{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
with lib;
with types; {
  options = {
    device = mkOption { type = strMatching "[A-z|0-9]*-(Laptop|Workstation|VM)"; };
    devices = mkOption { type = attrs; };
    deviceSpecific = mkOption { type = attrs; };
  config = {
    deviceSpecific = let
      device = config.device;
      devInfo = config.devices.${config.device};
    in rec {
      isLaptop = (!isNull (builtins.match ".*Laptop" device));
      smallScreen = (device == "Prestigio-Laptop");
      isShared = device == "Lenovo-Workstation";
      cpu = devInfo.cpu.vendor;
      inherit devInfo;
      isSSD = devInfo.drive.type == "ssd";
      # Whether machine is powerful enough for heavy stuff
      goodMachine = devInfo.cpu.clock * devInfo.cpu.cores >= 4000
      && devInfo.drive.size >= 100 && devInfo.ram >= 8;
      isHost = isSSD;
      bigScreen = devInfo ? bigScreen;

    devices = {
      T490s-Laptop = {
        cpu = {
          vendor = "intel";

          clock = 4600;
          cores = 4;
        drive = {
          type = "ssd";
          speed = 2000;
          size = 250;
        ram = 16;
      T420-Laptop = {
        legacy = false;
        cpu = {
          vendor = "intel";
          clock = 2500;
          cores = 2;
        drive = {
          type = "ssd";
          speed = 1000;
          size = 120;
        ram = 8;
      Lenovo-Workstation = {
        legacy = true;
        cpu = {
          vendor = "intel";
          clock = 2500;
          cores = 2;
        drive = {
          type = "ssd";
          speed = 250;
          size = 120;
        ram = 8;
      AMD-Workstation = {
        cpu = {
          vendor = "amd";
          clock = 4200;
          cores = 8;
        drive = {
          type = "ssd";
          speed = 6000;
          size = 250;
        bigScreen = true;
        ram = 32;
      Prestigio-Laptop = {
        cpu = {
          vendor = "intel";
          clock = 1400;
          cores = 2;
        drive = {
          type = "flash";
          speed = 100;
          size = 32;
        ram = 2;
      NixOS-VM = {
        cpu = {
          vendor = "intel";
          clock = 1000;
          cores = 1;
        drive = {
          type = "ssd";
          speed = 50;
          size = 1;
        ram = 4;