
48 lines
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2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Posix.Files
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf)
import System.Exit
-- | Traverse from 'top' directory and return all the files by
-- filtering with 'include' predicate.
traverseDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> IO [FilePath]
traverseDir top include = do
ds <- getDirectoryContents top
paths <- forM (filter include ds) $ \d -> do
let path = top </> d
s <- getFileStatus path
if isDirectory s
then traverseDir path include
else return [path]
return $ concat paths
-- | Get temperatures from hardware sensors in </sys/class/hwmon>
getTemps :: IO [Int]
getTemps = do
hwmons <- traverseDir "/sys/class/hwmon"
-> ("hwmon" `isPrefixOf` name)
|| ("temp" `isInfixOf` name) && ("input" `isInfixOf` name)
fmap (round .(/1000) . read) <$> traverse (readFile) hwmons
-- | Get a symbol corresponding to the temperature
getSymbol :: Integral n => n -> String
getSymbol t
| t < 50 = "\57868" -- 
| t < 80 = "\57866" -- 
| otherwise = "\57867" -- 
main :: IO ()
main = do
maxTemp <- maximum <$> getTemps
putStrLn $ (getSymbol <> show) maxTemp <> "°"
exitWith $ if maxTemp < 80 then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure 33