2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
let split delim ?(limit = max_int) path =
let l = String.length path in
let rec do_slashes acc limit i =
if i >= l then
List.rev acc
else if String.get path i = delim then
do_slashes acc limit (i + 1)
do_split acc limit i
and do_split acc limit i =
if limit <= 0 then
if i = l then
List.rev acc
List.rev (String.sub path i (l - i) :: acc)
do_component acc (pred limit) i i
and do_component acc limit i j =
if j >= l then
if i = j then
List.rev acc
List.rev (String.sub path i (j - i) :: acc)
else if String.get path j = delim then
do_slashes (String.sub path i (j - i) :: acc) limit j
do_component acc limit i (j + 1) in
if limit > 0 then
do_slashes [] limit 0
[ path ]
let split_path path = split '/' path
let map_option ~f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
2016-11-14 16:26:34 +01:00
let apply_option ~f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let iter_option ~f = function
| None -> ()
| Some x -> f x
let unopt x = function
| None -> x
| Some x -> x
2017-01-14 13:13:09 +01:00
let unopt_map ~f ~default = function
| None -> default
| Some x -> f x
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let unopt_list l =
let may_cons xs x = match x with None -> xs | Some x -> x :: xs in
List.rev @@ List.fold_left may_cons [] l
2016-11-29 14:51:36 +01:00
let first_some a b = match a, b with
| None, None -> None
| None, Some v -> Some v
| Some v, _ -> Some v
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let filter_map f l =
let may_cons xs x = match f x with None -> xs | Some x -> x :: xs in
List.rev @@ List.fold_left may_cons [] l
2017-01-14 13:13:09 +01:00
let list_rev_sub l n =
ListLabels.fold_left l ~init:(n, []) ~f:begin fun (n, l) elt ->
if n <= 0 then (n, l) else (n - 1, elt :: l)
end |> snd
let list_sub l n = list_rev_sub l n |> List.rev
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
let display_paragraph ppf description =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]"
(fun ppf words -> List.iter (Format.fprintf ppf "%s@ ") words)
(split ' ' description)
let rec remove_elem_from_list nb = function
| [] -> []
| l when nb <= 0 -> l
| _ :: tl -> remove_elem_from_list (nb - 1) tl
2016-10-24 19:12:57 +02:00
2016-10-06 18:30:04 +02:00
let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
let x = String.length prefix in
let n = String.length s in
if n >= x && String.sub s 0 x = prefix then
Some (String.sub s x (n - x))
2016-10-24 19:12:57 +02:00
let finalize f g = try let res = f () in g (); res with exn -> g (); raise exn
let read_file ?(bin=false) fn =
let ic = (if bin then open_in_bin else open_in) fn in
finalize (fun () ->
let len = in_channel_length ic in
let buf = Bytes.create len in
let nb_read = input ic buf 0 len in
if nb_read <> len then failwith (Printf.sprintf "read_file: read %d, expected %d" nb_read len)
else Bytes.unsafe_to_string buf)
(fun () -> close_in ic)
let write_file ?(bin=false) fn contents =
let oc = (if bin then open_out_bin else open_out) fn in
finalize (fun () ->
let contents = Bytes.unsafe_of_string contents in
output oc contents 0 @@ Bytes.length contents
(fun () -> close_out oc)
2016-11-16 01:19:13 +01:00
2016-11-04 12:22:22 -07:00
let (<<) g f = fun a -> g (f a)
2017-01-14 13:13:09 +01:00
let rec (--) i j =
let rec loop acc j =
if j < i then acc else loop (j :: acc) (pred j) in
loop [] j
let take_n_unsorted n l =
let rec loop acc n = function
| [] -> l
| _ when n <= 0 -> List.rev acc
| x :: xs -> loop (x :: acc) (pred n) xs in
loop [] n l
module Bounded(E: Set.OrderedType) = struct
(* TODO one day replace list by an heap array *)
type t = {
bound : int ;
mutable size : int ;
mutable data : E.t list ;
let create bound = { bound ; size = 0 ; data = [] }
let rec push x = function
| [] -> [x]
| (y :: xs) as ys ->
let c = compare x y in
if c < 0 then x :: ys else if c = 0 then ys else y :: push x xs
let replace x xs =
match xs with
| y :: xs when compare x y > 0 ->
push x xs
| xs -> xs
let insert x t =
if t.size < t.bound then begin
t.size <- t.size + 1 ;
t.data <- push x t.data
end else if E.compare (List.hd t.data) x < 0 then
t.data <- replace x t.data
let get { data } = data
let take_n_sorted (type a) compare n l =
let module B = Bounded(struct type t = a let compare = compare end) in
let t = B.create n in
List.iter (fun x -> B.insert x t) l ;
B.get t
let take_n ?compare n l =
match compare with
| None -> take_n_unsorted n l
| Some compare -> take_n_sorted compare n l
let select n l =
let rec loop n acc = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "Utils.select"
| x :: xs when n <= 0 -> x, List.rev_append acc xs
| x :: xs -> loop (pred n) (x :: acc) xs
loop n [] l