2020-02-17 16:00:59 +03:00
# This is balsoft's configuration file.
# https://github.com/balsoft/nixos-config
# This is main nixos configuration
# To use this configuration:
2020-04-21 01:30:04 +03:00
# 1. Add your own secret.nix and hardware-configuration/`hostname`.nix to this folder
# 2. Set the hostname to the desired one
# 3. ./install or ./bootstrap
# 4. Log in to application and services where neccesary
2020-02-17 16:00:59 +03:00
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
let sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
2020-04-21 01:29:16 +03:00
in rec {
2020-02-17 16:00:59 +03:00
imports = [
(import ./modules device)
2020-04-21 01:29:16 +03:00
device = builtins.replaceStrings ["\n"] [""] (builtins.readFile /etc/hostname);
2020-02-17 16:00:59 +03:00
system.stateVersion = "18.03";