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2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* *)
2017-11-14 00:36:14 +01:00
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Lwt.Infix
module Arg = Resto.Arg
module Path = Resto.Path
(* Services *)
(* HTTP methods as defined in Cohttp.Code *)
type meth = [
| `GET
| `PUT
| `Other of string
type ('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) service =
meth * ('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) Resto.service
(* The default HTTP method for services *)
let default_meth = `POST
(* Commonly used REST HTTP methods *)
let rest_meths = [`GET; `POST; `HEAD; `DELETE; `PATCH; `PUT; `OPTIONS]
let string_of_method = function
| `GET -> "GET"
| `POST -> "POST"
| `HEAD -> "HEAD"
| `PUT -> "PUT"
| `Other s -> s
let service ?(meth = default_meth) ?description ~input ~output path =
~input:(Data_encoding.Json.convert input)
~output:(Data_encoding.Json.convert output)
(* REST services *)
(* GET service: no input body *)
let get_service ?description ~output path =
service ~meth:`GET ?description
~input:Data_encoding.empty ~output
2016-09-08 19:13:10 +02:00
(* HEAD service: same as GET, but without output body *)
let head_service ?description path =
service ~meth:`HEAD ?description
~input:Data_encoding.empty ~output:Data_encoding.empty
let post_service ?description ~input ~output path =
service ~meth:`POST ?description ~input ~output path
let put_service ?description ~input ~output path =
service ~meth:`PUT ?description ~input ~output path
let delete_service ?description ~input ~output path =
service ~meth:`DELETE ?description ~input ~output path
let prefix p (meth, s) = (meth, RestoDirectory.prefix p s)
let forge_request (meth, service) params input =
let path, arg = Resto.forge_request service params input in
meth, path, arg
let read_answer (_meth, service) json =
Resto.read_answer service json
module Description = struct
include Resto.Description
let service ?(meth = default_meth) ?description path =
(meth, Resto.Description.service ?description path)
module Answer = struct
include RestoDirectory.Answer
let answer ?(code = 200) json = { code; body = Single json }
let return ?code json = Lwt.return (answer ?code json)
2017-04-08 16:09:40 +02:00
type step = RestoDirectory.step =
| Static of string
| Dynamic of Arg.descr
2017-04-08 16:09:40 +02:00
type conflict = RestoDirectory.conflict =
| CService
| CDir
| CBuilder
| CCustom
| CTypes of Arg.descr * Arg.descr
| CType of Arg.descr * string list
2017-04-08 16:09:40 +02:00
exception Conflict = RestoDirectory.Conflict
exception Cannot_parse = RestoDirectory.Cannot_parse
(* Dispatch *)
type 'prefix directory = (meth * 'prefix list
let empty = []
let map_dirs f dirs = (fun (meth, dir) -> (meth, f ~meth dir)) dirs
let map f dirs =
map_dirs (fun ~meth:_ dir -> f dir) dirs
let prefix path dirs =
map_dirs (fun ~meth:_ dir -> RestoDirectory.prefix path dir) dirs
let merge dirs1 dirs2 =
let compare (meth1, _dir1) (meth2, _dir2) = compare meth1 meth2 in
let f (meth1, dir1) (_, dir2) = (meth1, RestoDirectory.merge dir1 dir2) in
Utils.merge_list2 ~compare ~f dirs1 dirs2
* Registration
(** [replace_assoc ~init ~f k l] searches for value corresponding to [k] in an
association list, and replaces it with [f value]. If not found, a new pair
[(k, f init)] is added to the list. *)
(* TODO: move to Utils? *)
let replace_assoc ?(finalize = List.rev) ~init ~f key l =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> finalize ((key, f init) :: acc)
| (k, v) :: tl when k = key -> finalize ((key, f v) :: acc) @ tl
| hd :: tl -> aux (hd :: acc) tl
aux [] l
(* Register [service] to the directory with corresponding [meth] using [reg] *)
let register dirs (meth, service) handler =
let init = RestoDirectory.empty in
let f dir = RestoDirectory.register dir service handler in
replace_assoc ~init ~f meth dirs
(* Register dynamic directory *)
(* By default, the [builder] function of dynamic directory is registered for
HTTP methods listed in [rest_meths] *)
let register_dynamic_directory
?(meths = rest_meths) ?descr init_dirs path builder =
let builder' ~meth prefix =
builder prefix >>= fun dirs ->
Lwt.return (List.assoc meth dirs)
let init = RestoDirectory.empty in
List.fold_left (fun dirs meth ->
let f dir =
?descr dir path (builder' ~meth)
replace_assoc ~init ~f meth dirs)
init_dirs meths
(* Register custom lookup *)
type custom_lookup = RestoDirectory.custom_lookup
let register_custom_lookup ?(meth = default_meth) ?descr dirs s f =
let init = RestoDirectory.empty in
let f dir = RestoDirectory.register_custom_lookup ?descr dir s f in
replace_assoc ~init ~f meth dirs
(* Register description service *)
let register_describe_directory_service dirs (meth, service) =
let init = RestoDirectory.empty in
let f dir = RestoDirectory.register_describe_directory_service dir service in
replace_assoc ~init ~f meth dirs
* Lookup
let lookup dirs ?(meth = default_meth) args path =
let dir = List.assoc meth dirs in
RestoDirectory.lookup dir args path
* Currying
(* Service registration *)
let register0 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry Z f)
let register1 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S Z) f)
let register2 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S Z)) f)
let register3 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S (S Z))) f)
let register4 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S (S (S Z)))) f)
let register5 root s f =
register root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S (S (S (S Z))))) f)
(* Dynamic directory registration *)
let register_dynamic_directory1 ?descr root s f =
?descr root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S Z) f)
let register_dynamic_directory2 ?descr root s f =
?descr root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S Z)) f)
let register_dynamic_directory3 ?descr root s f =
?descr root s RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S (S Z))) f)
(* Custom lookup registration *)
let register_custom_lookup1 ?meth ?descr root s f =
register_custom_lookup ?meth ?descr root s
RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S Z) f)
let register_custom_lookup2 ?meth ?descr root s f =
register_custom_lookup ?meth ?descr root s
RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S Z)) f)
let register_custom_lookup3 ?meth ?descr root s f =
register_custom_lookup ?meth ?descr root s
RestoDirectory.Internal.(curry (S (S (S Z))) f)