245 lines
8.1 KiB
245 lines
8.1 KiB
pub extern crate simple_osd_common as osd;
pub extern crate mpris;
pub use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::ops::{Deref};
pub use osd::notify::{OSD, OSDContents, OSDProgressText};
pub use osd::config::Config;
use mpris::{PlaybackStatus, PlayerFinder};
pub use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::vec::Vec;
fn format_duration(d: Duration) -> String {
let s = d.as_secs();
let secs = s % 60;
let mins = s / 60;
format!("{:02}:{:02}", mins, secs)
mod format_duration_tests {
use super::*;
fn seconds() {
assert_eq!(&format_duration(Duration::from_secs(10)), "00:10");
fn minutes_seconds() {
assert_eq!(&format_duration(Duration::from_secs(70)), "01:10");
fn many_minutes_seconds() {
assert_eq!(&format_duration(Duration::from_secs(7210)), "120:10");
fn format_artists(artists: Vec<&str>) -> Option<String> {
let mut v = artists.clone();
if v.len() < 2 {
return Some(v.pop()?.to_string())
let mut s = String::new();
for _ in 0..v.len()-2 {
s.push_str(", ")
s.push_str(" & ");
mod format_artists_test {
use super::*;
fn none() {
assert_eq!(format_artists([].to_vec()), None);
fn one() {
assert_eq!(format_artists(["John Doe"].to_vec()), Some("John Doe".to_string()));
fn two() {
assert_eq!(format_artists(["John Doe", "Jane Doe"].to_vec()), Some("John Doe & Jane Doe".to_string()));
fn many() {
assert_eq!(format_artists(["John Doe", "Jane Doe", "Chris P. Bacon", "Seymore Clevarge"].to_vec()),
Some("John Doe, Jane Doe, Chris P. Bacon & Seymore Clevarge".to_string()));
#[cfg(feature = "display_on_volume_changes")]
mod volume_changes {
extern crate libpulse_binding as pulse;
use super::*;
use pulse::mainloop::standard::Mainloop;
use pulse::mainloop::standard::IterateResult;
use pulse::context::Context;
use pulse::context::subscribe::{subscription_masks, Operation, Facility};
pub(super) struct VolumeMonitor {
mainloop: Arc<Mutex<Mainloop>>,
context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>
impl VolumeMonitor {
pub fn new(config: Arc<Mutex<Config>>, trigger: Arc<Mutex<SystemTime>>, dismissed: Arc<Mutex<AtomicBool>>) -> VolumeMonitor {
let mainloop = Arc::new(Mutex::new
(Mainloop::new().expect("Failed to create mainloop")));
let context = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Context::new(
mainloop.lock().unwrap().deref(), osd::APPNAME
).expect("Failed to create new context")));
context.lock().unwrap().connect(config.lock().unwrap().get::<String>("pulseaudio", "server").as_deref(), 0, None)
.expect("Failed to connect context");
// Wait for context to be ready
loop {
match mainloop.lock().unwrap().iterate(false) {
IterateResult::Quit(_) |
IterateResult::Err(_) => {
panic!("Iterate state was not success, quitting...");
IterateResult::Success(_) => {},
match context.lock().unwrap().get_state() {
pulse::context::State::Ready => { break; },
pulse::context::State::Failed |
pulse::context::State::Unconnected |
pulse::context::State::Terminated => {
panic!("Context state failed/terminated, quitting...");
_ => {}
context.lock().unwrap().subscribe(subscription_masks::SINK, |success| {
if ! success {
eprintln!("failed to subscribe to events");
let subscribe_callback = move |facility, operation, _index| {
if facility == Some(Facility::Sink) && operation == Some(Operation::Changed) {
*trigger.lock().unwrap() = SystemTime::now();
dismissed.lock().unwrap().store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);
VolumeMonitor { mainloop, context }
pub fn tick(& self) {
match self.mainloop.lock().unwrap().iterate(false) {
IterateResult::Quit(_) |
IterateResult::Err(_) => {
panic!("Iterate state was not success, quitting...");
IterateResult::Success(_) => { },
fn main() {
let config = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Config::new("mpris")));
let mut osd = OSD::new();
let mut waiting_on_close = false;
let dismissed = Arc::new(Mutex::new(AtomicBool::new(false)));
let player = PlayerFinder::new().unwrap().find_active().unwrap();
let mut progress_tracker = player.track_progress(100).unwrap();
let update_on_volume_change = config.lock().unwrap().get_default("default", "update on volume change", true);
let timeout = config.lock().unwrap().get_default("default", "notification display time", 5);
let trigger = Arc::new(Mutex::new(SystemTime::now()));
#[cfg(feature = "display_on_volume_changes")]
let vc = if update_on_volume_change {
Some(volume_changes::VolumeMonitor::new(config.clone(), trigger.clone(), dismissed.clone()))
} else { None };
let mut title;
let mut old_title = "".to_string();
let mut playback_status;
let mut old_playback_status = PlaybackStatus::Stopped;
loop {
let progress = progress_tracker.tick().progress;
title = progress.metadata().title().unwrap_or("Unknown").to_string();
playback_status = progress.playback_status();
if title != old_title || playback_status != old_playback_status {
*trigger.lock().unwrap() = SystemTime::now();
dismissed.lock().unwrap().store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);
let elapsed = trigger.lock().unwrap().elapsed().unwrap_or_else(|_| Duration::from_secs(timeout + 1));
if elapsed.as_secs() < timeout && playback_status != PlaybackStatus::Stopped && ! dismissed.lock().unwrap().load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
let metadata = progress.metadata();
let artists = metadata.artists().and_then(format_artists).unwrap_or_else(|| "Unknown".to_string());
let position = progress.position();
let length = progress.length().unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(100000000));
osd.title = Some(format!("{:?}: {} - {}", playback_status, title, artists));
let ratio = position.as_secs_f32() / length.as_secs_f32();
let text = format!("{} / {}", format_duration(position), format_duration(length));
osd.contents = OSDContents::Progress(ratio, OSDProgressText::Text(Some(text)));
osd.timeout = 1;
osd.icon = match playback_status {
PlaybackStatus::Playing => Some("media-playback-start".to_string()),
PlaybackStatus::Paused => Some("media-playback-pause".to_string()),
_ => None
if ! waiting_on_close {
waiting_on_close = true;
let dismissed_clone = dismissed.clone();
osd.on_close(move || {
dismissed_clone.lock().unwrap().store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
} else {
waiting_on_close = false;
old_title = title;
old_playback_status = playback_status;
#[cfg(feature = "display_on_volume_changes")]
if let Some(v) = vc.as_ref() { v.tick() };