2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00
{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
with import ../../../support.nix { inherit pkgs config lib; };
with lib;
let scripts = import ./scripts pkgs config;
in {
2020-05-12 21:59:15 +04:00
home-manager.users.balsoft.wayland.windowManager.sway.extraConfig = ''
2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00
bar {
id top
2020-06-12 18:34:18 +04:00
font pango:Material Icons 11, IBM Plex 11, Roboto Mono 11
2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00
mode dock
hidden_state hide
position top
status_command ${pkgs.i3blocks}/bin/i3blocks
workspace_buttons yes
strip_workspace_numbers no
tray_output none
colors {
background ${config.themes.colors.bg}
statusline ${config.themes.colors.fg}
separator ${config.themes.colors.alt}
2020-04-10 15:52:54 +04:00
focused_workspace ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.blue}
active_workspace ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.green}
inactive_workspace ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.fg}
urgent_workspace ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.orange}
binding_mode ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.bg} ${config.themes.colors.yellow}
2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00
home-manager.users.balsoft.xdg.configFile."i3blocks/config".text = let
scr = x: {
name = x;
command = scripts.${x};
scrint = x: interval: (scr x) // { inherit interval; };
in ''
2020-04-29 03:18:36 +04:00
'' + genIniOrdered (optional (!isNull config.secrets.mail) (scr "email")
++ [ (scrint "weather" 600) (scr "calendar") (scr "emacs") ]
++ optional (!isNull config.secrets.wage) (scrint "youtrack-wage" 3600)
++ [ (scrint "music" 10) (scrint "sound" 5) ] ++ [
(scrint "cpu" 5)
(scrint "freq" 10)
(scr "temperature")
(scrint "free" 10)
] ++ optionals config.deviceSpecific.isLaptop [
(scr "battery")
(scrint "brightness" 5)
++ optional (config.deviceSpecific.devInfo ? bigScreen) (scrint "network" 1)
2020-04-10 15:52:54 +04:00
++ [ (scrint "connections" 10) (scr "df") (scr "date") (scrint "time" 1) ]);
2020-02-17 17:00:59 +04:00