2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
2017-11-14 00:36:14 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
type ('a, 'b) lwt_format =
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b Lwt.t) format4
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
2017-11-07 17:38:11 +01:00
class type logger_sig = object
method error : ('a, 'b) lwt_format -> 'a
method warning : ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a
method message : ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a
method answer : ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a
method log : string -> ('a, unit) lwt_format -> 'a
class logger log =
let message =
(fun x ->
Format.kasprintf (fun msg -> log "stdout" msg) x) in
method error : type a b. (a, b) lwt_format -> a =
(fun msg ->
Lwt.fail (Failure msg))
method warning : type a. (a, unit) lwt_format -> a =
(fun msg -> log "stderr" msg)
method message : type a. (a, unit) lwt_format -> a = message
method answer : type a. (a, unit) lwt_format -> a = message
method log : type a. string -> (a, unit) lwt_format -> a =
fun name ->
(fun msg -> log name msg)
class type wallet = object
method load : string -> default:'a -> 'a Data_encoding.encoding -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t
method write : string -> 'a -> 'a Data_encoding.encoding -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
class type block = object
method block : Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block
class type logging_wallet = object
inherit logger
inherit wallet
class type logging_rpcs = object
inherit logger
inherit Client_rpcs.rpc_sig
class type full_context = object
inherit logger
inherit wallet
inherit Client_rpcs.rpc_sig
inherit block
class file_wallet dir : wallet = object (self)
method private filename alias_name =
(Str.(global_replace (regexp_string " ") "_" alias_name) ^ "s")
method load : type a. string -> default:a -> a Data_encoding.encoding -> a tzresult Lwt.t =
fun alias_name ~default encoding ->
let filename = self#filename alias_name in
if not (Sys.file_exists filename) then
return default
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file filename
|> generic_trace
"couldn't to read the %s file" alias_name >>=? fun json ->
match Data_encoding.Json.destruct encoding json with
| exception _ -> (* TODO print_error *)
failwith "didn't understand the %s file" alias_name
| data ->
return data
method write :
type a. string -> a -> a Data_encoding.encoding -> unit tzresult Lwt.t =
fun alias_name list encoding ->
(fun () ->
Lwt_utils.create_dir dir >>= fun () ->
let filename = self#filename alias_name in
let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding list in
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.write_file filename json)
(fun exn -> Lwt.return (error_exn exn))
|> generic_trace "could not write the %s alias file." alias_name
type command = (full_context, unit) Cli_entries.command
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
2017-03-15 01:17:20 +01:00
(* Default config *)
let (//) = Filename.concat
2017-03-31 00:42:13 +02:00
let home =
try Sys.getenv "HOME"
with Not_found -> "/root"
let default_base_dir = home // ".tezos-client"
2017-11-07 17:38:11 +01:00
let default_block = `Prevalidation
let default_log ~base_dir channel msg =
let startup =
(CalendarLib.Calendar.Precise.now ()) in
match channel with
| "stdout" ->
print_endline msg ;
Lwt.return ()
| "stderr" ->
prerr_endline msg ;
Lwt.return ()
| log ->
let (//) = Filename.concat in
Lwt_utils.create_dir (base_dir // "logs" // log) >>= fun () ->
~flags: Unix.[ O_APPEND ; O_CREAT ; O_WRONLY ]
~mode: Lwt_io.Output
(base_dir // "logs" // log // startup)
(fun chan -> Lwt_io.write chan msg)
2017-03-15 01:17:20 +01:00
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
let make_context
2017-11-07 17:38:11 +01:00
?(base_dir = default_base_dir)
?(block = default_block)
2017-04-04 23:35:41 +02:00
?(rpc_config = Client_rpcs.default_config)
log =
2017-11-07 17:38:11 +01:00
inherit logger log
inherit file_wallet base_dir
inherit Client_rpcs.rpc rpc_config
method block = block
2016-12-03 13:05:02 +01:00
let ignore_context =
make_context (fun _ _ -> Lwt.return ())
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
exception Version_not_found
2017-02-24 17:17:53 +01:00
let versions = Protocol_hash.Table.create 7
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let get_versions () =
2017-02-24 17:17:53 +01:00
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(fun k c acc -> (k, c) :: acc)
let register name commands =
let previous =
2017-02-24 17:17:53 +01:00
try Protocol_hash.Table.find versions name
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
with Not_found -> [] in
2017-11-26 23:17:25 +01:00
Protocol_hash.Table.replace versions name (commands @ previous)
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let commands_for_version version =
2017-02-24 17:17:53 +01:00
try Protocol_hash.Table.find versions version
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
with Not_found -> raise Version_not_found
2017-11-07 14:23:01 +01:00
let force_switch =
~doc:"Take an action that will overwrite data.\
This silences any warnings and some checks"