233 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
233 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
thm = config.themes.colors;
apps = config.defaultApplications;
lock_fork = pkgs.writeShellScript "lock_fork" "sudo /run/current-system/sw/bin/lock &";
lock = pkgs.writeShellScript "lock" "swaymsg 'output * dpms off'; sudo /run/current-system/sw/bin/lock; swaymsg 'output * dpms on'";
in {
environment.sessionVariables._JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING = "1";
programs.sway.wrapperFeatures.gtk = true;
programs.sway.extraPackages = lib.mkForce (with pkgs; [ swayidle xwayland ]);
home-manager.users.balsoft.wayland.windowManager.sway = {
enable = true;
config = rec {
assigns = {
"" = [ { class = "Chromium"; } { app_id = "firefox"; } { class = "Firefox"; } ];
"" = [
{ app_id = "org.kde.trojita"; }
{ title = ".* - Sylpheed.*"; }
{ title = "balsoft : weechat.*"; }
{ title = "nheko"; }
{ title = "Slack"; }
"ﱘ" = [{ app_id = "cantata"; }];
fonts = [ "IBM Plex 9" ];
bars = [ ];
colors = rec {
background = thm.bg;
unfocused = {
text = thm.dark;
border = thm.dark;
background = thm.bg;
childBorder = thm.dark;
indicator = thm.fg;
focusedInactive = unfocused;
urgent = unfocused // {
text = thm.fg;
border = thm.orange;
childBorder = thm.orange;
focused = unfocused // {
childBorder = thm.blue;
border = thm.blue;
background = thm.dark;
text = thm.fg;
gaps = {
inner = 6;
smartGaps = true;
smartBorders = "on";
focus.followMouse = false;
focus.forceWrapping = true;
modifier = "Mod4";
window = {
border = 1;
titlebar = true;
commands = [
command = "border pixel 2px";
criteria = { window_role = "popup"; };
command = "sticky enable";
criteria = { floating = ""; };
startup = [
{ command = "GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 ${apps.browser.cmd}"; }
command =
command =
"${pkgs.keepassxc}/bin/keepassxc /home/balsoft/projects/nixos-config/misc/Passwords.kdbx";
{ command = "${pkgs.termNote}/bin/noted"; }
{ command = "${pkgs.nheko}/bin/nheko"; }
{ command = "${pkgs.xorg.xrdb}/bin/xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources"; }
{ command = "${pkgs.cantata}/bin/cantata"; }
command = "swayidle -w before-sleep '${lock_fork}' lock '${lock_fork}' unlock 'pkill -9 swaylock'";
command = "${pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-kde}/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-kde";
command = "${pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal}/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal";
keybindings = let
script = name: content: "exec ${pkgs.writeScript name content}";
workspaces = (builtins.genList (x: [ (toString x) (toString x) ]) 10)
++ [ [ "c" "" ] [ "t" "" ] [ "m" "ﱘ" ] ];
moveMouse = ''
exec "sh -c 'eval `${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool \
getactivewindow \
getwindowgeometry --shell`; ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool \
mousemove \
$((X+WIDTH/2)) $((Y+HEIGHT/2))'"'';
in ({
"${modifier}+q" = "kill";
"${modifier}+Return" = "exec ${apps.term.cmd}";
"${modifier}+e" = "exec ${apps.editor.cmd}";
"${modifier}+o" = "layout toggle all";
"${modifier}+Left" = "focus child; focus left; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Right" = "focus child; focus right; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Up" = "focus child; focus up; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Down" = "focus child; focus down; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+Left" = "focus parent; focus left; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+Right" = "focus parent; focus right; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+Up" = "focus parent; focus up; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+Down" = "focus parent; focus down; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Shift+Up" = "move up";
"${modifier}+Shift+Down" = "move down";
"${modifier}+Shift+Right" = "move right";
"${modifier}+Shift+Left" = "move left";
"${modifier}+a" = "focus child; focus left; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+d" = "focus child; focus right; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+w" = "focus child; focus up; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+s" = "focus child; focus down; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+a" = "focus parent; focus left; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+d" = "focus parent; focus right; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+w" = "focus parent; focus up; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Control+s" = "focus parent; focus down; ${moveMouse}";
"${modifier}+Shift+w" = "move up";
"${modifier}+Shift+s" = "move down";
"${modifier}+Shift+d" = "move right";
"${modifier}+Shift+a" = "move left";
"${modifier}+f" = "fullscreen toggle; floating toggle";
"${modifier}+r" = "mode resize";
"${modifier}+Shift+f" = "floating toggle";
"${modifier}+Escape" = "exec ${apps.monitor.cmd}";
"${modifier}+j" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl previous";
"${modifier}+k" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl play-pause";
"${modifier}+l" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl next";
"${modifier}+i" = "exec ${pkgs.lxqt.pavucontrol-qt}/bin/pavucontrol-qt";
"${modifier}+Print" = script "screenshot"
"${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim Pictures/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M:%S').png";
"${modifier}+Control+Print" = script "screenshot-copy"
"${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim - | ${pkgs.wl-clipboard}/bin/wl-copy";
"--release ${modifier}+Shift+Print" = script "screenshot-area" ''
${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim -g "$(${pkgs.slurp}/bin/slurp)" Pictures/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M:%S').png'';
"--release ${modifier}+Control+Shift+Print" =
script "screenshot-area-copy" ''
${pkgs.grim}/bin/grim -g "$(${pkgs.slurp}/bin/slurp)" - | ${pkgs.wl-clipboard}/bin/wl-copy'';
"${modifier}+x" = "move workspace to output right";
"${modifier}+F5" = "reload";
"${modifier}+Shift+F5" = "exit";
"${modifier}+Shift+h" = "layout splith";
"${modifier}+Shift+v" = "layout splitv";
"${modifier}+h" = "split h";
"${modifier}+v" = "split v";
"${modifier}+F1" = "move to scratchpad";
"${modifier}+F2" = "scratchpad show";
"${modifier}+F11" = "output * dpms off";
"${modifier}+F12" = "output * dpms on";
"${modifier}+End" = "exec ${lock}";
"${modifier}+p" = "sticky toggle";
"${modifier}+z" =
script "0x0" ''wl-paste | curl -F"file=@-" https://0x0.st | wl-copy'';
"${modifier}+b" = "focus mode_toggle";
"${modifier}+Space" = script "lambda-launcher"
"XF86AudioPlay" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl play-pause";
"XF86AudioNext" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl next";
"XF86AudioPrev" = "exec ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl previous";
"button2" = "kill";
"--whole-window ${modifier}+button2" = "kill";
} // builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map (x: {
name = "${modifier}+${builtins.elemAt x 0}";
value = "workspace ${builtins.elemAt x 1}";
}) workspaces) // builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map (x: {
name = "${modifier}+Shift+${builtins.elemAt x 0}";
value = "move container to workspace ${builtins.elemAt x 1}";
}) workspaces));
keycodebindings = {
"122" = "exec ${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -d 2";
"123" = "exec ${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -i 2";
"121" = "exec ${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -t";
workspaceLayout = "tabbed";
workspaceAutoBackAndForth = true;
input = {
"2:14:ETPS/2_Elantech_Touchpad" = {
tap = "enabled";
natural_scroll = "enabled";
dwt = "enabled";
"2:14:ETPS/2_Elantech_TrackPoint" = {
pointer_accel = "-0.7";
output = {
"*".bg = "${thm.bg} solid_color";
wrapperFeatures = {
gtk = true;
extraConfig = ''
default_border pixel 1
mouse_warping container
hide_edge_borders --i3 smart
exec pkill swaynag