Shell: add Base48.decode_partial
This commit is contained in:
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ clean::
utils/mBytes.mli \
utils/utils.mli \
utils/base48.mli \
utils/hex_encode.mli \
utils/utils.mli \
utils/cli_entries.mli \
utils/compare.mli \
utils/data_encoding.mli \
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ UTILS_LIB_INTFS := \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ module FS = struct
let file = file_of_key root key in
Lwt.return (Sys.file_exists file && not (Sys.is_directory file))
let exists root key =
let file = file_of_key root key in
Sys.file_exists file
let get root key =
mem root key >>= function
| true ->
@ -222,6 +226,37 @@ module Make (K : KEY) (V : Persist.VALUE) = struct
let keys _t = undefined_key_fn
module MakeResolver (P: sig val prefix: string list end) (H: HASH) = struct
let plen = List.length P.prefix
let build path =
H.to_raw @@ H.of_path @@
Utils.remove_elem_from_list plen path
let resolve t p =
let rec loop prefix = function
| [] -> Lwt.return [build prefix]
| "" :: ds ->
FS.list t [ prefix] >>= fun prefixes ->
Lwt_list.map_p (fun prefix -> loop prefix ds) prefixes
>|= List.flatten
| [d] ->
FS.list t [prefix] >>= fun prefixes ->
Lwt_list.filter_map_p (fun prefix ->
match remove_prefix d (List.hd (List.rev prefix)) with
| None -> Lwt.return_none
| Some _ -> Lwt.return (Some (build prefix))
) prefixes
| d :: ds ->
if FS.exists t prefix then
loop (prefix @ [d]) ds
Lwt.return_nil in
loop P.prefix (H.prefix_path p)
let register t =
match H.kind with
| None -> ()
| Some kind -> Base48.register_resolver kind (resolve t)
module Data_store : IMPERATIVE_STORE with type t = FS.t =
Make (Raw_key) (Raw_value)
@ -307,6 +342,9 @@ module Block_errors_key = struct
module Block_errors = Make (Block_errors_key) (Errors_value)
module Block_resolver =
MakeResolver(struct let prefix = ["blocks"] end)(Block_hash)
module Block = struct
type t = FS.t
type key = Block_hash.t
@ -458,6 +496,9 @@ module Operation_errors_key = struct
module Operation_errors = Make (Operation_errors_key) (Errors_value)
module Operation_resolver =
MakeResolver(struct let prefix = ["operations"] end)(Operation_hash)
module Operation = struct
type t = FS.t
type key = Operation_hash.t
@ -715,6 +756,8 @@ let net_destroy ~root { net_genesis } =
let init root =
raw_init ~root:(Filename.concat root "global") () >>= fun t ->
Block_resolver.register t ;
Operation_resolver.register t ;
{ block = Persist.share t ;
blockchain = Persist.share t ;
@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ type data = ..
val decode: ?alphabet:string -> string -> data
val encode: ?alphabet:string -> data -> string
type kind
val register:
prefix:string ->
read:(data -> string option) ->
build:(string -> data) ->
val register_resolver:
kind -> (string -> string list Lwt.t) -> unit
module Prefix : sig
val protocol_prefix: string
@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ module type HASH = sig
val write: MBytes.t -> int -> t -> unit
val to_path: t -> string list
val of_path: string list -> t
val prefix_path: string -> string list
val path_len: int
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type += Hash of t
val kind: Base48.kind option
(** {2 Building Hashes} *******************************************************)
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
(* *)
open Utils
let (>>=) = Lwt.bind
let decode_alphabet alphabet =
let str = Bytes.make 256 '\255' in
for i = 0 to String.length alphabet - 1 do
@ -98,20 +102,14 @@ let safe_decode ?alphabet s =
type data = ..
type kinds =
type kind =
Kind : { prefix: string;
read: data -> string option ;
build: string -> data } -> kinds
build: string -> data ;
mutable resolver: string -> string list Lwt.t ;
} -> kind
let kinds = ref ([] : kinds list)
let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
let x = String.length prefix in
let n = String.length s in
if n >= x && String.sub s 0 x = prefix then
Some (String.sub s x (n - x))
let kinds = ref ([] : kind list)
exception Unknown_prefix
@ -137,14 +135,21 @@ let encode ?alphabet s =
try find s !kinds
with Not_found -> raise Unknown_prefix
let default_resolver _ = Lwt.return_nil
let register ~prefix ~read ~build =
match List.find (fun (Kind {prefix=s}) -> remove_prefix s prefix <> None || remove_prefix prefix s <> None) !kinds with
| exception Not_found ->
kinds := Kind { prefix ; read ; build } :: !kinds
let kind =
Kind { prefix ; read ; build ; resolver = default_resolver } in
kinds := kind :: !kinds ;
| Kind { prefix = s } ->
"Base49.register: Conflicting prefixes: %S and %S." prefix s ;
"Base48.register: Conflicting prefixes: %S and %S." prefix s
let register_resolver (Kind k) resolver = k.resolver <- resolver
module Prefix = struct
let block_hash = "\000"
@ -154,5 +159,26 @@ module Prefix = struct
let public_key = "\004"
let secret_key = "\005"
let signature = "\006"
let protocol_prefix = "\255"
let protocol_prefix = "\015"
let decode_partial ?alphabet request =
let n = String.length request in
let s = raw_decode request ?alphabet in
let partial = String.sub s 0 (n/2) in
let rec find s = function
| [] -> Lwt.return_nil
| Kind { prefix ; build ; resolver } :: kinds ->
match remove_prefix ~prefix s with
| None -> find s kinds
| Some msg ->
resolver msg >>= fun msgs ->
let candidates = build msgs in
Lwt.return @@
(fun data ->
match Utils.remove_prefix ~prefix:request (encode data) with
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true)
candidates in
find partial !kinds
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
@ -15,11 +16,18 @@ type data = ..
val decode: ?alphabet:string -> string -> data
val encode: ?alphabet:string -> data -> string
val decode_partial: ?alphabet:string -> string -> data list Lwt.t
type kind
val register:
prefix:string ->
read:(data -> string option) ->
build:(string -> data) ->
val register_resolver:
kind -> (string -> string list Lwt.t) -> unit
module Prefix : sig
val block_hash: string
@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ type +=
| Secret_key of secret_key
| Signature of signature
let () =
let _ =
~read:(function Public_key x -> Some (Bytes.to_string (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.of_public_key x)) | _ -> None)
~build:(fun x -> Public_key (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.to_public_key (Bytes.of_string x)))
let () =
let _ =
~read:(function Secret_key x -> Some (Bytes.to_string (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.of_secret_key x)) | _ -> None)
~build:(fun x -> Secret_key (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.to_secret_key (Bytes.of_string x)))
let () =
let _ =
~read:(function Signature x -> Some (MBytes.to_string x) | _ -> None)
@ -36,11 +36,13 @@ module type HASH = sig
val write: MBytes.t -> int -> t -> unit
val to_path: t -> string list
val of_path: string list -> t
val prefix_path: string -> string list
val path_len: int
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type += Hash of t
val kind: Base48.kind option
module type Name = sig
@ -72,14 +74,14 @@ module Make_SHA256 (K : Name) = struct
type += Hash of t
let () =
match K.prefix with
| Some prefix ->
~read:(function Hash x -> Some x | _ -> None)
~build:(fun x -> Hash x)
| None -> ()
let kind =
~f:(fun prefix ->
~read:(function Hash x -> Some x | _ -> None)
~build:(fun x -> Hash x))
let of_b48check s =
match Base48.decode s with
@ -151,6 +153,16 @@ module Make_SHA256 (K : Name) = struct
let path = String.concat "" path in
of_hex path
let prefix_path p =
let p = to_hex p in
let len = String.length p in
let p1 = if len >= 2 then String.sub p 0 2 else ""
and p2 = if len >= 4 then String.sub p 2 2 else ""
and p3 = if len >= 6 then String.sub p 4 2 else ""
and p4 = if len >= 8 then String.sub p 6 2 else ""
and p5 = if len > 8 then String.sub p 8 (len - 8) else "" in
[ p1 ; p2 ; p3 ; p4 ; p5 ]
(* Serializers *)
let encoding =
@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ module type HASH = sig
val write: MBytes.t -> int -> t -> unit
val to_path: t -> string list
val of_path: string list -> t
val prefix_path: string -> string list
val path_len: int
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type += Hash of t
val kind: Base48.kind option
(** {2 Building Hashes} *******************************************************)
@ -122,6 +122,14 @@ let rec remove_elem_from_list nb = function
| l when nb <= 0 -> l
| _ :: tl -> remove_elem_from_list (nb - 1) tl
let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
let x = String.length prefix in
let n = String.length s in
if n >= x && String.sub s 0 x = prefix then
Some (String.sub s x (n - x))
let finalize f g = try let res = f () in g (); res with exn -> g (); raise exn
let read_file ?(bin=false) fn =
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ val display_paragraph: Format.formatter -> string -> unit
(** [remove nb list] remove the first [nb] elements from the list [list]. *)
val remove_elem_from_list: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
val remove_prefix: prefix:string -> string -> string option
val filter_map: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val finalize: (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(* *)
open Hash
open Kaputt.Abbreviations
include Kaputt.Assertion
@ -21,6 +22,17 @@ let equal_persist_list ?msg l1 l2 =
Printf.sprintf "[%s]" res in
Assert.make_equal_list ?msg (=) pr_persist l1 l2
let equal_block_hash_list ?msg l1 l2 =
let msg = format_msg msg in
let pr_block_hash = Block_hash.to_short_b48check in
Assert.make_equal_list ?msg Block_hash.equal pr_block_hash l1 l2
let equal_base48_list ?msg l1 l2 =
let msg = format_msg msg in
let pr_base48 = Base48.encode in
(* TODO do not use polymorphic equality ! *)
Assert.make_equal_list ?msg (=) pr_base48 l1 l2
let equal_string_option ?msg o1 o2 =
let msg = format_msg msg in
let prn = function
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(* *)
open Hash
include (module type of struct include Kaputt.Assertion end)
val fail_msg : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ val fail : string -> string -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
val equal_persist_list :
?msg:string -> Persist.key list -> Persist.key list -> unit
val equal_block_hash_list :
?msg:string -> Block_hash.t list -> Block_hash.t list -> unit
val equal_base48_list :
?msg:string -> list -> list -> unit
val equal_string_option : ?msg:string -> string option -> string option -> unit
val equal_error_monad :
@ -26,14 +32,14 @@ val equal_block_map : ?msg:string -> eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a -> unit
val equal_operation :
?msg:string ->
(Hash.Operation_hash.t * State.Operation.operation) option ->
(Hash.Operation_hash.t * State.Operation.operation) option ->
(Operation_hash.t * State.Operation.operation) option ->
(Operation_hash.t * State.Operation.operation) option ->
val equal_block :
?msg:string ->
(Hash.Block_hash.t * Store.block) option ->
(Hash.Block_hash.t * Store.block) option ->
(Block_hash.t * Store.block) option ->
(Block_hash.t * Store.block) option ->
val equal_result :
@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ let b2 = lolblock "Tacatlopo"
let bh2 = Store.Block.hash
let b3 = lolblock ~operations:[oph1;oph2] "Persil"
let bh3 = Store.Block.hash
let bh3' =
let raw = Bytes.of_string @@ Block_hash.to_raw bh3 in
Bytes.set raw 31 '\000' ;
Bytes.set raw 30 '\000' ;
Block_hash.of_raw @@ Bytes.to_string raw
let check_block s h b =
Block.full_get s h >>= function
@ -110,6 +115,20 @@ let test_block (s: =
check_block s bh2 b2 >>= fun () ->
check_block s bh3 b3)
let test_expand (s: =
Persist.use s.block (fun s ->
Block.full_set s bh1 b1 >>= fun () ->
Block.full_set s bh2 b2 >>= fun () ->
Block.full_set s bh3 b3 >>= fun () ->
Block.full_set s bh3' b3 >>= fun () ->
Base48.decode_partial (Block_hash.to_short_b48check bh1) >>= fun res ->
Assert.equal_base48_list ~msg:__LOC__ res [Block_hash.Hash bh1] ;
Base48.decode_partial (Block_hash.to_short_b48check bh2) >>= fun res ->
Assert.equal_base48_list ~msg:__LOC__ res [Block_hash.Hash bh2] ;
Base48.decode_partial (Block_hash.to_short_b48check bh3) >>= fun res ->
Assert.equal_base48_list ~msg:__LOC__ res [Block_hash.Hash bh3] ;
(** Generic store *)
@ -235,6 +254,7 @@ let test_hashmap (s: =
let tests : (string * (store -> unit Lwt.t)) list = [
"init", test_init ;
"expand", test_expand ;
"operation", test_operation ;
"block", test_block ;
"generic", test_generic ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user