sig
type key
type param
val active : param -> P2p.Peer_id.Set.t
val send : param -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key list -> unit
module Make_request_scheduler
(Hash : sig type t end)
(Table : MEMORY_TABLE with type key := Hash.t)
(Request : REQUEST with type key := Hash.t) : sig
type t
val create: Request.param -> t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t
include SCHEDULER_EVENTS with type t := t and type key := Hash.t
end = struct
type key = Hash.t
type param = Request.param
type t = {
push_to_worker: event -> unit ;
cancel_worker: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
worker: unit Lwt.t ;
and event =
| Request of P2p.Peer_id.t option * key
| Notify of P2p.Peer_id.t * key
| Notify_invalid of P2p.Peer_id.t * key
| Notify_duplicate of P2p.Peer_id.t * key
| Notify_unrequested of P2p.Peer_id.t * key
let request t p k =
t.push_to_worker (Request (p, k))
let notify t p k =
t.push_to_worker (Notify (p, k))
let notify_invalid t p k =
t.push_to_worker (Notify_invalid (p, k))
let notify_duplicate t p k =
t.push_to_worker (Notify_duplicate (p, k))
let notify_unrequested t p k =
t.push_to_worker (Notify_unrequested (p, k))
type worker_state = {
param: Request.param ;
pending: status Table.t ;
cancelation: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
wait_events: unit -> event list Lwt.t ;
mutable events: event list Lwt.t ;
and status = {
peers: P2p.Peer_id.Set.t ;
next_request: float ;
delay: float ;
let compute_timeout state =
let next =
(fun _ { next_request } acc -> min next_request acc)
state.pending infinity in
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let delay = next -. now in
if delay <= 0. then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_unix.sleep delay
let process_event state = function
| Request (peer, key) -> begin
let data = Table.find state.pending key in
let peers =
match peer with
| None -> data.peers
| Some peer -> P2p.Peer_id.Set.add peer data.peers in
Table.replace state.pending key { data with peers } ;
with Not_found ->
let peers =
match peer with
| None -> P2p.Peer_id.Set.empty
| Some peer -> P2p.Peer_id.Set.singleton peer in
Table.add state.pending key {
peers ;
next_request = Unix.gettimeofday () ;
delay = 1.0 ;
} ;
| Notify (_gid, key) ->
Table.remove state.pending key ;
| Notify_invalid _
| Notify_unrequested _
| Notify_duplicate _ ->
(* TODO *)
let rec worker_loop state =
let shutdown = state.cancelation ()
and timeout = compute_timeout state in
Lwt.choose [ ( >|= fun _ -> ()) ; timeout ; shutdown ] >>= fun () ->
if Lwt.state shutdown <> Lwt.Sleep then
else if Lwt.state <> Lwt.Sleep then >>= fun events -> <- state.wait_events () ;
Lwt_list.iter_s (process_event state) events >>= fun () ->
worker_loop state
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let active_peers = state.param in
let requests =
(fun key { peers ; next_request ; delay } acc ->
if next_request > now +. 0.2 then
let remaining_peers =
P2p.Peer_id.Set.inter peers active_peers in
if P2p.Peer_id.Set.is_empty remaining_peers &&
not (P2p.Peer_id.Set.is_empty peers) then
( Table.remove state.pending key ; acc )
let requested_peers =
if P2p.Peer_id.Set.is_empty remaining_peers
then active_peers
else remaining_peers
let next = { peers = remaining_peers ;
next_request = now +. delay ;
delay = delay *. 1.2 } in
Table.replace state.pending key next ;
(fun gid acc ->
let requests =
try key :: P2p_types.Peer_id.Map.find gid acc
with Not_found -> [key] in
P2p_types.Peer_id.Map.add gid requests acc)
state.pending P2p_types.Peer_id.Map.empty in
P2p_types.Peer_id.Map.iter (Request.send state.param) requests ;
worker_loop state
let create param =
let cancelation, cancel_worker, _ = Lwt_utils.canceler () in
let push_to_worker, wait_events = Lwt_utils.queue () in
let pending = Table.create 17 in
let worker_state =
{ cancelation ; wait_events ; pending ; param ; events = wait_events () } in
let worker =
Lwt_utils.worker "db_request_scheduler"
~run:(fun () -> worker_loop worker_state)
~cancel:cancel_worker in
{ cancel_worker ; push_to_worker ; worker }
let shutdown s =
s.cancel_worker () >>= fun () ->