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2019-11-02 16:56:05 -05:00
open Mini_c
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
open! Trace
2019-11-02 16:56:05 -05:00
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
(* TODO hack to specialize map_expression to identity monad *)
let map_expression :
(expression -> expression) -> (expression -> expression) =
fun f e ->
match Helpers.map_expression (fun e -> ok (f e)) e with
| Ok (e, _) -> e
| Error _ -> assert false (* impossible *)
(* Conservative purity test: ok to treat pure things as impure, must
not treat impure things as pure. *)
(* true if the name names a pure constant -- i.e. if uses will be pure
assuming arguments are pure *)
let is_pure_constant : string -> bool =
2019-11-25 18:10:49 -06:00
| "UNIT"
| "CAR" | "CDR" | "PAIR"
| "NIL" | "CONS"
| "NEG" | "OR" | "AND" | "XOR" | "NOT"
| "EQ" | "NEQ" | "LT" | "LE" | "GT" | "GE"
| "SOME"
| "INT" | "ABS" | "ISNAT"
| "SHA256" | "SHA512" | "BLAKE2B" | "CHECK_SIGNATURE"
-> true
2019-11-25 18:10:49 -06:00
(* unfortunately impure: *)
(* impure: *)
| "CALL"
(* TODO... *)
2019-11-25 18:10:49 -06:00
| _
-> false
2019-11-02 16:56:05 -05:00
let rec is_pure : expression -> bool = fun e ->
match e.content with
| E_literal _
| E_closure _
| E_skip
| E_variable _
| E_make_empty_map _
2019-11-04 17:01:39 -06:00
| E_make_empty_big_map _
| E_make_empty_list _
| E_make_empty_set _
| E_make_none _
-> true
| E_if_bool (cond, bt, bf)
| E_if_none (cond, bt, (_, bf))
| E_if_cons (cond, bt, (_, bf))
| E_if_left (cond, (_, bt), (_, bf))
-> List.for_all is_pure [ cond ; bt ; bf ]
| E_let_in (_, e1, e2)
| E_sequence (e1, e2)
-> List.for_all is_pure [ e1 ; e2 ]
| E_constant (c, args)
-> is_pure_constant c && List.for_all is_pure args
(* I'm not sure about these. Maybe can be tested better? *)
| E_application _
| E_iterator _
| E_fold _
-> false
(* Could be pure, but, divergence is an effect, so halting problem
is near... *)
| E_while _ -> false
(* definitely not pure *)
| E_assignment _ -> false
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
let occurs_in : Var.t -> expression -> bool =
fun x e ->
let fvs = Free_variables.expression [] e in
Free_variables.mem x fvs
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
let occurs_count : Var.t -> expression -> int =
fun x e ->
let fvs = Free_variables.expression [] e in
Free_variables.mem_count x fvs
(* If `ignore_lambdas` is true, ignore assignments which occur inside
lambdas, which have no effect on the value of the variable outside
of the lambda. *)
let rec is_assigned : ignore_lambdas:bool -> Var.t -> expression -> bool =
fun ~ignore_lambdas x e ->
let self = is_assigned ~ignore_lambdas x in
let selfs = List.exists self in
let it = Var.equal x in
let self_binder binder body =
if it binder
then false
else self body in
let self_binder2 binder1 binder2 body =
if it binder1 || it binder2
then false
else self body in
match e.content with
| E_assignment (x, _, e) ->
it x || self e
| E_closure { binder; body } ->
if ignore_lambdas
then false
else self_binder binder body
| E_constant (_, args) ->
selfs args
| E_application (f, arg) ->
selfs [ f ; arg ]
| E_iterator (_, ((x, _), e1), e2) ->
self_binder x e1 || self e2
| E_fold (((x, _), e1), e2, e3) ->
self_binder x e1 || selfs [ e2 ; e3 ]
| E_if_bool (e1, e2, e3) ->
selfs [ e1 ; e2 ; e3 ]
| E_if_none (e1, e2, ((x, _), e3)) ->
selfs [ e1 ; e2 ] || self_binder x e3
| E_if_cons (e1, e2, (((hd, _), (tl, _)), e3)) ->
selfs [ e1 ; e2 ] || self_binder2 hd tl e3
| E_if_left (e1, ((l, _), e2), ((r, _), e3)) ->
self e1 || self_binder l e2 || self_binder r e3
| E_let_in ((x, _), e1, e2) ->
self e1 || self_binder x e2
| E_sequence (e1, e2) ->
selfs [ e1 ; e2 ]
| E_while (e1, e2) ->
selfs [ e1 ; e2 ]
| E_literal _
| E_skip
| E_variable _
| E_make_empty_map _
| E_make_empty_big_map _
| E_make_empty_list _
| E_make_empty_set _
| E_make_none _ ->
(* Let "inlining" mean transforming the code:
let x = e1 in e2
(where the latter signifies substituting e1 for x in e2.)
Things which can go wrong for inlining:
- If `e1` is not pure, inlining may fail to preserve semantics.
- If assignments to `x` occur in e2, inlining does not make sense.
- Free variables of `e1` may be assigned in e2, before usages of `x`.
- Free variables of `e1` may be shadowed in e2, at usages of `x`. This
is not a problem if the substitution is capture-avoiding.
- ?
2019-11-02 16:56:05 -05:00
2019-11-25 17:15:25 -06:00
let can_inline : Var.t -> expression -> expression -> bool =
fun x e1 e2 ->
is_pure e1 &&
(* if x does not occur in e2, there can be no other problems:
substitution will be a noop up to alpha-equivalence *)
(not (occurs_in x e2) ||
(* else, must worry about assignment *)
(not (is_assigned ~ignore_lambdas:false x e2) &&
(fun y -> not (is_assigned ~ignore_lambdas:true y e2))
(Free_variables.expression [] e2)))
let should_inline : Var.t -> expression -> bool =
fun x e ->
occurs_count x e <= 1
let inline_let : bool ref -> expression -> expression =
fun changed e ->
match e.content with
| E_let_in ((x, _a), e1, e2) ->
if can_inline x e1 e2 && should_inline x e2
(* can raise Subst.Bad_argument, but should not happen, due to
can_inline *)
let e2' = Subst.subst_expression ~body:e2 ~x:x ~expr:e1 in
(changed := true ; e2')
| _ -> e
let inline_lets : bool ref -> expression -> expression =
fun changed ->
map_expression (inline_let changed)
(* Let "beta" mean transforming the code:
(\x. e1) e2
let x = e2 in e1
Things which can go wrong for beta reduction:
- If e1 contains (meaningful) assignments to free variables, semantics
will not be preserved.
- ?
let can_beta : anon_function -> bool =
fun lam ->
(fun x -> not (is_assigned ~ignore_lambdas:true x lam.body))
(Free_variables.lambda [] lam)
let beta : bool ref -> expression -> expression =
fun changed e ->
match e.content with
| E_application ({ content = E_closure { binder = x ; body = e1 } ; type_value = T_function (xtv, tv) }, e2) ->
if can_beta { binder = x ; body = e1 }
(changed := true ;
Expression.make (E_let_in ((x, xtv), e2, e1)) tv)
else e
(* also do CAR (PAIR x y) ↦ x, or CDR (PAIR x y) ↦ y, only if x and y are pure *)
| E_constant ("CAR"|"CDR" as const, [ { content = E_constant ("PAIR", [ e1 ; e2 ]) ; type_value = _ } ]) ->
if is_pure e1 && is_pure e2
then (changed := true ;
match const with
| "CAR" -> e1
| "CDR" -> e2
| _ -> assert false)
else e
| _ -> e
let betas : bool ref -> expression -> expression =
fun changed ->
map_expression (beta changed)
let rec all_expression : expression -> expression =
fun e ->
let changed = ref false in
let e = inline_lets changed e in
let e = betas changed e in
if !changed
then all_expression e
else e