inputs: final: prev: let old = import inputs.nixpkgs-old ({ localSystem = { inherit (final) system; }; }); inherit (final) system lib; in rec { my-lib = import ./lib.nix lib; nur = (import inputs.NUR { pkgs = old; nurpkgs = final; }).repos; mopidy-ytmusic = with final; python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "mopidy-ytmusic"; version = "3.2"; src = inputs.mopidy-ytmusic; propagatedBuildInputs = [ mopidy python3Packages.ytmusicapi python3Packages.pytube ]; doCheck = false; }; inherit (nur.balsoft.pkgs) termNote nix-patch; lambda-launcher = inputs.lambda-launcher.defaultPackage.${system}; simple-osd = inputs.simple-osd-daemons.packages.${system}; nerdfonts = nur.balsoft.pkgs.roboto-mono-nerd; pass-secret-service = (prev.pass-secret-service.override { python3 = final.python3 // { pkgs = final.python3Packages; }; }).overrideAttrs (_: { src = final.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mdellweg"; repo = "pass_secret_service"; rev = "fadc09be718ae1e507eeb8719f3a2ea23edb6d7a"; hash = "sha256-lrNU5bkG4/fMu5rDywfiI8vNHyBsMf/fiWIeEHug03c="; }; installCheckPhase = null; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/share/{dbus-1/services,xdg-desktop-portal/portals} cat > $out/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service << EOF [D-BUS Service] Name=org.freedesktop.secrets Exec=/run/current-system/sw/bin/systemctl --user start pass-secret-service EOF cp $out/share/dbus-1/services/{org.freedesktop.secrets.service,org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Secret.service} cat > $out/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals/pass-secret-service.portal << EOF [portal] DBusName=org.freedesktop.secrets Interfaces=org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Secrets UseIn=gnome EOF ''; }); nix-direnv = inputs.nix-direnv.packages.${system}.default.override { pkgs = final; }; # For nix-direnv nixFlakes = final.nix; coeurl = final.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "coeurl"; src = inputs.coeurl; buildInputs = [ final.curl.all final.libevent final.spdlog ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ final.meson final.pkg-config final.cmake ]; }; mtxclient = prev.mtxclient.overrideAttrs (oa: { src = inputs.mtxclient; cmakeFlags = oa.cmakeFlags ++ [ "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL" ]; buildInputs = oa.buildInputs ++ [ final.libevent final.curl.all final.coeurl final.re2 ]; patches = [ ]; }); nheko = (prev.nheko.overrideAttrs (oa: { src = inputs.nheko; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt --replace "# Fixup bundled keychain include dirs" "find_package(Boost COMPONENTS iostreams system thread REQUIRED)" ''; buildInputs = oa.buildInputs ++ [ final.xorg.libXdmcp final.pcre final.libunwind final.elfutils final.coeurl final.curl final.libevent final.asciidoc final.re2 ]; cmakeFlags = oa.cmakeFlags ++ [ "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" ]; })).override { mtxclient = final.mtxclient; }; nix = inputs.nix.packages.${system}.default; nil = prev.nil.overrideAttrs (_: { doCheck = false; doInstallCheck = false; }); mako = prev.mako.overrideAttrs (_: { postInstall = "sed 's|Exec=.*|Exec=/run/current-system/sw/bin/systemctl --user start mako|' -i $out/share/dbus-1/services/fr.emersion.mako.service"; }); codebraid = prev.codebraid.overrideAttrs (_: { src = inputs.codebraid; }); remapper = inputs.remapper.packages.${final.system}.default; helix = inputs.helix.packages.${final.system}.default; plasma5Packages = prev.plasma5Packages.overrideScope' (final': prev': { qmltermwidget = prev'.qmltermwidget.overrideAttrs (_: { src = final.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "balsoft"; repo = "qmltermwidget"; rev = "39911727b7ce70a100aad84c1cdae9ab0ead1d6b"; hash = "sha256-Y+e9WjkXl38tbJq5D2BH0wJ0157yBiQ3vfRYO6rwnoU="; }; patches = [ ]; }); audiotube = prev'.audiotube.overrideAttrs (oa: { desktopItem = final.makeDesktopItem { name = "audiotube"; desktopName = "Audiotube (proxy)"; exec = "https_proxy=socks5://localhost:5555 audiotube"; icon = "org.kde.audiotube"; type = "Application"; categories = [ "Qt" "KDE" "AudioVideo" "Player" ]; }; }); }); okularMobile = final.okular.overrideAttrs (oa: { cmakeFlags = oa.cmakeFlags or [ ] ++ [ "-DOKULAR_UI=mobile" ]; }); python3Packages = prev.python3Packages.overrideScope (final': prev': { yt-dlp = prev'.yt-dlp.overrideAttrs (_: { src =; }); pypass = prev'.pypass.overrideAttrs (o: let version = "f86cf0ba0e5cb6a1236ff16d8f238b92bc49c517"; sha256 = "sha256-PEPgWdsBjyHpgqPx2MNtYnn0wxI0KtlE+uCD7xO0pvE="; in { inherit version; src = final.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nazarewk"; # see repo = "python-pass"; rev = version; inherit sha256; }; doInstallCheck = false; # Set absolute nix store paths to the executables that pypass uses patches = [ (with final; substituteAll { src = final.fetchpatch { url = ""; hash = "sha256-V8HIeaK+EYX8bgodFumki10xynNqS3u6RCkHnsyxTCg="; }; git_exec = "${git}/bin/git"; grep_exec = "${gnugrep}/bin/grep"; gpg_exec = "${gnupg}/bin/gpg2"; tree_exec = "${tree}/bin/tree"; xclip_exec = "${xclip}/bin/xclip"; }) ]; }); }); }