30 lines
859 B
30 lines
859 B
![]() |
open Mini_c
open Trace
(* Overly conservative for now: ok to treat pure things as impure,
must not treat impure things as pure. *)
let is_pure : expression -> bool = fun e ->
match e.content with
| E_closure _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec elim_dead_lambdas : expression -> expression result = fun e ->
let changed = ref false in (* ugh *)
let mapper : Helpers.mapper = fun e ->
match e.content with
| E_let_in ((x, _), e1, e2) when is_pure e1 ->
let fvs = Free_variables.expression [] e2 in
if Free_variables.mem x fvs
then ok e
(* pure e1 is not used, eliminate! *)
(changed := true ; ok e2)
| _ -> ok e in
let%bind e = Helpers.map_expression mapper e in
if !changed
then elim_dead_lambdas e
else ok e
let all_expression : expression -> expression result =