{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
with pkgs.my-lib; {
  xdg.portal.enable = true;

  services.dbus.packages =
    [ pkgs.firefox pkgs.systemd pkgs.papirus-icon-theme ];
  services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.libmtp pkgs.media-player-info ];

  qt5.enable = false;

  environment.sessionVariables = {
    QT_XFT = "true";
    QT_SELECT = "5";
    QT_SCALE_FACTOR = "1";
  home-manager.users.balsoft = let fonts = config.themes.fonts;
  in {

    xdg.configFile."kdeglobals".text = with thmDec; lib.generators.toGitINI {
      "Colors:Button" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base01;
        BackgroundNormal = base01;
        DecorationFocus = base02;
        DecorationHover = base02;
        ForegroundActive = base05;
        ForegroundInactive = base01;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base09;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base03;
      "Colors:Complementary" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base01;
        BackgroundNormal = base03;
        DecorationFocus = base02;
        DecorationHover = base02;
        ForegroundActive = base09;
        ForegroundInactive = base01;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base0A;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base02;
      "Colors:Selection" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base0D;
        BackgroundNormal = base0D;
        DecorationFocus = base0D;
        DecorationHover = base0D;
        ForegroundActive = base05;
        ForegroundInactive = base05;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base09;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base02;
      "Colors:Tooltip" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base01;
        BackgroundNormal = base00;
        DecorationFocus = base02;
        DecorationHover = base02;
        ForegroundActive = base02;
        ForegroundInactive = base01;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base09;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base03;
      "Colors:View" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base01;
        BackgroundNormal = base00;
        DecorationFocus = base02;
        DecorationHover = base02;
        ForegroundActive = base02;
        ForegroundInactive = base01;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base09;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base03;
      "Colors:Window" = {
        BackgroundAlternate = base01;
        BackgroundNormal = base00;
        DecorationFocus = base02;
        DecorationHover = base02;
        ForegroundActive = base02;
        ForegroundInactive = base01;
        ForegroundLink = base0D;
        ForegroundNegative = base08;
        ForegroundNeutral = base09;
        ForegroundNormal = base05;
        ForegroundPositive = base0B;
        ForegroundVisited = base03;
      General = {
        ColorScheme = "Generated";
        Name = "Generated";
        fixed = "${fonts.mono.family},${toString fonts.mono.size},-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
        font = "${fonts.main.family},${toString fonts.main.size},-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
        menuFont = "${fonts.main.family},${toString fonts.main.size},-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
        shadeSortColumn = true;
        smallestReadableFont =
          "${fonts.main.family},${toString fonts.main.size},-1,5,57,0,0,0,0,0,Medium";
        toolBarFont = "${fonts.main.family},${toString fonts.main.size},-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
      KDE = {
        DoubleClickInterval = 400;
        ShowDeleteCommand = true;
        SingleClick = false;
        StartDragDist = 4;
        StartDragTime = 500;
        WheelScrollLines = 3;
        contrast = 4;
        widgetStyle = "Breeze";
      Icons = { Theme = "Papirus-Dark"; };