{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { programs.adb.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; lib.optionals config.deviceSpecific.goodMachine [ kded ntfs3g ]; home-manager.users.balsoft.home.packages = with pkgs; [ # Internet wget curl unrar ] ++ lib.optionals config.deviceSpecific.goodMachine ([ steamcmd steam kdenlive frei0r ffmpeg-full ghc (all-hies.selection { selector = p: let ghcVersion = builtins.concatStringsSep "" (builtins.splitVersion ghc.version); in { ${"ghc${ghcVersion}"} = p.${"ghc${ghcVersion}"}; }; }) haskellPackages.hoogle haskellPackages.hindent clang clang-tools lldb appimage-run nixfmt niv stdman libqalculate # Messaging libnotify # Audio/Video vlc cantata lxqt.pavucontrol-qt # Tools zip unrar wireshark micro python3 qalculate-gtk breeze-qt5 gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme papirus-icon-theme breeze-icons ksysguard wl-clipboard grim slurp abiword gnumeric gcalcli google-drive-ocamlfuse kdeconnect trojita nix-zsh-completions papirus-icon-theme breeze-icons kde-cli-tools xdg_utils nheko gitAndTools.hub nix-patch waypipe ] ++ (with pkgs.kdeApplications; [ ark dolphin dolphin-plugins eventviews ffmpegthumbs filelight gwenview kcachegrind kcolorchooser kdenlive kolourpaint kompare krdc krfb ktnef marble okteta okular print-manager ktorrent ])); }